Project Name: MSMEs BCH Adoption In Nigeria
FPR Id: 0055
Start Date: 4/9/2018
Name of BCF Gitter community room: #proj-msmEsBchAdoptionInNigeria
Stakeholders: Chima.I, Chigozie David, Ivuoma Friday, Chigo
Project Summary: Nigeria still remain the largest huge market to explore in Africa with 150M largest Mobile subscriber and penetration in Africa. The advent of coin will revolutionise the micro small and medium businesses in Nigeria. There is a huge hunger from political circle to government and private sector on quest to understand cryptocurrency lately.
BCH Blazing the trail in Nigeria as early coin to adopt for commercial purposes will be be a huge success for all of us- investors, business owners, promoters and developers etc. While Nigeria is very unique in its way in accepting new technologies, having participated in Central bank of Nigeria cashless policy implementation orientation workshop as resource person, we propose a simple and dedicated BCH FAQ platform that will send any doubt and fear packing from the minds of Nigeria populace who will watch just a 30mins National BCH TV show that will refer them to the site.
Resources: Web development Video creation in English language and 3 major Nigeria languages Research Article Creation in English language and 3 major Nigeria languages National TV Airtime for 12 weeks Web Maintenance and updates
- Hosting and Web development crafted in 3 major Nigeria Languages =$15,250
- 200 videos and 1000 article creation FAQ in 3 major Nigeria languages = $1000
- National TV (covering 36 states of Nigeria) Airtime for one quarter = $59,534.23
Timeline: 1 above will last 60days 2 above will last 3months 3 above will start as soon as 1 is completed and 2 is 40% achieve. it is need complete before programe is aired
We are ready to start by June,2018
Goals: Who we want to reach: We are targeting the 150M mobile users in Nigeria in their own languages
How many People we want to reach? We will attract over 2M Nigerian to our platform within 24months
where are the people you want to reach, Africa, Nigeria's 36 states
why you want to reach them. We love BCH simplicity and want Nigerians to adopt it as their only coin as we adopted and love google and microsoft
Other: This project will be anchored by ClickOpportunity Limited a registered an ICT consultant firm in Nigeria. With a mission to empower Nigeria small businesses with online opportunities that will profit their businesses.
We will appreciate if this will be approved