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Available Panorama Events

Generated using dump_panorama_events markdown.

Event Panel Event Description Can dispatch Can listen for
AddItemToCart(js_raw_arg itemID) No Add an itemid to tournament store shopping cart Yes Yes
AddStyle(string class) Yes Add a CSS class to a panel. Yes Yes
AddStyleToEachChild(string class) Yes Add a CSS class to all children of this panel. Yes Yes
AsyncEvent(float delay, event eventToFire) No Fire another event after a delay (in seconds). Yes No
CapabilityPopupIsOpen(js_raw_arg bActive) No User is using the name tag or opening a case, or stickering. Using one of the capabilites Yes Yes
ChaosHudProcessInput() No Fired when visible every tick or every other tick if the panel allows it. Yes Yes
ChaosHudThink() No Fired every tick or every other tick if the panel allows it. Yes Yes
CloseAcceptPopup() No Fired when accept match popup Closes. Yes Yes
CloseSubMenuContent(js_raw_arg no args) No Closes up the submenu panel Yes Yes
DbgTestHudVote(string string: test type) No Internal testing event. Yes Yes
DemoPlaybackControl(string string, float float) No Control demo playback Yes Yes
DropInputFocus() Yes Drop focus entirely from the window containing this panel. Yes Yes
EndOfMatch_GetFreeForAllPlayerPosition_Response(js_raw_arg position) No Callback for Scoreboard_GetFreeForAllPlayerPosition Yes Yes
EndOfMatch_GetFreeForAllTopThreePlayers_Response(js_raw_arg first, js_raw_arg second, js_raw_arg third) No Callback for Scoreboard_GetFreeForAllTopThreePlayers Yes Yes
EndOfMatch_ShowNext() No Notify the EndOfMatch controller to proceed to the next panel. Yes Yes
FriendInvitedFromContextMenu(js_raw_arg xuid) No invite friend from the playercard. Make the invite anim snow immediately instead of waiting for the callback that can take a long time. Yes Yes
HideContentPanel(js_raw_arg no args) No Hide all the content panels and show the default home dashboard Yes Yes
HideSelectItemForCapabilityPopup() No Hide this popup in inventory Yes Yes
IfHasClassEvent(string class, event eventToFire) Yes Fire another event if this panel has a given class. Yes No
IfHoverOtherEvent(string otherPanelID, event eventToFire) Yes Fire another event if currently hovering over a panel with the given ID. Yes No
IfNotHasClassEvent(string class, event eventToFire) Yes Fire another event if this panel does not have a given class. Yes No
IfNotHoverOtherEvent(string otherPanelID, event eventToFire) Yes Fire another event if not currently hovering over a panel with the given ID. Yes No
InitAvatar(js_raw_arg xuid, js_raw_arg type of panel) No Update the avatar panel data for a xuid Yes Yes
InitializeTournamentsPage(js_raw_arg tournament ID) No Loads the layout for a given tournament for active tournament tab Yes Yes
InventoryItemPreview(js_raw_arg itemId) No Just itemid Yes Yes
LayoutReloaded() No Called when a panel has its layout reloaded. Yes Yes
LootlistItemPreview(js_raw_arg itemId) No typeParams Yes Yes
MainMenuTabShown(js_raw_arg tabid) No Alert main menu tabs when they are shown, in case there is a data update needed Yes Yes
MovePanelDown(int32 repeatCount) Yes Move down from the panel. By default, this will change the focus position, but other panel types may implement this differently. Yes Yes
MovePanelLeft(int32 repeatCount) Yes Move left from the panel. By default, this will change the focus position, but other panel types may implement this differently. Yes Yes
MovePanelRight(int32 repeatCount) Yes Move right from the panel. By default, this will change the focus position, but other panel types may implement this differently. Yes Yes
MovePanelUp(int32 repeatCount) Yes Move up from the panel. By default, this will change the focus position, but other panel types may implement this differently. Yes Yes
NavigateToTab(js_raw_arg tab name, js_raw_arg xml name, js_raw_arg If its a tab, js_raw_arg if you should add to stack) No Closes up the submenu panel Yes Yes
OpenInventory(js_raw_arg no args) No opens the inventory menu from anywhere. Yes Yes
OpenPlayMenu(js_raw_arg no args) No opens the play menu from anywhere. EXAMPLE from party menu settings button from client Yes Yes
OpenSidebarPanel(js_raw_arg no args) No open the sidebar from a abutton click from anywhere Yes Yes
OpenWatchMenu(js_raw_arg no args) No opens the watch menu from anywhere. Yes Yes
PageDown() No Scroll the panel down by one page. Yes Yes
PageLeft() No Scroll the panel left by one page. Yes Yes
PagePanelDown() Yes Scroll the panel down by one page. Yes Yes
PagePanelLeft() Yes Scroll the panel left by one page. Yes Yes
PagePanelRight() Yes Scroll the panel left by one page. Yes Yes
PagePanelUp() Yes Scroll the panel up by one page. Yes Yes
PageRight() No Scroll the panel right by one page. Yes Yes
PageUp() No Scroll the panel up by one page. Yes Yes
PanoramaCastVoteNo() Yes Cast a NO vote for the currently active vote issue Yes Yes
PanoramaCastVoteYes() Yes Cast a YES vote for the currently active vote issue Yes Yes
PanoramaGameTimeJumpEvent(float time jump delta in seconds) No Fired when game time jump occurs usually for replay jumping back in time. Yes Yes
RefreshActiveInventoryList() No Make the active list get the items in it Yes Yes
RefreshPickemPage(js_raw_arg tournament ID) No refreshed pickem data Yes Yes
RemoveItemFromCart(js_raw_arg itemID) No Remove an item of this id from the tournament store shopping cart Yes Yes
RemoveStyle(string class) Yes Remove a CSS class from a panel. Yes Yes
RemoveStyleFromEachChild(string class) Yes Remove a CSS class from all children of this panel. Yes Yes
Scoreboard_CycleStats() No Cycle the stats. Yes Yes
Scoreboard_GetFreeForAllPlayerPosition(js_raw_arg xuid) No Given a player index and an xuid, returns top three players on that player's team Yes Yes
Scoreboard_GetFreeForAllTopThreePlayers() No Returns top three players on team 'ANY' Yes Yes
Scoreboard_SetMuteAbusive(js_raw_arg newVal) No set cl_mute_frequent_abusers Yes Yes
Scoreboard_UnborrowMusicKit() No Cancel Music Kit borrowing Yes Yes
ScrollDown() No Scroll the panel down by one line. Yes Yes
ScrollLeft() No Scroll the panel left by one line. Yes Yes
ScrollPanelDown() Yes Scroll the panel down by one line. Yes Yes
ScrollPanelLeft() Yes Scroll the panel left by one line. Yes Yes
ScrollPanelRight() Yes Scroll the panel right by one line. Yes Yes
ScrollPanelUp() Yes Scroll the panel up by one line. Yes Yes
ScrollRight() No Scroll the panel right by one line. Yes Yes
ScrollToBottom() Yes Scroll this panel to the bottom. Yes Yes
ScrollToTop() Yes Scroll this panel to the top. Yes Yes
ScrollUp() No Scroll the panel up by one line. Yes Yes
SetChildPanelsSelected(bool selected) Yes Set whether any child panels are :selected. Yes Yes
SetInputFocus() Yes Set focus to this panel. Yes Yes
SetPanelEnabled(bool enabled) Yes Sets whether the given panel is enabled Yes Yes
SetPanelSelected(bool selected) Yes Set whether this panel is :selected. Yes Yes
ShowAcceptPopup(js_raw_arg popup) No Fired when accept match popup is shown. Yes Yes
ShowAcknowledgePopup(js_raw_arg updatetype, js_raw_arg itemid) No show acknowledge popup, also takes params for when an item is updated but does not need to be acknowledged like after using a nametag Yes Yes
ShowActiveTournamentPage(js_raw_arg tab to show id) No Opens active tournament page in the watch panel Yes Yes
ShowCenterPrintText(string utf8 message string, CCenterPrint::EPriority) No Display the string in the center of the hud. No Yes
ShowContentPanel(js_raw_arg no args) No Show a content panel Yes Yes
ShowDeleteItemConfirmationPopup(js_raw_arg itemid) No When a user is trying to delete an item from inventory Yes Yes
ShowLoadoutForItem(js_raw_arg slot) No subslot Yes Yes
ShowResetMusicVolumePopup(js_raw_arg itemid) No When a user is trying to equip a musickit but has thier music volume off from inventory Yes Yes
ShowSelectItemForCapabilityPopup(js_raw_arg capability, js_raw_arg itemid, js_raw_arg itemid2) No Show popup in Inventory that allow you to select a second item for a capability that requires 2 items Yes Yes
ShowTournamentStore() No Show tournament store popup Yes Yes
ShowTradeUpPanel() No Show trade up panel Yes Yes
ShowUseItemOnceConfirmationPopup(js_raw_arg itemid) No When a user is trying to use an item from inventory that can be used once Yes Yes
ShowVoteContextMenu() No Show vote context menu in pause menu Yes Yes
SidebarContextMenuActive(js_raw_arg bActive) No Let the sidebar panel know if a context menu is active on a section of it. Yes Yes
SidebarIsCollapsed(js_raw_arg bActive) No Is sidebar collapsed. Yes Yes
StartDecodeableAnim(js_raw_arg no args) No tells the decode panel to play the animation Yes Yes
StaticHudMenu_EntrySelected(panorama::CPanel2D * Panel representing the selected entry) No Fired when any of the entries is activated No Yes
StreamPanelClosed() No Notify that user has closed stream panel Yes Yes
SwitchStyle(string slot, string class) Yes Switch which class the panel has for a given attribute slot. Allows easily changing between multiple states. Yes Yes
TogglePanelSelected() Yes Toggle whether this panel is :selected. Yes Yes
ToggleStyle(string class) Yes Toggle whether a panel has the given CSS class. Yes Yes
TriggerStyle(string class) Yes Remove then immediately add back a CSS class from a panel. Useful to re-trigger events like animations or sound effects. Yes Yes
UpdateTradeUpPanel() No Update trade up panel Yes Yes
UpdateVanityModelData(js_raw_arg no args) No Update the vanity model with list of anims and model panel from updated settings Yes Yes