-Building a 2 Player TIC TAC TOE game that runs on the TERMINAL/CMD.
-We Take Player names as inputs.
-We randomly select a player who Starts off the game. (Tossing Phase)
-tic tac toe board will look like this, basically a 2D List
[-, -, -],
[-, -, -],
[-, -, -]
-user_input = 1-9, will denote the Position where user wants to enter His/Her move on the board.
-Positions Labeled Below-
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
-If they enter anything other than 1-9: prompt(go again).
-Check if the user_input is already taken.
-Add it to the board.
-Check if the user won: checking rows, columns and diagonals.
-Toggle between users upon successful moves.
(+) Adding GUI to it.
(+) Using classes and objects.
(+) Adding options to play against an AI.