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Ookii.CommandLine allows you to create applications that have multiple commands, each with their own arguments. This is a common pattern used by many applications; for example, the dotnet binary uses it with commands like dotnet build and dotnet run, as does git with commands like git pull and git cherry-pick.

Ookii.CommandLine makes it trivial to define and use subcommands, using the same techniques we've already seen for defining and parsing arguments. Subcommand-specific functionality is all in the Ookii.CommandLine.Commands namespace.

In an application using subcommands, the first argument to the application is typically the name of the command. The remaining arguments are arguments to that command. Sometimes, there are also arguments that are common to all commands.

For example, the subcommand sample can be invoked as follows:

./Subcommand read file.txt -Encoding utf-16

This command line invokes the command named read, and passes the remaining arguments to that command.

Defining subcommands

A subcommand class is essentially the same as a regular arguments class. Arguments can be defined using its properties and methods, exactly as was shown before.

Subcommand classes have the following differences from regular arguments classes:

  1. They must implement the ICommand interface.
  2. They must use the CommandAttribute attribute.
  3. The DescriptionAttribute sets the description for the command, not the application.
  4. You can't apply the ApplicationFriendlyNameAttribute to a command class (apply it to the assembly instead).
  5. An automatic -Version argument will not be created for subcommands, regardless of the value of the ParseOptions.AutoVersionArgument property.

It's therefore trivial to take any arguments class, and convert it into a subcommand:

[Description("This is a sample command.")]
partial class SampleCommand : ICommand
    [CommandLineArgument(IsPositional = true)]
    [Description("A sample argument for the sample command.")]
    public required string SampleArgument { get; set; }

    public int Run()
        // Command functionality goes here.
        return 0;

This code creates a subcommand which can be invoked with the name sample, and which has a single positional required argument.

The ICommand interface defines a single method, ICommand.Run(), which all subcommands must implement. This function is invoked to run your command. The return value is typically used as the exit code for the application, after the command finishes running.

When using the CommandManager class as shown below, the class will be created using the CommandLineParser as usual, using all the arguments except for the command name. Then, the ICommand.Run() method will be called.

All of the functionality and options available with regular arguments types are available with commands too, including usage help generation, long/short mode, name transformation, all kinds of arguments, validators, source generation, etc.

Name transformation

The sample above used the CommandAttribute attribute to set an explicit name for the command. If no name is specified, the name is derived from the type name.

partial class ReadDirectoryCommand : ICommand
    /* omitted */

This creates a command with the name ReadDirectoryCommand.

Just like with argument names and value descriptions, it's possible to apply a name transformation to command names. This is done by setting the CommandOptions.CommandNameTransform property. The same transformations are available as for argument names.

In addition to just transforming the case and separators, command name transformation can also strip a suffix from the end of the type name. This is set with the CommandOptions.StripCommandNameSuffix property, and defaults to "Command". This is only used if the CommandNameTransform is not NameTransform.None.

So, if you use the NameTransform.DashCase transform, with the default StripCommandNameSuffix value, the ReadDirectoryCommand class above will create a command named read-directory.

Command aliases

Like command line arguments, a command can have one or more aliases, alternative names that can be used to invoke the command. Simply apply the AliasAttribute to the command class.

partial class ReadDirectoryCommand : ICommand
    /* omitted */

Command names also use automatic prefix aliases by default, so any prefix that uniquely identifies a command by its name or one of its explicit aliases can be used to invoke that command.

For example, with two commands read and record, the prefix rea would be an alias for the read command, and rec, reco and recor are automatic aliases of the record command. The prefixes r and re are not automatic aliases, because they are ambiguous between the two commands.

Automatic prefix aliases for command names can be disabled using the CommandOptions.AutoCommandPrefixAliases property.

Asynchronous commands

It's possible to create subcommands that execute asynchronous code. To do this, implement the IAsyncCommand interface, which derives from ICommand, and use the CommandManager.RunCommandAsync() method (see below).

The IAsyncCommand interface adds a new IAsyncCommand.RunAsync() method, but because IAsyncCommand derives from ICommand, it's still necessary to implement the ICommand.Run() method. If you use RunCommandAsync(), the ICommand.Run() method is guaranteed to never be called on a command that implements IAsyncCommand, so you can just leave this empty.

However, a better option is to use the AsyncCommandBase class, which is provided for convenience, and provides an implementation of ICommand.Run() which invokes IAsyncCommand.RunAsync() and waits for it. That way, your command is compatible with both RunCommand() and RunCommandAsync().

[Description("Sleeps for a specified amount of time.")]
partial class AsyncSleepCommand : AsyncCommandBase
    [CommandLineArgument(IsPositional = true)]
    [Description("The sleep time in milliseconds.")]
    public int SleepTime { get; set; } = 1000;

    public override async Task<int> RunAsync()
        await Task.Delay(SleepTime);
        return 0;

Multiple commands with common arguments

You may have multiple commands that have one or more arguments in common. For example, you may have a database application where every command needs the connection string as an argument. Because CommandLineParser considers base class members when defining arguments, this can be accomplished by having a common base class for each command that needs the common arguments.

abstract class DatabaseCommand : ICommand
    [CommandLineArgument(IsPositional = true, IsRequired = true)]
    public string? ConnectionString { get; set; }

    public abstract int Run();

partial class AddCommand : DatabaseCommand
    [CommandLineArgument(IsPositional = true, IsRequired = true)]
    public string? NewValue { get; set; }

    public override int Run()
        /* omitted */

partial class DeleteCommand : DatabaseCommand
    [CommandLineArgument(IsPositional = true, IsRequired = true)]
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public bool Force { get; set; }

    public override int Run()
        /* omitted */

The two commands, AddCommand and DeleteCommand both inherit the -ConnectionString argument, and add their own additional arguments. When using the CommandLineArgumentAttribute.IsPositional property, base class arguments come before derived class arguments.

The DatabaseCommand class is not considered a subcommand by the CommandManager, because it does not have the CommandAttribute attribute, and because it is abstract. It also does not need the GeneratedParserAttribute, because the attribute on the derived classes will process the base class arguments.

Some applications also have options that don't belong to any specific command, but can instead be specified before the command name. The default behavior of Ookii.CommandLine treats the first argument as the command name, but it is possible to build an application where this is not the case.

To do so, you need to define an arguments class (not a subcommand) that defines the top-level arguments, one of which (typically the last positional argument) is the command name. That argument should set the CommandLineArgumentAttribute.CancelParsing property to CancelMode.Success. After parsing the arguments for this class, you can then invoke the CommandManager using the command name from that argument, and the remaining arguments from the ParseResult.RemainingArguments property.

An example of how to do this can be found in the top-level arguments sample.

Custom parsing

In some cases, you may want to create commands that do not use the CommandLineParser class to parse their arguments. For this purpose, you can implement the ICommandWithCustomParsing method instead. You must still use the CommandAttribute.

Your type must have a constructor with no parameters, and implement the ICommandWithCustomParsing.Parse() method, which will be called before ICommand.Run() to allow you to parse the command line arguments. You can combine ICommandWithCustomParsing with IAsyncCommand if you wish.

In this case, it is up to the command to handle argument parsing, and handle errors and display usage help if appropriate. Source generation cannot be used with a command that uses custom parsing.

For example, you may have a command that launches an external executable, and wants to pass the arguments to that executable.

class LaunchCommand : AsyncCommandBase, ICommandWithCustomParsing
    private ReadOnlyMemory<string> _args;

    public void Parse(ReadOnlyMemory<string> args, CommandManager manager)
        _args = args;

    public override async Task<int> RunAsync()
        var info = new ProcessStartInfo("executable");
        if (_args != null)
            foreach (var arg in _args)

        var process = Process.Start(info);
        if (process != null)
            await process.WaitForExitAsync();
            return process.ExitCode;

        return 1;

Using subcommands

To write an application that uses subcommands, you use the CommandManager class in the Main() method of your application.

In the majority of cases, it's sufficient to write code like the following.

public static int Main()
    var manager = new CommandManager();
    return manager.RunCommand() ?? 1;

This code does the following:

  1. Creates a command manager with default options, which looks for command classes in the assembly that called the constructor (the assembly containing Main(), in this case).
  2. Calls the RunCommand() method, which:
    1. Gets the arguments using Environment.GetCommandLineArgs() (you can also pass a string[] array to the RunCommand method).
    2. Uses the first argument to determine the command name.
    3. Creates the command, invokes the ICommand.Run() method, and returns its return value.
    4. If the command could not be created, for example because no command name was supplied, an unknown command name was supplied, or an error occurred parsing the command's arguments, it will print the error message and usage help, similar to the static CommandLineParser.Parse<T>() method, and return null.
  3. If RunCommand() returned null, returns an error exit code.

Note: the CommandManager does not check if command names and aliases are unique. If you have multiple commands with the same names, the first matching one will be used, and there is no guarantee on the order in which command classes are checked.

If you use the IAsyncCommand interface or AsyncCommandBase class, use the following code instead.

public static async Task<int> Main()
    var manager = new CommandManager();
    return await manager.RunCommandAsync() ?? 1;

Note that the RunCommandAsync() method can still run commands that only implement ICommand, and not IAsyncCommand, so you can freely mix both types of command.

If you use RunCommand() with asynchronous commands, it will call the ICommand.Run() method, so whether this works depends on the command's implementation of that method. If you used AsyncCommandBase, this will call the RunAsync() method, so the command will work correctly. However, in all cases, it's strongly recommended to use RunCommandAsync() if you use any asynchronous commands.

Check out the tutorial and the subcommand sample for more detailed examples of how to create and use commands.

Other assemblies

The default constructor for the CommandManager class will look for command classes only in the calling assembly. If your command classes are all in the same assembly as your main method, this will be sufficient. However, you may want to have your commands in a separate assembly, or split amongst several assemblies. You could even want to dynamically load plugins with additional commands.

The CommandManager constructor has overloads that take a single assembly, or an array of assemblies. This allows you to load commands from one or more sources. You can even filter which commands you actually want to use from those assemblies using the CommandOptions.CommandFilter property.

public static int Main()
    var assemblies = new[] { Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() };
    assemblies = assemblies.Concat(LoadPlugins()).ToArray();
    var manager = new CommandManager(assemblies);
    return manager.RunCommand() ?? 1;

The omitted LoadPlugins() method would presumably load some list of assemblies from the application's configuration.

Using source generation with subcommands

While the GeneratedParserAttribute can be applied to commands, and the generated parser will be used by the CommandManager class, the CommandManager class still uses reflection to find the subcommand classes in the specified assemblies.

To use source generation to find the commands at compile time and provide that information to a generated command manager, you must define a class as follows, using the GeneratedCommandManagerAttribute:

partial class GeneratedManager

The source generator will make this class inherit from CommandManager, so it can be used as a drop-in replacement for CommandManager.

public static async Task<int> Main()
    var manager = new GeneratedManager();
    return await manager.RunCommandAsync() ?? 1;

In this case, if you want to use commands from other assemblies, you must specify them using the GeneratedCommandManagerAttribute, and they can only come from assemblies that are directly referenced from your application, not dynamically loaded ones.

Subcommand options

Just like when you use CommandLineParser directly, there are many options available to customize the parsing behavior. When using CommandManager, you use the CommandOptions class to provide options. This class derives from ParseOptions, so all the same options are available, in addition to several options that apply only to subcommands.

While you can use the ParseOptionsAttribute to customize the behavior of a subcommand class, this will only apply to the class using the attribute. For a consistent experience, it's preferred to use CommandOptions.

For example, the following code enables some options:

public static int Main()
    var options = new CommandOptions()
        CommandNameComparison = StringComparison.InvariantCulture,
        CommandNameTransform = NameTransform.DashCase,
        UsageWriter = new UsageWriter()
            IncludeApplicationDescriptionBeforeCommandList = true,

    var manager = new CommandManager(options); // or a generated command manager.
    return manager.RunCommand() ?? 1;

This code makes command names case sensitive by using the invariant string comparer (the default is StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase, which is case insensitive), enables a name transformation, and also sets some usage help options.

Custom error handling

As with the static CommandLineParser.Parse<T>() method, RunCommand() and RunCommandAsync() handle errors and display usage help. If for any reason you want to do this manually, CommandManager provides the tools to do so.

If you only want more information about the error, but still want the CommandManager class to handle and display errors and usage help, you can check the CommandManager.ParseResult property to get information if RunCommand() or RunCommandAsync() returned null. The value of the ParseResult.Status property of the returned structure will indicate whether the command was not found, if an error occurred parsing the command's arguments, or if parsing was canceled by one of the command's arguments.

If you want to handle errors entirely manually, the CommandManager.GetCommand() method returns information about a command, if one with the specified name exists. From there, you can manually create a CommandLineParser for the command, instantiate the class, and invoke its run method.

When doing this, it's your responsibility to handle things such as IAsyncCommand or ICommandWithCustomParsing. Of course, you can omit those parts if you do not have any commands using those interfaces.

Because of the complexity of this approach, it's probably easier to just redirect the error and output of the regular RunCommand(Async) methods, as shown below:

var writer = LineWrappingTextWriter.ForStringWriter();
var options = new CommandOptions()
    Error = writer,
    UsageWriter = new UsageWriter(writer),

var manager = new CommandManager(options); // or a generated command manager.
var exitCode = await manager.RunCommandAsync();
if (exitCode is int value)
    return value;

// For demonstration purposes only; probably not the best way to show this.

// Return an error code only if the failure was not caused by an argument that canceled parsing.
return manager.ParseResult.Status == ParseStatus.Canceled ? 0 : 1;

This, combined with a custom UsageWriter to format the usage help as you like, is probably sufficient for most scenarios. You can also use separate writers for errors and usage help, so you can display them separately.

However, if you do want to manually handle everything, the below is an example of what this would look like.

public static async Task<int> Main(string[] args)
    var options = new CommandOptions() { /* omitted */ };
    var manager = new CommandManager(options); // or a generated command manager.
    var commandInfo = args.Length > 0 ? manager.GetCommand(args[0]) : null;
    if (commandInfo == null)
        // No command or unknown command.
        return 1;

    ICommand? command = null;
    if (commandInfo.UseCustomArgumentParsing)
        // Invoke the custom parsing method; how errors are handled depends on the command here.
        command = commandInfo.CreateInstanceWithCustomParsing();
        // Skip the command name in the arguments.
        command.Parse(args.AsMemory(1), manager);
        var parser = commandInfo.CreateParser();
            // Skip the command name in the arguments.
            command = (ICommand?)parser.Parse(args.AsMemory(1));
        catch (CommandLineArgumentException ex)

        if (parser.HelpRequested)

    // Run the command if successfully created, asynchronous if supported.
    if (command != null)
        if (command is IAsyncCommand asyncCommand)
            return await asyncCommand.RunAsync();

        return command.Run();

    return 1;

The CommandManager class also offers the CreateCommand() method, which instantiates the command class but does not call the Run(Async) method. This method also handles errors and shows usage help automatically.

Subcommand usage help

Since subcommands are created using the CommandLineParser, they support showing usage help when parsing errors occur, or the -Help argument is used. For example, with the subcommand sample you could run the following to get help on the read command:

./Subcommand read -help

In addition, the CommandManager also prints usage help if no command name was supplied, or the supplied command name did not match any command defined in the application. In this case, it prints a list of commands, with their descriptions. This is what that looks like for the sample:

Subcommand sample for Ookii.CommandLine.

Usage: Subcommand <command> [arguments]

The following commands are available:

        Reads and displays data from a file using the specified encoding, wrapping the text to fit
        the console.

        Displays version information.

        Writes lines to a file, wrapping them to the specified width.

Run 'Subcommand <command> -Help' for more information about a command.

Usage help for a CommandManager is also created using the UsageWriter, and can be customized by setting the subcommand-specific properties of that class. The sample above uses one of them: IncludeApplicationDescriptionBeforeCommandList, which causes the assembly description of the first assembly used by the CommandManager to be printed before the command list.

The usage help will show information at the bottom on how to get help for each command, using the name of the automatic help argument. This message will only be shown if the automatic help argument is enabled, none of the commands use custom parsing, and all commands use the same parsing mode, argument name transformation, and argument name prefixes.

You can force or disable the inclusion of the command help instruction by using the UsageWriter.IncludeCommandHelpInstruction property.

Other properties let you configure indentation and colors, among others.

The actual help is created using a number of protected virtual methods on the UsageWriter, so this can be further customized by deriving your own class from the UsageWriter class. Creating command list usage help is driven by the WriteCommandListUsageCore() method. You can also override other methods to customize parts of the usage help, such as WriteCommandListUsageSyntax(), WriteCommandDescription(), and WriteCommandHelpInstruction(), to name just a few.

Automatic commands

As mentioned above, subcommand classes will not get an automatic -Version argument. Instead, there is an automatic version command that gets added, which displays the same information.

Important: The version command takes the name, version information, and copyright text from the entry-point assembly of the application, regardless of what assembly or assemblies were passed to the CommandManager. If this is not correct for your application, you should create your own version command.

If you create a command named version, the automatic version command will not be added. You can also disable the command with the CommandOptions.AutoVersionCommand property. The name and description of the command can be customized using the LocalizedStringProvider.

Nested subcommands

Ookii.CommandLine supports nested subcommands through the ParentCommandAttribute, the ParentCommand class, and the CommandOptions.ParentCommand property. The CommandManager will only return commands whose ParentCommandAttribute matches the type specified in the CommandOptions.ParentCommand property. By default, this property is null, so commands that do not have a parent command will be returned.

To create a command that can have nested commands, the easiest way is to create a class that derives from the ParentCommand class.

[Description("A command with nested subcommands.")]
class MyParentCommand : ParentCommand

ParentCommand uses ICommandWithCustomParsing, so it cannot use the GeneratedParserAttribute.

Typically, this class can be empty, although ParentCommand provides several protected methods you can override to customize the behavior.

To define a command that is nested under MyParentCommand, you need to use the ParentCommandAttribute.

partial class ChildCommand : ICommand
    // Omitted.

When run, MyParentCommand will modify the CommandOptions.ParentCommand property and use the CommandManager again to find and execute the nested commands.

Note that the automatic version command has no parent and will therefore only exist at the top level.

The nested commands sample shows a an example of how to use this functionality.

The next page will discuss Ookii.CommandLine's source generation in more detail.