- CNIC awards support short international planning visits by US-based researchers or small workshops that are expected to result in submission of follow-on full research proposal(s) to NSF. In addition to the formal solicitation, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the CNIC program are available. Potential proposers should review both these FAQs and the solicitation before contacting program staff. Prior to formal submission in response to this solicitation, it is required that potential proposers make contact with the cognizant OIIA/ISE Country/Regional Program Officer.
- Deadline: Rolling until October 31, then January 22
- Fight for Sight Summer Fellowships
- Summer Student Fellowships
- Post-Doctoral Awards
- Grants-in-Aid
- See this brochure for more info: FFS Research Awards Program brochure-2011.pdf
- Deadline: February 1st
- Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds
- The Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds awards travel grants to European citizens working in Europe and overseas, and non-European citizens who will use the travel grant to work in Europe. Applicants must pursue an experimental project in basic biomedical research and belong to one of the following groups of junior scientists:
- PhD students or medical students purusing an experimental doctoral thesis who are not older than 30 years of age
- PostDocs who are pursuing a particular research project who are not older than 32 years of age
- Graduates from abroad who have applied for a PhD project but who have not yet worked with their potential PhD supervisor
- Purpose
- to learn clearly-defined methods useful for your ongoing research and the work of your research group at home by visiting another laboratory, or by attending research-orientated courses which include practical training.
- to enable graduates from abroad and their potential PhD supervisors to evaluate the scientific and personal prerequisites before embarking on a PhD thesis. To this end, the graduate student shall pursue a short project in his/her potential PhD supervisor’s laboratory for at least 4 weeks.
- Deadline: Rolling
- The Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds awards travel grants to European citizens working in Europe and overseas, and non-European citizens who will use the travel grant to work in Europe. Applicants must pursue an experimental project in basic biomedical research and belong to one of the following groups of junior scientists:
- The Burroughs Wellcome Fund
- This program provides up to $15,000 in support for researchers from degree-granting institutions to travel either domestically or internationally to a laboratory to acquire a new research technique or to facilitate a collaboration.
- Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science, statistics, or engineering interested in investigating research opportunities in the biological sciences.
- Deadline: TDB
- The Company of Biologist's Jornals Traveling Fellowship
- The Company of Biologists' journals – Development, Journal of Cell Science, The Journal of Experimental Biology, and Disease Models & Mechanisms(DMM) – offer fellowships of up to £2,500 or currency equivalent to graduate students and post-doctoral researchers wishing to make collaborative visits to other laboratories. These are designed to offset the cost of travel and other expenses. There is no restriction on nationality.
- Applicants should be working in the field of the journal to which they apply and intend to visit another laboratory. Each application will be judged on the excellence of the candidate, and the importance and innovative quality of the work to be done.
- Deadline: December 31
- The University of Iowa Travel Grant through GPSG
- GPSG provides grants for individual graduate and professional students enrolled at the University of Iowa. Students may use grant money to travel, conduct research, or conduct a service project. While we do not place specific restrictions on the types of research, travel, or service that we will fund, successful applicants should be able to make a strong case for how their proposed research, service, or travel will contribute to their educational and/or professional success.
- Deadlines: There are multiple deadlines which may change. Visit GPSG website for specific deadlines.
- The University of Iowa Travel Grant through GSS
- GSS provides travel funding assistance to graduate students who present their research at conferences, meetings, symposia and similar professional or academic gatherings. The funds are provided by the Graduate College and allocated by the Travel Funds Committee to deserving applications at multiple deadlines throughout each fiscal year. GSS Travel Funds are awarded for travel to both domestic and international conferences.
- Deadlines: There are multiple deadlines each corresponding to when the conference is held.
- ACM SIGHPC/Intel Computational & Data Science Fellowships
- ACM SIGHPC and Intel have partnered to create Computational and Data Science Fellowships, a 5-year program to increase the diversity of students pursuing graduate degrees in data science and computational science. Specifically targeted at women or students from racial/ethnic backgrounds that have not traditionally participated in the computing field, the program is open to students pursuing degrees at institutions anywhere in the world. The 2018 cohort of students will be the third cohort of students.
- Nominations open: March 15
- Nominations close: April 30
- Winners announced: by July 31
- ACM SIGHPC and Intel have partnered to create Computational and Data Science Fellowships, a 5-year program to increase the diversity of students pursuing graduate degrees in data science and computational science. Specifically targeted at women or students from racial/ethnic backgrounds that have not traditionally participated in the computing field, the program is open to students pursuing degrees at institutions anywhere in the world. The 2018 cohort of students will be the third cohort of students.
- The purpose of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) is to help ensure the quality, vitality, and diversity of the scientific and engineering workforce of the United States. A goal of the program is to broaden participation of the full spectrum of diverse talents in STEM. The five-year fellowship provides three years of financial support inclusive of an annual stipend of $37,000.
- Deadline: End of October (depends on year and application section)