- Fecha: Actualizado a 2021-02-07 (en proceso de unificado y en continua revisión)
- Formato: Markdown
- En proceso: unificar Glosario de Pathologic I y II cuando proceda, y mantener una distinción cuando haya diferencias (no son exactamente iguales), mejorar formato, orden alfabético para mejor navegación/actualización en todas las secciones.
- Navegación: ctrl+f para buscar.
- Autores: @knell, fundamentalmente, con aportaciones de @tarekjor (edición), @dublajes, @ancalagon
- Enlaces
- Personajes Principales
- Comentarios de un usuario Ruso
- Conceptos abstractos y miscelánea
- Mapa
- Comentarios extra sobre algunos términos
La traductora del Ruso al Inglés (Alexandra “Alphyna” Golubeva) escribió dos artículos (y algún comentario) detallando los aspectos, significados y dobles significados más significativos del texto y su proceso de traducción. Recomiendo su lectura, pues da un idea de la gran complejidad del texto.
- Artículo 1
- Artículo 2
- Comentario en Reddit
- Kickstarter de Pathologic 2
- Pathologic 2 en Steam, Pathologic 2 en GOG
Bachelor - Бакалавр - Licenciado
- Daniil Dankovsky no es Doctor. No tiene un doctorado, pero sí es médico. Ver la sección Comentarios de un usuario Ruso.
Haruspex - Гаруспик - Arúspice
- Ripper - Потрошитель - Destripador
Changeling - Самозванка - Impostora
- Comentario de una persona rusa: Самозванка is a combination of russian words -- SAM (self) and ZVAT (call or name), so literally it means “self-named”.
Inquisitor - Инквизитор - Inquisidor/a
Commander - Полководец
- Comandante quizás sería el más adecuado RAE
Aspity - Оспина
- Pústula
- Postilla
Big Vlad - Влад Ольгимский старший - Vlad el Grande
Capella - Капелла - Capela
Fat Vlad - Толстый Влад - Vlad el Gordo
Khan - Хан - Kan
- Kan -- ¿Confrontación con el Atamán/Capitán Notkin?
Grace - Ласка - Alma
- Porque trata con los muertos y porque del Latín “almus”: nourishing , kind [(https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/almus#Latin) -- muy parecido al significado de Laska
- Alternativas: Laska
Bad Grief - Гриф - Grifo
- Preferiblemente, debería ser un acrónimo de su nombre, Grigory Filin. Гриф/Grif significa "buitre" y su apellido, Filin, significa “búho”. Sería interesante mantener la temática de aves. Se puede hacer referencia a que es un buitre dentro del texto.
Heavy Vlad - Толстый Влад - Vlad el Gravoso
Mark Immortell - Марк Бессмертник - Mark Inmortal
- Su nombre hace referencia a la planta Siempreviva -- Inmortal es otro nombre común para esta planta.
Murky - Мишка - Arisca
Scarlet Mistress - Алая Хозяйка - Patrona Escarlata
Nina the Wild - Дикая Нина - Nina la Indomable
Chieftain Notkin - Атаман Ноткин
- Atamán Notkin (https://dle.rae.es/?id=4A4vlJG) -- ¿Confrontación con Kan?
- Capitán Notkin (en Inglés se tradujo “Chieftain”).
Foreman - Старшина - Prefecto (del Matadero)
Sticky - Спичка - Espiga
Mother Superior - Мать-Настоятельница - Madre Superiora
White Mistress - Белая Хозяйка - Patrona Blanca
Victoria the Lucent - Светлая Виктория - Victoria la Resplandeciente
Vlad the Younger - Младший Влад Ольгимский - Vlad el Joven
Charon - Харон - Caronte
Context to some of the names. I am assuming everyone has completed the game, so no spoiler warnings.
Also, unfortunately none of the links open for me, so I apologize if I repeat any information haha
Bachelor - Бакалавр
- A bachelor of science is someone who has only completed the first stages of his education. He is an expert to a degree, but his knowledge is not too deep and his opinions should not be taken as absolute. It is also important to note that we do not know what kind of a doctor he is. He is not a surgeon and he is not a chemist, presumably he is a starting level general practitioner.
We know that Dankovsky went to the same medical school as Andrey Stamatin, but we don’t know for sure that Dankovsky successfully completed his education there.
All we know is that he started his education and at some point left, to create his own laboratory (Tanatica) and tried to raise the dead.
In the end, Dankovsky is a young man (late 20s-early 30s) who is ambitious, pretentious and underqualified for a job of developing the cure for the plague.
Latín is a dead language that is only taught in medical schools in the Capital. When Bachelor arrives to a small town that only have homeschooling and no hospitals, he uses Latín in his speech when talking to people who had no way of learning how to speak the language or even knowing what this language is. He does this because he pays little attention to the people around him and their needs.
He is very young and is more interested in abstract ambitious ideas (like destroying the concept of Death itself) more, than he is interested in real life around him.
All of this is important to carry over in the adaptation to explain how and why he was deceived by the Kains so easily.
Ripper - Потрошитель
- Whatever is appropriate for a serial killer. The key here is that the killings are brutal and senseless.
In the russian the common tongue word for a serial killer is “маньяк” (official “серийный убийца”). The title of “Потрошитель” is a reference to Jack the Ripper (Джек Потрошитель), it is a shorthand for the players to understand what people of the Сity think of the murders. The character of Jack the Ripper does not exist in the world of Pathologic.
Clara - Клара
- Name “Clara” has a meaning of “clarity”. It is important to keep that meaning to explain her role as someone who sheds light on other people’s secrets.
Changeling - Самозванка
- This title is the most argued upon lol.
Clara and Changeling are two different people/entities in the first game. Although it is currently unknown if this was changed in P2, players agree that in the first game Clara is the original entity created by the Steppe and Changeling is the entity, that was created from Clara’s desire for independence. Hence, Clara is the embodiment of the plague outbreak and Changeling is a spirit of independence.
The original title “Самозванка” literally means “she, who called upon herself”; “she, who invited herself in”; “she, who came in uninvited”; “she, who give herself a name”/”she, who stole a name for herself”. In russian this word is tied to a concept of identity theft.
The word “самозванка” (and it’s masculine version “самозванец”) is a common word that is translated as “impostor”, it is a simple word that is widely used and does not have supernatural implications.
There are two ways the original title is used in the story.
She proclaims herself a saint, who can heal by touch. She gives herself a title of a saint, therefore she is a самозванка because she is an impostor, posing as a healer;
She literally comes into existence as a physical manifestation of Clara’s desire for independence. She has called/invited herself into existence. She is literally a self-made woman lol
This is completely lost in the English title, but the English version is not entirely incorrect.
“Changeling” in english folk stories refers to a supernatural creature. When fairies kidnap infants from the cribs, they leave a nasty fairy substitute instead - a changeling. It is called so, because the nasty fairy changes its form to pretend to be a human infant. A “changeling” is a supernatural impostor that takes the place of a real human child.
This mirrors Changeling’s story in the game. She appears to be a girl of 13-15 years old and she gets adopted into Saburov’s family. But in reality she is a creature that is made from clay and bones.
I personally think that this is appropriate adaptation, because there is really no words in English that can create the same effect as the russian Самозванка.
But I think the original meaning is more important to carry over, if possible.
Commander - Полководец
- His exact title is not super important. As long as it is clear that he has a high enough rank to take over the entire city, but not high enough to make decisions about the directions the war will take. The russian word has an implication of someone who moves people like chess pieces, but considering his soft and kind character this is just an accident of language.
Aspity - Оспина
- The word “оспина” means “a scar/indent that is left after a smallpox infection”.
If you don’t know what it is, avoid any pictures when googling, it’s really gross lol.
“Aspity” is a word created specifically for the Pathologic games.
Her real names (Sahba-ötün, etc) should be left as-is. If there is no word for a “smallpox scar” in Spanish, the word “Aspity” is the best bet lol.
Grace - Ласка
- Alma is great adaptation, IMHO
Grigory Filin
Bad Grief - Гриф
- There is no cultural weight behind the pun in his name. Although “Vulture” is fitting for him, English “Grief” is also good because he is not only a source of suffering to others, he is also a very bitter and sad person himself. In the end, all he wanted is just to be like Simon, who inspired him. He tried to achieve freedom through greatness, but failed and caused a lot of blood spilling because of his own lax ways. Like Saburovs, he is not okay with that.
He is described by devs as “naive” in P2 artbook and it does hold in the first game as well.
Murky - Мишка
- The word “мишка” means “little bear”/”bear cub” and “плюшевый мишка” is a teddy bear, children’s toy. Considering her personal connection to dolls it could be carried over in the adaptation. Her dopey and slow nature also can be attached to her being a bear cub lol, since they are traditionally considered to be lax and dim creatures. Her name is also androgynious, since “Мишка” is also a diminutive form of the russian form of the name Michael.
The word “Murky” was most likely chosen both because it is similar sounding to the original and because this is supposed to be a mysterious character, that is hard to figure out. Also, “murky” can refer to her giving the impression of being dim, slow and possibly held back developmentally. In reality, she may or may not have developmental issues, it may just be her magic interfering or her semi-wild orphan lifestyle, but that is the impression she is giving to people.
Scarlet Mistress - Алая Хозяйка
- One thing I should note about Mistresses in general is that the original word “Хозяйка” has implications of both completely owning and controlling the place (the City in this case), but also taking care and maintaining it. The word “хозяйка” is a common word meaning “housewife”, but depending on the context it can also be interpreted as a mistress, owner of the house/business who is capable of ruling with an iron fist. It seems that there is no in-between with that word lol.
Chieftain Notkin - Атаман Ноткин
- One important note on his title.
“Атаман” (ataman) is a real life title of a leader in some steppe cultures. It can belong to just the oldest son or it can also be a title for a military commander.
But it is also a title that children in real life used to use in their games. In XX century there was a popular children’s game called “Cossacs and Marauders”. It has the basic premise of “cops and robbers” game, there are two teams - one bad guys, the other good guys.
The history of cossac community is complex and not very relevant to this. Long story short: they were people who lived in the steppe, in towns that are placed far from each other and because of that were a target for bandits. Cossacks were militia, who protected these towns from aggressors. They were semi-independent from the main government.
So basically, his title refers to both a child’s game and someone, who protects the town from bandits.
Also the English pun of “not kin” is accidental and can be ignored.
Oyun - Оюн
- Oyun is a last name and not one of the steppe terms. Local names and local terms are often confused lol.
There were several menkhu families in this City, one of them were Oyun, other Burakhs and there were several others that are mentioned but died out before the story happened.
Foreman - Старшина
- The word “старшина” also has the same root as “старейшина”, “the elder”. It refers to superiority that is earned somehow. Although the same word is used as a military rank in modern language, in the old times the game references this word implied respect earned, not demanded. This can be translated as a foreman, someone who is a head of a production cycle.
But the original word has a strong implication of a leader for the people, a father figure, someone who is supposed to protect the people and be wise. Also, someone who is chosen by the people to be their leader and not appointed by a third party.
Sticky - Спичка
- As far as I am aware, there is no hidden meaning behind his name. It was changed probably due to his new character arc in P2, but either meaning should fit.
And I personally think that it is more important to adapt the text, instead of just translating it, you know? I think it is better to find archetypes that are the closest in meaning to the people, you know? Lol.
About Mistress/Хозяйка.
It is extremely important to find a word that will convey power. The point of these characters is that they OWN the City. The City belongs to them. Their supernatural powers stem from their feminine biology, so that part is important to keep. But the most important thing about them is the power they had over the City and the people. They could literally bend reality around themselves and that fact is important because this ability was the main reason why the Plague did not manifest sooner. They were the main barrier that protected the City from being literally ejected from reality, due to being a metaphysical abomination.
So when choosing which word to use, I would say the priority should be
- Word that implies ownership and power > word that implies femininity > word that implies protection/care/patronage.
About Aspity/Оспина
I would say if there is no good words that relate to smallpox specifically, any deadly disease will do. I personally feel that foreshadowing of her being a golem/plague personification adds more to the game, than just a wordplay on her real name.
If you choose to take this route it is important to remember that Aspity was the personification of the outbreak that was 5 years ago and now has lost her powers. So she is literally like an old scar, now unable to hurt anyone, but still hanging around.
So, for her name anything will do that relates to post-disease scarring, viruses and old wounds.
I think at the end of the day Dankovsky does not do anything, that would require him to be a medical professional.
I saw a lot of people (myself included) who were surprised to learn after completing all 3 campains that all this time Dankovsky was a bachelor of medicine and not some other science. Maybe in P2 this will change, but currently I would say you can sacrifice the medical angle of his title and lose nothing.
In Russian the word "bachelor" does not bear any implications that he is a doctor or a medical student, just his status as someone who has basic knowledge of sciences.
This is his role basically, something that separates him from Haruspex and Changeling. Where Changeling is a literal force of nature; Haruspex is a shaman that mixes spiritual and practical medicine; Bachelor is someone who is mostly/only good with theoretical knowledge. When he arrives in the City, the only person who recieves his respect is a mathematician lol.
The setting of the game is not supposed to be our reality, but it is very loosely based on 1800s - early 1900s. Back then, higher education was less specific and more broad. You were either a peasant who had no education, did not know how to read/write and could only count; you were nobility/high class who were tutored on things like reading and dance (like Capella in P2) or you were a student. And students were taught practically everything that could be taught, most of them had all of the same classes regardless of the profession.
There was no meaningful separation between a medical student and a student of "natural science" (biology, bacteriology, chemistry, physics, et cetera), even if you are a surgeon.
As long as it was not a peasant or a girl, people's brains were just stuffed with random information. I don't think that "teacher" was even a profession at that point, absolutely anyone could tutor. By today's standards you did not need a lot of education to get a job, because the level of education among general population was so low.
Compared to what it was back then, contemporary education is super niche.
What I’m saying is, I think the medical angle is not vital for his title.
Tengo que discrepar con la interpretación de que Dankovsky no tiene estudios de Medicina de algún tipo. Su título en el texto Ruso original es бакалавр медицинских наук , lo cual, traducido literalmente significa “Bachiller en ciencias médicas”. También se refiere a sí mismo como доктор (doctor, en minúscula) y медик (médico), así como también varios personajes se refieren a él con esas mismas palabras.
Dankovsky también se refiere a sí mismo en ruso como Я бакалавр медицины , lo cual, traducido literalmente sería: “Soy Bachiller en medicina”.
En definitiva, el juego es deliberadamente anacrónico, y sería un error llamarle Doctor Dankovsky, pero no lo es asumir que no tiene estudios de Medicina o de ciencias médicas. - Karen “ @knell ”
Ayan - Айян - Ayan
Albino - Альбинос - Albino
Barbers - Бритвенники - Barberos
Barley the Barber - брадобрей Брага
Barrica el Barbero
Braga el Barbero
Centeno el Barbero
Su nombre hace referencia de algún modo a la cerveza. Podría ser cualquier otra bebida alcohólica. O que es un matón.
Barkeep - Кабатчик - Tabernero
Bird Mask - Птичья маска - Máscara de pájaro
Beaker - Кружка - Tazón
Boy - Подростока - Chico
Buddy - Корешок - Rejo
Butcher - Мясника - Carnicero
Button - Пуговка - Botón
Catchfly - Нюта - Anate
Carouser - Гуляка - Parrandero
Crowfoot - Лютика - Ranúnculo
Doghead - Песиголовец - Caraperro
Dovecot - Голубятня - Palomar
Executor - Исполнитель - Ejecutor
Factory Worker - Фабричный - Obrero fabril
Flanky - Бока - Flanquito
Girl - Девочка - Chica
Harpist - Арфист - Arpista
Herbal Bride - Травяная Невеста - Novia de la Estepa
Infected Man - Зараженный - Infectado
Infected Woman - Зараженная - Infectada
Jemmy - Бугайка - Ruda
Loafer - Лодырь - Holgazán
Man - Мужчина - Hombre
Marauders - Мародеры - Saqueador/es
Mild Dew - Плесня - Mohoso
Mugger - Грабитель - Ladrón
Neaty - Чистик - Limpito
Odongh (plural Odonghe) - Одонг - (No se traduce)
Officer - Офицер - Agente
Patrolman - Патрульные - Patrullero
Rat Prophet - Крысиный пророк - Rata Profeta
Salesman - Продавец - Vendedor
Sickly Man - Немощный - Enfermo
Soldier - Солдат - Soldado
Stump - Пень - Muñón
Teensy - Крошка - Pequeña
Tot - Малыш - Pequeño
Tragedian - Трагик - Trágico
Var the Hunchback - Горбун Вар - Var el Jorobado
Willow Vera - Вера Верба - Vera Serba
- Nombre y apellido deben tener un sonido parecido.
Woman - Женщина - Mujer
Worm - Червь - Gusano
Yaklakh - Яклах - (No se traduce)
Young Lady - Девушка - Muchacha
Young Man - Юноша - Muchacho
Utopians - Утописты - Utópicos
Termites - Термиты (термитцы) - Termitas
Humbles - Смиренники - Humildes
(Abattoir) passage - Проход - Abertura o Pasaje
Ace of Diamonds Caravan - Караван Бубнового туза - Caravana de As de Diamantes
Agate Pit - Агатовая Яма - Foso Ágata
Alley of Heroes ensemble - ансамбль Аллеи Героев - el conjunto Paseo de los Héroes
The Blockaded District - Заколоченный квартал - Distrito clausurado
Boös - Боос - (No se traduce)
Bos Primigenius - Бос Примигениус - (No se traduce) o Bos Primigenio
Bos Turokh - Бос Турох - (No se traduce)
Bound - Приближенные - Allegados
A tener en cuenta que se deberá traducir un juego de palabras que aparece en una conversación con Maria Kaina.
INGLÉS: They are standing on the verge of their humanity, gazing into the realm where they could serve a different, higher purpose—without even knowing it. Moreover, they are bound to make the leap —in one way or another. That's why we call them simply the Bound.
RUSO: Хотя они и не знают об этом - они близки к черте, за которой заканчивается их человечность и начинается высшее, иное бытие. Поэтому мы называем их " приближенные " . / TRAD. LITERAL: Aunque no lo saben, están cerca de la línea detrás de la cual termina su humanidad y comienza la existencia superior y diferente. Por eso los llamamos " aproximados ".
The Bound (los vinculados, conectados, a Simon Kain, Los Allegados, pero en un contexto no 'familiar', sino espiritual/conectados en un sentido/plano existencial/mágico) - @TarekJor
Black twyre - Черная твирь - Twyr negra
Bloody twyre - Кровавая твирь - Twyr rojo sangre
Brown twyre - Бурая твирь - Twyr marrón
Twyrine - Твирин - Twyrina
Bull Project - Проект быков - Proyecto Toro (alternativas, Proyecto Bovino, Empresa Bovina, Compañía Toro/Bovina)
Clay maneater - Глиняная людоедка - Caníbal de barro
Cold Hall - Хол одный хол л - Sala Helada / Palacio de Hielo
Copious Taglur - Долгий таглур - Extenso Taglur o Amplio Taglur
Cosmic bull - Вселенский Бык - Toro Universal o Cósmico
Dogheads - Песиголовец - Caraperros
The Downgate - Врата вниз - Puerta Abajo
Firestarter/Exterminator - Поджигатель/Истребитель - Incendiario / Exterminador
First Outbreak - Первая Вспышка - Primer Brote
Focus - Внутренний покой - Cámara Interior
- Una de las expresiones más difíciles de traducir. Ver enlace #2 al principio del documento.
Gatherers/Twyre gatherers - Травники/Травники-Черви - Recolectores
The Gorge - Бычий Зев - Fauces
Halfblood One - Утробный - Embrión
House House - Дом Дом - Casa Casa
Isolation ward - Изолятор - Sala / Pabellón de aislamiento
Karstov Fords - Карстовы Броды - Vados Karstov
The Kin - Уклад - Régimen
Уклад significa “modo”, “costumbre”, “camino”, “régimen”. En definitiva, es el orden natural de las cosas. Difícil de traducir. También podría traducirse como “La Orden”, pero pierde un poco su significado original. En definitiva, expresa rigidez en la estructura social y religiosa de “The Kin”.
No me opongo a una adaptación diferente a la expresión original, como lo es "The Kin". No obstante, quizás deberíamos intentar apoyarnos lo menos posible en la traducción al Inglés.
alternativas: (referido a un grupo/clan, etc El Régimen, La Tradición, La Orden, El Dogma, El Clan/Klan per se.
En Ruso es 'Уклад' ... fonéticamente/transliterado suena/es Uklad (Nombre propio), significante, 'way of life', modo de vida, difícil de traducir
@TarekJor: sobre el concepto de Kin, es muy importante, y se refiere a "un Linaje/Clan" etc, un 'superclan' unido por tradición, costumbre, 'sangre/rituales', contiene 'Los Habitantes de las Estepas' (algunos personajes junto a los Gusanos (Worms), las Novias de las Estepas (como conjunto)... Kin en Inglés sería como Clan/Linaje, pero no necesariamente familiar/de sangre, como 'Parentela', pero en Español está en desuso) lo más similar sería Clan, o Klan, (unido por linaje, hermandad, costumbre, una especie de tribu)... el porque Klan, o Clan (bueno, Khan, Khanato, Mongolia, Estepas) y el hecho de que en Ruso fonéticamente sería Klan, con K, además de darle ese toque semántico (Kin, uKlad, etc)
клан => klan (fonética), clan
Kindred One - Кровный - Consanguíneo
Lines - Линии - Líneas
Maneater - людоедка - [la] caníbal
Menkhu - менху - (No se traduce)
Mistress - Хозяйка - Patrona
- Tiene que expresar tanto autoridad como el concepto de “benefactora”.
- Alternativas: Matriarca
Mother Boddho - Мать Бодхо - Madre Boddho
The Other Stairway Round - Лестница наоборот - Escalera Inversa
Oynon - ойнон - (No se traduce)
Powers That Be - Власти - Poderes Fácticos
Ragi Stone - Камень Каги - Roca Ragi
Rusty twyre - Ржавая твирь - Twyr ocre
Sand Dirt - песочная грязь - Mugre de arena
Sand Pest - песчаная лихорадка - Peste de arena o Fiebre de arena
Sand Plague - земляная чума - Plaga de Arena
Silly House - Глупый Дом - Casa Absurda
Shmowder - Порошочек - Polvillos
@TarekJor (es una Clave del Juego, un ítem sumamente importante), luego se podría usar Polvillos en algunas partes que hablan de powders, y Mezcolanza (para el Item del Inventario, Schmowders)
Nombre del ítem del inventario del usuario, en el juego hacen referencia en diálogos a 'esos polvillos' o polvos, mezcla de medicamentos/pastillas de los niños
Pero más allá de 'mezcla polvorienta o de polvos', es un objeto clave que el usuario debe conocer, me di cuenta que en Inglés crearon el vocablo 'Shmowder' que me gustaría saber a qué juego de palabras se quiere referir, sh stornudo smowder, molido, powder, polvo, supongo, en Ruso es simplemente 'Polvillos'
me imagino que es shm (estornudo + polvos/polvillos/polvo powders), por tanto para el nombre del ítem igual deberíamos encontrar un 'Concepto' nuevo, aunque se haga referencia en diálogos a 'polvillos', o 'powders' para nombrar comunmente, habría que dar categoría al 'Schmowder', ya que es un objeto clave del juego, como Mezcolanza o dejarlo como Polvillos.
el usuario/jugador debería darse cuenta de su importancia si sólo ponemos Polvillos, parece algo insignificante, en Inglés decidieron Schmowders en lugar de Powders simplemente, quizá para destacarlo más.
Alternativas (Mezcolanza), otras opciones Polvillos, Polvitos, Polvorín, Mezcolanza...
Порошочек: diminutivo cariñoso de “порошок” (polvos) - @Knell
Soul-and-a-Halves - Двоедушники / Двудушники - Las Almas Duales
Steppe person - Степняки - Persona de la estepa
Sugagh Khadugh - Сугаг Хадуг - (No se traduce)
Swevery - Савьюр - Saviera
The Tales of the Daughters - Сказание о дочерях - Las leyendas de las hijas
Udey - Удэй - (No se traduce)
Uheghe - Ухеге - (No se traduce)
White Whip - Белая плеть - Látigo blanco
Abattoir - Бойни - Matadero
Andrey Stamatin's Pub - Кабак Андрея Стаматина - Taberna de Andrey Stamatin
Aspity's Hospice - Дом Оспины - Casa de Pústula
Atrium - Створки - Atrio
Backbone - Хребтовка - Lomo o Columna
Bad Grief's Lair - Логово Грифа - La Guarida de Grifo
The Blind Backyard - Плотный Задворок - Jardín Oscuro
Bridge Square - Площадь мост - Plaza del Puente
The Boiler Room - Котельная - Sala de Calderas
Bone Stake Lot - Пустырь Костного Столба - Solar de la Estaca de Huesos
"The Castle of the Soul-and-a-Halves" (the warehouse where the urchins under Chieftain Notkin reside) - "Замок двоедушников" (Склад мальчишек во главе с Ноткиным) - "El castillo de las Almas Duales" (el almacén del grupo de niños dirigido por Notkin)
Cathedral - Собор - Catedral
Chine - Ребро - Costilla
The Crucible - Горны - El Crisol
Crude Sprawl - Сырые Застройки - Expansión Tosca
Earth - Земля - Tierra
Factory Building #1 (The Old Facility) - Заводской корпус 1 (Старый цех) - Edificio industrial #1 (Instalación antigua)
Factory Building #2 (The Long Facility) - Заводской корпус 2 (Продольный цех) - Edificio industrial #2 (Instalación alargada)
Factory Building #3 (The Butchering Room) - Заводской корпус 3 (Разделочная) - Edificio industrial #3 (Trinchado)
Factory Building #4 (The Machine) - Заводской корпус 4 (Машина) - Edificio industrial #4 (Sala de máquinas)
Flank - Седло - Flanco
Gates of Labour - Врата Труда - Pórtico de la Labor
Gates of Sorrow - Врата Скорби - Pórtico de la Tristeza
Gorkhon river - Река Горхон - Río Gorkhon
Great Pit - Большой провал - Gran Hoyo o Gran Caída
Gullet - Жилка - Arteria (río)
Gut - Утроба - Vientre
Guzzle - Глотка - Garganta (río)
Grace's Lodge - Сторожка Ласки - La cabaña de Alma
Hindquarters - Жильники - Los Cuartos Traseros
Knots - Узлы - Nódulos
The Lump, the Olgimsky's mansion. Home to Big Vlad and Capella - "Сгусток", дом Ольгимских. Здесь проживают Большой Влад и Капелла - El Coágulo, mansión de los Olgimsky. Aquí viven Vlad el Grande y Capela.
Marrow - Сердечник - Médula
Mouth - Жерло - Morros o Fauces
Mistresses' tombs - склепы Хозяек - Sepulcro de las Patronas
Murky's Van - Вагончик Мишки - Vagón de Mustia
Nina Kaina's Tomb - Склеп Нины Каиной - Tumba de Nina Kaina
Peter Stamatin's Studio - Дом Петра Стаматина - Estudio de Peter Stamatin
The Polyhedron - Многогранник - El Poliedro
Railway dead end - тупиковая ветка - vía sin salida
The railway station - Железнодорожная станция - Estación ferroviaria
Ragi Barrow - Курган Раги - Túmulo Ragi
Ring of Suok - Круг Суок - Círculo de Suok
The Rod - Стержень - La Vara
Rotten Field - Гнил ое П оле - Campo Putrefacto
Rubin's Prosectorium - Прозекторская Рубина - Sala de autopsias de Rubin
The Shelter, Lara Ravel's house - "Приют", дом Лары Равель - El Refugio, casa de Lara Ravel
Silent House - Молчащий дом - Casa Silenciosa
Skinners - Кожевенный - Peleteros
Spin-a-Yarn Square - Шнурочная площадь - Plaza del Hilo
Spleen - Почка - Riñones
Sticky's House - Дом Спички - La casa de Espiga
Stairway to Heaven - лестница (-ы) в небо - Escaleras al Cielo
The Stillwater, Eva Yan's house - "Омут", дом Евы Ян - La Vorágine/El Torbellino, casa de Eva Yan
Tanto en ruso como en inglés, el nombre de la casa de Eva Yan hace referencia al dicho "Still waters run deep". En español sería algo así como "Las aguas tranquilas son profundas". Básicamente quiere decir que las apariencias engañan.
Eva Yan es una persona tranquila e inocente... en apariencia. Al final del juego hace cosas pasionales e inesperadas.
En Pathologic 2 es más complejo todavía. La familia Kain construyó The Stillwater con el propósito de que el edificio cambie a las personas que viven dentro de él -- es decir, la casa tiene propiedades esotéricas. Eva Yan es un conejillo de indias de los Kain. Pero Daniil también vive ahí y su cambio en lo que refiere a su forma de pensar tiene que ver con el efecto que la casa tiene sobre él. Para los Kain objetivo cumplido.
Por lo tanto, el nombre de la casa tiene que reflejar el efecto interno y emocional que tiene sobre las personas y no tanto el hecho de que la temática sea el agua.
Por eso pensé en La Vorágine o El Torbellino, palabras asociadas frecuentemente con las emociones y cambios internos.
*Alternativa: Aguas Calmas
Stone Yard - Каменный двор - Jardín de Piedra
Tanners - Дубильщики - Curtidores
Termitary - Термитник - Termitero
The First Block of the Termitary - Первый Корпус Термитника - Primera Caja del Termitero
The Second Block of the Termitary - Второй Корпус Термитника - Segunda Caja del Termitero
Termitary's Long Block - Долгий Корпус Термитника - Caja Alargada del Termitero
Short Block of the Termitary - Короткий Корпус Термитника - Caja Pequeña del Termitero
Town Hall - Управа - Ayuntamiento
The Town Theatre - Городской Театр - Teatro Municipal
The Trammel, Yulia Lyuricheva's house - "Невод", дом Юлии Люричевой - El Trasmallo, casa de Yulia Lyuricheva
Warehouses - Складские районы/Склады - Almacenes
The Willows, Anna Angel's house - "Вербы", дом Анны Ангел - El Serbal, casa de Anna Angel
Works - Заводы - Factoría
The windows of this house are bricked in - Окна в этом доме заложены кирпичом - Las ventanas de esta casa están tapiadas.
The butcher is here. - Мясник находится на этом месте. - El carnicero está aquí.
Herb Bride
- es más una Novia que una 'Doncella' (que no pega en algo rural), y es más 'de las Estepas' que 'de las Hierbas' (que sería demasiado literal)
- 'Novia de las Estepas' es lo más apropiado con la traducción del Ruso y la referencia en Inglés @knell
Autores del Glosario: @knell fundamentalmente, y aportaciones de @DUBlajes, @TarekJor (Edición en GitHub) y @Ancalogon entre otros @ 2021 Estadísticas: 5887 Palabras, 700 Líneas aprox.