- Test Criteria:
- adjustment of beta needs to be smooth
- Results:
- offset on curved stairs in nonlegligable
- transition from straight to curved stairs leads to matching errors -> play with FoV
- beta threshold on straight stairs should be around 10°
- turning point on curved stairs is currently to far behind the wheelchair
- Test Criteria:
- Measure 10 times going up
- Maximal Distance
- Stop angle from plot
- Deviation from straight line
- Procedure:
- Align Wheelchair straight on stairs
- start service -> kp = 0
- start bagfile
- drive backwards
- measure data
- drive up and down 10 times
- Results:
- little to no deviation while climbing straight stairs
- Test Criteria:
- Climb stairs without external alignment help
- Recognize stairparameters and position on stairs
- tested on CLA curved stairway
- Results:
- Even tough no extrapolation of the angle was implemented, going up the stairs worked fine.
- Often a single, scattered measurement point on scan_1 messed up the matching process. -> filter which delets measurements in close proximity of the sensor was implemented
- Single_Edge_Beta and Double_Edge_Beta performed simalar. Both worked about equally good.
- Bug of changing beta angle according to direction of travel
- while going up (dx > 0) kp needed to be positiv
- while going down (dx < 0) negativ.
- Turning Point:
- the point around which the robot turns is fine while going up
- while going down it lies way to far behind the chair, instead it should be on the front of the chair -> change by initializing dx_1 & dx_2 with a controlled offset or a constant alpha change once the alpha determination works
- the wheelchair is usually quite unstable on the curved stairs this was tested -> Track adjustments might help out on this matter
- Test Criteria:
- Recognize stairparameters and position on stairs
- Results:
- Test Criteria:
- Offset/Distance_Traveled [m]/[m] from straight line up/down during climbing straight stairs
- Performance difference of going up and down
- Results:
- Wheelchair stays within +-1° straight on stairs
- Offset was not measured during this first test
- Test Criteria:
- has only been tested without driving on stairs due to safety measures
- Results
- Kp = 0.05 align the chair to -3° to 0° within 10 s.
- sqp is the fastest with enough accuracy
- Test Criteria:
- At least three edges need to be within the FoV to guarantee a correct identification of the stair parameters
- This is dependant mostly on the stair depth
- An initial ranging scan with a big FoV can be done to reduce the FoV to its optimal size
- Results:
- 150 seems to be the sweetspot
- more testing and calculations still needed
- Test Criteria:
- Stairs grow dependant on distance traveled
- Tracks change in regards to their position at the acctual wheelchair