- Download almost any video from YouTube for free (mp4 format)
- Choose the resolution of the video you want to download
- Choose where you want the files saved on your pc
- Download audio only from video files on YouTube
- Convert video to audio (mp3 format)
- Convert MP3 to Flac, WAV & WMA
- Convert Flac to MP3, WAV & WMA
- Convert WAV to MP3, Flac & WMA
- Convert WMA to MP3, Flac & WAV
- Check available disk space on local machine
- CPU information
- First you need to clone this repo by running the following command in your terminal
git clone https://github.com/STS-Mining/Python
- Install all the dependencies from the requirements.txt file, you can do this by running the following code in your terminal
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Once you have the requirements installed, simply navigate to the main.py file
cd ziptube
- Windows
python main.py
- Linux
python3 main.py
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- ETH:
- BTC:
If you have any questions or issues regarding this software you can Join Our Discord