<2024-03-05 Tue 21:48>: Continue here:
<2024-03-11 Mon 18:21>: Continue here:
- Practice: Adding a secondary font
- https://nextjs.org/learn/dashboard-app/optimizing-fonts-images
<2024-03-11 Mon 20:33>: Continue here:
- Chapter 5: Navigating Between Pages
- https://nextjs.org/learn/dashboard-app/navigating-between-pages
<2024-03-25 Mon 20:49>: I followed this guide in terms of how to setup Postgres for this project:
I then used this command to install the Postgres dependencies: npm i @vercel/postgres
I deployed a new PostgresSQL database, and then then went to Quick Start > .env.local tab within the Vercel site itself.
I then copied the related .env.local information into the project’s local ‘.env.local’ file itself.
I then modified the ‘package.json’ file to look like this: “` “scripts”: { “build”: “next build”, “dev”: “next dev”, “start”: “next start”, “seed”: “node -r dotenv/config ./scripts/seed.js” }, “`
I then ran this command: “` npm run seed “`
Continue here: https://nextjs.org/learn/dashboard-app/static-and-dynamic-rendering
Continue here: https://nextjs.org/learn/dashboard-app/mutating-data
NOTE: I had to use this page to figure out how to use ‘index.d.ts’ file to import ‘next-auth’ properly:
- I can use this as an example for my art gallery website:
- https://vercel.com/templates/next.js/image-gallery-starter
I think I should go with a loose grid approach for the Bandcamp links
This would be a bit more fun and accessible than trying to navigate a few carousels, and gives more of the overall art site vibe
Here is an example: Related post:
Related demo: