In order to publish your library on JitPack you just need a working build file in your Git repository.
JitPack currently can build Gradle, Maven, Sbt and Leiningen projects. Let us know if you want to use it with other build tools.
If the project has a build.gradle file then it will be built using Gradle otherwise JitPack will look for a pom.xml, build.sbt or project.clj file. The build.gradle file can also be located in a subfolder.
Projects using Gradle need to have either the maven or maven-publishing plugin enabled. For example, if you add this to your build file:
apply plugin: 'maven'
group = 'com.github.YourUsername'
then JitPack will run:
./gradlew install
to install the jar and pom file in it's local maven repository. With maven-publishing plugin it will run ./gradlew build publishToMavenLocal
Note that if your project isn't using a Gradle wrapper JitPack will build it with a recent version of Gradle. Therefore it is recommended to use the wrapper.
- Simple -
- Multiple modules -
- Project with multiple artifacts -
See the Guide to publishing Android libraries with Gradle
JitPack will run:
mvn install -DskipTests
to build and publish Maven projects. If your project requires a specific Maven version then you can use the Maven Wrapper. In that case JitPack will run:
./mvnw install -DskipTests
Multiple modules -
If the project builds multiple modules JitPack publish all of them. It will also generate a module that includes all of repository's modules as dependencies. That way if you don't know which module you want you can get all of them by adding just a single dependency to your build file.
To get individual artifacts of multi-module builds use com.github.User.Repo
as group Id and ModuleName
as the artifact Id.
Individual module in Gradle:
compile 'com.github.User.Repo:Module:Tag'
or in Maven:
Tip: You can see a list of modules on if you Look Up your repository.
To get all modules of a project use the standard syntax:
compile 'com.github.User:Repo:Tag'
If your project only has a single module then the dependency for that module is just com.github.User:Repo:Tag
Multiple Gradle modules -
Multiple Maven modules -
JitPack can build sbt projects and also provide dependencies to sbt. When building an Sbt project JitPack will run:
sbt publishM2
To use JitPack repository from sbt add this to build.sbt:
resolvers += "jitpack" at ""
and then use:
libraryDependencies += "com.github.User" % "Repo" % "Tag"
JitPack also supports cross-building with the %% syntax:
libraryDependencies += "com.github.User" %% "Repo" % "Tag"
which will build the dependency with your current Scala version by calling sbt ++SCALA_VERSION
When building a Leiningen project JitPack will run:
lein do clean, install
To use JitPack from Leiningen add the repository to your project.clj:
:repositories [["jitpack" ""]]
and then the dependency:
:dependencies [[com.github.User/Repo "Tag"]]
Each build will have these environment variables:
JAVA_HOME=<detected java home>
GIT_COMMIT=<commit at which we're building>
GIT_BRANCH=<current branch>
GIT_DESCRIBE=<output of git describe command>
You can create a jitpack.yml
file in the root of your repository and override the build commands:
- oraclejdk8
- ./
- echo "Running a custom install command"
- mvn clean install -DskipTests
MYVAR: "custom environment variable"
The install
command is expected to create build artifacts somewhere in the project's directory and
also to copy them to the local Maven repository ~/.m2/repository
Custom environment variables can be set using the env
section as key-value pairs. They will be available to your build on JitPack.
JitPack will compile projects using Oracle Java 8. See the example projects on how to set a different target version in your build file.
Maven projects that specify a target version in their pom will be built with that target version.
If your project uses Travis or Circle CI then JitPack will read the lowest jdk version from yml file and use that to build.
Alternatively create a jitpack.yml
file in the root of your repository and specify a jdk version:
- oraclejdk8
If there is an issue with a build you will see a link to the log in the Status column.
You can also inspect the build log using the URL:
and browse the files:
Although we monitor builds feel free to get in touch any time you face an issue or click the Report button. The easiest way is to open a GitHub issues or come chat on
You can also build snapshots on each commit if you add a GitHub Webhooks. For example by calling this kind of url on every commit:
To add, head to repository Settings -> Webhooks & Services -> Add webhook.
For private repositories you will need to pass the authentication token:
You can remove builds that didn't succeed if you Sign In on and look up your repository. Requesting them again will result in the project being rebuilt.
You may need to run gradle with --refresh-dependencies
flag in order to re-fetch the dependency. In maven use the -U
To clean the Gradle cache delete the HOME_DIR/.gradle/caches directory.