Release Date: August 17th, 2018
- Support for ASP.NET 2.1
- Management endpoints
- Added /env, /refresh, /mappings, /metrics
- Disable Cloud Foundry security checks when running locally
- Added default management health contributors
- Redis, Rabbit, Relational (mysql, mssql, postgres)
- Management endpoint support for ASP.NET 4.x apps
- PCF Apps Manager integration for ASP.NET 4.x apps
- Both Owin and HTTP Module (SysWeb) are supported
- Open Census Metrics (#151738121)
- Provide Spring Boot compatible Metrics Endpoint
- Automatic instrumentation of common ingress and egress points
- Provide an exporter for Cloud Foundry Metrics Forwarder
- Metrics visible in PCF Metrics
- Open Census Distributed Tracing = ASP.NET Core only
- Log correlation support like what Spring Cloud Sleuth enables
- Trace correlation with PCF Metrics
- Automatic instrumentation of common ingress and egress points
- Automatic trace context propagation (Zipkin headers)
- Provide a Zipkin Exporter
- Log correlation support like what Spring Cloud Sleuth enables
- Discovery
- URL style Basic Auth support
- Connectors
- Create an out-of-the-box collection of IHealthContributors for connectors
- Autofac provider for EF6
- Security support for ASP.NET 4.x apps
- PCF SSO and/or UAA integration
- HttpClientFactory support
- Steeltoe Discovery handler
- Sample Updates
- ASP.NET 4.x samples with Actuators and Security
- ASP.NET Core Distributed Tracing Sample