version: 1.0 # version
workers: 3 # number of workers per process
num_class: 102 # Total number of dataset categories
num_segments: 16 # input frames
batch_size: 32
img_prefix: 'image _ {: 05d} .jpg' # If you read RGB frames as input, you need to set this parameter to define its naming mode
video_source: False # Whether to directly read the video
dense_sample: True # Whether the data sampling is dense sampling (or uniform sampling)
modality: RGB # RGB, FLOW
flow_prefix: ''
root_dir: / path # The root directory where the dataset files is located
flip: True # Use flip as augmentation
dense_sample_rate: 2 # dense sampling rate (sample every n frames)
input_mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406] # comes from imagenet params
input_std: [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
crop_size: 112
scale_size: 128 # The size after resize the short side of the frame when augmentation
meta_file: / path
meta_file: / path
meta_file: / path
arch: stresnet18 # model name and depth
model_type: 3D # 2D or 3D
dropout: 0.0
max_pooling: True # Use maxpooling layer after Conv1 to reduce the spatial size to 1/2 (only work at R(2+1)D models)
print_freq: 20 # output log every n iter
eval_freq: 5 # eval every n epochs and output log
epochs: 120 # total training epochs
start_epoch: 0
loss_type: nll
no_partial_bn: False # FreezeBN (currently only for 2D models)
clip_gradient: 20 # Gradient crop
lr_scheduler: # Configuration can refer to pytorch
warmup_epochs: 10
type: CosineAnnealingLR
T_max: 120
optimizer: # Configuration can refer to pytorch
type: SGD
lr: 0.4
momentum: 0.9
weight_decay: 0.0005
nesterov: True
save_dir: 'checkpoint /' # checkpoint save path
pretrain_model: '/ path' # Read pretrain model path
resume_model: '/ path' # resume model path
arch: resnet50
model_type: 2D
shift: True # TSM model switch
shift_div: 8
tin: False # TIN model switch
consensus_type: avg # The consensus function used when calculating each frame needs to be summarized, generally use avg
dropout: 0.8
non_local: False
pretrain: True # imagenet pretrain for 2D network
When testing video models, we often use intensive sampling and then average logits as the final result.
spatial_crops: 3 # The number of crops in the spatial dimension
temporal_samples: 10 # The number of crops in the temporal dimension
# Finally, the number of samples used for testing in each video is 3 * 10 = 30