$ rails new <app_name> // initialie rails app
$ bundle install // bundler install GEMs
$ rails server // runs rails application
$ rails s -p 8080 // start server
$ rails generate model <model_name> // model names are capitalized and singular
$ rails generate controller <ctrl_name> // controller names are capitalized and plural
$ rake routes // view all routes
$ rake db:migrate // migrate database
$ rake db:seed // seed database
$ rails console
Note: Database queries can be chained together
TableName.find(<id>) # also works for multiple id queries
TableName.count # count of entires in table
TableName.order(:attr) # returns all entries ordered by attribute :attr
TableName.limit(10) # returns first 10
TableName.where(<attribute>: <value>) # returns all entries with <attribute> of <value>
TableName.destroy_all # clears all entries
t = TableName.create
# assign t values
t.save # save an entry based on its model validation
t = TableName.create
t.update( # in this case don't need to save, update takes care of that
# <attrname>: <new value>
# ...
TableName.find(<id>) # also works for multiple id queries
t = TableName.find(<id>)
# update t values
# .save method returns true if successfully saved, false otherwise
t = TableName.find(<id>)
class <capitalized singular model name> < ActiveRecord::Base
# model validations
validates_presence_of :attribute # ensures that entry will always have value defined in :attribute
validates_numericality_of :attribute # ensure ensures that entry will always have numeric value defined in :attribute
validates_uniqueness_of :attribute # ensure ensures that entry will always have unique value defined in :attribute
validates_confirmation_of :attribute
validates_acceptance_of :attribute # for e.g. checkboxes that have to be indicated true
validates_length_of :password, minimum: 3 # ensures passsword field in entry have minimum length of 3
validates_format_of :email, with: /regex/i # ensures format of email complies with regex
validates_inclusion_of :age, in: 21..99 # ensures age is within range (21..99)
validates_exclusion_of :age, in: 0..21 # ensures age is not within range (21..99)
# shorthands
validates :attribute, presence: true
validates :attribute, length: {minimum:3}
# combining the above two:
validates :attribute,
presence: true,
length: {minimum:3}
# using relationships
belongs_to :<singular>
has_many :<plural>
ash = Zombie.find(3)
t = Tweet.create(status: "some tweet", zombie: ash)
t.zombie # returns the Zombie(lowercase) object that t belongs to
# link
<%= link_to '<link text>',<model name>_path(<entry obj>) %>
<%= link_to '<link text>', <entry obj>) %> # shorthand
<%= link_to '<link text>', <entry obj>, confirm: "Are you sure?") %> # confirm text
<%= link_to '<link text>', edit_<model name>_path(<entry obj>)) %> # Edit
<%= link_to '<link text>', <entry obj>, method: :delete %> # Destroy
# URL generator methods. Note <model name> is in lowercase
<model name>s_path # redirects to /<model name>s
new_<model name>_path # redirects to '<model name>s/new'
<model name>_path(<entry obj>) # redirects to <model name>s/<entry obj>.id
edit_<model name>_path(<entry obj>) # redirects to <model name>s/<entry obj>.id/edit
<model name>, method: :delete # redirects to <model name>s/<entry obj>.id
class PluralizedModelNameController < ApplicationController
sudo -u postgres psql postgres