diff --git a/modularnomicon.txt b/modularnomicon.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2118047..0000000
--- a/modularnomicon.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1523 +0,0 @@
-using Modular_Assemblies.Data.Scripts.AssemblyScripts.Definitions;
-using Sandbox.ModAPI;
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Text;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-using VRage.Game.Components;
-using VRage.Utils;
-namespace Modular_Assemblies.Data.Scripts.AssemblyScripts
- [MySessionComponentDescriptor(MyUpdateOrder.AfterSimulation)]
- public class Assemblies_SessionInit : MySessionComponentBase
- {
- public static Assemblies_SessionInit I;
- AssemblyPartManager AssemblyPartManager = new AssemblyPartManager();
- DefinitionHandler DefinitionHandler = new DefinitionHandler();
- public static bool DebugMode = false;
- public Random random = new Random();
- #region Base Methods
- public override void LoadData()
- {
- I = this;
- AssemblyPartManager.Init();
- DefinitionHandler.Init();
- //if (!MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer.MultiplayerActive)
- //{
- MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Modular Assemblies", $"Run !mwHelp for commands.");
- MyAPIGateway.Utilities.MessageEnteredSender += ChatCommandHandler;
- //}
- //else
- // MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Modular Assemblies", $"Commands disabled, load into a singleplayer world for testing. | {DefinitionHandler.I.ModularDefinitions.Count} definitions loaded.");
- }
- public override void UpdateAfterSimulation()
- {
- try
- {
- AssemblyPartManager.UpdateAfterSimulation();
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- MyLog.Default.WriteLineAndConsole("Handled exception in Modular Assemblies!\n" + e.ToString());
- }
- }
- protected override void UnloadData()
- {
- // None of this should run on client.
- MyLog.Default.WriteLineAndConsole("Modular Assemblies: AssemblyPartManager closing...");
- //if (!MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer.MultiplayerActive)
- //{
- MyAPIGateway.Utilities.MessageEnteredSender -= ChatCommandHandler;
- //}
- AssemblyPartManager.Unload();
- DefinitionHandler.Unload();
- I = null;
- MyLog.Default.WriteLineAndConsole("Modular Assemblies: Finished unloading.");
- }
- #endregion
- private void ChatCommandHandler(ulong sender, string messageText, ref bool sendToOthers)
- {
- if (!messageText.StartsWith("!"))
- return;
- string[] split = messageText.Split(' ');
- switch (split[0].ToLower())
- {
- case "!mwhelp":
- MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Modular Assemblies", "Commands:\n!mwHelp - Prints all commands\n!mwDebug - Toggles debug draw");
- sendToOthers = false;
- break;
- case "!mwdebug":
- DebugMode = !DebugMode;
- sendToOthers = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-using Sandbox.Common.ObjectBuilders;
-using Sandbox.Game;
-using Sandbox.Game.Entities.Cube;
-using Sandbox.ModAPI;
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Text;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-using Modular_Assemblies.Data.Scripts.AssemblyScripts.Definitions;
-using VRage.Game;
-using VRage.Game.Components;
-using VRage.Game.ModAPI;
-using VRage.ModAPI;
-using VRage.ObjectBuilders;
-namespace Modular_Assemblies.Data.Scripts.AssemblyScripts
- ///
- /// Attached to every part in a AssemblyDefinition.
- ///
- public class AssemblyPart
- {
- public IMySlimBlock Block;
- public bool IsBaseBlock = false;
- public PhysicalAssembly MemberAssembly
- {
- get
- {
- return _memberAssembly;
- }
- set
- {
- if (value != _memberAssembly)
- {
- if (!_memberAssembly?.IsClosing ?? false)
- _memberAssembly.RemovePart(this);
- _memberAssembly = value;
- }
- }
- }
- private PhysicalAssembly _memberAssembly = null;
- public HashSet ConnectedParts = new HashSet();
- public ModularDefinition AssemblyDefinition;
- public int PrevAssemblyId = -1;
- public AssemblyPart(IMySlimBlock block, ModularDefinition AssemblyDefinition)
- {
- this.Block = block;
- this.AssemblyDefinition = AssemblyDefinition;
- IsBaseBlock = AssemblyDefinition.BaseBlockSubtype == Block.BlockDefinition.Id.SubtypeName;
- if (AssemblyPartManager.I.AllAssemblyParts.ContainsKey(block))
- return;
- AssemblyPartManager.I.AllAssemblyParts.Add(block, this);
- AssemblyPartManager.I.QueueConnectionCheck(this);
- }
- public void DoConnectionCheck(bool cascadingUpdate = false, HashSet visited = null)
- {
- if (visited == null)
- visited = new HashSet();
- if (visited.Contains(this))
- return;
- visited.Add(this);
- ConnectedParts = GetValidNeighborParts();
- // If no neighbors AND (is base block OR base block not defined), create assembly.
- if (ConnectedParts.Count == 0 && (AssemblyDefinition.BaseBlockSubtype == null || IsBaseBlock))
- {
- _memberAssembly = new PhysicalAssembly(AssemblyPartManager.I.CreatedPhysicalAssemblies, this, AssemblyDefinition);
- // Trigger cascading update
- if (IsBaseBlock || cascadingUpdate)
- {
- MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowNotification("" + GetValidNeighborParts().Count);
- foreach (var neighbor in GetValidNeighborParts())
- if (neighbor.MemberAssembly == null)
- neighbor.DoConnectionCheck(true);
- }
- return;
- }
- HashSet assemblies = new HashSet();
- foreach (var neighbor in ConnectedParts)
- {
- if (neighbor.MemberAssembly != null)
- {
- assemblies.Add(neighbor.MemberAssembly);
- }
- neighbor.ConnectedParts = neighbor.GetValidNeighborParts();
- }
- // Double-checking for null assemblies
- if (assemblies.Count == 0 && (AssemblyDefinition.BaseBlockSubtype == null || IsBaseBlock))
- {
- _memberAssembly = new PhysicalAssembly(AssemblyPartManager.I.CreatedPhysicalAssemblies, this, AssemblyDefinition);
- // Trigger cascading update
- if (IsBaseBlock || cascadingUpdate)
- {
- MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowNotification("" + GetValidNeighborParts().Count);
- foreach (var neighbor in GetValidNeighborParts())
- if (neighbor.MemberAssembly == null)
- neighbor.DoConnectionCheck(true);
- }
- return;
- }
- PhysicalAssembly largestAssembly = MemberAssembly;
- foreach (var assembly in assemblies)
- {
- if (assembly.ComponentParts.Count > (largestAssembly?.ComponentParts.Count ?? -1))
- {
- largestAssembly?.MergeWith(assembly);
- largestAssembly = assembly;
- }
- else
- {
- assembly.MergeWith(largestAssembly);
- }
- }
- largestAssembly?.AddPart(this);
- // Trigger cascading update
- if (IsBaseBlock || cascadingUpdate)
- {
- //debug notification begone
- //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowNotification("" + GetValidNeighborParts().Count);
- foreach (var neighbor in GetValidNeighborParts())
- {
- if (neighbor.MemberAssembly == null)
- neighbor.DoConnectionCheck(true, visited);
- }
- }
- }
- public void PartRemoved()
- {
- MemberAssembly?.RemovePart(this);
- foreach (var neighbor in ConnectedParts)
- neighbor.ConnectedParts.Remove(this);
- DefinitionHandler.I.SendOnPartRemove(AssemblyDefinition.Name, MemberAssembly?.AssemblyId ?? -1, Block.FatBlock.EntityId, IsBaseBlock);
- if (Block.Integrity <= 0)
- DefinitionHandler.I.SendOnPartDestroy(AssemblyDefinition.Name, MemberAssembly?.AssemblyId ?? -1, Block.FatBlock.EntityId, IsBaseBlock);
- }
- ///
- /// Returns attached (as per AssemblyPart) neighbor blocks.
- ///
- ///
- public List GetValidNeighbors(bool MustShareAssembly = false)
- {
- List neighbors = new List();
- Block.GetNeighbours(neighbors);
- neighbors.RemoveAll(nBlock => !AssemblyDefinition.DoesBlockConnect(Block, nBlock, true));
- if (MustShareAssembly)
- neighbors.RemoveAll(nBlock =>
- {
- AssemblyPart part;
- if (!AssemblyPartManager.I.AllAssemblyParts.TryGetValue(nBlock, out part))
- return true;
- return part.MemberAssembly != this.MemberAssembly;
- });
- return neighbors;
- }
- ///
- /// Returns attached (as per AssemblyPart) neighbor blocks's parts.
- ///
- ///
- public HashSet GetValidNeighborParts(bool MustShareAssembly = false)
- {
- List validNeighbors = new List();
- foreach (var nBlock in GetValidNeighbors())
- {
- AssemblyPart nBlockPart;
- if (!AssemblyPartManager.I.AllAssemblyParts.TryGetValue(nBlock, out nBlockPart))
- continue;
- if (!MustShareAssembly || nBlockPart.MemberAssembly == MemberAssembly)
- validNeighbors.Add(nBlockPart);
- }
- return validNeighbors.ToHashSet();
- }
- public void GetAllConnectedParts(ref HashSet connectedParts)
- {
- // If a block has already been added, return.
- if (!connectedParts.Add(this))
- return;
- foreach (var part in ConnectedParts)
- {
- part.GetAllConnectedParts(ref connectedParts);
- }
- }
- }
-}using Modular_Assemblies.Data.Scripts.AssemblyScripts.Definitions;
-using Sandbox.ModAPI;
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
-using VRage.Game.Components;
-using VRage.Game.ModAPI;
-using VRage.ModAPI;
-using VRage.Utils;
-namespace Modular_Assemblies.Data.Scripts.AssemblyScripts
- ///
- /// Creates and manages all AssemblyParts and PhysicalAssemblies.
- ///
- public class AssemblyPartManager
- {
- public static AssemblyPartManager I;
- ///
- /// Every single AssemblyPart in the world.
- ///
- public Dictionary AllAssemblyParts = new Dictionary();
- ///
- /// Every single PhysicalAssembly in the world.
- ///
- public Dictionary AllPhysicalAssemblies = new Dictionary();
- public int CreatedPhysicalAssemblies = 0;
- private HashSet QueuedBlockAdds = new HashSet();
- private HashSet QueuedConnectionChecks = new HashSet();
- private Dictionary QueuedAssemblyChecks = new Dictionary();
- public Action OnAssemblyClose;
- public void QueueBlockAdd(IMySlimBlock block) => QueuedBlockAdds.Add(block);
- public void QueueConnectionCheck(AssemblyPart part)
- {
- QueuedConnectionChecks.Add(part);
- }
- public void QueueAssemblyCheck(AssemblyPart part, PhysicalAssembly assembly)
- {
- if (!QueuedAssemblyChecks.ContainsKey(part))
- QueuedAssemblyChecks.Add(part, assembly);
- }
- public void Init()
- {
- MyLog.Default.WriteLineAndConsole("Modular Assemblies: AssemblyPartManager loading...");
- I = this;
- // None of this should run on client.
- //if (!MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer.IsServer)
- // return;
- MyAPIGateway.Entities.OnEntityAdd += OnGridAdd;
- MyAPIGateway.Entities.OnEntityRemove += OnGridRemove;
- }
- public void Unload()
- {
- I = null; // important for avoiding this object to remain allocated in memory
- AllAssemblyParts.Clear();
- AllPhysicalAssemblies.Clear();
- OnAssemblyClose = null;
- // None of this should run on client.
- //if (!MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer.IsServer)
- // return;
- MyLog.Default.WriteLineAndConsole("Modular Assemblies: AssemblyPartManager closing...");
- MyAPIGateway.Entities.OnEntityAdd -= OnGridAdd;
- MyAPIGateway.Entities.OnEntityRemove -= OnGridRemove;
- }
- public void UpdateAfterSimulation()
- {
- // Queue gridadds to account for world load/grid pasting
- ProcessQueuedBlockAdds();
- // Queue partadds to account for world load/grid pasting
- ProcessQueuedConnectionChecks();
- ProcessQueuedAssemblyChecks();
- foreach (var assembly in AllPhysicalAssemblies.Values)
- {
- assembly.Update();
- }
- if (Assemblies_SessionInit.DebugMode)
- {
- MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowNotification($"Assemblies: {AllPhysicalAssemblies.Count} | Parts: {AllAssemblyParts.Count}", 1000 / 60);
- MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowNotification($"Definitions: {DefinitionHandler.I.ModularDefinitions.Count}", 1000 / 60);
- }
- }
- private void ProcessQueuedBlockAdds()
- {
- lock (QueuedBlockAdds)
- {
- foreach (var queuedBlock in QueuedBlockAdds)
- {
- OnBlockAdd(queuedBlock);
- }
- QueuedBlockAdds.Clear();
- }
- }
- private void ProcessQueuedConnectionChecks()
- {
- HashSet queuedParts;
- lock (QueuedConnectionChecks)
- {
- queuedParts = new HashSet(QueuedConnectionChecks);
- QueuedConnectionChecks.Clear();
- }
- foreach (var queuedPart in queuedParts)
- {
- queuedPart.DoConnectionCheck();
- }
- }
- private void ProcessQueuedAssemblyChecks()
- {
- Dictionary queuedAssemblies;
- lock (QueuedAssemblyChecks)
- {
- queuedAssemblies = new Dictionary(QueuedAssemblyChecks);
- QueuedAssemblyChecks.Clear();
- }
- foreach (var queuedAssembly in queuedAssemblies)
- {
- queuedAssembly.Key.DoConnectionCheck();
- }
- }
- private void OnGridAdd(IMyEntity entity)
- {
- if (!(entity is IMyCubeGrid))
- return;
- IMyCubeGrid grid = (IMyCubeGrid) entity;
- // Exclude projected and held grids
- if (grid.Physics == null)
- return;
- grid.OnBlockAdded += OnBlockAdd;
- grid.OnBlockRemoved += OnBlockRemove;
- List existingBlocks = new List();
- grid.GetBlocks(existingBlocks);
- foreach (var block in existingBlocks)
- QueuedBlockAdds.Add(block);
- }
- private void OnBlockAdd(IMySlimBlock block)
- {
- if (block == null)
- return;
- try
- {
- foreach (var modularDefinition in DefinitionHandler.I.ModularDefinitions)
- {
- if (!modularDefinition.IsBlockAllowed(block))
- return;
- AssemblyPart w = new AssemblyPart(block, modularDefinition);
- // No further init work is needed.
- // Not returning because a part can have multiple assemblies.
- }
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- MyLog.Default.WriteLineAndConsole("Handled exception in Modular Assemblies.AssemblyPartManager.OnBlockAdd()!\n" + e.ToString());
- }
- }
- private void OnGridRemove(IMyEntity entity)
- {
- if (!(entity is IMyCubeGrid))
- return;
- IMyCubeGrid grid = (IMyCubeGrid)entity;
- // Exclude projected and held grids
- if (grid.Physics == null)
- return;
- grid.OnBlockAdded -= OnBlockAdd;
- grid.OnBlockRemoved -= OnBlockRemove;
- List toRemove = new List();
- HashSet toRemoveAssemblies = new HashSet();
- foreach (var partKvp in AllAssemblyParts)
- {
- if (partKvp.Key.CubeGrid == grid)
- {
- toRemove.Add(partKvp.Value);
- if (partKvp.Value.MemberAssembly != null)
- toRemoveAssemblies.Add(partKvp.Value.MemberAssembly);
- }
- }
- foreach (var deadAssembly in toRemoveAssemblies)
- deadAssembly.Close();
- foreach (var deadPart in toRemove)
- AllAssemblyParts.Remove(deadPart.Block);
- }
- private void OnBlockRemove(IMySlimBlock block)
- {
- if (block == null)
- return;
- AssemblyPart part;
- if (AllAssemblyParts.TryGetValue(block, out part))
- {
- part.PartRemoved();
- AllAssemblyParts.Remove(block);
- }
- }
- }
-using Modular_Assemblies.Data.Scripts.AssemblyScripts.DebugDraw;
-using Sandbox.Definitions;
-using Sandbox.ModAPI;
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using VRage.Game.ModAPI;
-using VRage.Utils;
-using VRageMath;
-using static Modular_Assemblies.Data.Scripts.AssemblyScripts.Definitions.DefinitionDefs;
-namespace Modular_Assemblies.Data.Scripts.AssemblyScripts
- public class ModularDefinition
- {
- public string[] AllowedBlocks = null;
- public Dictionary> AllowedConnections = null;
- public string BaseBlockSubtype = null;
- public string Name = null;
- public static ModularDefinition Load(PhysicalDefinition definition)
- {
- ModularDefinition def = new ModularDefinition()
- {
- AllowedBlocks = definition.AllowedBlocks,
- AllowedConnections = definition.AllowedConnections,
- BaseBlockSubtype = definition.BaseBlock,
- Name = definition.Name,
- };
- if (def.AllowedBlocks == null || def.AllowedConnections == null || def.Name == null)
- {
- MyLog.Default.WriteLineAndConsole("Modular Assemblies: Failed to create new ModularDefinition for " + definition.Name);
- MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("Modular Assemblies", "Failed to create new ModularDefinition for " + definition.Name);
- return null;
- }
- MyLog.Default.WriteLineAndConsole("Modular Assemblies: Created new ModularDefinition for " + definition.Name);
- return def;
- }
- public bool DoesBlockConnect(IMySlimBlock block, IMySlimBlock adajent, bool lineCheck = true)
- {
- // Check if adjacent block connects first, but don't make an infinite loop
- if (lineCheck)
- if (!DoesBlockConnect(adajent, block, false))
- return false;
- // Get local offset for below
- Matrix localOrientation;
- block.Orientation.GetMatrix(out localOrientation);
- Dictionary connection;
- if (AllowedConnections.TryGetValue(block.BlockDefinition.Id.SubtypeName, out connection))
- {
- foreach (var allowedPosKvp in connection)
- {
- Vector3I offsetAllowedPos = (Vector3I)Vector3D.Rotate(allowedPosKvp.Key, localOrientation) + block.Position;
- // If list is empty OR block is not in whitelist, continue.
- if (allowedPosKvp.Value?.Length == 0 || !(allowedPosKvp.Value?.Contains(adajent.BlockDefinition.Id.SubtypeName) ?? true))
- {
- if (Assemblies_SessionInit.DebugMode)
- DebugDrawManager.AddGridPoint(offsetAllowedPos, block.CubeGrid, Color.Red, 3);
- continue;
- }
- if (offsetAllowedPos.IsInsideInclusiveEnd(adajent.Min, adajent.Max))
- {
- if (Assemblies_SessionInit.DebugMode)
- DebugDrawManager.AddGridPoint(offsetAllowedPos, block.CubeGrid, Color.Green, 3);
- return true;
- }
- if (Assemblies_SessionInit.DebugMode)
- DebugDrawManager.AddGridPoint(offsetAllowedPos, block.CubeGrid, Color.Red, 3);
- }
- return false;
- }
- // Return true by default.
- return true;
- }
- public bool IsTypeAllowed(string type)
- {
- foreach (string id in AllowedBlocks)
- if (type == id)
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- public bool IsBlockAllowed(IMySlimBlock block)
- {
- return IsTypeAllowed(block.BlockDefinition.Id.SubtypeName);
- }
- }
-using Modular_Assemblies.Data.Scripts.AssemblyScripts.DebugDraw;
-using Modular_Assemblies.Data.Scripts.AssemblyScripts.Definitions;
-using Sandbox.ModAPI;
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Reflection;
-using VRage.Game.ModAPI;
-using VRageMath;
-namespace Modular_Assemblies.Data.Scripts.AssemblyScripts
- ///
- /// The collection of AssemblyParts attached to a modular assembly base.
- ///
- public class PhysicalAssembly
- {
- public AssemblyPart BasePart = null;
- public List ComponentParts = new List();
- public ModularDefinition AssemblyDefinition;
- public int AssemblyId = -1;
- public bool IsClosing = false;
- private Color color;
- public void Update()
- {
- if (Assemblies_SessionInit.DebugMode)
- {
- foreach (var part in ComponentParts)
- {
- DebugDrawManager.AddGridPoint(part.Block.Position, part.Block.CubeGrid, color, 0f);
- foreach (var conPart in part.ConnectedParts)
- DebugDrawManager.AddLine(DebugDrawManager.GridToGlobal(part.Block.Position, part.Block.CubeGrid), DebugDrawManager.GridToGlobal(conPart.Block.Position, part.Block.CubeGrid), color, 0f);
- }
- //DebugDrawManager.AddGPS($"ASM {AssemblyId} Parts: {ComponentParts.Count}", ComponentParts[0].Block.FatBlock.GetPosition(), 1/60f);
- }
- }
- public PhysicalAssembly(int id, AssemblyPart basePart, ModularDefinition AssemblyDefinition)
- {
- if (AssemblyDefinition.BaseBlockSubtype != null)
- BasePart = basePart;
- this.AssemblyDefinition = AssemblyDefinition;
- this.AssemblyId = id;
- AssemblyPartManager.I.CreatedPhysicalAssemblies++;
- if (AssemblyPartManager.I.AllPhysicalAssemblies.ContainsKey(id))
- throw new Exception("Duplicate assembly ID!");
- AssemblyPartManager.I.AllPhysicalAssemblies.Add(id, this);
- color = new Color(Assemblies_SessionInit.I.random.Next(255), Assemblies_SessionInit.I.random.Next(255), Assemblies_SessionInit.I.random.Next(255));
- AddPart(basePart);
- AssemblyPartManager.I.QueueAssemblyCheck(basePart, this);
- }
- public void AddPart(AssemblyPart part)
- {
- if (ComponentParts.Contains(part) || part.Block == null)
- return;
- ComponentParts.Add(part);
- part.MemberAssembly = this;
- if (part.PrevAssemblyId != AssemblyId)
- DefinitionHandler.I.SendOnPartAdd(AssemblyDefinition.Name, AssemblyId, part.Block.FatBlock.EntityId, /*part == basePart*/ ComponentParts.Count == 1);
- part.PrevAssemblyId = AssemblyId;
- }
- public void RemovePart(AssemblyPart part)
- {
- if (!ComponentParts.Remove(part))
- return;
- HashSet neighbors = part.ConnectedParts;
- foreach (var neighbor in neighbors)
- {
- neighbor.ConnectedParts = neighbor.GetValidNeighborParts();
- }
- if (ComponentParts.Count == 0 || part == BasePart)
- {
- Close();
- return;
- }
- if (neighbors.Count == 1)
- return;
- List> partLoops = new List>();
- foreach (var neighbor in neighbors)
- {
- HashSet connectedParts = new HashSet();
- neighbor.GetAllConnectedParts(ref connectedParts);
- partLoops.Add(connectedParts);
- }
- if (partLoops.Count <= 1)
- return;
- // Split apart, keeping this assembly as the largest loop.
- HashSet largestLoop = partLoops[0];
- foreach (var loop in partLoops)
- {
- if (loop.Count > largestLoop.Count)
- largestLoop = loop;
- }
- foreach (var componentPart in ComponentParts.ToArray())
- {
- if (!largestLoop.Contains(componentPart))
- {
- ComponentParts.Remove(componentPart);
- componentPart.MemberAssembly = null;
- componentPart.ConnectedParts.Clear();
- AssemblyPartManager.I.QueueConnectionCheck(componentPart);
- }
- }
- }
- public void Close()
- {
- IsClosing = true;
- AssemblyPartManager.I.OnAssemblyClose?.Invoke(AssemblyId);
- if (ComponentParts != null)
- {
- foreach (var part in ComponentParts)
- {
- //nullcheck for good luck :^)
- if (part?.MemberAssembly != this)
- continue;
- part.MemberAssembly = null;
- part.ConnectedParts.Clear();
- }
- }
- ComponentParts = null;
- //basePart = null;
- AssemblyPartManager.I.AllPhysicalAssemblies.Remove(AssemblyId);
- }
- public void MergeWith(PhysicalAssembly assembly)
- {
- if (assembly == null || assembly == this)
- return;
- foreach (var part in ComponentParts.ToArray())
- {
- assembly.AddPart(part);
- }
- Close();
- }
- }
-using Sandbox.ModAPI;
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
-using VRage;
-using VRage.Game;
-using VRage.Game.Components;
-using VRage.Game.ModAPI;
-using VRage.Utils;
-using VRageMath;
-using static VRageRender.MyBillboard;
-namespace Modular_Assemblies.Data.Scripts.AssemblyScripts.DebugDraw
- [MySessionComponentDescriptor(MyUpdateOrder.BeforeSimulation)]
- public class DebugDrawManager : MySessionComponentBase
- {
- // i'm gonna kiss digi on the
- private static DebugDrawManager Instance;
- protected static readonly MyStringId MaterialDot = MyStringId.GetOrCompute("WhiteDot");
- protected static readonly MyStringId MaterialSquare = MyStringId.GetOrCompute("Square");
- private Dictionary> QueuedPoints = new Dictionary>();
- private Dictionary QueuedGps = new Dictionary();
- private Dictionary> QueuedGridPoints = new Dictionary>();
- private Dictionary, MyTuple> QueuedLinePoints = new Dictionary, MyTuple>();
- public override void LoadData()
- {
- Instance = this;
- }
- protected override void UnloadData()
- {
- Instance = null;
- }
- public static void AddPoint(Vector3D globalPos, Color color, float duration)
- {
- if (Instance == null)
- return;
- if (Instance.QueuedPoints.ContainsKey(globalPos))
- Instance.QueuedPoints[globalPos] = new MyTuple(DateTime.Now.Ticks + (long)(duration * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond), color);
- else
- Instance.QueuedPoints.Add(globalPos, new MyTuple(DateTime.Now.Ticks + (long)(duration * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond), color));
- }
- public static void AddGPS(string name, Vector3D position, float duration)
- {
- IMyGps gps = MyAPIGateway.Session.GPS.Create(name, string.Empty, position, showOnHud: true, temporary: true);
- //gps.DiscardAt = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(duration);
- //MyAPIGateway.Session.GPS.AddLocalGps(gps);
- Instance.QueuedGps.Add(gps, DateTime.Now.Ticks + (long)(duration * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond));
- }
- public static void AddGridGPS(string name, Vector3I gridPosition, IMyCubeGrid grid, float duration)
- {
- AddGPS(name, GridToGlobal(gridPosition, grid), duration);
- }
- public static void AddGridPoint(Vector3I blockPos, IMyCubeGrid grid, Color color, float duration)
- {
- if (Instance == null)
- return;
- if (Instance.QueuedGridPoints.ContainsKey(blockPos))
- Instance.QueuedGridPoints[blockPos] = new MyTuple(DateTime.Now.Ticks + (long)(duration * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond), color, grid);
- else
- Instance.QueuedGridPoints.Add(blockPos, new MyTuple(DateTime.Now.Ticks + (long)(duration * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond), color, grid));
- }
- public static void AddLine(Vector3D origin, Vector3D destination, Color color, float duration)
- {
- if (Instance == null)
- return;
- MyTuple key = new MyTuple(origin, destination);
- if (Instance.QueuedLinePoints.ContainsKey(key))
- Instance.QueuedLinePoints[key] = new MyTuple(DateTime.Now.Ticks + (long)(duration * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond), color);
- else
- Instance.QueuedLinePoints.Add(key, new MyTuple(DateTime.Now.Ticks + (long)(duration * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond), color));
- }
- public override void Draw()
- {
- base.Draw();
- foreach (var key in QueuedPoints.Keys.ToList())
- {
- DrawPoint0(key, QueuedPoints[key].Item2);
- if (DateTime.Now.Ticks > QueuedPoints[key].Item1)
- QueuedPoints.Remove(key);
- }
- foreach (var key in QueuedGps.Keys.ToList())
- {
- if (DateTime.Now.Ticks > QueuedGps[key])
- {
- MyAPIGateway.Session.GPS.RemoveLocalGps(key);
- QueuedGps.Remove(key);
- }
- }
- foreach (var key in QueuedGridPoints.Keys.ToList())
- {
- DrawGridPoint0(key, QueuedGridPoints[key].Item3, QueuedGridPoints[key].Item2);
- if (DateTime.Now.Ticks > QueuedGridPoints[key].Item1)
- QueuedGridPoints.Remove(key);
- }
- foreach (var key in QueuedLinePoints.Keys.ToList())
- {
- DrawLine0(key.Item1, key.Item2, QueuedLinePoints[key].Item2);
- if (DateTime.Now.Ticks > QueuedLinePoints[key].Item1)
- QueuedLinePoints.Remove(key);
- }
- }
- private void DrawPoint0(Vector3D globalPos, Color color)
- {
- //MyTransparentGeometry.AddPointBillboard(MaterialDot, color, globalPos, 1.25f, 0, blendType: BlendTypeEnum.PostPP);
- float depthScale = ToAlwaysOnTop(ref globalPos);
- MyTransparentGeometry.AddPointBillboard(MaterialDot, color * OnTopColorMul, globalPos, 0.5f * depthScale, 0, blendType: BlendTypeEnum.PostPP);
- }
- private void DrawGridPoint0(Vector3I blockPos, IMyCubeGrid grid, Color color)
- {
- DrawPoint0(GridToGlobal(blockPos, grid), color);
- }
- private void DrawLine0(Vector3D origin, Vector3D destination, Color color)
- {
- float length = (float)(destination - origin).Length();
- Vector3D direction = (destination - origin) / length;
- MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(MaterialSquare, color, origin, direction, length, 0.5f, blendType: BlendTypeEnum.PostPP);
- float depthScale = ToAlwaysOnTop(ref origin);
- direction *= depthScale;
- MyTransparentGeometry.AddLineBillboard(MaterialSquare, color * OnTopColorMul, origin, direction, length, 0.5f * depthScale, blendType: BlendTypeEnum.PostPP);
- }
- public static Vector3D GridToGlobal(Vector3I position, IMyCubeGrid grid)
- {
- return Vector3D.Rotate(((Vector3D)position) * 2.5f, grid.WorldMatrix) + grid.GetPosition();
- }
- protected const float OnTopColorMul = 0.5f;
- const float DepthRatioF = 0.01f;
- protected static float ToAlwaysOnTop(ref Vector3D position)
- {
- MatrixD camMatrix = MyAPIGateway.Session.Camera.WorldMatrix;
- position = camMatrix.Translation + ((position - camMatrix.Translation) * DepthRatioF);
- return DepthRatioF;
- }
- }
-using Sandbox.ModAPI;
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
-using VRage.Game.Entity;
-using VRage.Game.ModAPI;
-using VRage.ModAPI;
-using VRage.Utils;
-namespace Modular_Assemblies.Data.Scripts.AssemblyScripts.Definitions
- internal class ApiDefinitions
- {
- internal readonly Dictionary ModApiMethods;
- internal ApiDefinitions()
- {
- ModApiMethods = new Dictionary()
- {
- ["GetAllParts"] = new Func(GetAllParts),
- ["GetAllAssemblies"] = new Func(GetAllAssemblies),
- ["GetMemberParts"] = new Func(GetMemberParts),
- ["GetConnectedBlocks"] = new Func(GetConnectedBlocks),
- ["GetBasePart"] = new Func(GetBasePart),
- ["IsDebug"] = new Func(IsDebug),
- ["GetContainingAssembly"] = new Func(GetContainingAssembly),
- ["GetAssemblyGrid"] = new Func(GetAssemblyGrid),
- ["AddOnAssemblyClose"] = new Action>(AddOnAssemblyClose),
- ["RemoveOnAssemblyClose"] = new Action>(RemoveOnAssemblyClose),
- };
- }
- private bool IsDebug()
- {
- return Assemblies_SessionInit.DebugMode;
- }
- private MyEntity[] GetAllParts()
- {
- List parts = new List();
- foreach (var block in AssemblyPartManager.I.AllAssemblyParts.Keys)
- if (block.FatBlock != null)
- parts.Add((MyEntity)block.FatBlock);
- return parts.ToArray();
- }
- private int[] GetAllAssemblies()
- {
- return AssemblyPartManager.I.AllPhysicalAssemblies.Keys.ToArray();
- }
- private MyEntity[] GetMemberParts(int assemblyId)
- {
- PhysicalAssembly wep;
- if (!AssemblyPartManager.I.AllPhysicalAssemblies.TryGetValue(assemblyId, out wep))
- return Array.Empty();
- List parts = new List();
- foreach (var part in wep.ComponentParts)
- if (part.Block.FatBlock != null)
- parts.Add((MyEntity)part.Block.FatBlock);
- return parts.ToArray();
- }
- private MyEntity[] GetConnectedBlocks(MyEntity blockEntity, bool useCached)
- {
- var block = blockEntity as IMyCubeBlock;
- if (block == null)
- return Array.Empty();
- AssemblyPart wep;
- if (!AssemblyPartManager.I.AllAssemblyParts.TryGetValue(block.SlimBlock, out wep) || wep.ConnectedParts == null)
- return Array.Empty();
- List parts = new List();
- if (useCached)
- {
- foreach (var part in wep.ConnectedParts)
- if (part.Block.FatBlock != null)
- parts.Add((MyEntity)part.Block.FatBlock);
- }
- else
- {
- foreach (var part in wep.GetValidNeighbors(true))
- if (part.FatBlock != null)
- parts.Add((MyEntity)part.FatBlock);
- }
- return parts.ToArray();
- }
- private MyEntity GetBasePart(int assemblyId)
- {
- PhysicalAssembly wep;
- if (!AssemblyPartManager.I.AllPhysicalAssemblies.TryGetValue(assemblyId, out wep))
- return null;
- return null; //wep.basePart?.block?.FatBlock as MyEntity;
- }
- private int GetContainingAssembly(MyEntity blockEntity)
- {
- IMySlimBlock block = blockEntity as IMySlimBlock;
- foreach (var partKvp in AssemblyPartManager.I.AllAssemblyParts)
- {
- if (partKvp.Value != block)
- continue;
- return partKvp.Value.MemberAssembly.AssemblyId;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- private IMyCubeGrid GetAssemblyGrid(int assemblyId)
- {
- PhysicalAssembly wep;
- if (!AssemblyPartManager.I.AllPhysicalAssemblies.TryGetValue(assemblyId, out wep))
- return null;
- return wep.ComponentParts[0].Block.CubeGrid;
- }
- private void AddOnAssemblyClose(Action action)
- {
- AssemblyPartManager.I.OnAssemblyClose += action;
- }
- private void RemoveOnAssemblyClose(Action action)
- {
- AssemblyPartManager.I.OnAssemblyClose -= action;
- }
- }
-using Sandbox.ModAPI;
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Text;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-using VRage.Game.Components;
-using VRage.Utils;
-namespace Modular_Assemblies.Data.Scripts.AssemblyScripts.Definitions
- [MySessionComponentDescriptor(MyUpdateOrder.NoUpdate, Priority = 0)]
- internal class ApiHandler : MySessionComponentBase
- {
- private const long Channel = 8774;
- private Dictionary _apiDefinitions = new ApiDefinitions().ModApiMethods;
- ///
- /// Is the API ready?
- ///
- public bool IsReady { get; private set; }
- private void HandleMessage(object o)
- {
- if ((o as string) == "ApiEndpointRequest")
- {
- MyAPIGateway.Utilities.SendModMessage(Channel, _apiDefinitions);
- MyLog.Default.WriteLineAndConsole("ModularAssemblies: ModularDefinitionsAPI start load.");
- }
- else
- MyLog.Default.WriteLineAndConsole($"ModularAssemblies: ModularDefinitionsAPI ignored message {o as string}.");
- }
- ///
- /// Registers for API requests and updates any pre-existing clients.
- ///
- public override void LoadData()
- {
- // Should not run on clients.
- //if (!MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer.IsServer)
- // return;
- MyAPIGateway.Utilities.RegisterMessageHandler(Channel, HandleMessage);
- IsReady = true;
- try
- {
- MyAPIGateway.Utilities.SendModMessage(Channel, _apiDefinitions);
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- MyLog.Default.WriteLineAndConsole($"Exception in Api Load: {ex}");
- }
- MyLog.Default.WriteLineAndConsole("ModularAssemblies: ModularDefinitionsAPI inited.");
- }
- ///
- /// Unloads all API endpoints and detaches events.
- ///
- protected override void UnloadData()
- {
- MyAPIGateway.Utilities.UnregisterMessageHandler(Channel, HandleMessage);
- IsReady = false;
- MyAPIGateway.Utilities.SendModMessage(Channel, new Dictionary());
- MyLog.Default.WriteLineAndConsole("ModularAssemblies: ModularDefinitionsAPI unloaded.");
- }
- }
-using ProtoBuf;
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using VRageMath;
-namespace Modular_Assemblies.Data.Scripts.AssemblyScripts.Definitions
- public class DefinitionDefs
- {
- [ProtoContract]
- public class DefinitionContainer
- {
- [ProtoMember(1)] internal PhysicalDefinition[] PhysicalDefs;
- }
- [ProtoContract]
- public class PhysicalDefinition
- {
- [ProtoMember(1)] public string Name { get; set; }
- [ProtoMember(2)] public string[] AllowedBlocks { get; set; }
- [ProtoMember(3)] public Dictionary> AllowedConnections { get; set; }
- [ProtoMember(4)] public string BaseBlock { get; set; }
- }
- [ProtoContract]
- public class FunctionCall
- {
- [ProtoMember(1)] public string DefinitionName { get; set; }
- [ProtoMember(2)] public int PhysicalAssemblyId { get; set; }
- [ProtoMember(3)] public ActionType ActionId { get; set; }
- [ProtoMember(4)] public SerializedObjectArray Values { get; set; }
- public enum ActionType
- {
- OnPartAdd,
- OnPartRemove,
- OnPartDestroy,
- GetAllParts,
- GetAllAssemblies,
- GetMemberParts,
- GetConnectedBlocks,
- }
- }
- [ProtoContract]
- public class SerializedObjectArray
- {
- public SerializedObjectArray() { }
- public SerializedObjectArray(params object[] array)
- {
- List intValuesL = new List();
- List stringValuesL = new List();
- List longValuesL = new List();
- List ulongValuesL = new List();
- List vectorValuesL = new List();
- List floatValuesL = new List();
- List boolValuesL = new List();
- List doubleValuesL = new List();
- foreach (var value in array)
- {
- Type type = value.GetType();
- if (type == typeof(int))
- intValuesL.Add((int)value);
- else if (type == typeof(string))
- stringValuesL.Add((string)value);
- else if (type == typeof(long))
- longValuesL.Add((long)value);
- else if (type == typeof(ulong))
- ulongValuesL.Add((ulong)value);
- else if (type == typeof(Vector3D))
- vectorValuesL.Add((Vector3D)value);
- else if (type == typeof(float))
- floatValuesL.Add((float)value);
- else if (type == typeof(bool))
- boolValuesL.Add((bool)value);
- else if (type == typeof(double))
- doubleValuesL.Add((double)value);
- }
- intValues = intValuesL.ToArray();
- stringValues = stringValuesL.ToArray();
- longValues = longValuesL.ToArray();
- ulongValues = ulongValuesL.ToArray();
- vectorValues = vectorValuesL.ToArray();
- floatValues = floatValuesL.ToArray();
- boolValues = boolValuesL.ToArray();
- doubleValues = doubleValuesL.ToArray();
- //MyLog.Default.WriteLineAndConsole($"ModularDefinitions.DefinitionDefs: {array.Length} values packaged.");
- }
- [ProtoMember(1)] internal int[] intValues = new int[0];
- [ProtoMember(2)] internal string[] stringValues = new string[0];
- [ProtoMember(3)] internal long[] longValues = new long[0];
- [ProtoMember(4)] internal ulong[] ulongValues = new ulong[0];
- [ProtoMember(5)] internal Vector3D[] vectorValues = new Vector3D[0];
- [ProtoMember(6)] internal float[] floatValues = new float[0];
- [ProtoMember(7)] internal bool[] boolValues = new bool[0];
- [ProtoMember(8)] internal double[] doubleValues = new double[0];
- public object[] Values()
- {
- List