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Merge pull request #122 from SotaYoshida/dev
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SotaYoshida authored Jul 2, 2024
2 parents e66e293 + 0ccda1a commit 6c39820
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Showing 18 changed files with 794 additions and 187 deletions.
28 changes: 4 additions & 24 deletions Manifest.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@

julia_version = "1.10.0"
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project_hash = "2659f8769473273827cbb29dd4cb2724ffd6c600"

deps = ["LinearAlgebra", "Requires"]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -90,16 +90,6 @@ git-tree-sha1 = "4b859a208b2397a7a623a03449e4636bdb17bcf2"
uuid = "83423d85-b0ee-5818-9007-b63ccbeb887a"
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uuid = "d360d2e6-b24c-11e9-a2a3-2a2ae2dbcce4"
version = "1.19.0"
weakdeps = ["SparseArrays"]

ChainRulesCoreSparseArraysExt = "SparseArrays"

deps = ["TranscodingStreams", "Zlib_jll"]
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Expand Down Expand Up @@ -332,12 +322,6 @@ git-tree-sha1 = "ff38ba61beff76b8f4acad8ab0c97ef73bb670cb"
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git-tree-sha1 = "27442171f28c952804dede8ff72828a96f2bfc1f"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -471,12 +455,6 @@ git-tree-sha1 = "49fb3cb53362ddadb4415e9b73926d6b40709e70"
uuid = "b14d175d-62b4-44ba-8fb7-3064adc8c3ec"
version = "0.2.4"

deps = ["ChainRulesCore", "GPUArraysCore", "LinearAlgebra", "Printf"]
git-tree-sha1 = "1a5e1d9941c783b0119897d29f2eb665d876ecf3"
uuid = "0b1a1467-8014-51b9-945f-bf0ae24f4b77"
version = "0.6.0"

deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "Pkg"]
git-tree-sha1 = "f6250b16881adf048549549fba48b1161acdac8c"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -995,11 +973,13 @@ deps = ["IrrationalConstants", "LogExpFunctions", "OpenLibm_jll", "OpenSpecFun_j
git-tree-sha1 = "e2cfc4012a19088254b3950b85c3c1d8882d864d"
uuid = "276daf66-3868-5448-9aa4-cd146d93841b"
version = "2.3.1"
weakdeps = ["ChainRulesCore"]

SpecialFunctionsChainRulesCoreExt = "ChainRulesCore"

ChainRulesCore = "d360d2e6-b24c-11e9-a2a3-2a2ae2dbcce4"

deps = ["Setfield", "Test"]
git-tree-sha1 = "e08a62abc517eb79667d0a29dc08a3b589516bb5"
Expand Down
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "NuclearToolkit"
uuid = "89bb3bae-bcec-43ae-87b7-9dd181dc6334"
authors = ["SotaYoshida <[email protected]> and contributors"]
version = "0.4.2"
version = "0.4.3"

Arpack = "7d9fca2a-8960-54d3-9f78-7d1dccf2cb97"
Expand All @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ DocStringExtensions = "ffbed154-4ef7-542d-bbb7-c09d3a79fcae"
FLoops = "cc61a311-1640-44b5-9fba-1b764f453329"
Glob = "c27321d9-0574-5035-807b-f59d2c89b15c"
HDF5 = "f67ccb44-e63f-5c2f-98bd-6dc0ccc4ba2f"
KrylovKit = "0b1a1467-8014-51b9-945f-bf0ae24f4b77"
LaTeXStrings = "b964fa9f-0449-5b57-a5c2-d3ea65f4040f"
LatinHypercubeSampling = "a5e1c1ea-c99a-51d3-a14d-a9a37257b02d"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
Expand All @@ -38,7 +37,6 @@ DocStringExtensions = "0.9"
FLoops = "0.2"
Glob = "1"
HDF5 = "0.16, 0.17"
KrylovKit = "0.6, 0.7, 0.8"
LaTeXStrings = "1"
LatinHypercubeSampling = "1.8"
MKL = "0.6, 0.7"
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions example/log_sample_script.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,12 +36,12 @@ option in optional_parameters.jl will be used.
size of dWS (jmax 9 lmax 40 e2max 8 Nnmax 20):
dtri 4.46 MB dcgm0 1.11 MB d6j_int 1.11 MB d6j_lj 0.28 MB
d9j_lsj 1.76 MB dictHOB 0.44 MB
target: O16 Ref. => Z=8 N=8 E: -130.997774E1b: 337.500000E2b: -468.497774 E3b 0.000000
E: -132.733407 = E1b 363.64899 + E2b -496.38240 ( -55.149 -367.063 -74.170), + E3b 0.00000
target: O16 Ref. => Z=8 N=8 E: -132.733407 = E1b 363.64899 + E2b -496.38240 ( -55.149 -367.063 -74.170), + E3b 0.00000
EMP2 -23.70204 1b -0.00000 pp -1.43732 pn -20.80963 nn -1.45510
EMP3 0.37877 pp -0.110 hh -1.895 ph 2.384
E_HF -132.73341 E_MBPT(3) = -156.0567 Eexp: -127.619

optional_parameters.jl is used for IMSRG
parameters in optional_parameters.jl will be used.
def-by-run d6j_lj done! 4191
step: s E0 ||Omega_1|| ||Omega_2|| ||Eta_1|| ||Eta_2|| Ncomm. nwritten
Expand Down
168 changes: 144 additions & 24 deletions src/IMSRG.jl/emulator_imsrg.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -250,7 +250,6 @@ function svd_Op_twobody(s,Op::Operator,Chan2b;verbose=true,max_rank=20)
SVD = LinearAlgebra.svd(mat)
if verbose
print("ch ",@sprintf("%5i",ch), " JPT=($J,$P,$Tz)\t fullrank ", @sprintf("%5i",fullrank), "/ dim= ",@sprintf("%5i",dim)," ")
#print_vec("singular values", SVD.S)
tol = 1.e-8
hit = 0
dimfull += div(dim*(dim+1),2)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -292,16 +291,41 @@ function constructor_snapshot_matrix(fns)
return parse(Float64,s_end),X,Y

function get_DMD_operator(X,Y,r)
Z = svds(X; nsv=r)[1]
U_r, S_r, Vt_r = Z.U, Z.S, Z.Vt
function call_SVD(X, r, method)
if method == "Arpack"
Z = svds(X; nsv=r)[1]
return Z.U, Z.S, Z.Vt
elseif method == "KrylovKit"
m, n = size(X)
vals, lvecs, rvevs, info = svdsolve(X, m, r)
U_r = zeros(Float64, m, r)
S_r = zeros(Float64, r)
Vt_r = zeros(Float64, r, n)
S_r .= vals[1:r]
for i = 1:r
U_r[:,i] .= lvecs[i]
Vt_r[i,:] .= rvevs[i]
return U_r, S_r, Vt_r
if method != "full"
println("$method is not supported! svd in LinearAlgebra is called instead.")
Z = svd(X)
if r <= rank(X)
return Z.U[:,1:r], Z.S[1:r], Z.Vt[1:r,:]
return Z.U, Z.S, Z.Vt

function get_DMD_operator(U_r, S_r, Vt_r, Y)
S_r_inv = diagm( 1.0 ./ S_r)
Z = BLAS.gemm('T', 'N', 1.0, Vt_r, S_r_inv)
YZ = BLAS.gemm('N','N',1.0, Y, Z)
Atilde = BLAS.gemm('T', 'N', 1.0, U_r, YZ)

return U_r, Atilde
return Atilde

function check_DMD_norm(X, Y, r, U_r, Atilde; verbose=false)
Expand All @@ -313,8 +337,7 @@ function check_DMD_norm(X, Y, r, U_r, Atilde; verbose=false)
for k = 1:size(Y)[2]
x_k .= x_new
BLAS.gemv!('N', 1.0, Atilde, x_k, 0.0, x_new)
Y_latent[:,k] .= x_new

Y_latent[:,k] .= x_new
Yapprox = BLAS.gemm('N', 'N', 1.0, U_r, Y_latent)
if verbose
Expand All @@ -325,6 +348,8 @@ function check_DMD_norm(X, Y, r, U_r, Atilde; verbose=false)
println("norm(Y-Yapprox,Inf) = ", @sprintf("%10.4e",norm(Y - Yapprox,Inf)), " Fro. ", @sprintf("%10.4e",norm(Y - Yapprox,2)))
tnorm = max(norm(Y - Yapprox,Inf), norm(Y - Yapprox,2))
return tnorm

function check_stationarity(z, z_k, z_pred, Atilde, itnum=1000)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -359,11 +384,10 @@ function extrapolate_DMD(x_start, U_r, Atilde, s_pred, fn_exact, s_end, ds, nuc,
z_k .= 0.0
z_new .= z1_r
s = s_end
while true
while s < s_target
z_k .= z_new
BLAS.gemv!('N', 1.0, Atilde, z_k, 0.0, z_new)
s += ds
if s >= s_target; break; end
x_pred = BLAS.gemv('N', 1.0, U_r, z_k)
E_imsrg = 0.0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -403,6 +427,57 @@ function read_dmdvec_hdf5(fn)
return vec

function util_SVD(X, Y, r_max, tol_svd, method, allow_fullSVD, to; dont_care_stationarity=false)
@assert method == "full" || method == "Arpack" || method == "KrylovKit" "method must be full, KrylovKit, or Arpack"
fullrank = rank(X)
r_used = min(r_max,fullrank)
println("fullrank $fullrank r_used $r_used")
if allow_fullSVD || method == "full"
@timeit to "full SVD" U,Sigma,Vt = call_SVD(X, r_used, "full")
r_used = min(r_max, fullrank, sum(Sigma .> tol_svd))
print_vec("checking full Sigma[1:$r_used]...", Sigma[1:r_used];ine=true)
@timeit to "SVD($method)" U_r, S_r, Vt_r = call_SVD(X,r_used,method)

redright = true
u = @view U_r[:,1:r_used]
s = @view S_r[1:r_used]
vt = @view Vt_r[1:r_used,:]
Atilde = get_DMD_operator(u,s,vt,Y)
while redright && !dont_care_stationarity
Atilde = get_DMD_operator(u,s,vt,Y)
evals_Atilde = eigvals(Atilde)
redright = !check_stationarity_Atilde(evals_Atilde)
print_vec("checking Sigma...", S_r[1:r_used];ine=true)
if redright == false; break; end
println("truncation at rank <= $r_used does not give converged results")
r_used -= 1
@assert r_used > 0 "Aborted because the snapshots don't give converged resutls. Please modify smin/smax of snapshots."
u = @view U_r[:,1:r_used]
s = @view S_r[1:r_used]
vt = @view Vt_r[1:r_used,:]
print_vec("singular values r <= $r_used ", S_r[1:r_used];ine=true)
return fullrank, r_used, u, Atilde

function check_packages_SVD(X)
r = min(10,rank(X))
m, n = size(X)
SVD = svd(X)
s = SVD.S
s_K = svdsolve(X, m, r)[1]
s_A = svds(X; nsv=r)[1].S

@assert issorted(s,rev=true) "s must be sorted in descending order"

println("Comparing the singular values by different packages....")
print_vec("full SVD (LinearAlgebra)", s[1:r];ine=true)
print_vec("trun.SVD (KrylovKit) ", s_K[1:r];ine=true)
print_vec("trun.SVD (Arpack) ", s_A[1:r];ine=true)
return nothing

main API for DMD
Expand All @@ -418,11 +493,22 @@ main API for DMD
- `s_pred::Vector{Float64}`: values of `s` for the extrapolation
- `fn_exact::Vector{String}`: filenames of the exact data for the extrapolation, which must have the same length as `s_pred`
- `allow_fullSVD::Bool`: if `true`, the full SVD is performed and the rank is determined by `trank` and the tolerance `tol_svd`
- `tol_svd::Float64`: tolerance for the singular values for the truncated SVD
- `tol_svd::Float64`: tolerance for the singular values for the truncated SVD, too small value gives noisy behavior
- `inttype::String`: interaction type, which is used for the filename of the output data
- `methodSVD::String`: method for the truncated SVD.
- `"full"`: full SVD (LinearAlgebra)
- `"Arpack"`: truncated SVD svds Arpack.jl
- `"KrylovKit"`: truncated SVD using `svdsolve[1]` in KrylovKit.jl, this may be not appropriate for the current problem, so do not use it here.
- `oupdir::String`: output directory for the emulated dmdvec data
- `is_show::Bool`: if `true`, the TimerOutput result is shown
- `debugmode::Bool`: if `true`, the packages for the SVD are checked
- `dont_care_stationarity::Bool`: if `true`, the stationarity of the Atilde is not checked
function dmd_main(emax, nuc, fns, trank, smin, ds;s_pred=Float64[],fn_exact=String[],
function dmd_main(emax, nuc, fns, r_max, smin, ds;s_pred=Float64[],fn_exact=String[],
methodSVD="Arpack", oupdir="flowOmega/",is_show=true, debugmode=false,
to = TimerOutput()
if !isdir("flowOmega")
println("dir. flowOmega is created!")
Expand All @@ -433,21 +519,55 @@ function dmd_main(emax, nuc, fns, trank, smin, ds;s_pred=Float64[],fn_exact=Stri
s_end, X,Y = constructor_snapshot_matrix(fns)
println("Snapshot from smin $smin s_end $s_end ds $ds")

# truncated SVD using Arpack.jl and construct tilde(A)
fullrank = rank(X)
r = trank
if allow_fullSVD
SVD = svd(X)
sigma_full = SVD.S
r = min(r, fullrank, sum(sigma_full .> tol_svd))
println("fullrank $(fullrank) rank $r")
print_vec("singular values", sigma_full[1:r];ine=true)
if debugmode
U_r, Atilde = get_DMD_operator(X,Y,r)
check_DMD_norm(X, Y, r, U_r, Atilde)

fullrank, r, U_r, Atilde = util_SVD(X, Y, r_max, tol_svd, methodSVD, allow_fullSVD, to; dont_care_stationarity=dont_care_stationarity)
evals_Atilde = eigvals(Atilde)
plot_Atilde_eigvals(evals_Atilde, emax, nuc, smin, s_end, ds, inttype, fullrank, r)

if is_show
show(to); println()
# extrapolation
extrapolate_DMD(Y[:,end],U_r, Atilde, s_pred, fn_exact, s_end, ds, nuc, inttype, emax, oupdir)

return nothing

function check_stationarity_Atilde(evals; tol=1.e-2)
tf = all(abs.(evals) .<= 1.0+tol)
println("eigenvalues of Atilde ", evals)
println("stationary? may be... ", tf)
return tf

function plot_Atilde_eigvals(evals, emax, nuc, smin, s_end, ds, inttype, fullrank, r)
if !isdir("pic")
fn = "pic/Atilde_eigvals_e$(emax)_$(nuc)_smin$(smin)_send$(s_end)_ds$(ds)_rank$(r)_of_$(fullrank).pdf"
# make figure square
p = plot(size=(300,300))

# draw unit circle
θ = LinRange(0,2π,100)

# plot eigenvalues .<= 1.0
inon = evals[findall(abs.(evals) .<= 1.0)]
plot!(real(inon),imag(inon),st=:scatter,label=L"|z| \leq 1", alpha=0.8)

out = evals[findall(abs.(evals) .> 1.0)]
if length(out) > 0
plot!(real(out),imag(out),st=:scatter,label=L"|z| > 1",alpha=0.8)

xlabel!(L"\mathrm{Re} (z)")
ylabel!(L"\mathrm{Im} (z)")

return nothing
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/IMSRG.jl/imsrg_util.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -862,7 +862,7 @@ Function to write temporary binary files of Operator matrix elements, when split
function write_omega_bin(binfo::basedat,Chan2b::Vector{chan2b},n_written::Int,Omega::Operator,s::Float64,E0::Float64;Oplabel="Omega")
if !isdir("flowOmega") && n_written==0
run(`mkdir flowOmega`)
pid = getpid()
nw = n_written + 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1076,6 +1076,7 @@ function init_IMSRGobject(HFobj,filename;smax=500.0,dsmax=0.5,maxnormOmega=0.25,
println("Since $filename is not found, the default parameters will be used.")
return IMSRGobj
println("$filename is used for IMSRG")
return IMSRGobj
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/NuclearToolkit.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ using DocStringExtensions
using FLoops
using Glob
using HDF5
using KrylovKit
using LatinHypercubeSampling
using LaTeXStrings
using LinearAlgebra
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/ShellModel/KSHELL.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ struct ksl_state

struct kshell_nuc
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0 comments on commit 6c39820

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