Instructions to build and execute are in those 2 sub folders :
- server : instructions to build and execute a Terracotta Server Array in Docker containers, according to several deployment scenarios
- sample-ehcache-client : instructions to build and execute a Java app connecting to a Terracotta Server Array, in a Docker container
It is strongly suggested that you follow the steps in the above order. In each folder, you'll find a README document explaining you how to create a Docker image, how to spawn it as a Docker container, with various deployment scenarios
We've also provided a docker-compose.yml file, to allow you to run a 2 nodes (1 active, 1 passive) Terracotta cluster, with a client connected to it.
Just run :
docker-compose up -d
All services (client, terracotta-1, terracotta-2) should be running :
docker-compose ps
Name Command State Ports
431_client_1 java ClientDoingInsertions ... Up
431_terracotta-1_1 /bin/sh -c sed -i -r 's/OF ... Up 9510/tcp, 9530/tcp
431_terracotta-2_1 /bin/sh -c sed -i -r 's/OF ... Up 9510/tcp, 9530/tcp
You can scale the clients :
docker-compose scale client=5
Creating and starting 431_client_2 ... done
Creating and starting 431_client_3 ... done
Creating and starting 431_client_4 ... done
Creating and starting 431_client_5 ... done
Have a look at what they're up to :
docker-compose logs -f client
And also have a look at the current topology, using the management REST api :
If you're using Docker swarm mode, you may want to use docker stack to deploy across all nodes part of your Docker swarm
You can re use the same docker-compose.yml file :
docker stack deploy terracotta --compose-file docker-compose.yml
Creating network terracotta_terracotta-net
Creating service terracotta_terracotta-1
Creating service terracotta_terracotta-2
Creating service terracotta_client
$ docker stack ps terracotta
i88gj5reok4x terracotta_client.1 terracotta/sample-ehcache-client:5.2.4 moby Running Running 23 seconds ago
hrzyj5z2uwkh terracotta_terracotta-2.1 terracotta/terracotta-server-oss:5.2.4 moby Running Running 24 seconds ago
944cftq26cis terracotta_terracotta-1.1 terracotta/terracotta-server-oss:5.2.4 moby Running Running 25 seconds ago
You want to scale, right ?
docker service scale terracotta_client=4
terracotta_client scaled to 4
Wondering what those services are up to ?
docker service logs -f terracotta_client