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Releases: SchweizerischeBundesbahnen/scion-microfrontend-platform


07 Sep 14:01
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1.0.0-beta.20 (2022-02-01)

Bug Fixes

  • ensure the SciRouterOutlet to be instantiated after initialization of the platform (f1514bd)

Code Refactoring

  • platform: consolidate API for configuring the platform (142ce8e), closes #39 #96
  • platform: remove gateway iframe in client-broker communication (0a4b4b0), closes #14


  • platform: Removing the gateway communication iframe introduced a breaking change in the host/client communication protocol.

    You need to upgrade the version of SCION Microfrontend Platform in host and client applications at the same time.
    The breaking change refers only to the communication protocol, the API of the SCION Microfrontend Platform has not changed.

    To migrate, upgrade to the newest version of @scion/microfrontend-platform in the host and client applications.

  • platform: Consolidation of the API for configuring the platform host introduced a breaking change. The communication protocol between host and client is not affected by this change.

    Host App Migration

    • API for loading the platform config via a config loader has been removed; to migrate, load the config before starting the platform;
    • API for passing an app list to MicrofrontendPlatform.startHost has been removed; to migrate, register applications via MicrofrontendPlatformConfig object, as follows: MicrofrontendPlatformConfig.applications;
    • manual registration of the host application has been removed as now done implicitly; to migrate:
      • remove host app from the app list;
      • configure host privileges via HostConfig object, as follows:
      • specify message delivery timeout in;
      • provide the host's manifest, if any, via, either as object literal or as URL;
      • specify the host's symbolic name in; if not specified, defaults to host;
    • the Activator API can now be disabled by setting the flag MicrofrontendPlatformConfig.activatorApiDisabled instead of PlatformConfig.platformFlags.activatorApiDisabled;
    • the interface ApplicationManifest has been renamed to Manifest;
    • the bean MicroApplicationConfig has been removed; you can now obtain the application's symbolic name as following: Beans.get<string>(APP_IDENTITY)

    Client App Migration

    • the micro application must now pass its identity (symbolic name) directly as the first argument, rather than via the options object;
    • the options object passed to MicrofrontendPlatform.connectToHost has been renamed from MicroApplicationConfig to ConnectOptions and messaging options are now top-level options; to migrate:
      • set the flag MicrofrontendPlatformConnectOptions.connect instead of MicroApplicationConfig.messaging.enabled to control if to connect to the platform host;
      • specify 'broker discovery timeout' in MicrofrontendPlatformConnectOptions.brokerDiscoverTimeout instead of MicroApplicationConfig.messaging.brokerDiscoverTimeout;
      • specify 'message delivery timeout' in MicrofrontendPlatformConnectOptions.messageDeliveryTimeout instead of MicroApplicationConfig.messaging.deliveryTimeout;
    • the bean MicroApplicationConfig has been removed; you can now obtain the application's symbolic name as following: Beans.get<string>(APP_IDENTITY)

    The following snippets illustrate how a migration could look like:

    Host App: Before migration

    const applications: ApplicationConfig[] = [
      {symbolicName: 'host', manifestUrl: '/manifest.json'}, // optional
      {symbolicName: 'app1', manifestUrl: 'http://app1/manifest.json'},
      {symbolicName: 'app2', manifestUrl: 'http://app2/manifest.json'},
    await MicrofrontendPlatform.startHost(applications, {symbolicName: 'host'});

    Host App: After migration

    await MicrofrontendPlatform.startHost({
      host: {
        symbolicName: 'host',
        manifest: '/manifest.json'
      applications: [
       {symbolicName: 'app1', manifestUrl: 'http://app1/manifest.json'},
       {symbolicName: 'app2', manifestUrl: 'http://app2/manifest.json'}

    Host App: After migration if inlining the host manifest

    await MicrofrontendPlatform.startHost({
      host: {
        symbolicName: 'host',
        manifest: {
          name: 'Host Application',
          capabilities: [
            // capabilities of the host application
          intentions: [
            // intentions of the host application
      applications: [
       {symbolicName: 'app1', manifestUrl: 'http://app1/manifest.json'},
       {symbolicName: 'app2', manifestUrl: 'http://app2/manifest.json'}

    Client App: Before migration

    await MicrofrontendPlatform.connectToHost({symbolicName: 'shopping-cart-app'});

    Client App: After migration

    await MicrofrontendPlatform.connectToHost('shopping-cart-app');


07 Sep 14:01
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1.0.0-beta.19 (2021-11-05)

Bug Fixes

  • platform: do not transport intents to other applications if not declaring a respective intention (24681e3)


07 Sep 14:00
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1.0.0-beta.18 (2021-09-10)

Bug Fixes

  • platform: allow interceptors to reply to requests if no consumer is running (f22c947)


07 Sep 13:58
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1.0.0-beta.17 (2021-07-12)

Bug Fixes

  • devtools: resolve dependent app also if declaring a wildcard intention (f321c5b)


  • devtools: activate a dependency's counterpart tab when navigating to the dependent application (10dda73)
  • devtools: allow for quick filtering of capabilities (85abd52)
  • devtools: use larger initial width for the main display area (f96e826)
  • platform: allow associating metadata with a capability param (05952bc), closes #77


07 Sep 13:58
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1.0.0-beta.16 (2021-07-02)


  • update project workspace to Angular 12 (31c81c8), closes #76


07 Sep 13:58
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1.0.0-beta.15 (2021-05-20)


  • platform: allow setting a timeout for loading manifests and activators (fe26507), closes #6
  • platform: report platform startup progress (0e9300d), closes #18


  • platform: compile with TypeScript strict checks enabled (bc390a8), closes #55


07 Sep 13:57
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1.0.0-beta.14 (2021-04-22)


  • platform: pass intent with resolved capability to intent interceptors (b51959d), closes #72


07 Sep 13:57
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1.0.0-beta.13 (2021-04-12)

Bug Fixes

  • platform: allow context key names containing forward slashes or starting with a colon (5637832), closes #49
  • platform: remove ES2015 import cycles (5dfc7f6), closes #42


  • platform: add wildcard support for unregistering capabilities and intentions (4d22403), closes #61


  • platform: Allowing context key names containing forward slashes
    or starting with a colon introduced a breaking change in the host/client
    communication protocol.

    The messaging protocol between host and client HAS CHANGED for context
    value lookup using the ContextService.
    Therefore, you must update the host and affected clients to the new
    version together. The API has not changed; the breaking change only
    applies to the @scion/microfrontend-platform version.

    To migrate:

  • platform: Adding wildcard support for unregistering capabilities and intentions introduced a breaking change.

    To migrate:

    • upgrade host and client apps to use @scion/[email protected]
    • When searching for capabilities with a qualifier filter that contains scalar qualifier values, only capabilities with exactly those values are now returned. This is different from previous versions where a qualifier filter like {entity: 'person', id: '5'} matched capabilities with exactly that qualifier, as well as capabilities containing a wildcard (* or ?) in the qualifier, such as {entity: 'person', id: '*'} or {entity: 'person', id: '?'}. To keep the old lookup behavior, do not pass a qualifier filter and filter the capabilities yourself, e.g. by using the QualifierMatcher, as follows:
        Beans.get(ManifestService).lookupCapabilities$({type: 'view'})
        .pipe(filterArray(capability => new QualifierMatcher(capability.qualifier, {evalOptional: true, evalAsterisk: true}).matches({entity: 'person', id: '5'})))


07 Sep 13:56
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1.0.0-beta.12 (2021-02-22)

Bug Fixes

  • platform: allow preventing default action of registered keystrokes (8ae8595), closes #32
  • platform: propagate topic subscription errors in context service (08bbaf7)


  • migrate Vercel deployments to the updated Vercel URL format (f31fe5d), closes #56


  • platform: allow collecting values on contextual data lookup (2e87b51)



07 Sep 13:56
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1.0.0-beta.11 (2021-02-03)


  • platform: add convenience API to reduce code required to respond to requests (d0eeaf5), closes #43
  • platform: allow to specify a generic when registering a capability to increase type safety (4af9433), closes #60
  • platform: let the message/intent replier control the lifecycle of the requestor’s Observable (77a4dd9)


  • platform: Adding the convenience API for responding to requests introduced the following breaking change for Angular projects.

    Note: The messaging protocol between the host and client HAS NOT CHANGED. Thus, you can upgrade the host and clients to the new version independently.

    To migrate:

  • platform: Enabling the message/intent replier to control the requestor’s Observable lifecycle introduced a breaking change in the host/client communication protocol.

    Note: The messaging protocol between host and client HAS CHANGED for registering/unregistering capabilities/intentions using the ManifestService. Therefore, you must update the host and affected clients to the new version together. The API has not changed; the breaking change only applies to the @scion/microfrontend-platform version.

    To migrate:

    • Upgrade host and clients (which use the ManifestService) to @scion/[email protected].
    • Remove the throwOnErrorStatus SCION RxJS operator when using IntentClient#request$ or MessageClient#request$ as already installed by the platform.