Tested on version: nodemcu_integer_0.9.6-dev_20150704 bin
- Thingspeak channel
- NodeMCU dev download
- Use nodemcu float version to get float numbers, integer versions to get integer numbers (i used the integer version)
- Sometimes the DS reports a temperature of 85 degrees. Reasking for the temp fixes this error.
--Edit 3 line to change GPIO
pin = 3;
--Edit 1 line to change your Thingspeak apikey
apiKey = "Thingspeak apikey"
- Upload the code on your ESP, fire it up then scan with your phone, laptop, etc the networks around you.
- Connect to ESP8266-Setup, then open your browser and go to : (if you need to change this address edit run_config.lua)
- Find you router in the list then use that name and password in the fields bellow and press save.
- Done. The ESP will create a config file (config.lc) and reboot. It will then connect to the selected router, and update your Thingspeak channel every 10 minutes with the temp value.
- If for any reason it cant find the router on reboot, it will delete the conf file and go back into setup mode.
- There is also the option to manually update the Thingspeak channel, or get the Temp value from your browser. Just find the local ip address of the ESP and go to that address on your mobile (ex: You'll have the options to get the Temperature, refresh the page, or delete the config file.
- Added autoreseter in case the ESP cant find the router anymore.