- Add support for augeasproviders_core 3
- Add support for puppet 7
- Fix OpenBSD support
- Fix handling of entries with the 'target' specified
- Fix bug in sysctl arguments on FreeBSD
- Optimize provider resource creation during prefetch to reduce system load
- Fix support for OpenBSD
- FreeBSD: skip read-only MIB data (GH #48)
- Force data read from 'sysctl -a' into ASCSII (GH #46)
- Add support for:
- Debian 10
- EL 8
- Add Archlinux support (GH #38)
- Use : as separator on FreeBSD (fix #24) (GH #30)
- Do not manage comment when persist is false (fix #29) (GH #31)
- Fix puppet requirement to < 7.0.0
- Add support for Puppet 6
- Deprecate support for Puppet < 5
- Update supported OSes in metadata.json
- Added support for Puppet 5 and OEL
- Removed Travis tests for Puppet < 4.7 since that is the most common LTS release and Puppet 3 is well out of support
- Added OpenBSD and FreeBSD to the compatibility list
- Added a :persist option for enabling saving to the /etc/sysctl.conf file
- Added the capability to update either the live value or the disk value independently
- Now use prefetching to get the sysctl values
- Updated self.instances to obtain information about all sysctl values which
provides a more accurate representation of the system when using
puppet resource
- Updated all tests
- Added a :silent option for deliberately ignoring failures when applying the live sysctl setting.
- Added acceptance tests
- Improve Gemfile
- Do not version Gemfile.lock
- Add badges to README
- Munge values to strings
- Add specs for the sysctl type
- Convert specs to rspec3 syntax
- Fix metadata.json
- First release of split module.