This is a weather app where a user can search for weather details of a city in the USA. The data is being fetched from
- When app is opened, user will be prompted with a location permission.
- If user grants location permission, weather detail for the current location will be shown.
- If the user did not grant the permission, weather for last searched city will be displayed. For the first time this may be empty.
- User can enter the city name without the state name and get the weather details.
- Basic weather details are being displayed.
- This app uses Kotlin, Jetpack compose, Hilt, State Flow, Jetpack Data Store, Retrofit, Coroutines
- MVVM is the architecture pattern used along with Repository and the data source
- Repository looks like a pass through, but its created to highlight the need of repository and the android architecture guidelines
- Retrofit is used for making network calls.
- Coil is used to load image asynchronously