SumoLogic provider for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.
Install-Package SumoLogic.Logging.AspNetCore
The configuration is done in code via LoggerOptions class. There are two modes that control how logs are pushed to sumologic: Buffered and instant. It is recommended to use the Buffered which is a default, because Instant mode might make the application run slower.
All options below are properties of LoggerOptions class.
Argument (B/*) | Description | Default value |
Uri | SumoLogic endpoint URL, mandatory | null |
IsBuffered | Specifies weather Logger should accumulate logs or send them at once. | true |
MessageFormatterFunc | Controls the rendering of log events into text, for example to log JSON. | See below |
SourceName | The name of the source used for messages sent to SumoLogic server | |
SourceCategory | The source category for messages sent to SumoLogic server | null |
SourceHost | The source host for messages sent to SumoLogic Server | System.Net.Dns.GetHostName(); |
ConnectionTimeout | The connection timeout | 60 seconds |
RetryInterval (B) | The send message retry interval | 10 seconds |
MaxFlushInterval (B) | The maximum interval between flushes | 10 seconds |
FlushingAccuracy (B) | How often the messages queue is checked for messages to send | 250 milliseconds |
MessagesPerRequest (B) | How many messages need to be in the queue before flushing | 100 |
MaxQueueSizeBytes (B) | The messages queue capacity, in bytes | 1 000 000 |
HttpMessageHandler | Override HTTP message handler which manages requests to SumoLogic | null |
MinLogLevel | Min accpated Log Level. | LogLevel.Information |
EnableScopes | Enable Logger Scopes support | true |
arguments marked with "(B)" are available only to buffered sink (IsBuffered = true
To register logger, call AddSumoLogic extenstion method with during startup of Asp.Net Core application or Azure Function App:
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app,
IHostingEnvironment env,
ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
new LoggerOptions{
Uri = ""
// more removed
public class LoggingStartup : IWebJobsStartup
public void Configure(IWebJobsBuilder builder)
new LoggerOptions{
Uri = ""
When logging to SumoLogic, you may find useful to log JSON or XML instead of plain text message or to change the message. It is possible to configure JSON formatter by providing formatter Func.
The default function is:
public Func<string, Exception, string, LogLevel, IDictionary<string, object>, string> MessageFormatterFunc { get; set; }
= (message, ex, category, level, scopedProperties) =>
$"{DateTimeOffset.Now:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff zzz} [{level}] {message} {ex}";
You can change it by setting MessageFormatterFunc in LoggerOptions like this
var loggerOptions = new LoggerOptions
Uri = "",
MessageFormatterFunc = (message, ex, category, logLevel, properties) =>
var messageProperties = new Dictionary<string, string>();
messageProperties["date"] = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff zzz"); //use nlog format for datetime with timezone offset
foreach (var o in properties.Where(x => x.Value != null && x.Key != "date"))
messageProperties[o.Key] = o.Value.ToString();
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message))
messageProperties["message"] = message;
messageProperties["level"] = logLevel.ToString();
if (ex != null)
messageProperties["exception"] = ex.ToString();
if (category != null)
messageProperties["category"] = category;
return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(messageProperties);
Please note, in the example above, we put the date property first, because sumo logic considers time of the log message as a first date time it finds in the log message.