Any push that passes the CICD pipeline results in an approval request.
- On-premise: Approval triggers deployment on a self-hosted machine.
- AWS-EC2: Approval triggers deployment on an EC2 instance.
Each instance has its own secrets.
Purpose: Create two distinct environments for testing.
Both environments were created using a custom Ansible script.
Environments are iso-prod, meaning identical configuration and capabilities, except for networking.
One job per environment for deployment
- deploy-ssh-staging
- deploy-ssh-production
For each deployment we do :
- Secret fetching from infisical
- SSH login to destination machine (with pub/priv keys)
- Creation of .env in the destination machine
- Run docker container in the target machine.
As said before, we use an ansible script that install every necessary utilities for our project. The creation of the EC2 instance on AWS also use a Terraform script.
You can find both of these script here :