- fork this repository
- As we are going to start with basics of arduino programming so you have to create one file i.e. yourname.ino file and update the table provided in this readme.md file
- update the below table according to your repository
for example:-
Name | Task | Task status |
Ashish kumar panda | Arduino programming | not started |
swastik khuntia | Arduino programming | completed |
- you just have to create one row in your .md file.
- go through the following tutorial for arduino programming :- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPK2l9Knytg5s2dk8V09thBmNl2g5pRSr
- create a table in markdown:-https://www.markdownguide.org/cheat-sheet/
- submit a pull proper pull-request before your doubt clearing session
The date of the session will be notified in the spectrum-hardware-wing group you have to complete the task before that and make a pr.
The first thing is to fork this repo and update the table as explained the task will be some programming question which you have to write in arduino so download the arduino software
- arduino download link:-https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software