diff --git a/Pillar/Pillar.pillar b/Pillar/Pillar.pillar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67e806a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Pillar/Pillar.pillar
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+!Documenting your Project with Pillar
+*Pillar>http://www.smalltalkhub.com/#!/~Pier/Pillar* is a markup syntax and associated tools to write and generate documentation and books. Pillar is currently used to write the *Enterprise Pharo book>https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/job/PharoForTheEnterprise* and other projects (see Section *pillarUSERS*). The Pillar screenshot below (see Figure *voyageDocExample*) shows a part of the *Voyage documentation>https://github.com/SquareBracketAssociates/PharoForTheEnterprise-english/blob/master/Voyage/Voyage.pier* generated by Pillar.
++An example Pillar output>file://figures/voyageDocExample-small.png|label=voyageDocExample|width=30+
+Pillar has many features:
+- simple markup syntax with references, tables, pictures, captions...);
+- export to HTML, LaTeX, Markdown and Pillar itself;
+- customization of the export through a dedicated *STON>http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~SvenVanCaekenberghe/STON* configuration file;
+- support of templates using the *Mustache>http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~NorbertHartl/Mustache* templating engine;
+- syntax-highlighting of generated code blocks (not yet in LaTeX);
+- configurable numbering of section titles and figures;
+- ...
+Pillar has also:
+- a 5-minutes tutorial
+- a documentation (in progress)
+- a good test coverage (95% with more than a 1150 executed tests)
+- a *continuous integration job>https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/job/Pillar*
+- a command-line interface
+- several existing use cases (see Section *pillarUSERS*)
+- a *cheat sheet>http://www.cheatography.com/benjaminvanryseghem/cheat-sheets/pillar*
+The contributors are:
+- *Benjamin van Ryseghem>http://benjamin.vanryseghem.com* did everything on the *Mardown>http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/* exporter and its *GitHub Markdown>https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown* little brother;
+- *Benjamin van Ryseghem>http://benjamin.vanryseghem.com* also worked on the command-line interface, the STON configuration interpreter and many other stuff;
+- Ben Coman made annotated paragraphs work;
+- *Guillermo Polito>http://playingwithobjects.wordpress.com* fixed a bug;
+- *Lukas Renggli>http://www.lukas-renggli.ch* created *Pier>http://piercms.com* a long time ago from which Pillar's document model, parser and many unit tests are coming;
+- *Stéphane Ducasse>http://stephane.ducasse.free.fr* provided continuous feedback from the beginning of the project and got the original idea;
+- *Damien Cassou>http://damiencassou.seasidehosting.st* for everything else :-).
++This project is sponsored by ESUG: *http://www.esug.org*>file://figures/esug-logo.jpg|width=20|label=esugsponsoring+
+These editors have dedicated plugins for Pillar:
+- *Emacs>https://github.com/DamienCassou/pillar-mode*
+- *Vim>https://github.com/cdlm/vim-pillar*
+- *TextMate>https://github.com/Uko/Pillar.tmbundle*
+- *Atom>https://github.com/Uko/language-pillar*
+!!!Pillar users
+Pillar is used in several projects. You can have a look at these projects for real use cases of Pillar.
+- *the Enterprise Pharo book>https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/job/PharoForTheEnterprise/*
+- *the Updated Pharo by Example>https://github.com/SquareBracketAssociates/UpdatedPharoByExample*
+- *the Pharo Laser Game Tutorial>https://github.com/SquareBracketAssociates/PharoLaserGameTutorial*
+- *the Pharo Web Stack>https://github.com/SquareBracketAssociates/PharoWebStack*
+- *the Marina CMS>https://github.com/tide-framework/marina*
+- *the PillarHub open-access shared blog>http://pillarhub.pharocloud.com*
+- *the Pier CMS>http://piercms.com*
+- *the Pillar documentation itself>https://github.com/DamienCassou/pillar-documentation*
+- *the Spec documentation>https://github.com/SpecForPharo/documentation*
+- *the Pharo sound tutorial>https://github.com/xmessner/PharoSoundTutorial*
+!!5 minutes tutorial
+In this section we give the basic steps to get you started with your first Pillar document and exports. You first need to create a ''base directory'' inside which we will put all your text, configuration files, and Pillar itself.
+mkdir mydocument
+cd mydocument
+!!!Installing and exporting your first document
+You first need to download Pillar. For that, I recommend executing *this script>https://raw2.github.com/SquareBracketAssociates/PharoForTheEnterprise-english/master/download.sh* in the base directory.
+Then, you can check everything is working fine by creating a ==first.pier== file with this content:
+!Hello World
+And finally compiling it from a terminal (see Section *commandLineInterface* for more information about the command-line interface):
+./pillar export --to='html' 'first.pier' > first.html
+This should generate a ==first.html== file you can open in a web browser. This content of this file will be something like:
+ No title
+ [...]
Hello World
+ [...]
+!!!Configuring a document
+As you can see, there is no title in the generated ==first.html== file. This is because we did not specify any. To specify a title, we have to write a configuration file. This configuration is typically named ==pillar.conf== and is written in the *STON>http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~SvenVanCaekenberghe/STON* format (see Section *configuring* for more information about the configuration). Create your first ==pillar.conf== file:
+ "title" : "My first document while reading the 5 minutes Pillar tutorial"
+When you compile using the same command line,
+./pillar export --to=html first.pier > first.html
+you should now get a web page with a title:
+ My first document while reading the 5 minutes Pillar tutorial
+!!!Exporting a different content using a template
+If you want to tweak the content of the exported file, for example to reference your CSS or to add a footer, you need to create your own template (see Section *templating* for more information about templating). You must write such template in its own file, e.g., ==myhtml.template==:
+ {{{title}}}
+ {{{content}}}
+Then, you need to reference this template from your configuration file. So, edit your ==pillar.conf== configuration file:
+ "title" : "My first document while reading the 5 minutes Pillar tutorial",
+ "configurations" : {
+ "html" : {
+ "template" : "myhtml.template",
+ "outputType" : #html
+ }
+ }
+Now, compile ==first.pier==
+./pillar export --to=html first.pier > first.html
+to generate a ==first.html== that will contain:
+ My first document while reading the 5 minutes Pillar tutorial
Hello World
+This concludes our 5 minutes tutorial.
+!!Writing Pillar documents
+In this section we show how to write Pillar documents by presenting Pillar syntax. You might want to have a look at the *cheat sheet>http://www.cheatography.com/benjaminvanryseghem/cheat-sheets/pillar* and even download and print it.
+!!!Chapters & Sections
+A line starting with ==!== becomes a chapter heading. Use multiple ==!== to create sections and subsections.
+To refer to a section or chapter, put an anchor (equivalent to \\label{chapterAndSections} in Latex) using the ==@chapterAndSections== syntax on a ''separate line''. Then, when you want to link to it (equivalent to \\ref{chapterAndSections} in Latex), use the ==\*chapterAndSections\*== syntax. Anchors are invisible and links will be rendered as: *chapterAndSections*.
+!!!Paragraphs and framed paragraphs
+An empty line starts a new paragraph.
+An annotated paragraph starts a line with ==\@@== followed by either ==todo== or ==note==. For example,
+@@note this is a note annotation.
+@@note this is a note annotation.
+@@todo this is a todo annotation
+generates a todo annotation that is not visible in the output.
+@@todo this is a todo annotation
+!!!!Unordered lists
+-A block of lines,
+-where each line starts with ==-==
+-is transformed to a bulleted list, where each line is an entry.
+-A block of lines,
+-where each line starts with ==-==
+-is transformed to a bulleted list, where each line is an entry.
+!!!!Ordered lists
+#A block of lines,
+#where each line starts with ==#==
+#is transformed to an ordered list, where each line is an entry.
+#A block of lines,
+#where each line starts with ==#==
+#is transformed to an ordered list, where each line is an entry.
+!!!!Definition lists
+Definition lists (''aka.'' description lists) are lists with labels:
+:color of the sky
+:color of the fire
+:color of the sky
+:color of the fire
+!!!!List nesting
+- Lists can also be nested.
+-#Thus, a line starting with ==-#==
+-#is an element of a bulleted list that is part of an ordered list.
+- Lists can also be nested.
+-#Thus, a line starting with ==-#==
+-#is an element of a bulleted list that is part of an ordered list.
+There is some sugar for font formatting:
+-To make something ""bold"", write ==\""bold""==
+-To make something ''italic'', write ==\''italic''==
+-To make something ==monospaced==, write ==\==monospaced=\===
+-To make something --strikethrough--, write ==\--strikethrough--==
+-To make something @@subscript@@, write ==\@@subscript@@==
+-To make something ^^superscript^^, write ==\^^superscript^^==
+-To make something __underlined__, write ==\__underlined__==
+To create a table, start off the lines with ==|== and separate the elements with ==|==s. Each new line represents a new row of the table. Add a single ==!== to let the cell become a table heading.
+|!Language |!Coolness
+|Smalltalk | Hypra cool
+|Java | baaad
+|!Language |!Coolness
+|Smalltalk | Hypra cool
+|Java | baaad
+The contents of cells can be aligned left, centered or aligned right by using ==|{==, ==||== or ==|}== respectively.
+|{ left |} right || center
+|{ left |} right || center
+!!!!Internal Links and Anchors
+To put an anchor (equivalent to \\label in Latex), use the ==@anchorName== syntax on a ''separate line''. Then, when you want to link to it (equivalent to \\ref in Latex), use the ==\*anchorName\*== syntax. Anchors are invisible and links will be rendered as: *anchorName*.
+!!!!External Links
+To create links to externals resources, use the ==\*Pharo>http://pharo-project.org/\*== syntax which is rendered as *Pharo>http://pharo-project.org/*.
+To include a picture, use the syntax ==\+caption>file://filename|parameters+==:
++Caption of the picture>file://figures/pier-logo.png|width=50|label=pierLogo+
+generates Figure *pierLogo* (this reference has been generated using ==\*pierLogo*==).
++This is the caption of the picture>file://figures/pier-logo.png|width=50|label=pierLogo+
+Use scripts when you want to add code blocks to your document.
+= [[[
+= foo bar
+= ]]]
+foo bar
+If you want either a label (to reference the script later) or a caption (to give a nice title to the script), write the following:
+= [[[label=script1|caption=My script that works|language=Smalltalk
+= self foo bar
+= ]]]
+which produces
+[[[label=script1|caption=My script that works|language=Smalltalk
+self foo bar
+This script can then be referenced with ==\*script1\*== (produces *script1*). Specifying the language (here ==Smalltalk==) will give you syntax highlighting.
+If you want to include raw text into a page you must enclose it in =={{{== and ==}}}==, otherwise Pier ensures that text appears as you type it.
+A good practice is to always specify for which kind of export the raw text must be outputted by starting the block with =={{{latex:== or =={{{html:== (for now only LaTeX, HTML and Markdown are supported). For example, the following shows a formula, either using LaTeX or an image depending on the kind of export.
+= {{{latex:
+= \begin{equation}
+= \label{eq:1}
+= \frac{1+\sqrt{2}}{2}
+= \end{equation}
+= }}}
+= {{{html:
+= (1+sqrt(2)) / 2
+= }}}
+This results in
+ \label{eq:1}
+ \frac{1+\sqrt{2}}{2}
+(1+sqrt(2)) / 2
+""Take care:"" avoid terminating the verbatim text with a ==}== as
+this will confuse the parser. So, don't write --==\{{{\\begin{scriptsize}}}}==-- but ==\{{{\\begin{scriptsize} }}}== instead.
+!!!Preformatted (less used)
+To create a preformatted block, begin each line with ==\===. A preformatted block uses equally spaced text so that spacing is preserved.
+= = this is preformatted text
+= = this line as well
+!!!Commented lines
+Lines that start with a ==%== are considered comments and will not be rendered in the resulting document.
+!! Configuring your output
+In this section we show how to configure the export from the Pillar files.
+!!! Configuration file
+Pillar exporting mechanism can be configured using *STON>http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~SvenVanCaekenberghe/STON*, a lightweight, text-based, human-readable data interchange format (similar to the popular *JSON>http://www.json.org*.
+!!! Configuration parameters
+| writeConfigurationParameter |
+writeConfigurationParameter := [: pragma | | methodWithDefaultValue methodComment |
+methodComment := [ :aMethod |
+ aMethod comment
+ ifNil: [ 'uncommented' ]
+ ifNotNil: [ :comment | comment trimBoth: [ :c | c = $" ] ] ].
+methodWithDefaultValue := pragma methodClass >> (#default , pragma selector capitalized) asSymbol.
+ nextPutAll: '!!!! ' , pragma selector;
+ lf;
+ nextPutAll: '@sec:confParam:', pragma selector;
+ lf;
+ nextPutAll: (methodComment value: pragma method);
+ lf;
+ lf;
+ nextPutAll: ';Default value';
+ lf;
+ nextPutAll: ':';
+ nextPutAll:
+ (methodWithDefaultValue comment
+ ifNotNil: [ methodComment value: methodWithDefaultValue ]
+ ifNil: [
+ methodWithDefaultValue isQuick
+ ifTrue: [ '==', methodWithDefaultValue ast statements first value formattedCode, '==' ]
+ ifFalse: [ 'uncommented' ] ]);
+ lf;
+ lf
+ ].
+((Pragma allNamed: #pillarConfigurationParameter in: PRExportConfiguration) sort: [ :p1 :p2 | p1 selector < p2 selector ])
+ do: [ :pragma | writeConfigurationParameter value: pragma ]
+!! Templating
+Pillar comes with the *Mustache>http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~NorbertHartl/Mustache* templating engine. This means you can specify a preamble and postamble for your document. Here is an example (bootrap-based) HTML template using Mustache:
+ {{{title}}}
+ {{{content}}}
+In this example, we can see the use of ==\{\{\{title\}\}\}== and ==\{\{\{content\}\}\}== to refer to the title of the document and its actual content (the one exported from Pillar). You have to put such a template in a dedicated file (named ==chapter.html.template== for example) and reference this file from the template configuration parameter (see *sec:confParam:template*).
+!! Command-line interface
+In this section we show how to use the ==pillar== command-line interface.
+$ ./pillar export --to=latex PharoSound.pier > PharoSound.tex
diff --git a/Pillar/figures/esug-logo.jpg b/Pillar/figures/esug-logo.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebb8add
Binary files /dev/null and b/Pillar/figures/esug-logo.jpg differ
diff --git a/Pillar/figures/pier-logo.png b/Pillar/figures/pier-logo.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18cab88
Binary files /dev/null and b/Pillar/figures/pier-logo.png differ
diff --git a/Pillar/figures/voyageDocExample-small.png b/Pillar/figures/voyageDocExample-small.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46f5c93
Binary files /dev/null and b/Pillar/figures/voyageDocExample-small.png differ
diff --git a/Pillar/figures/voyageDocExample.png b/Pillar/figures/voyageDocExample.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30274cd
Binary files /dev/null and b/Pillar/figures/voyageDocExample.png differ
diff --git a/pillar.conf b/pillar.conf
index 9ac3128..84f8869 100644
--- a/pillar.conf
+++ b/pillar.conf
@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@
"inputFiles" : [
- "Copyright/License.pier",
+ "Copyright/License.pier",
+ "Pillar/Pillar.pillar",