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Han Su Kim edited this page May 9, 2014 · 100 revisions


This repo holds the scripts used to set up and operate the edX platform.

  • Ansible -- takes raw compute resources and configures them so they can run edX services.
  • CloudFormation -- provision and set up the set of services you need to host the edX stack with Amazon Web Services. A lot of the Amazon alphabet soup is brought to the party:
    • Servers (EC2)
    • Network access control, NAT, and policy (VPC)
    • Primary Student Database in MySQL (RDS)
    • Load Balancers (ELB)
    • Memcache (ElastiCache)

Please see our Ansible coding conventions before contributing to this repo.


For the production stack configurations see edX-Managing-the-Production-Stack for how to manage and update the server once it is running

Where to get more info

  • The Mailing list openedx-ops on googlegroups.
  • The IRC is '#edx-code' on freenode.

Other links