- iosxr
- Added ShowBgpBrief
- Added 'show bgp {address_family} {ip_address} brief'
- Modified show_mpls
- added 'ShowMplsLdpDiscoveryDetails'
- Added ShowWatchdogMemoryState
- show watchdog memory-state
- show watchdog memory-state Location {location}
- Added ShowVariablesBoot
- show variables boot
- Added ShowVariablesSystem
- 'show variables system'
- Modified show_bgp
- Added 'ShowBgpAllAllNexthops'
- Added ShowShmwinSummary
- Add show shmwin summary command
- nxos
- Added ShowIpMrouteSummaryVrfAll
- added 'show ip mroute summary vrf all'
- Added ShowSystemInternalKernelMeminfo
- show system internal kernel meminfo
- Added ShowSystemResources
- added 'show system resources'
- iosxe
- Modified ShowRunInterface
- Added parsing support (schema and parsers) for following outputs
- power inline port priority high
- power inline static max 30000
- spanning-tree bpdufilter enable
- ip flow monitor IPv4NETFLOW input
- switchport protected
- switchport block unicast
- switchport block multicast
- switchport trunk allowed vlan 820,900-905
- ip dhcp snooping trust
- ip arp inspection trust
- Added ShowIpDhcpSnoopingDatabase
- show ip dhcp snooping database
- Added ShowIpDhcpSnoopingDatabaseDetail
- show ip dhcp snooping database detail
- Modified ShowStackPower
- show stack-power budgeting
- Added keys and regexes to incorporate a new cli_command
- Added ShowPowerInlinePriority
- show power inline priority
- show power inline priority {interface}
- Added ShowPowerInlineUpoePlus
- show power inline upoe-plus
- show power inline upoe-plus {interface}
- Added ShowL2vpnEvpnEthernetSegment
- show l2vpn evpn ethernet-segment
- Added ShowL2vpnEvpnEthernetSegmentDetail
- show l2vpn evpn ethernet-segment detail
- show l2vpn evpn ethernet-segment interface {id} detail
- Added ShowDeviceTrackingCountersInterface
- Added ShowDeviceTracking
- show device-tracking features
- show device-tracking events
- Added ShowIpv6
- show ipv6 dhcp guard policy {policy name}
- show flooding-suppression policy {policy name}
- Added ShowDeviceTracking
- show device-tracking database details
- show device-tracking policy {policy_name}
- show device-tracking counters vlan {vlanid}
- Added ShowIpv6
- show ipv6 nd raguard policy {policy_name}
- show ipv6 source-guard policy {policy_name}
- Modified ShowMplsLdp
- Added ShowMplsLdpParameters
- Added Parser
- For "show sdwan tunnel sla index 0"
- Added ShowL2fibPathListId
- show l2fib path-list {id}
- show l2fib path-list detail
- Added ShowL2routeEvpnMacIpDetail
- show l2route evpn mac ip detail
- show l2route evpn mac ip host-ip <ip> detail
- show l2route evpn mac ip host-ip <ip> esi <esi> detail
- show l2route evpn mac ip host-ip <ip> mac-address <mac_addr> detail
- show l2route evpn mac ip host-ip <ip> mac-address <mac_addr> esi <esi> detail
- show l2route evpn mac ip host-ip <ip> next-hop <next_hop> detail
- show l2route evpn mac ip host-ip <ip> next-hop <next_hop> esi <esi> detail
- show l2route evpn mac ip host-ip <ip> next-hop <next_hop> mac-address <mac_addr> detail
- show l2route evpn mac ip host-ip <ip> next-hop <next_hop> mac-address <mac_addr> esi <esi> detail
- show l2route evpn mac ip host-ip <ip> producer <producer> mac-address <mac_addr> detail
- show l2route evpn mac ip host-ip <ip> producer <producer> mac-address <mac_addr> esi <esi> detail
- show l2route evpn mac ip host-ip <ip> topology <evi> detail
- show l2route evpn mac ip host-ip <ip> topology <evi> esi <esi> detail
- show l2route evpn mac ip host-ip <ip> topology <evi> mac-address <mac_addr> detail
- show l2route evpn mac ip host-ip <ip> topology <evi> mac-address <mac_addr> esi <esi> detail
- show l2route evpn mac ip host-ip <ip> topology <evi> next-hop <next_hop> detail
- show l2route evpn mac ip host-ip <ip> topology <evi> next-hop <next_hop> esi <esi> detail
- show l2route evpn mac ip host-ip <ip> topology <evi> next-hop <next_hop> mac-address <mac_addr> detail
- show l2route evpn mac ip host-ip <ip> topology <evi> next-hop <next_hop> mac-address <mac_addr> esi <esi> detail
- show l2route evpn mac ip host-ip <ip> topology <evi> producer <producer> mac-address <mac_addr> detail
- show l2route evpn mac ip host-ip <ip> topology <evi> producer <producer> mac-address <mac_addr> esi <esi> detail
- show l2route evpn mac ip host-ip <ip> topology <evi><etag> detail
- show l2route evpn mac ip host-ip <ip> topology <evi><etag> esi <esi> detail
- show l2route evpn mac ip host-ip <ip> topology <evi><etag> mac-address <mac_addr> detail
- show l2route evpn mac ip host-ip <ip> topology <evi><etag> mac-address <mac_addr> esi <esi> detail
- show l2route evpn mac ip host-ip <ip> topology <evi><etag> next-hop <next_hop> detail
- show l2route evpn mac ip host-ip <ip> topology <evi><etag> next-hop <next_hop> esi <esi> detail
- show l2route evpn mac ip host-ip <ip> topology <evi><etag> next-hop <next_hop> mac-address <mac_addr> detail
- show l2route evpn mac ip host-ip <ip> topology <evi><etag> next-hop <next_hop> mac-address <mac_addr> esi <esi> detail
- show l2route evpn mac ip host-ip <ip> topology <evi><etag> producer <producer> mac-address <mac_addr> detail
- show l2route evpn mac ip host-ip <ip> topology <evi><etag> producer <producer> mac-address <mac_addr> esi <esi> detail
- Added ShowNvePeers
- 'show nve peers'
- 'show nve peers interface nve {nve}'
- 'show nve peers peer-ip {peer_ip}'
- 'show nve peers vni {vni}'
- Added ShowPlatformSoftwareFedactiveFnfEtAnalyticsFlows
- 'show platform software fed active fnf et-analytics-flows'
- Added ShowL2vpnEvpnMacIp
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip address {ipv4_addr}
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip address {ipv6_addr}
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip bridge-domain {bd_id}
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip bridge-domain {bd_id} address {ipv4_addr}
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip bridge-domain {bd_id} address {ipv6_addr}
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip bridge-domain {bd_id} duplicate
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip bridge-domain {bd_id} local
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip bridge-domain {bd_id} mac {mac_addr}
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip bridge-domain {bd_id} mac {mac_addr} address {ipv4_addr}
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip bridge-domain {bd_id} mac {mac_addr} address {ipv6_addr}
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip bridge-domain {bd_id} remote
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip duplicate
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip evi {evi_id}
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip evi {evi_id} address {ipv4_addr}
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip evi {evi_id} address {ipv6_addr}
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip evi {evi_id} duplicate
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip evi {evi_id} local
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip evi {evi_id} mac {mac_addr}
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip evi {evi_id} mac {mac_addr} address {ipv4_addr}
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip evi {evi_id} mac {mac_addr} address {ipv6_addr}
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip evi {evi_id} remote
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip local
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip mac {mac_addr}
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip mac {mac_addr} address {ipv4_addr}
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip mac {mac_addr} address {ipv6_addr}
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip remote
- Added ShowL2vpnEvpnMacIpDetail
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip address {ipv4_addr} detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip address {ipv6_addr} detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip bridge-domain {bd_id} address {ipv4_addr} detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip bridge-domain {bd_id} address {ipv6_addr} detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip bridge-domain {bd_id} detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip bridge-domain {bd_id} duplicate detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip bridge-domain {bd_id} local detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip bridge-domain {bd_id} mac {mac_addr} address {ipv4_addr} detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip bridge-domain {bd_id} mac {mac_addr} address {ipv6_addr} detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip bridge-domain {bd_id} mac {mac_addr} detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip bridge-domain {bd_id} remote detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip duplicate detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip evi {evi_id} address {ipv4_addr} detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip evi {evi_id} address {ipv6_addr} detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip evi {evi_id} detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip evi {evi_id} duplicate detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip evi {evi_id} local detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip evi {evi_id} mac {mac_addr} address {ipv4_addr} detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip evi {evi_id} mac {mac_addr} address {ipv6_addr} detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip evi {evi_id} mac {mac_addr} detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip evi {evi_id} remote detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip local detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip mac {mac_addr} address {ipv4_addr} detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip mac {mac_addr} address {ipv6_addr} detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip mac {mac_addr} detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip remote detail
- Added ShowL2vpnEvpnMacIpSummary
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip bridge-domain {bd_id} duplicate summary
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip bridge-domain {bd_id} local summary
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip bridge-domain {bd_id} mac {mac_addr} summary
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip bridge-domain {bd_id} remote summary
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip bridge-domain {bd_id} summary
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip duplicate summary
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip evi {evi_id} duplicate summary
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip evi {evi_id} local summary
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip evi {evi_id} mac {mac_addr} summary
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip evi {evi_id} remote summary
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip evi {evi_id} summary
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip local summary
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip mac {mac_addr} summary
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip remote summary
- show l2vpn evpn mac ip summary
- Modified ShowL2vpnEvpnMac
- show l2vpn evpn mac
- show l2vpn evpn mac address {mac_addr}
- show l2vpn evpn mac bridge-domain {bd_id}
- show l2vpn evpn mac bridge-domain {bd_id} address {mac_addr}
- show l2vpn evpn mac bridge-domain {bd_id} duplicate
- show l2vpn evpn mac bridge-domain {bd_id} local
- show l2vpn evpn mac bridge-domain {bd_id} remote
- show l2vpn evpn mac duplicate
- show l2vpn evpn mac evi {evi_id}
- show l2vpn evpn mac evi {evi_id} address {mac_addr}
- show l2vpn evpn mac evi {evi_id} duplicate
- show l2vpn evpn mac evi {evi_id} local
- show l2vpn evpn mac evi {evi_id} remote
- show l2vpn evpn mac local
- show l2vpn evpn mac remote
- Modified ShowL2vpnEvpnMacDetail
- show l2vpn evpn mac address {mac_addr} detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac bridge-domain {bd_id} address {mac_addr} detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac bridge-domain {bd_id} detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac bridge-domain {bd_id} duplicate detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac bridge-domain {bd_id} local detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac bridge-domain {bd_id} remote detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac duplicate detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac evi {evi_id} address {mac_addr} detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac evi {evi_id} detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac evi {evi_id} duplicate detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac evi {evi_id} local detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac evi {evi_id} remote detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac local detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac remote detail
- Added ShowL2vpnEvpnMac
- show l2vpn evpn mac
- show l2vpn evpn mac address {mac_addr}
- show l2vpn evpn mac bridge-domain {bd_id}
- show l2vpn evpn mac bridge-domain {bd_id} address {mac_addr}
- show l2vpn evpn mac bridge-domain {bd_id} duplicate
- show l2vpn evpn mac bridge-domain {bd_id} local
- show l2vpn evpn mac bridge-domain {bd_id} remote
- show l2vpn evpn mac duplicate
- show l2vpn evpn mac evi {evi_id}
- show l2vpn evpn mac evi {evi_id} address {mac_addr}
- show l2vpn evpn mac evi {evi_id} duplicate
- show l2vpn evpn mac evi {evi_id} local
- show l2vpn evpn mac evi {evi_id} remote
- show l2vpn evpn mac local
- show l2vpn evpn mac remote
- Added ShowL2vpnEvpnMacDetail
- show l2vpn evpn mac address {mac_addr} detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac bridge-domain {bd_id} address {mac_addr} detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac bridge-domain {bd_id} detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac bridge-domain {bd_id} duplicate detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac bridge-domain {bd_id} local detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac bridge-domain {bd_id} remote detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac duplicate detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac evi {evi_id} address {mac_addr} detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac evi {evi_id} detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac evi {evi_id} duplicate detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac evi {evi_id} local detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac evi {evi_id} remote detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac local detail
- show l2vpn evpn mac remote detail
- Added ShowL2vpnEvpnMacSummary
- show l2vpn evpn mac bridge-domain {bd_id} duplicate summary
- show l2vpn evpn mac bridge-domain {bd_id} local summary
- show l2vpn evpn mac bridge-domain {bd_id} remote summary
- show l2vpn evpn mac bridge-domain {bd_id} summary
- show l2vpn evpn mac duplicate summary
- show l2vpn evpn mac evi {evi_id} duplicate summary
- show l2vpn evpn mac evi {evi_id} local summary
- show l2vpn evpn mac evi {evi_id} remote summary
- show l2vpn evpn mac evi {evi_id} summary
- show l2vpn evpn mac local summary
- show l2vpn evpn mac remote summary
- show l2vpn evpn mac summary
- iosxr
- Modified ShowRouteAllSummary
- Fixed pattern p3 to accept routed source instances with '.'
- Modified ShowPlatformi(show redundancy)
- Added regex p3_2 to accomodate standby RP for eXR
- Modified ShowOspfv3Neighbor
- updated regex pattern p1 to handle hyphens in VRF name
- Modified ShowRouteIpv4
- updated regex pattern p6 to handle 'type' after 'candidate default path'
- updated class to folder based unit tests
- Modified ShowProcesses
- Added Location data if not applicable
- Modified ShowHsrpDetail
- Updated regex pattern <p1> to accommodate various outputs.
- Moved regexes outside of loop
- Modified ShowHsrpSummary
- Moved regexes outside of loop
- iosxe
- Modified ShowRunInterface
- Fixed channel_group (was not working).
- Added channel_group to ShowRunInterfaceSchema
- Updated intf_dict to make it work properly
- Modified ShowPolicyMapTypeSuperParser
- Added patterns p43..p47 for AFD WRED stats
- Modified ShowEtherchannelSummary
- Added regex pattern p6 to accommodate various port outputs.
- Modified ShowDeviceTrackingDatabaseInterface
- Made limit key optional on binding_table and refactored code to support this change.
- Modified ShowStandbyAll
- Optimized parser and fixed issue with multiple group numbers under same interface
- Modified ShowDeviceTrackingCountersVlan
- Fix parsing of faults
- Fix parsing of dropped message to account for more cases
- Modified ShowBgpDetailSuperParser
- modified p10 to cover scenario where EVPN ESI is in output, but not paired with gateway address or local_vtep information
- Modified ShowLispEidTableVrfIpv4Database
- Changed key <User> to Any() in schema
- Modified ShowStandbyAll
- Updated regex pattern <p11> to accommodate various outputs.
- Updated format of parser and moved regexes out of loop
- Modified ShowStandbyInternal
- Updated format of parser and moved regexes out of loop
- Modified ShowStandbyDelay
- Updated format of parser and moved regexes out of loop
- Modified ShowWirelessClientMacDetail
- rewrote parser for better stability
- added missing argument to cli command
- added new optional keys, made several keys in schema optional
- some schema entries are now int or string
- added new test to cover schema changes
- Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareFed
- Update regex P36 to include objidADJ SPECIAL0
- Update regex P25 and corresponding schema to include bwalk parameters
- Modify regex P11 and corresponding schema to modify flags and pdflags from str to
- Modify regex P14 to include label_aal
- Add blank lines and comments between regex
- Add full syntax of commands
- Modify capital letters to small letters in key name in Schema and parser class
- Delete Optional Keyword in some of key names in Schema
- Modify nobj0 and nobj1 from str to list in regex P9 and corresponding Schema
- Add folder based unittests
- Delete iosxe/show_platform_software_fed.py instead content is Appended in iosxe/show_platform.py
- Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareYangManagementProcessState
- Fixed pattern p1 to accept Not Running as valid state
- Fixed patter p2 to accept Down and Reset as valid states
- nxos
- Modified ShowInterface
- Updated regex pattern <p1> to accommodate various outputs.
- Modify ShowSpanningTreeDetail
- Added schema key 'peer_type'
- Modified ShowMacAddressTableBase
- updated regex to handle NA for age value
- added test golden_output_3 to test changes
- Updated RunBashTop
- updated p1 regex to support various output for uptime
- junos
- Modified ShowRouteReceiveProtocolExtensive()
- Modified Regex to also match IPv6 Nethops.
- Modified ShowRouteReceiveProtocolPeerAddressExtensive()
- Modified Regex to also match IPv6 Destinations.
- Modified Regex to also match IPv6 Nexthops.