diff --git a/translations/texts/codex/apex/apexspace1.codex.json b/translations/texts/codex/apex/apexspace1.codex.json index 51cce4a4b..1eb760519 100644 --- a/translations/texts/codex/apex/apexspace1.codex.json +++ b/translations/texts/codex/apex/apexspace1.codex.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A dated Miniknog report on spacefaring dangers." + "Eng": "A dated Miniknog report on spacefaring dangers.", + "Rus": "Отчёт датированный Министерством об опасностях в освоении космоса." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Internal Report #E86A" + "Eng": "Internal Report #E86A", + "Rus": "Внутренний отчёт #E86A " } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Presence ^yellow;#01^white;: Wildlife \n\nThe organic and artificial lifeforms of deep space show curious ecological behaviours that are not seen in terrestrial environments. \n\nOne captured lifeform, which can only be described as a flying cycloptic triangle, displayed the impressive ability to vaporise an entire squad of field scientists in under 000:400 metaclicks." + "Eng": "Presence ^yellow;#01^white;: Wildlife \n\nThe organic and artificial lifeforms of deep space show curious ecological behaviours that are not seen in terrestrial environments. \n\nOne captured lifeform, which can only be described as a flying cycloptic triangle, displayed the impressive ability to vaporise an entire squad of field scientists in under 000:400 metaclicks.", + "Rus": "Контакт ^yellow;#01^white;: Дикая природа \n\nОрганические и искусственные формы жизни глубокого космоса показывают любопытное экологическое поведение, которое не наблюдается в земных условиях.\n\nОдна захваченная форма жизни, которая может быть описана только как летающий одноглазый треугольник, показала впечатляющую способность испарять целый отряд полевых ученых в 000:400 метакликов." } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Presence ^yellow;#02^white;: Humans\n\nOutpost Epsilon-12 has had another encounter with a human vessel. Referring to themselves as part of a \"Corporate Military\", these humans seem somewhat more reckless than the more benign \"Terrene Protectorate\" organisation. \n\nThey display an almost reprehensible capitalistic drive, immediately pledging co-operation with Epsilon-12 in the hopes of acquiring military resources and funds." + "Eng": "Presence ^yellow;#02^white;: Humans\n\nOutpost Epsilon-12 has had another encounter with a human vessel. Referring to themselves as part of a \"Corporate Military\", these humans seem somewhat more reckless than the more benign \"Terrene Protectorate\" organisation. \n\nThey display an almost reprehensible capitalistic drive, immediately pledging co-operation with Epsilon-12 in the hopes of acquiring military resources and funds.", + "Rus": "Контакт ^yellow;#02^white;: Люди\n\nАванпост Эпсилон-12 имел ещё один контакт с человеческим судном. Обращаясь к самим себе как к \"Корпоративным войскам\", эти люди кажутся несколько более безрассудными, чем более мягкая организация \"Земной Протекторат\".\n\nОни демонстрируют почти предосудительный капиталистический драйв, немедленно заявляя о сотрудничестве с Эпсилон-12 в надежде получить военные ресурсы и средства." } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Unlike our own soldiers, it has been observed that this group struggles heavily with obedience among their own ranks. Many of their freighters have been lost to mutinies, with their crews instead deciding on careers in space banditry. \n\nWith the conclusion that association with this faction might cause us complications, Theta branch have proposed a method to quietly decimate them from within by exploiting their eagerness for bioweaponry." + "Eng": "Unlike our own soldiers, it has been observed that this group struggles heavily with obedience among their own ranks. Many of their freighters have been lost to mutinies, with their crews instead deciding on careers in space banditry. \n\nWith the conclusion that association with this faction might cause us complications, Theta branch have proposed a method to quietly decimate them from within by exploiting their eagerness for bioweaponry.", + "Rus": "В отличие от наших собственных солдат, было замечено, что в этой группе жёстко борются с методами принуждения в своих собственных рядах. Многие из их грузовых кораблей были потеряны во время мятежей, а их экипажи начинали карьеру в космическом бандитизме.\n\nС заключением, что ассоциация с этой фракцией может вызвать у нас осложнения, Тэта-ветвь предложила способ, чтобы спокойно уничтожить их изнутри, используя их страсть к биологическому оружию." } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Whilst these creatures are undeniably threatening, their bodies are typically structured in a way that doesn't allow them to survive in even minor gravitational conditions. \n\nMiniknog outposts with gravity fields have been shown to be of little interest to the various space predators, with turret installations deterring the more aggressive threats." + "Eng": "Whilst these creatures are undeniably threatening, their bodies are typically structured in a way that doesn't allow them to survive in even minor gravitational conditions. \n\nMiniknog outposts with gravity fields have been shown to be of little interest to the various space predators, with turret installations deterring the more aggressive threats.", + "Rus": "Хотя эти существа, несомненно, выглядят угрожающе, их тела, как правило, структурированы таким образом, что они не выживают в условиях даже незначительной гравитации.\n\nАванпосты Министерства с гравитационными полями, как видно, мало интересны для различных космических хищников, при этом турельные установки сдерживают более агрессивные угрозы." } } -] \ No newline at end of file +] diff --git a/translations/texts/codex/human/humanspace1.codex.json b/translations/texts/codex/human/humanspace1.codex.json index e2545f22e..bf1c3a83f 100644 --- a/translations/texts/codex/human/humanspace1.codex.json +++ b/translations/texts/codex/human/humanspace1.codex.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A dusty report from the now-disbanded USCM organisation." + "Eng": "A dusty report from the now-disbanded USCM organisation.", + "Rus": "Пыльный отчет от ныне расформированной организации УККВ." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "USCM Annual Report" + "Eng": "USCM Annual Report", + "Rus": "Годовой отчет УККВ" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "^yellow;//EMPLOYMENT^white;\n\nIn previous cycles, our private prison project has shown to increase overall staff compliancy. However, the last six terms have been tough on our Merchant-class freighters, which has lead to an increase in staff confined to on-world imprisonment. \n\nFuture projections show that the prisons, if left understaffed, risk each developing their own internal power hierarchies. Further observation is advised." + "Eng": "^yellow;//EMPLOYMENT^white;\n\nIn previous cycles, our private prison project has shown to increase overall staff compliancy. However, the last six terms have been tough on our Merchant-class freighters, which has lead to an increase in staff confined to on-world imprisonment. \n\nFuture projections show that the prisons, if left understaffed, risk each developing their own internal power hierarchies. Further observation is advised.", + "Rus": "^yellow;//НАЁМ^white;\n\nВ предыдущих циклах наш частный тюремный проект показал, что он повышает общую сговорчивость кадров. Тем не менее, последние шесть условий были жесткими для наших грузовых кораблей класса Торговец, что привело к увеличению персонала, запертому в своих мирах.\n\nБудущие прогнозы показывают, что тюрьмы, если они остались недоукомплектованными, имеют риск развития в каждой из них своих собственных иерархий власти. Рекомендуется дальнейшее наблюдение." } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "^yellow;//OVERVIEW^white;\n\nThe ^orange;Universal Space Corporate Military^white; has faced a taxing fiscal cycle. Our goal - to spread the force and influence of humanity beyond Earth - remains in sight as always. \n\nThe Terrene Protectorate still denotes us as a rogue footnote in Earth's history, but we are confident that their insistent inaction leaves them vulnerable. We shall not make the same mistakes as our cousins on Earth." + "Eng": "^yellow;//OVERVIEW^white;\n\nThe ^orange;Universal Space Corporate Military^white; has faced a taxing fiscal cycle. Our goal - to spread the force and influence of humanity beyond Earth - remains in sight as always. \n\nThe Terrene Protectorate still denotes us as a rogue footnote in Earth's history, but we are confident that their insistent inaction leaves them vulnerable. We shall not make the same mistakes as our cousins on Earth.", + "Rus": "^yellow;//ОБЗОР^white;\n\nУниверсальные Корпоративные Космические Войска^white; столкнулись с налоговым фискальным циклом. Наша цель - распространить силу и влияние человечества за пределы Земли - остается перед глазами, как всегда.\n\nЗемной Протекторат по-прежнему считает нас досадным недоразумением в истории Земли, но мы уверены, что их настойчивое бездействие оставляет их уязвимыми. Мы не будем совершать те же ошибки, что и наши сородичи на Земле." } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "^yellow;//PROJECTS^white;\n\nOur current financial future may seem uncertain to many, but breakthroughs in our genetic manipulation labs - with help from our allies in the Miniknog - might give us a strong foundation in the field of bioweaponry. \n\nResearch into ^orange;Project: PARASPRITE^white; is being conducted simultaneously across many of our Research-class Freighters. Perhaps next cycle will be the start of a new future for the USCM!" + "Eng": "^yellow;//PROJECTS^white;\n\nOur current financial future may seem uncertain to many, but breakthroughs in our genetic manipulation labs - with help from our allies in the Miniknog - might give us a strong foundation in the field of bioweaponry. \n\nResearch into ^orange;Project: PARASPRITE^white; is being conducted simultaneously across many of our Research-class Freighters. Perhaps next cycle will be the start of a new future for the USCM!", + "Rus": "^yellow;//ПРОЕКТЫ^white;\n\nНаше текущее финансовое будущее многим может показаться неопределенным, но прорывы в наших лабораториях по генетическим манипуляциям - с помощью наших союзников в Министерстве апексов - могут дать нам прочную основу в области биологического оружия.\n\nИсследование в ^orange;Проекте: ПАРАСПРАЙТ^white; проводится одновременно во многих наших кораблях класса Исследователь. Возможно, следующий цикл станет началом нового будущего для УККВ!" } } -] \ No newline at end of file +] diff --git a/translations/texts/codex/hylotl/hylotlspace1.codex.json b/translations/texts/codex/hylotl/hylotlspace1.codex.json index 2ff5eacbd..2c86be6bd 100644 --- a/translations/texts/codex/hylotl/hylotlspace1.codex.json +++ b/translations/texts/codex/hylotl/hylotlspace1.codex.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A commercial brochure for the Letheia Corporation." + "Eng": "A commercial brochure for the Letheia Corporation.", + "Rus": "Коммерческая брошюра для Корпорации Лезейя." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Letheia Corporation Brochure" + "Eng": "Letheia Corporation Brochure", + "Rus": "Брошюра Корпорации Лезейя" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The ^yellow;Letheia Corporation^white; is here for you, to help you in every facet of your mortal existence. Our company motto, \"Why live life without Letheia?\" is now more achievable than ever before! Take a look at our shockingly robust range of products and services:\n\n^orange;Space Travel^white;\n\nOur deluxe-class vessels come in a wider range than ever, from industrial freighters to business-class private transport." + "Eng": "The ^yellow;Letheia Corporation^white; is here for you, to help you in every facet of your mortal existence. Our company motto, \"Why live life without Letheia?\" is now more achievable than ever before! Take a look at our shockingly robust range of products and services:\n\n^orange;Space Travel^white;\n\nOur deluxe-class vessels come in a wider range than ever, from industrial freighters to business-class private transport.", + "Rus": "^yellow;Корпорация Лезейя^white; здесь для вас, чтобы помочь вам во всех аспектах вашего смертного существования. Девиз нашей компании: «Зачем жить без Лезейи?» Теперь более достижимо, чем когда-либо прежде! Взгляните на наш потрясающий ассортимент продуктов и услуг:\n\n^orange;Космическое Путешествие^white;\n\nНаши суда делюкс-класса входят в более широкий диапазон, чем когда-либо, от промышленных грузовиков до частного транспорта бизнес-класса." } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "^orange;Furnishings^white;\n\nOur in-house designers produce some of the most widely replicated space vessel furniture in all the galactic clusters!\n\n^orange;Media^white;\n\nLethiea Entertainment brands range from the hugely successful Numi animated series, to niche product lines such as the \"Beautiful Attempt!\" video-game franchise." + "Eng": "^orange;Furnishings^white;\n\nOur in-house designers produce some of the most widely replicated space vessel furniture in all the galactic clusters!\n\n^orange;Media^white;\n\nLethiea Entertainment brands range from the hugely successful Numi animated series, to niche product lines such as the \"Beautiful Attempt!\" video-game franchise.", + "Rus": "^orange;Обстановка^white;\n\nНаши дизайнеры интерьера производят наиболее широко распространенную мебель для космических кораблей во всех галактических кластерах!\n\n^orange;Медиа^white;\n\nАссортимент брендов Лезейя Интертеймент: от чрезвычайно успешной мультипликационной серии Нуми до нишевых продуктовых линий, таких как видео-игровая франшиза \"Прекрасная попытка!\"." } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "^orange;Space Stations^white;\n\nWant to start your own orbital trade hub? 65% of all station deployments in the outer rim now happen through Letheia!\n\n^orange;Fuel Mining^white;\n\nLetheia's Erchius mining facilities are experiencing 6% fewer mysterious accidents than the next leading competitor." + "Eng": "^orange;Space Stations^white;\n\nWant to start your own orbital trade hub? 65% of all station deployments in the outer rim now happen through Letheia!\n\n^orange;Fuel Mining^white;\n\nLetheia's Erchius mining facilities are experiencing 6% fewer mysterious accidents than the next leading competitor.", + "Rus": "^orange;Космические Станции^white;\n\nХотите запустить свой собственный орбитальный торговый центр? 65% всех развертываний станций во внешнем ободе теперь происходят через Лезейю!\n\n^orange;Добывающая Промышленность^white;\n\nВ Эркиевых добывающих предприятиях компании Лезейя на 6% меньше таинственных аварий, чем у ближайшего ведущего конкурента." } } -] \ No newline at end of file +] diff --git a/translations/texts/dialog/combat.config.json b/translations/texts/dialog/combat.config.json index 71eae7a21..b1e54115f 100644 --- a/translations/texts/dialog/combat.config.json +++ b/translations/texts/dialog/combat.config.json @@ -971,7 +971,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "I need a glass o' root pop after all that.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "После всего этого мне нужен стаканчик корневой настойки." } }, { @@ -1139,7 +1139,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "I'm a natural winner at fightin', what can I say?", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Я настоящий победитель в драке, чего я ещё могу сказать?" } }, { @@ -1691,7 +1691,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "This ain't my first rodeo!", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Это не первое моё родео!" } }, { @@ -1847,7 +1847,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Well wasn't that a right ol' rodeo?", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Ну, разве это не старое доброе родео?" } }, { @@ -2030,7 +2030,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Yee-haw! That was somethin'.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Ю-хуу! Это было нечто!" } }, { @@ -2224,7 +2224,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "let's ride!", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Понеслась!" } } -] \ No newline at end of file +] diff --git a/translations/texts/dialog/spaceconverse.config.json b/translations/texts/dialog/spaceconverse.config.json index a7f6e4acf..bfd43faaf 100644 --- a/translations/texts/dialog/spaceconverse.config.json +++ b/translations/texts/dialog/spaceconverse.config.json @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "A get a lot o' strange looks from folks up here. I guess they ain't used to seein' folks like me round these parts.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Ловлю много странных взглядов от людей здесь. Видимо они не привыкли видеть таких, как я, в этих краях.\n" } }, { @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Bein' glowin' star folk gets you a lot o' weird looks around these parts.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Светящиеся звёздные ребята ловят кучу косых взглядов в этих краях." } }, { @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Floran didn't want to fight and eat all of Floran's life, ssso Floran came to ssspace inssstead.", - "Rus": "Флоран не хочет провести всю жизнь Флорана между дракой и едой, поэтому Флоран вместо этого прибыл в космоссс." + "Rus": "Флоран не хотел драться и кушать всю жизнь Флорана, поэтому Флоран отправился в космоссс." } }, { @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "From up here in space, the entire history of the Avian people feels like merely a footnote in the great tapestry of the universe.", - "Rus": "Отсюда, из космоса, вся история Авиан выглядит лишь незначительной заметкой на великом гобелене вселенной." + "Rus": "Отсюда, из космоса, вся история авиан кажется простой сноской на великом гобелене вселенной." } }, { @@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Glowin' star folk like us get a lot o' weird looks around these parts.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Светящиеся звёздные ребята, как мы, ловят много косых взглядов в этих краях." } }, { @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Greetings, fellow Apex. Are you in outer space for any specific purpose?", - "Rus": "Приветствую, друг Апекс. Ты путешествуешь по космосу с какой-то конкретной целью?" + "Rus": "Приветствую, друг апекс. Ты путешествуешь по космосу с какой-то конкретной целью?" } }, { @@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Greetings. Are you in outer space for any specific purpose?", - "Rus": "Привет. Ты путешествуешь по космосу с какой-то конкретной целью?" + "Rus": "Приветствую. вы путешествуете по космосу с какой-то конкретной целью?" } }, { @@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Have you always known about space travel? Did you always dream about venturing through the stars?", - "Rus": "Всегда ли ты знал о путешествиях в космосе? Всегда ли мечтал углубиться в звёздные дали?" + "Rus": "Всегда ли вы знали о космических перелётах? Всегда ли мечтали углубиться в звёздные дали?" } }, { @@ -325,7 +325,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Hello, stranger! I hope you've been vaccinated against space parasites lately!" + "Eng": "Hello, stranger! I hope you've been vaccinated against space parasites lately!", + "Rus": "Привет, незнакомец! Надеюсь недавно ты был вакцинирован от космических паразитов!" } }, { @@ -337,7 +338,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Hey there! My name is . I've been here a while, to say the least." + "Eng": "Hey there! My name is . I've been here a while, to say the least.", + "Rus": "Эй, привет! Я . Я здесь уже довольно давно." } }, { @@ -349,7 +351,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Hey, what's the weather outside like? It's still night-time, right?" + "Eng": "Hey, what's the weather outside like? It's still night-time, right?", + "Rus": "Эй, как погода снаружи? Всё ещё ночное время, верно?" } }, { @@ -361,7 +364,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I actually don't know if we have to dress like this - I'm just doing it to fit in." + "Eng": "I actually don't know if we have to dress like this - I'm just doing it to fit in.", + "Rus": "На самом деле я не знаю, нужно ли так одеваться - я просто делаю это, чтобы не выделяться." } }, { @@ -373,7 +377,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I am meant to be fighting the Miniknog alongside my fellow rebels, but right now I am merely procrastinating." + "Eng": "I am meant to be fighting the Miniknog alongside my fellow rebels, but right now I am merely procrastinating.", + "Rus": "Я должен бы вместе со своими друзьями-мятежниками сражаться против Министерства, но пока что я откладываю это дело." } }, { @@ -384,7 +389,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I don't trust living on planets anymore, especially after what happened to Earth..." + "Eng": "I don't trust living on planets anymore, especially after what happened to Earth...", + "Rus": "Я больше не верю в безопасность жизни на планетах, особенно после того, что случилось с Землей..." } }, { @@ -396,7 +402,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I have come to space to find a professional trade. One day I shall be , master engineer!" + "Eng": "I have come to space to find a professional trade. One day I shall be , master engineer!", + "Rus": "Я отправился в космос на поиски профессионального ремесла. Однажды меня будут звать - мастер инженер." } }, { @@ -408,7 +415,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I have come to space to find artistic inspiration among the stars..." + "Eng": "I have come to space to find artistic inspiration among the stars...", + "Rus": "Я отправился в космос, чтобы найти художественное вдохновение среди звезд..." } }, { @@ -420,7 +428,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I heard that the Miniknog have their own spacefaring mechs... This cannot be true, can it...?" + "Eng": "I heard that the Miniknog have their own spacefaring mechs... This cannot be true, can it...?", + "Rus": "Я слышал, что у Министерства есть свои собственные космические мехи... Это не может быть правдой, верно же...?" } }, { @@ -432,7 +441,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I hope that by exiling myself to space, the Miniknog will not come looking for me." + "Eng": "I hope that by exiling myself to space, the Miniknog will not come looking for me.", + "Rus": "Надеюсь, что изгнав меня в космос, Министерство не отправится на мои поиски." } }, { @@ -443,7 +453,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I hope you aren't planning on visiting Earth right now because I have some bad news..." + "Eng": "I hope you aren't planning on visiting Earth right now because I have some bad news...", + "Rus": "Надеюсь, вы сейчас не планируете посещать Землю, потому что у меня плохие новости..." } }, { @@ -454,7 +465,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I hope you aren't secretly working for the Stargazers! The shackles of false faith shall not chain me again." + "Eng": "I hope you aren't secretly working for the Stargazers! The shackles of false faith shall not chain me again.", + "Rus": "Надеюсь, вы тайно не работаете на Звездочётов! Оковы ложной веры не свяжут меня снова." } }, { @@ -466,7 +478,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I may already be incredibly intelligent, but there is potentially even more to learn out here in space!" + "Eng": "I may already be incredibly intelligent, but there is potentially even more to learn out here in space!", + "Rus": "Возможно, я уже и так необыкновенно умён, но потенциально в космосе можно узнать ещё очень многое!" } }, { @@ -478,7 +491,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I spend much of my life not knowing space even existed, and now I am here!" + "Eng": "I spend much of my life not knowing space even existed, and now I am here!", + "Rus": "Я прожил большую часть своей жизни, не зная, что космос существует, и вот теперь я здесь!" } }, { @@ -490,7 +504,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I thought I'd be free from dangerous monsters when I came to space, but now I hear there are space monsters as well?!" + "Eng": "I thought I'd be free from dangerous monsters when I came to space, but now I hear there are space monsters as well?!", + "Rus": "Я думал, что буду свободен от опасных монстров, прибыв в космос, но теперь я слышу, что есть и космические монстры?!" } }, { @@ -502,7 +517,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "If space is like a grand ocean, perhaps it too is home to gargantuan beasts?" + "Eng": "If space is like a grand ocean, perhaps it too is home to gargantuan beasts?", + "Rus": "Если космос похож на великий океан, возможно, в нем также обитают гигантские звери?" } }, { @@ -514,7 +530,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "In space, no one can hear you... Complain that you're bored." + "Eng": "In space, no one can hear you... Complain that you're bored.", + "Rus": "В космосе никто тебя не услышит... Жалуйся, что тебе скучно." } }, { @@ -526,7 +543,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Is it night-time outside? Haha, just kidding. It's always night in space!" + "Eng": "Is it night-time outside? Haha, just kidding. It's always night in space!", + "Rus": "Снаружи ночь? Ха-ха, просто шучу. В космосе всегда ночь!" } }, { @@ -538,7 +556,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "It ain't easy to blend in around these parts when you light up like a summer afternoon." + "Eng": "It ain't easy to blend in around these parts when you light up like a summer afternoon.", + "Rus": "В этих краях не так то легко гармонировать с окружающими, покуда ты светишься как летний день." } }, { @@ -550,7 +569,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "It is said that most people cannot comprehend the vastness of space. Fortunately, I am intelligent enough to do so." + "Eng": "It is said that most people cannot comprehend the vastness of space. Fortunately, I am intelligent enough to do so.", + "Rus": "Говорят, что большинство людей не может осознать ширину космических просторов. К счастью, я умён достаточно, чтобы сделать это." } }, { @@ -562,7 +582,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "My name is - it is a pleasure to make you acquaintance." + "Eng": "My name is - it is a pleasure to make you acquaintance.", + "Rus": "Меня зовут . Приятно познакомиться." } }, { @@ -573,7 +594,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "My people used to believe the stars were the many eyes of their god, Kluex. Science, well, says otherwise." + "Eng": "My people used to believe the stars were the many eyes of their god, Kluex. Science, well, says otherwise.", + "Rus": "Мой народ верил, что звезды были многочисленными глазами их бога, Клюэкса. Что ж, наука говорит иначе.\n" } }, { @@ -585,7 +607,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "My scientific knowledge is more valuable out here in space than under the opressive regime of the Miniknog." + "Eng": "My scientific knowledge is more valuable out here in space than under the opressive regime of the Miniknog.", + "Rus": "Мои научные знания более полезны здесь, в космосе, чем при репрессивном режиме Министерства." } }, { @@ -597,7 +620,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Nice t' meet y'all, space cowboy!" + "Eng": "Nice t' meet y'all, space cowboy!", + "Rus": "Будем знакомы, космический ковбой!" } }, { @@ -609,7 +633,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Now I am in space, I feel so miniscule. How will I make my mark when I matter so little?" + "Eng": "Now I am in space, I feel so miniscule. How will I make my mark when I matter so little?", + "Rus": "Я чувствую свою ничтожность, находясь в космосе. Как можно оставить что-то после себя, когда ты так малозначителен?" } }, { @@ -621,7 +646,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "One day I shall explore the cosmos instead of hanging about here... But today is not that day." + "Eng": "One day I shall explore the cosmos instead of hanging about here... But today is not that day.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -633,7 +659,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "One day I'll have my own ship and crew! Captain has a nice ring to it, don't you think?" + "Eng": "One day I'll have my own ship and crew! Captain has a nice ring to it, don't you think?", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -645,7 +672,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "One of the small benefits of life in space is that fleas don't survive easily out here..." + "Eng": "One of the small benefits of life in space is that fleas don't survive easily out here...", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -656,7 +684,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Other Floran! Floran likesss similar faces." + "Eng": "Other Floran! Floran likesss similar faces.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -667,7 +696,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Our people used to believe the stars were the many eyes of Kluex. Science, well, says otherwise." + "Eng": "Our people used to believe the stars were the many eyes of Kluex. Science, well, says otherwise.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -679,7 +709,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Space is an ocean of sorts. In some small way, it makes me feel at home." + "Eng": "Space is an ocean of sorts. In some small way, it makes me feel at home.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -691,7 +722,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Space is the real wild country, ain't it? Bandits to hunt, bars to drink at... It sure is the life!" + "Eng": "Space is the real wild country, ain't it? Bandits to hunt, bars to drink at... It sure is the life!", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -702,7 +734,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The Apex can seek solace out here, among the stars. I welcome a quiet life." + "Eng": "The Apex can seek solace out here, among the stars. I welcome a quiet life.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -714,7 +747,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The empty blackness of space is like a blank canvas. How I wish I could somehow paint upon it." + "Eng": "The empty blackness of space is like a blank canvas. How I wish I could somehow paint upon it.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -726,7 +760,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The first step towards fighting a dictatorship is to learn. The enemy can take your weapons, but never your knowledge." + "Eng": "The first step towards fighting a dictatorship is to learn. The enemy can take your weapons, but never your knowledge.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -738,7 +773,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The great thing about living in space is that there's always room. Infinite room, in fact." + "Eng": "The great thing about living in space is that there's always room. Infinite room, in fact.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -750,7 +786,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The low-moisture atmosphere in space is good for preventing rust." + "Eng": "The low-moisture atmosphere in space is good for preventing rust.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -761,7 +798,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The most terrifying aspect of the Miniknog regime is that the Apex people are comfortable with the cycle of oppression." + "Eng": "The most terrifying aspect of the Miniknog regime is that the Apex people are comfortable with the cycle of oppression.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -772,7 +810,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The most terrifying aspect of the Miniknog regime is that the our people are comfortable with the cycle of oppression." + "Eng": "The most terrifying aspect of the Miniknog regime is that the our people are comfortable with the cycle of oppression.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -784,7 +823,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The planets sail across the infinite night, like fish in a grand ocean." + "Eng": "The planets sail across the infinite night, like fish in a grand ocean.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -796,7 +836,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The planets that many warmongering civilisations have fought wars over seem so small from up here, do they not?" + "Eng": "The planets that many warmongering civilisations have fought wars over seem so small from up here, do they not?", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -808,7 +849,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The stars really call out t' me. I guess it jus' feels right bein' up here, closer to 'em." + "Eng": "The stars really call out t' me. I guess it jus' feels right bein' up here, closer to 'em.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -820,7 +862,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "There ain't no law in space. That's purty ideal for rogues an' villains, ain't it?" + "Eng": "There ain't no law in space. That's purty ideal for rogues an' villains, ain't it?", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -832,7 +875,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "There is always new knowledge to find. I have come to space to learn more about our universe." + "Eng": "There is always new knowledge to find. I have come to space to learn more about our universe.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -844,7 +888,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "To be so small compared to the great scale of all existence... Does space also make you feel insignificant?" + "Eng": "To be so small compared to the great scale of all existence... Does space also make you feel insignificant?", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -856,7 +901,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "To fly through space on board a ship... It isn't like having real wings, but it's close!" + "Eng": "To fly through space on board a ship... It isn't like having real wings, but it's close!", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -867,7 +913,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "To my people, space travel is viewed as a gift from Kluex to help spread our faith. To me, it is a gift for discovery and knowledge!" + "Eng": "To my people, space travel is viewed as a gift from Kluex to help spread our faith. To me, it is a gift for discovery and knowledge!", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -878,7 +925,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "To our people, space travel is viewed as a gift from Kluex to help spread our faith. To me, it is a gift for discovery and knowledge!" + "Eng": "To our people, space travel is viewed as a gift from Kluex to help spread our faith. To me, it is a gift for discovery and knowledge!", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -889,7 +937,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Us Apex can seek solace out here, among the stars. I welcome a quiet life." + "Eng": "Us Apex can seek solace out here, among the stars. I welcome a quiet life.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -901,7 +950,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Welcome to... Space! Are you new here?" + "Eng": "Welcome to... Space! Are you new here?", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -912,7 +962,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Welcome, fellow Glitch! I am . I wish you well on your travels." + "Eng": "Welcome, fellow Glitch! I am . I wish you well on your travels.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -923,7 +974,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Welcome, friend. If you are here, then perhaps you too have evaded the clutches of the Miniknog?" + "Eng": "Welcome, friend. If you are here, then perhaps you too have evaded the clutches of the Miniknog?", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -934,7 +986,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Welcome, spacefarer! I am . I wish you well on your travels." + "Eng": "Welcome, spacefarer! I am . I wish you well on your travels.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -946,7 +999,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Welcome, stranger! As sure as the suns rise shall I greet every new face with a smile." + "Eng": "Welcome, stranger! As sure as the suns rise shall I greet every new face with a smile.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -958,7 +1012,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Well ruffle my feathers - a friendly new face!" + "Eng": "Well ruffle my feathers - a friendly new face!", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -970,7 +1025,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "What secrets are hidden among the stars? I very much desire to find out." + "Eng": "What secrets are hidden among the stars? I very much desire to find out.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -982,7 +1038,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "You ain't gonna look me in the eyes, partner? I'm jus' foolin' with yer - I ain't got any eyes!" + "Eng": "You ain't gonna look me in the eyes, partner? I'm jus' foolin' with yer - I ain't got any eyes!", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -994,7 +1051,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "You have a look about you - A look of... Wanderlust?" + "Eng": "You have a look about you - A look of... Wanderlust?", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -1006,7 +1064,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "You know, it's really hard to maintain a sleep cycle when there's no days or nights." + "Eng": "You know, it's really hard to maintain a sleep cycle when there's no days or nights.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -1018,7 +1077,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "You'd think that living offworld would get lonely, but... Well, you'd be right, actually." + "Eng": "You'd think that living offworld would get lonely, but... Well, you'd be right, actually.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/interface.json b/translations/texts/interface.json index a61e104bf..40430fbee 100644 --- a/translations/texts/interface.json +++ b/translations/texts/interface.json @@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "tree", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "древо" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/materials/shared_pressurisedgirder.mat.json b/translations/texts/materials/shared_pressurisedgirder.mat.json index 2a70b76fa..2a4200cc8 100644 --- a/translations/texts/materials/shared_pressurisedgirder.mat.json +++ b/translations/texts/materials/shared_pressurisedgirder.mat.json @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "A girder made to accommodate adjustments in pressurisation ", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Балки, предназначенные выдерживать перепады давления." } }, { @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "A tough 'ol metal girder.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Старая-добрая крепкая металлическая балка." } }, { @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Pressurised Girder", - "Rus": "Герметичные опоры" + "Rus": "Герметичная балка" } }, { @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Shiny sstrong metal girder.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Блестящие сссильные металлические балки." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/materials/shared_purplecrystal.mat.json b/translations/texts/materials/shared_purplecrystal.mat.json index 7fa2132c3..68795d47a 100644 --- a/translations/texts/materials/shared_purplecrystal.mat.json +++ b/translations/texts/materials/shared_purplecrystal.mat.json @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Light appears to dance through this purple crystal." + "Eng": "Light appears to dance through this purple crystal.", + "Rus": "Через этот кристалл кажется, что свет танцует." } }, { @@ -73,7 +74,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This purple crystal is purdy lookin'." + "Eng": "This purple crystal is purdy lookin'.", + "Rus": "Этот фиолетовый кристалл выглядит любо." } } -] \ No newline at end of file +] diff --git a/translations/texts/materials/shared_redtoyblock.mat.json b/translations/texts/materials/shared_redtoyblock.mat.json index 0495ee3c3..f9133f169 100644 --- a/translations/texts/materials/shared_redtoyblock.mat.json +++ b/translations/texts/materials/shared_redtoyblock.mat.json @@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Floran likess sstackable toy block." + "Eng": "Floran likess sstackable toy block.", + "Rus": "Флорану нравятся ссскладывающиеся игрушечные блоки." } }, { @@ -54,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "These colourful blocks are meant for playin' with." + "Eng": "These colourful blocks are meant for playin' with.", + "Rus": "Этими красочными блоками можно и поиграть." } }, { @@ -68,7 +70,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "These toy blocks stack and lock together." + "Eng": "These toy blocks stack and lock together.", + "Rus": "Эти игрушечные блоки складываются и крепятся вместе." } } -] \ No newline at end of file +] diff --git a/translations/texts/materials/shared_rock14.mat.json b/translations/texts/materials/shared_rock14.mat.json index 1ce3fcd14..25f933a22 100644 --- a/translations/texts/materials/shared_rock14.mat.json +++ b/translations/texts/materials/shared_rock14.mat.json @@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Mining this granite will only produce cobblestone." + "Eng": "Mining this granite will only produce cobblestone.", + "Rus": "Добыча этого гранита даст лишь булыжник." } }, { diff --git a/translations/texts/materials/shared_sand2.mat.json b/translations/texts/materials/shared_sand2.mat.json index 3ae7ebb5f..8303ade32 100644 --- a/translations/texts/materials/shared_sand2.mat.json +++ b/translations/texts/materials/shared_sand2.mat.json @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "This sand is so fine it seems smooth to touch.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Этот песок так прекрасен, он кажется гладким на ощупь." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/materials/shared_sandstone.json b/translations/texts/materials/shared_sandstone.json index 1ec6922d8..118d88619 100644 --- a/translations/texts/materials/shared_sandstone.json +++ b/translations/texts/materials/shared_sandstone.json @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Some sandy lookin' rocks." + "Eng": "Some sandy lookin' rocks.", + "Rus": "Вроде бы песок, а вроде бы и камень." } }, { @@ -24,7 +25,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Ssandy ssandstone rockss." + "Eng": "Ssandy ssandstone rockss.", + "Rus": "Пессочно пессчаниковые камни." } }, { @@ -38,7 +40,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This sandstone is made from fine particles of rock." + "Eng": "This sandstone is made from fine particles of rock.", + "Rus": "Этот песчаник состоит из мелких частиц камня." } }, { diff --git a/translations/texts/materials/shared_sandstoneblock.mat.json b/translations/texts/materials/shared_sandstoneblock.mat.json index 918d57359..32c12d1e5 100644 --- a/translations/texts/materials/shared_sandstoneblock.mat.json +++ b/translations/texts/materials/shared_sandstoneblock.mat.json @@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Some bricks made outta sandstone." + "Eng": "Some bricks made outta sandstone.", + "Rus": "Какиета кирпичи кажись из песчаника. " } }, { @@ -54,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Ssturdy ssandstone brickss." + "Eng": "Ssturdy ssandstone brickss.", + "Rus": "Крепкие пессчаные кирпичи." } }, { @@ -68,7 +70,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "These bricks are made from a strong sandstone." + "Eng": "These bricks are made from a strong sandstone.", + "Rus": "Эти кирпичи сделаны из крепкого песчаника." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/materials/shared_sewage.mat.json b/translations/texts/materials/shared_sewage.mat.json index 20148f9ce..8bb4f85a2 100644 --- a/translations/texts/materials/shared_sewage.mat.json +++ b/translations/texts/materials/shared_sewage.mat.json @@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Floran disgussted by stinky ssewage." + "Eng": "Floran disgussted by stinky ssewage.", + "Rus": "Флорану мерзко от вонючих нечистот." } }, { @@ -39,7 +40,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Looks t'me like some sorta sewage. Smells like an outhouse in the sun." + "Eng": "Looks t'me like some sorta sewage. Smells like an outhouse in the sun.", + "Rus": "Похоже на какие-то помои. Пахнет, как сортир на солнце." } }, { @@ -68,7 +70,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The stench from this sewage is overwhelming." + "Eng": "The stench from this sewage is overwhelming.", + "Rus": "Вонь от этих отходов ошеломительна." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/materials/shared_silverblock.mat.json b/translations/texts/materials/shared_silverblock.mat.json index 60ebd1985..f2f55093a 100644 --- a/translations/texts/materials/shared_silverblock.mat.json +++ b/translations/texts/materials/shared_silverblock.mat.json @@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Shiny lookin' blocks made outta pure silver." + "Eng": "Shiny lookin' blocks made outta pure silver.", + "Rus": "Поблёскивающие блоки из чистого серебра." } }, { @@ -71,7 +72,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This block is entirely solid silver." + "Eng": "This block is entirely solid silver.", + "Rus": "Этот блок из цельного серебра." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/materials/shared_silverscrew.mat.json b/translations/texts/materials/shared_silverscrew.mat.json index 1571b877f..cd83d45ab 100644 --- a/translations/texts/materials/shared_silverscrew.mat.json +++ b/translations/texts/materials/shared_silverscrew.mat.json @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A big ol' screw outta silver." + "Eng": "A big ol' screw outta silver.", + "Rus": "Здоровенный винт из серебра." } }, { @@ -39,7 +40,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Shiny sscrew made from ssilver." + "Eng": "Shiny sscrew made from ssilver.", + "Rus": "Блестящий винт, ссделанный из сссеребра." } }, { @@ -68,7 +70,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "What purpose could a screw this large serve?" + "Eng": "What purpose could a screw this large serve?", + "Rus": "Какой цели может служить такой большой винт?" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/materials/shared_slime.mat.json b/translations/texts/materials/shared_slime.mat.json index f26216ac5..7397f2418 100644 --- a/translations/texts/materials/shared_slime.mat.json +++ b/translations/texts/materials/shared_slime.mat.json @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "This slime is some nasty lookin' stuff.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Эта слизь на вид гадкая." } }, { @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "This slime looks sticky.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Эта слизь выглядит липкой." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/materials/shared_slopedhullpanel.mat.json b/translations/texts/materials/shared_slopedhullpanel.mat.json index 7953c250d..c12cb0edc 100644 --- a/translations/texts/materials/shared_slopedhullpanel.mat.json +++ b/translations/texts/materials/shared_slopedhullpanel.mat.json @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Cheap, resilient panelling widely used for ship and station construction." + "Eng": "Cheap, resilient panelling widely used for ship and station construction.", + "Rus": "Дешевая, эластичная обшивка, широко используемая для строительства кораблей и станций." } }, { @@ -24,7 +25,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Hull Panel" + "Eng": "Hull Panel", + "Rus": "Панель обшивки" } }, { @@ -38,7 +40,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Shiny sssmooth space metal." + "Eng": "Shiny sssmooth space metal.", + "Rus": "Блестящий гладкий косссмический металл." } }, { @@ -52,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Some thick metal plating, looks mighty solid." + "Eng": "Some thick metal plating, looks mighty solid.", + "Rus": "Какое-то толстое металлическое покрытие, выглядит добротно." } }, { @@ -66,7 +70,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This is panelling widely used for ship and station construction." + "Eng": "This is panelling widely used for ship and station construction.", + "Rus": "Это обшивка, широко используемая для строительства судов и станций." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/materials/shared_slopedinsetpanel.mat.json b/translations/texts/materials/shared_slopedinsetpanel.mat.json index e0bf69bbe..5c0aa09a0 100644 --- a/translations/texts/materials/shared_slopedinsetpanel.mat.json +++ b/translations/texts/materials/shared_slopedinsetpanel.mat.json @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A somewhat inexpensive material that can withstand most weathering." + "Eng": "A somewhat inexpensive material that can withstand most weathering.", + "Rus": "Не очень дорогой материал, который способен выдержать выветривание." } }, { @@ -24,7 +25,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A sturdy lookin' metal panel." + "Eng": "A sturdy lookin' metal panel.", + "Rus": "Знатная металлическая панель." } }, { @@ -38,7 +40,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Inset Panel" + "Eng": "Inset Panel", + "Rus": "Облицовочная панель" } }, { @@ -52,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This somewhat inexpensive material can withstand most weathering." + "Eng": "This somewhat inexpensive material can withstand most weathering.", + "Rus": "Этот не очень дорогой материал способен выдержать выветривание." } }, { @@ -66,7 +70,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This sspace-metal looks ssstrong." + "Eng": "This sspace-metal looks ssstrong.", + "Rus": "Этот космо-металл выглядит сссильно." } } -] \ No newline at end of file +] diff --git a/translations/texts/materials/shared_slopedrustypanel.mat.json b/translations/texts/materials/shared_slopedrustypanel.mat.json index 0b5e97592..342463ee1 100644 --- a/translations/texts/materials/shared_slopedrustypanel.mat.json +++ b/translations/texts/materials/shared_slopedrustypanel.mat.json @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Floran wantsss to make ssspears out of rusty metal.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Флоран хочет сссделать копьё из ржавого металла." } }, { @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "I am sure with some elbow grease, this metal panelling could be cleared up.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Я уверен, что хорошо поработав руками, эту металлическую обшивку можно очистить." } }, { @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Some 'ol metal panels covered in rust.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Какие-то металлические панели покрытые ржавчиной." } }, { @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Sturdy metal panelling that has been rusted with age.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Прочная металлическая обшивка, которая заржавела с возрастом." } } -] \ No newline at end of file +] diff --git a/translations/texts/materials/shared_slopedscrappanel.mat.json b/translations/texts/materials/shared_slopedscrappanel.mat.json index c90154131..34ed1a764 100644 --- a/translations/texts/materials/shared_slopedscrappanel.mat.json +++ b/translations/texts/materials/shared_slopedscrappanel.mat.json @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Metal sssso russty, Floran wouldn't even ussse it." + "Eng": "Metal sssso russty, Floran wouldn't even ussse it.", + "Rus": "Металл нассстолько ржавый, Флоран бы не иссспользовал его." } }, { @@ -24,7 +25,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Scrap Panel" + "Eng": "Scrap Panel", + "Rus": "Панель металлолома " } }, { @@ -38,7 +40,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This metal panel is just a buncha rusted scrap." + "Eng": "This metal panel is just a buncha rusted scrap.", + "Rus": "Эта металлическая панель - просто кипа ржавого лома." } }, { @@ -52,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This metal surface looks very jagged and rusty." + "Eng": "This metal surface looks very jagged and rusty.", + "Rus": "Эта металлическая поверхность выглядит очень неровной и ржавой." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/materials/shared_slush.mat.json b/translations/texts/materials/shared_slush.mat.json index 3c5211468..5cb01e964 100644 --- a/translations/texts/materials/shared_slush.mat.json +++ b/translations/texts/materials/shared_slush.mat.json @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A whole mess of freezin' slush." + "Eng": "A whole mess of freezin' slush.", + "Rus": "Полное месиво застывшей слякоти." } }, { @@ -54,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Slush like this is made from melted ice." + "Eng": "Slush like this is made from melted ice.", + "Rus": "Подобная слякоть получилась из расплавленного льда." } }, { @@ -68,7 +70,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Sslushy cold wet sslush." + "Eng": "Sslushy cold wet sslush.", + "Rus": "Грязная холодная мокрая ссслякоть." } } -] \ No newline at end of file +] diff --git a/translations/texts/materials/shared_smoothmetal.mat.json b/translations/texts/materials/shared_smoothmetal.mat.json index 350dfcfe5..5f60e9dc6 100644 --- a/translations/texts/materials/shared_smoothmetal.mat.json +++ b/translations/texts/materials/shared_smoothmetal.mat.json @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Metal polished as smooth as a Glitch chassis.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Металл отполирован так же гладко, как шасси Глитчей." } }, { @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "These metal panels feel mighty smooth.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Эти металлические панели кажись очень гладкие." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/materials/shared_snow.mat.json b/translations/texts/materials/shared_snow.mat.json index 5ae80c189..a57c19325 100644 --- a/translations/texts/materials/shared_snow.mat.json +++ b/translations/texts/materials/shared_snow.mat.json @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Buncha fresh snow." + "Eng": "Buncha fresh snow.", + "Rus": "Куча свежего снега." } }, { @@ -24,7 +25,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Cold ssnowy sstuff." + "Eng": "Cold ssnowy sstuff.", + "Rus": "Холодная сснежная массса." } }, { @@ -53,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This snow looks freshly fallen." + "Eng": "This snow looks freshly fallen.", + "Rus": "Этот снег кажется свежевыпавший. " } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/materials/shared_stonetiles.mat.json b/translations/texts/materials/shared_stonetiles.mat.json index 6a9ad2073..053ae5237 100644 --- a/translations/texts/materials/shared_stonetiles.mat.json +++ b/translations/texts/materials/shared_stonetiles.mat.json @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Sstones polished into beautiful tiless.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Камни отполированные в красивые плиты." } }, { @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Stone cut 'n polished into some fancy lookin' tiles.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Камень, порезан да огранён в чудные плиты." } }, { @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "This stone has been carefully smoothed into tiles.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Этот камень был бережно отполирован в плиты." } }, { diff --git a/translations/texts/materials/shared_vine.mat.json b/translations/texts/materials/shared_vine.mat.json index 19a81f9d6..f510aaa54 100644 --- a/translations/texts/materials/shared_vine.mat.json +++ b/translations/texts/materials/shared_vine.mat.json @@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "It appears these strong vines were woven together as they were grown." + "Eng": "It appears these strong vines were woven together as they were grown.", + "Rus": "Похоже, что эти крепкие лозы сплелись вместе, когда росли." } }, { @@ -39,7 +40,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "These vines are massive lookin'." + "Eng": "These vines are massive lookin'.", + "Rus": "Эти лозы на вид большущие." } }, { @@ -68,7 +70,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Viness grow sstrong just like Floran." + "Eng": "Viness grow sstrong just like Floran.", + "Rus": "Лозы растут сссильными, прямо как Флоран." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/materials/shared_wallpaper.mat.json b/translations/texts/materials/shared_wallpaper.mat.json index 6b67b12f9..b036cf748 100644 --- a/translations/texts/materials/shared_wallpaper.mat.json +++ b/translations/texts/materials/shared_wallpaper.mat.json @@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Sstrange paper covers wallss." + "Eng": "Sstrange paper covers wallss.", + "Rus": "Ссстранная бумага покрывающая сстены." } }, { @@ -54,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The Glitch have never understood the concept of glued wall papering." + "Eng": "The Glitch have never understood the concept of glued wall papering.", + "Rus": "Глитчи никогда не понимали идею обклеивания стен бумагой." } }, { @@ -68,7 +70,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Wallpaper. Perfect for classin' up the place." + "Eng": "Wallpaper. Perfect for classin' up the place.", + "Rus": "Обои. Лучшего описания и не придумаешь." } } -] \ No newline at end of file +] diff --git a/translations/texts/materials/shared_wetdirt.mat.json b/translations/texts/materials/shared_wetdirt.mat.json index 661e84566..d6cb10f33 100644 --- a/translations/texts/materials/shared_wetdirt.mat.json +++ b/translations/texts/materials/shared_wetdirt.mat.json @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Not quite mud, not quite dirt...it's wet dirt.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Не совсем грязь, не совсем земля... это сырая земля." } }, { diff --git a/translations/texts/materials/shared_woodenwindow1.mat.json b/translations/texts/materials/shared_woodenwindow1.mat.json index d56844d32..a322d0a26 100644 --- a/translations/texts/materials/shared_woodenwindow1.mat.json +++ b/translations/texts/materials/shared_woodenwindow1.mat.json @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Nice lookin' window with wooden panes.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Пригожее окно с деревянными панелями." } }, { @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Nice windowss, Floran can see outside.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Хорошие окна, Флоран видит то, что снаружи." } }, { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "This window helps brighten the room.", - "Rus": "Это окно осветить комнату." + "Rus": "Это окно помогает осветить комнату." } }, { diff --git a/translations/texts/materials/shared_woodenwindow2.mat.json b/translations/texts/materials/shared_woodenwindow2.mat.json index d21d8c127..2aaca6ef8 100644 --- a/translations/texts/materials/shared_woodenwindow2.mat.json +++ b/translations/texts/materials/shared_woodenwindow2.mat.json @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Floran can peak through large sslats of wood." + "Eng": "Floran can peak through large sslats of wood.", + "Rus": "Флоран может прорости через большие рёбра из дерева." } }, { @@ -24,7 +25,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I can see right through the spaces in this wood, clear to the other side." + "Eng": "I can see right through the spaces in this wood, clear to the other side.", + "Rus": "Я вижу прямо сквозь щели в этом дереве, с той стороны светло." } }, { @@ -55,7 +57,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This wood filters light and acts as a barrier." + "Eng": "This wood filters light and acts as a barrier.", + "Rus": "Это дерево пропускает свет и действует как барьер." } }, { diff --git a/translations/texts/materials/shared_woodpanelling.mat.json b/translations/texts/materials/shared_woodpanelling.mat.json index 849f4e0fb..5852767dd 100644 --- a/translations/texts/materials/shared_woodpanelling.mat.json +++ b/translations/texts/materials/shared_woodpanelling.mat.json @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "It appears these panels of wood are decorative." + "Eng": "It appears these panels of wood are decorative.", + "Rus": "Похоже, что эти панели из дерева служат для декора." } }, { diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/apex/apexstoragelocker/apexstoragelocker.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/apex/apexstoragelocker/apexstoragelocker.object.json index 273ac4d23..991ae45ba 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/apex/apexstoragelocker/apexstoragelocker.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/apex/apexstoragelocker/apexstoragelocker.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Apex Storage Locker" + "Eng": "Apex Storage Locker", + "Rus": "Шкаф-хранилище апексов" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/avian/avianstoragelocker/avianstoragelocker.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/avian/avianstoragelocker/avianstoragelocker.object.json index 36ea0522e..f8b6aa7a2 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/avian/avianstoragelocker/avianstoragelocker.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/avian/avianstoragelocker/avianstoragelocker.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Avian Storage Locker" + "Eng": "Avian Storage Locker", + "Rus": "Шкаф-хранилище авиан" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/avian/birdaltar2/birdaltar2.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/avian/birdaltar2/birdaltar2.object.json index cc8c1afc8..6aac51ce1 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/avian/birdaltar2/birdaltar2.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/avian/birdaltar2/birdaltar2.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "An altar covered in Avian carvings. Perhaps this is their god?" + "Eng": "An altar covered in Avian carvings. Perhaps this is their god?", + "Rus": "Алтарь, покрытый авианской резьбой. Может быть, здесь изображён их бог?" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "An altar. It's covered in intricate carvings of an Avian with wings." + "Eng": "An altar. It's covered in intricate carvings of an Avian with wings.", + "Rus": "Алтарь. Он покрыт замысловатой резьбой, изображающей авиана с крыльями." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Avian Prayer Altar" + "Eng": "Avian Prayer Altar", + "Rus": "Молитвенный алтарь авиан" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Looks like some ol' altar. It's got carvin' all over it." + "Eng": "Looks like some ol' altar. It's got carvin' all over it.", + "Rus": "Похоже на какой-то древний алтарь. Он весь покрыт резьбой." } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Ssstone bird man carved on ssstone table." + "Eng": "Ssstone bird man carved on ssstone table.", + "Rus": "Каменные ходячие птицы, вырезанные в каменном столе." } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Such piety is not the way forwards." + "Eng": "Such piety is not the way forwards.", + "Rus": "Такая набожность не приведёт к развитию." } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The altar is covered in carvings of a winged god." + "Eng": "The altar is covered in carvings of a winged god.", + "Rus": "Алтарь, покрытый резьбой, изображающей крылатого бога." } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This altar appears to have some religious purpose which eludes me." + "Eng": "This altar appears to have some religious purpose which eludes me.", + "Rus": "У этого алтаря, похоже, есть какое-то религиозная значение, которое ускользает от меня." } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This altar is covered in carvings of Kluex. The Stargazers use it to commune with Kluex and bid him accept the dead into the aether. Offerings are often made here." + "Eng": "This altar is covered in carvings of Kluex. The Stargazers use it to commune with Kluex and bid him accept the dead into the aether. Offerings are often made here.", + "Rus": "Этот алтарь покрыт резьбой, изображающей Клюэкса. Звездочёты используют его для общения с Клюэксом и предлагают ему принять мертвых в эфир. Предложения часто делаются здесь." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/avian/chestavian/chestavian1.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/avian/chestavian/chestavian1.object.json index 7aafbc598..1341398e4 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/avian/chestavian/chestavian1.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/avian/chestavian/chestavian1.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A chest like this may hold something valuable." + "Eng": "A chest like this may hold something valuable.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Decorative Avian chests like this sometimes hold great treasure." + "Eng": "Decorative Avian chests like this sometimes hold great treasure.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Decorative Chest" + "Eng": "Decorative Chest", + "Rus": "Декоративный сундук" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Someone spent time to decorate this chest, it may hold something good." + "Eng": "Someone spent time to decorate this chest, it may hold something good.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This chest is a work of art. What could be inside?" + "Eng": "This chest is a work of art. What could be inside?", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This chest is real nice lookin'." + "Eng": "This chest is real nice lookin'.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Thiss chest is ssso pretty." + "Eng": "Thiss chest is ssso pretty.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/avian/chestavian2/chestavian2.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/avian/chestavian2/chestavian2.object.json index 4a575c8cf..6b698f95f 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/avian/chestavian2/chestavian2.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/avian/chestavian2/chestavian2.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A dank old chest, fashioned from wood and iron." + "Eng": "A dank old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", + "Rus": "Отсыревший старинный сундук, оформленный из железа и дерева." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A old looking chest. I wonder what's inside?" + "Eng": "A old looking chest. I wonder what's inside?", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "An old looking chest, hopefully the contents are useful." + "Eng": "An old looking chest, hopefully the contents are useful.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Finding a chest is always exciting." + "Eng": "Finding a chest is always exciting.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Old Chest" + "Eng": "Old Chest", + "Rus": "Старинный сундук" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This chest may look old, but the contents could be valuable." + "Eng": "This chest may look old, but the contents could be valuable.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This ol' chest has seen better days." + "Eng": "This ol' chest has seen better days.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This old looking chest could hold treasure." + "Eng": "This old looking chest could hold treasure.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Very old chesst, maybe holdsss treasure." + "Eng": "Very old chesst, maybe holdsss treasure.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/avian/chestmedavian/chestmedavian1.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/avian/chestmedavian/chestmedavian1.object.json index 5b4a03e3b..98ed6995e 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/avian/chestmedavian/chestmedavian1.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/avian/chestmedavian/chestmedavian1.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A big chest, maybe I can rustle up some supplies." + "Eng": "A big chest, maybe I can rustle up some supplies.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A fairly large chest! Let's open it up." + "Eng": "A fairly large chest! Let's open it up.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Giant Chesst! Floran will ssearch!" + "Eng": "Giant Chesst! Floran will ssearch!", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Large Decorative Chest" + "Eng": "Large Decorative Chest", + "Rus": "Большой декоративный сундук" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Often these chests are built large to store valuables." + "Eng": "Often these chests are built large to store valuables.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "There are few things as exciting as an unopened chest." + "Eng": "There are few things as exciting as an unopened chest.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "What could be inside a chest so large?" + "Eng": "What could be inside a chest so large?", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/avian/chestmedavian2/chestmedavian2.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/avian/chestmedavian2/chestmedavian2.object.json index 1cbb14e46..d7d774112 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/avian/chestmedavian2/chestmedavian2.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/avian/chestmedavian2/chestmedavian2.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A large chesst! Maybe food insside." + "Eng": "A large chesst! Maybe food insside.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A large chest, seems like it could hold a lot." + "Eng": "A large chest, seems like it could hold a lot.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A large old chest, fashioned from wood and iron." + "Eng": "A large old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", + "Rus": "Большой старинный сундук, оформленный из железа и дерева." } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A strong chest, what's inside?" + "Eng": "A strong chest, what's inside?", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A sturdy chest is always a welcome sight." + "Eng": "A sturdy chest is always a welcome sight.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I could pack a lot into a big ol' chest like this one." + "Eng": "I could pack a lot into a big ol' chest like this one.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Large Old Chest" + "Eng": "Large Old Chest", + "Rus": "Большой старинный сундук" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "No time to waste, there may be valuables inside!" + "Eng": "No time to waste, there may be valuables inside!", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "These chests are built undecorated but strong, to protect the contents." + "Eng": "These chests are built undecorated but strong, to protect the contents.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/crafting/mechcraftingtable/mechcraftingtable.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/crafting/mechcraftingtable/mechcraftingtable.object.json index 052757156..cdbfbe78f 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/crafting/mechcraftingtable/mechcraftingtable.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/crafting/mechcraftingtable/mechcraftingtable.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A crafting ssstation for making mech parts." + "Eng": "A crafting ssstation for making mech parts.", + "Rus": "Сссборочная сстанция для изготовления частей меха." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I can assemble modular mech components at this station." + "Eng": "I can assemble modular mech components at this station.", + "Rus": "На этой станции я могу собрать модульные компоненты меха." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This industrial looking table produces modular mech components." + "Eng": "This industrial looking table produces modular mech components.", + "Rus": "Этот промышленно выглядящий стол производит модульные компоненты меха." } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This station is designed to assemble modular mech components" + "Eng": "This station is designed to assemble modular mech components", + "Rus": "Эта станция предназначена для сборки модульных компонентов меха." } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This table can be used to produce modular mech components." + "Eng": "This table can be used to produce modular mech components.", + "Rus": "Этот стол может использоваться для создания модульных компонентов меха." } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Used to produce modular mech components." + "Eng": "Used to produce modular mech components.", + "Rus": "Используется для изготовления модульных компонентов меха." } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "With this here table I could build some mech parts." + "Eng": "With this here table I could build some mech parts.", + "Rus": "С помощью этого стола мне удастся построить несколько частей меха." } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "With this table I can assemble modular mech components." + "Eng": "With this table I can assemble modular mech components.", + "Rus": "С этим столом я могу собрать модульные компоненты меха." } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "^orange;Mech Part Crafting Table^white;" + "Eng": "^orange;Mech Part Crafting Table^white;", + "Rus": "^orange;Верстак деталей мехов^white;" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/floran/floranstoragelocker/floranstoragelocker.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/floran/floranstoragelocker/floranstoragelocker.object.json index c08cca3d7..822b45b26 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/floran/floranstoragelocker/floranstoragelocker.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/floran/floranstoragelocker/floranstoragelocker.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Floran Storage Locker" + "Eng": "Floran Storage Locker", + "Rus": "Шкаф-хранилище флоран" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/floran/huntingbigstatue/huntingbigstatue.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/floran/huntingbigstatue/huntingbigstatue.object.json index 6ef3cfc1b..82d03037e 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/floran/huntingbigstatue/huntingbigstatue.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/floran/huntingbigstatue/huntingbigstatue.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A big ol' Floran statue." + "Eng": "A big ol' Floran statue.", + "Rus": "Большущая старая статуя флорана." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A hideous, mocking Floran. Immortalised in stone." + "Eng": "A hideous, mocking Floran. Immortalised in stone.", + "Rus": "Страшный позирующий флоран. Увековеченный в камне." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "An imposing Floran overlord no doubt." + "Eng": "An imposing Floran overlord no doubt.", + "Rus": "Внушительный флоранский владыка, вне всякого сомнения." } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I assume this depicts a Floran hunting master." + "Eng": "I assume this depicts a Floran hunting master.", + "Rus": "Я предполагаю, что это изображение флоранского мастера охоты." } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I'll bet the history books have a lot to say about this Floran." + "Eng": "I'll bet the history books have a lot to say about this Floran.", + "Rus": "Могу поспорить, что в исторических книгах много сказано об этом флоране." } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Large Floran Statue" + "Eng": "Large Floran Statue", + "Rus": "Большая статуя флорана" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This sstatue repressentss the hunt, not a sspecific Floran." + "Eng": "This sstatue repressentss the hunt, not a sspecific Floran.", + "Rus": "Эта ссстатуя представляет ссобой охоту, а не определенного флорана." } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Was the Floran depicted here important as a hunter?" + "Eng": "Was the Floran depicted here important as a hunter?", + "Rus": "Был ли флоран, изображённый здесь, выдающимся охотником?" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/barvent/barvent.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/barvent/barvent.object.json index 41c19bf88..a8430cebf 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/barvent/barvent.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/barvent/barvent.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A small barred vent." + "Eng": "A small barred vent.", + "Rus": "Небольшая вентиляционная решётка." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A standard vent." + "Eng": "A standard vent.", + "Rus": "Стандартная вентиляция." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A sturdy lookin' vent." + "Eng": "A sturdy lookin' vent.", + "Rus": "Симпатичная вентиляция." } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Barred Vent" + "Eng": "Barred Vent", + "Rus": "Вентиляционная решётка" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Iss a vent!" + "Eng": "Iss a vent!", + "Rus": "Это вентиляция!" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Some simple yet strong ventilation." + "Eng": "Some simple yet strong ventilation.", + "Rus": "Простоватая, но надёжная вентиляция." } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Ventilation. I can feel a breeze ruffle my feathers" + "Eng": "Ventilation. I can feel a breeze ruffle my feathers", + "Rus": "Вентиляция. Я чувствую, как ветерок ерошит мои перья." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/bluelight/bluelight.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/bluelight/bluelight.object.json index b6cc73da7..2faf593b6 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/bluelight/bluelight.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/bluelight/bluelight.object.json @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Blue lights, for when you want to give a room a cool atmosphere.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Голубые огни, на случай, если хочется дать комнате прохладную атмосферу." } }, { diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/box2/box2.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/box2/box2.object.json index 994b1e6ed..ca930e510 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/box2/box2.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/box2/box2.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A box made out of wood and metal." + "Eng": "A box made out of wood and metal.", + "Rus": "Коробка из дерева и металла." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A secured wooden crate." + "Eng": "A secured wooden crate.", + "Rus": "Надёжный деревянный ящик." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A simple wood and metal crate." + "Eng": "A simple wood and metal crate.", + "Rus": "Простой деревянно-металлический ящик." } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A wood crate held together with metal." + "Eng": "A wood crate held together with metal.", + "Rus": "Деревянный ящик, укреплённый металлом." } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A wooden box that has been re-enforced." + "Eng": "A wooden box that has been re-enforced.", + "Rus": "Деревянный ящик, который был армирован." } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Metal holds thisss wood box together." + "Eng": "Metal holds thisss wood box together.", + "Rus": "Металл ссскрепляет этот деревянный ящик." } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Secure Wooden Crate" + "Eng": "Secure Wooden Crate", + "Rus": "Защищённый деревянный ящик" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "These metal brackets have made this box significantly stronger." + "Eng": "These metal brackets have made this box significantly stronger.", + "Rus": "Эти металлические кронштейны сделали этот ящик гораздо крепче." } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This here box looks like a tiny square barrel." + "Eng": "This here box looks like a tiny square barrel.", + "Rus": "Эти ящики похожи на крошечные квадратные бочки." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/ceilingfridge1/largecooler1.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/ceilingfridge1/largecooler1.object.json index acb8c72d3..b0b275b8e 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/ceilingfridge1/largecooler1.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/ceilingfridge1/largecooler1.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A cooler. Hopefully it contains banana milkshake." + "Eng": "A cooler. Hopefully it contains banana milkshake.", + "Rus": "Холодильник. Надеюсь в нём найдётся банановый молочный коктейль." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A cooler. Ideally filled with drinks and snacks." + "Eng": "A cooler. Ideally filled with drinks and snacks.", + "Rus": "Холодильник. В идеале заполнен напитками и закусками." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A plain ol' cooler." + "Eng": "A plain ol' cooler.", + "Rus": "Простой холодильник." } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Large Cooler" + "Eng": "Large Cooler", + "Rus": "Большой холодильник" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This cooler is operating at the optimal temperature." + "Eng": "This cooler is operating at the optimal temperature.", + "Rus": "Этот холодильник работает при оптимальной температуре." } } -] \ No newline at end of file +] diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/coppershelf/coppershelf.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/coppershelf/coppershelf.object.json index aac3d2327..7741968e0 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/coppershelf/coppershelf.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/coppershelf/coppershelf.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A copper shelf hangin' on the wall." + "Eng": "A copper shelf hangin' on the wall.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A copper wall shelf of very basic design." + "Eng": "A copper wall shelf of very basic design.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A mounted copper wall shelf." + "Eng": "A mounted copper wall shelf.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A wall shelf made from copper." + "Eng": "A wall shelf made from copper.", + "Rus": "Настенная полка, сделанная из меди." } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Copper Wall Shelf" + "Eng": "Copper Wall Shelf", + "Rus": "Медная настенная полка" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Hanging metal shelf." + "Eng": "Hanging metal shelf.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "It's a wall shelf crafted from copper." + "Eng": "It's a wall shelf crafted from copper.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "It's a wall shelf made from copper." + "Eng": "It's a wall shelf made from copper.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This wall shelf is made from copper." + "Eng": "This wall shelf is made from copper.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/coppersupport/coppersupport.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/coppersupport/coppersupport.object.json index 95c3ef5e6..5eff1161d 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/coppersupport/coppersupport.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/coppersupport/coppersupport.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A big ol' copper beam." + "Eng": "A big ol' copper beam.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A copper structural support beam." + "Eng": "A copper structural support beam.", + "Rus": "Медная несущая конструкция." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A copper support beam." + "Eng": "A copper support beam.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A metal structural support." + "Eng": "A metal structural support.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A solidly constructed copper support." + "Eng": "A solidly constructed copper support.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Copper Support" + "Eng": "Copper Support", + "Rus": "Медная опора" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "It's a copper support beam." + "Eng": "It's a copper support beam.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Sssupport beam made from copper." + "Eng": "Sssupport beam made from copper.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This copper beam is not actually supporting any structural weight." + "Eng": "This copper beam is not actually supporting any structural weight.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/durasteelelevator/durasteelelevatorlong.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/durasteelelevator/durasteelelevatorlong.object.json index a5abc1006..1d76e7032 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/durasteelelevator/durasteelelevatorlong.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/durasteelelevator/durasteelelevatorlong.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Long Durasteel Elevator" + "Eng": "Long Durasteel Elevator", + "Rus": "Длинный дюрасталевый лифт" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/durasteelelevator/shared_durasteelelevator.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/durasteelelevator/shared_durasteelelevator.json index 059ce92ab..fa9b049bf 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/durasteelelevator/shared_durasteelelevator.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/durasteelelevator/shared_durasteelelevator.json @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A sleek durasteel elevator." + "Eng": "A sleek durasteel elevator.", + "Rus": "Гладкий дюрасталевый лифт." } }, { @@ -24,7 +25,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This durasteel elevator will get the job done." + "Eng": "This durasteel elevator will get the job done.", + "Rus": "Этот дюрастлевый лифт справится со своей задачей." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/eggchair/eggchair.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/eggchair/eggchair.object.json index a17bca96e..d7a991fba 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/eggchair/eggchair.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/eggchair/eggchair.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A big ol' egg lookin' chair." + "Eng": "A big ol' egg lookin' chair.", + "Rus": "Большое кресло, на вид прям как яйцо." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "An egg-shaped chair. I feel very comfortable sitting in it." + "Eng": "An egg-shaped chair. I feel very comfortable sitting in it.", + "Rus": "Кресло в форме яйца. Я чувствую в нём будет очень удобно сидеть." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Egg Chair" + "Eng": "Egg Chair", + "Rus": "Кресло-яйцо" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Egg chair lookss tassty." + "Eng": "Egg chair lookss tassty.", + "Rus": "Кресло-яйцо выглядит вкусно." } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "It's not very practical, but it looks cool!" + "Eng": "It's not very practical, but it looks cool!", + "Rus": "Это не очень практично, но смотрится круто!" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Style over substance." + "Eng": "Style over substance.", + "Rus": "Дизайн очень перегружен." } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This chair design does not support proper posture." + "Eng": "This chair design does not support proper posture.", + "Rus": "Такой дизайн кресла не поддержит хорошую осанку." } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This chair is egg-shaped. I'm not sure whose idea that was." + "Eng": "This chair is egg-shaped. I'm not sure whose idea that was.", + "Rus": "Это кресло имеет форму яйца. Непонятно, чья это была идея." } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This is style gone mad." + "Eng": "This is style gone mad.", + "Rus": "Этот дизайн безумен." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/flagapex/flagapex.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/flagapex/flagapex.object.json index ce9eae517..50faccc6a 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/flagapex/flagapex.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/flagapex/flagapex.object.json @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "A small locator module attached to this Apex flag allows it to be bookmarked for teleportation.", - "Rus": "Небольшой локаторный модуль, прикрепленный к этому флагу Апексов, позволяет добавить локацию в закладки телепорта." + "Rus": "Небольшой локаторный модуль, прикрепленный к этому флагу апексов, позволяет добавить локацию в закладки телепорта." } }, { @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "An Apex flag. I can use this as a waypoint for teleportation.", - "Rus": "Флаг Апексов. Я могу использовать его как место назначения для телепорта." + "Rus": "Флаг апексов. Я могу использовать его как точку назначения для телепортации." } }, { @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", - "Rus": "Флаг Апексов. Используйте ^green;[E]^white; для добавления точки телепортации в закладки." + "Rus": "Флаг апексов. Символ Министерства Научных Исследований. Нажмите ^green;[E]^white; для отметки места телепортации." } }, { @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Apex Flag", - "Rus": "Флаг Апексов" + "Rus": "Флаг апексов" } }, { @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Apex flag makess good point to teleport back to ussing teleporter!", - "Rus": "Флаг Апексов - хорошая точка для телепортации!" + "Rus": "Флаг апексов ссоздаёт хорошую точку для телепортации назад, иссспользуя телепорт." } }, { @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "I can bookmark this Apex flag for quick teleportin'.", - "Rus": "Я могу добавить этот флаг Апексов в закладки для быстрой телепортации." + "Rus": "Я могу отметить это флаг апексов для быстрой телепортации." } }, { @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "This Apex flag can act as a way point, enabling me to return to this point using a teleporter.", - "Rus": "Этот флаг Апексов служит как точка назначения, позволяя мне вернуться сюда используя телепорт." + "Rus": "Этот флаг апексов может выступать в качестве указателя, позволяя мне вернуться к этой точке с помощью телепорта." } }, { @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "This Apex flag can be bookmarked as a destination for my ship teleporter.", - "Rus": "Этот флаг Апексов может быть добавлен в закладки корабельного телепорта." + "Rus": "Этот флаг апексов может быть отмечен как точка назначения для моего корабельного телепорта." } }, { @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "This Apex flag can be saved as a location for my teleporter. Then I can return to it any time.", - "Rus": "Этот флаг Апексов сохраняет локацию для телепорта. Тогда я смогу вернуться сюда в любое время." + "Rus": "Этот флаг апексов может быть сохранён как точка назначения для моего телепорта. Тогда я смогу вернуться к нему в любое время." } } -] \ No newline at end of file +] diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/flagavian/flagavian.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/flagavian/flagavian.object.json index 8044e316c..b00a2e292 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/flagavian/flagavian.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/flagavian/flagavian.object.json @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Avian Flag", - "Rus": "Флаг Авиан" + "Rus": "Флаг авиан" } }, { @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "I can bookmark this Avian flag for quick teleportin'.", - "Rus": "Я могу добавить этот флаг Авиан в закладки для быстрой телепортации." + "Rus": "Я могу добавить этот флаг авиан в закладки для быстрой телепортации." } }, { @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", - "Rus": "Флаг Авиан. Используйте ^green;[E]^white; для добавления точки телепортации в закладки." + "Rus": "Флаг авиан. Используйте ^green;[E]^white; для добавления точки телепортации в закладки." } }, { @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "This Avian flag can act as a way point, enabling me to return to this point using a teleporter.", - "Rus": "Этот флаг Авиан служит как точка назначения, позволяя мне вернуться сюда используя телепорт." + "Rus": "Этот флаг авиан служит как точка назначения, позволяя мне вернуться сюда используя телепорт." } }, { @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "This Avian flag can be bookmarked as a destination for my ship teleporter.", - "Rus": "Этот флаг Авиан может быть добавлен в закладки корабельного телепорта." + "Rus": "Этот авианский флаг может быть добавлен в закладки корабельного телепорта." } }, { @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "This Avian flag can be saved as a location for my teleporter. Then I can return to it at any time.", - "Rus": "Этот флаг Авиан сохраняет локацию для телепорта. Тогда я смогу вернуться сюда в любое время." + "Rus": "Этот авианский флаг сохраняет локацию для телепорта. Тогда я смогу вернуться сюда в любое время." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/flagfloran/flagfloran.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/flagfloran/flagfloran.object.json index 83ac722d5..b245980f3 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/flagfloran/flagfloran.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/flagfloran/flagfloran.object.json @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Floran Flag", - "Rus": "Флаг Флоран" + "Rus": "Флаг флоран" } }, { @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "I can bookmark this Floran flag for quick teleportin'.", - "Rus": "Я могу добавить этот флаг Флоран в закладки для быстрой телепортации." + "Rus": "Я могу добавить этот флоранский флаг в закладки для быстрой телепортации." } }, { @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "This Floran flag can be bookmarked as a destination for my ship teleporter.", - "Rus": "Этот флаг Флоран может быть добавлен в закладки корабельного телепорта." + "Rus": "Этот флоранский флаг может быть добавлен в закладки корабельного телепорта." } }, { @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "This Floran flag can be saved as a location for my teleporter. Then I can return to it at any time.", - "Rus": "Этот флаг Флоран сохраняет локацию для телепорта. Тогда я смогу вернуться сюда в любое время." + "Rus": "Этот флоранский флаг сохраняет локацию для телепорта. Тогда я смогу вернуться сюда в любое время." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/flagglitch/flagglitch.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/flagglitch/flagglitch.object.json index ff07678e8..90a02f984 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/flagglitch/flagglitch.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/flagglitch/flagglitch.object.json @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "A Glitch flag. I can use this as a waypoint for teleportation.", - "Rus": "Флаг Глитчей. Я могу использовать его как место назначения для телепорта." + "Rus": "Флаг глитчей. Я могу его использовать как место назначения для телепорта." } }, { @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Glitch Flag", - "Rus": "Флаг Глитчей" + "Rus": "Флаг глитчей" } }, { @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Glitch flag makess good point to teleport back to ussing teleporter!", - "Rus": "Флаг Глитчей - хорошая точка для телепортации!" + "Rus": "Флаг глитчей - хорошшшая точка для телепортации." } }, { @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", - "Rus": "Флаг Глитчей. Используйте ^green;[E]^white; для добавления точки телепортации в закладки." + "Rus": "Флаг глитчей. Используйте ^green;[E]^white; для добавления точки телепортации в закладки." } }, { @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "This Glitch flag can act as a way point, enabling me to return to this point using a teleporter.", - "Rus": "Флаг Глитчей служит как точка назначения, позволяя мне вернуться сюда используя телепорт." + "Rus": "Флаг глитчей служит как точка назначения, позволяя мне вернуться сюда используя телепорт." } }, { @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "This Glitch flag can be bookmarked as a destination for my ship teleporter.", - "Rus": "Этот флаг Глитчей может быть добавлен в закладки корабельного телепорта." + "Rus": "Этот флаг глитчей может быть добавлен в закладки корабельного телепорта." } }, { @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "This Glitch flag can be saved as a location for my teleporter. Then I can return to it at any time.", - "Rus": "Этот флаг Глитчей сохраняет локацию для телепорта. Тогда я смогу вернуться сюда в любое время." + "Rus": "Этот флаг глитчей сохраняет локацию для телепорта. Тогда я смогу вернуться сюда в любое время." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/flaghuman/flaghuman.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/flaghuman/flaghuman.object.json index 520296a33..bae32f579 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/flaghuman/flaghuman.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/flaghuman/flaghuman.object.json @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "The human flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", - "Rus": "Флаг Людей. Используйте ^green;[E]^white; для добавления точки телепортации в закладки." + "Rus": "Флаг человечества. Нажмите ^green;[E]^white; для добавления точки телепортации в закладки." } }, { diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/flaghylotl/flaghylotl.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/flaghylotl/flaghylotl.object.json index 23cd4e5f7..121ce5199 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/flaghylotl/flaghylotl.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/flaghylotl/flaghylotl.object.json @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "A Hylotl flag. I can use this as a waypoint for teleportation.", - "Rus": "Флаг Хилотлов. Я могу использовать его как место назначения для телепорта." + "Rus": "Флаг хилотлов. Я могу его использовать как место назначения для телепорта." } }, { @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Hylotl Flag", - "Rus": "Флаг Хилотлов" + "Rus": "Флаг хилотлов" } }, { @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Hylotl flag makess good point to teleport back to ussing teleporter!", - "Rus": "Флаг Хилотлов - хорошая точка для телепортации!" + "Rus": "Флаг хилотлов хорошшшая точка для телепортации." } }, { @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "I can bookmark this Hylotl flag for quick teleportin'.", - "Rus": "Я могу добавить этот флаг Хилотлов в закладки для быстрой телепортации." + "Rus": "Я могу отметить этот флаг хилотлов для быстрой телепортации." } }, { @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", - "Rus": "Флаг Хилотлов. Используйте ^green;[E]^white; для добавления точки телепортации в закладки." + "Rus": "Флаг хилотлов. Используйте ^green;[E]^white; для добавления точки телепортации в закладки." } }, { @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "This Hylotl flag can act as a way point, enabling me to return to this point using a teleporter.", - "Rus": "Этот флаг Хилотлов служит как точка назначения, позволяя мне вернуться сюда используя телепорт." + "Rus": "Флаг хилотлов может служить как точка назначения, позволяя мне вернуться сюда используя телепорт." } }, { @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "This Hylotl flag can be bookmarked as a destination for my ship teleporter.", - "Rus": "Этот флаг Хилотлов может быть добавлен в закладки корабельного телепорта." + "Rus": "Этот флаг хилотлов может быть добавлен в закладки корабельного телепорта." } }, { @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "This Hylotl flag can be saved as a location for my teleporter. Then I can return to it at any time.", - "Rus": "Этот флаг Хилотлов сохраняет локацию для телепорта. Тогда я смогу вернуться сюда в любое время." + "Rus": "Этот флаг хилотлов сохраняет локацию для телепорта. Тогда я смогу вернуться сюда в любое время." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/flagnovakid/flagnovakid.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/flagnovakid/flagnovakid.object.json index cb457bb5c..dc41b0334 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/flagnovakid/flagnovakid.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/flagnovakid/flagnovakid.object.json @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "A Novakid flag. I can use this as a waypoint for teleportation.", - "Rus": "Флаг Новакидов. Я могу использовать его как место назначения для телепорта." + "Rus": "Флаг новакидов. Я могу использовать его как указатель для телепортации." } }, { @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "A small locator module attached to this Novakid flag allows it to be bookmarked for teleportation.", - "Rus": "Небольшой локаторный модуль, прикрепленный к этому флагу Новакидов, позволяет добавить локацию в закладки телепорта." + "Rus": "Небольшой локаторный модуль, прикрепленный к этому флагу новакидов, позволяет добавить локацию в закладки телепорта." } }, { @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Novakid Flag", - "Rus": "Флаг Новакидов" + "Rus": "Флаг новакидов" } }, { @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Novakid flag makess good point to teleport back to ussing teleporter!", - "Rus": "Флаг Новакидов - хорошая точка для телепортации." + "Rus": "Флаг новакидов ссоздаёт хорошую точку для телепортации назад, иссспользуя телепорт." } }, { @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", - "Rus": "Флаг Новакидов. Используйте ^green;[E]^white; для добавления точки телепортации в закладки." + "Rus": "Флаг новакидов. Используйте ^green;[E]^white; для добавления точки телепортации в закладки." } }, { @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "This Novakid flag can act as a way point, enabling me to return to this point using a teleporter.", - "Rus": "Этот флаг Новакидов служит как точка назначения, позволяя мне вернуться сюда используя телепорт." + "Rus": "Этот флаг новакидов может выступать в качестве точки назначения, позволяя мне вернуться к этой точке с помощью телепорта." } }, { @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "This Novakid flag can be bookmarked as a destination for my ship teleporter.", - "Rus": "Этот флаг Новакидов может быть добавлен в закладки корабельного телепорта." + "Rus": "Этот флаг новакидов может быть отмечен как точка назначения для моего корабельного телепорта." } }, { @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "This Novakid flag can be saved as a location for my teleporter. Then I can return to it at any time.", - "Rus": "Этот флаг Новакидов сохраняет локацию для телепорта. Тогда я смогу вернуться сюда в любое время." + "Rus": "Этот флаг новакидов может быть сохранён как точка назначения для моего телепорта. Тогда я смогу вернуться к нему в любое время." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/floodlights/floodlights.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/floodlights/floodlights.object.json index 6c329b31b..fea6025e4 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/floodlights/floodlights.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/floodlights/floodlights.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A light such as this could turn night into day!" + "Eng": "A light such as this could turn night into day!", + "Rus": "Такой свет может превратить ночь в день!" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Blazingly bright lights." + "Eng": "Blazingly bright lights.", + "Rus": "Потрясающе яркие огни." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Bright light hurt Floran eyess." + "Eng": "Bright light hurt Floran eyess.", + "Rus": "Яркий ссвет ранит глаза Флорана." } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Floodlights" + "Eng": "Floodlights", + "Rus": "Прожекторы" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Floodlights that live up to their name." + "Eng": "Floodlights that live up to their name.", + "Rus": "Прожекторы, которые соответствуют этому названию." } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I can see clearly with these lights shining." + "Eng": "I can see clearly with these lights shining.", + "Rus": "Я лучше вижу, когда сияют эти огни." } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "If I look at these lights any longer, I'll probably go blind." + "Eng": "If I look at these lights any longer, I'll probably go blind.", + "Rus": "Если я долго буду смотреть на эти огни, то наверное ослепну." } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The Hylotl use similar lights to illuminate beneath the ocean." + "Eng": "The Hylotl use similar lights to illuminate beneath the ocean.", + "Rus": "Хилотлы используют подобные светильники для освещения толщи океана." } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "These big lamps are brighter'n a summer sun." + "Eng": "These big lamps are brighter'n a summer sun.", + "Rus": "Эти большие лампы ярчее летнего солнца." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/gunchest/gunchest.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/gunchest/gunchest.object.json index 9065ae239..1aa540866 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/gunchest/gunchest.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/gunchest/gunchest.object.json @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "A chest for gun storage. I've seen one of these before somewhere.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Сундук для хранения оружия. Я видел один из них раньше." } }, { @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "A storage container for guns. I've seen people on TV use these.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Контейнер для хранения оружия. Я видел по телевизору, как люди используют их." } }, { @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "I believe these chests are used to store firearms.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Я полагаю, что эти сундуки используются для хранения огнестрельного оружия." } }, { @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "I've seen many a Miniknog guard store their guns in chests like this.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Я видел, как многие охранники Министерства хранят оружие в подобных сундуках." } }, { @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "This is some fancy way to store guns.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Это какой-то чудной способ хранения оружия." } }, { @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Ugly fishmen put guns in this chesst.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Уродливые рыболюди клали пушки в такой ссундук." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/locker1/locker1.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/locker1/locker1.object.json index d69256374..17f070878 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/locker1/locker1.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/locker1/locker1.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A locker with a tall metal door." + "Eng": "A locker with a tall metal door.", + "Rus": "Шкафчик с высокой металлической дверью." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Tall Locker" + "Eng": "Tall Locker", + "Rus": "Высокий шкафчик" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/locker2/locker2.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/locker2/locker2.object.json index 7a39f76c5..57ffa042e 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/locker2/locker2.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/locker2/locker2.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A locker with a wide metal door." + "Eng": "A locker with a wide metal door.", + "Rus": "Шкафчик с широкой металлической дверью." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Flat Locker" + "Eng": "Flat Locker", + "Rus": "Широкий шкафчик" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/metalbarrel1/metalbarrel1.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/metalbarrel1/metalbarrel1.object.json index c96628073..5e61f1255 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/metalbarrel1/metalbarrel1.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/metalbarrel1/metalbarrel1.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A generic metal barrel. It's sealed." + "Eng": "A generic metal barrel. It's sealed.", + "Rus": "Распространённая металлическая бочка. Она запечатана." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A metal barrel, I can't open it." + "Eng": "A metal barrel, I can't open it.", + "Rus": "Металлическая бочка, я не могу открыть её." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A metal barrel. It's sealed." + "Eng": "A metal barrel. It's sealed.", + "Rus": "Металлическая бочка. Запечатана." } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A metal drum. I can't get inside." + "Eng": "A metal drum. I can't get inside.", + "Rus": "Металлический цилиндр. Я не могу проникнуть в него." } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A sealed metal barrel." + "Eng": "A sealed metal barrel.", + "Rus": "Запечатанная металлическая бочка." } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Metal Barrel" + "Eng": "Metal Barrel", + "Rus": "Металлическая бочка" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Metal container. I can't get into it." + "Eng": "Metal container. I can't get into it.", + "Rus": "Металлический контейнер. Я не могу заглянуть в него. " } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Metal container. It's closed." + "Eng": "Metal container. It's closed.", + "Rus": "Металлический контейнер. Закрыт." } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Round metal cube. No door." + "Eng": "Round metal cube. No door.", + "Rus": "Круглый металлический куб. Не открывается." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/minifridge/minifridge.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/minifridge/minifridge.object.json index 4791f2122..c2c8870de 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/minifridge/minifridge.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/minifridge/minifridge.object.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "A mini fridge. Ideally filled with drinks and snacks.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Мини холодильник. В идеале заполнен напитками и закусками." } }, { @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "A small fridge.", - "Rus": "Маленький холодильник" + "Rus": "Маленький холодильник." } }, { @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "I'm salivating with excitement thinking about the possible contents.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "У меня текут слюнки, когда я думаю, что же может быть внутри." } }, { @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "This mini fridge is operating at the optimal temperature.", - "Rus": "Этот мини-холодильник хранит еду в оптимальной температуре." + "Rus": "Этот мини холодильник работает с оптимальной температурой." } } -] \ No newline at end of file +] diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/nanostove/nanostove.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/nanostove/nanostove.object.json index 02da3987a..aa2022db1 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/nanostove/nanostove.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/nanostove/nanostove.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": " Hi-tech campsite cooking" + "Eng": " Hi-tech campsite cooking", + "Rus": " Высокотехнологичная полевая варка" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": " Nanostove" + "Eng": " Nanostove", + "Rus": " Нанопечь" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A garish, yet practical camping stove." + "Eng": "A garish, yet practical camping stove.", + "Rus": "Броская, но практичная походная печь." } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A handy camping stove. No more carbon footprint!" + "Eng": "A handy camping stove. No more carbon footprint!", + "Rus": "Удобная походная печь. Больше никаких углеродных отходов!" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A handy lil stove, but you can't beat a real campfire." + "Eng": "A handy lil stove, but you can't beat a real campfire.", + "Rus": "Удобная малюсенькая печь, ты всё ровно не сравнишься с настоящим костром." } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A portable, eco-friendly camping stove." + "Eng": "A portable, eco-friendly camping stove.", + "Rus": "Портативная, экологичная походная печь." } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Awesome, it's like camping in the future!" + "Eng": "Awesome, it's like camping in the future!", + "Rus": "Восхитительно, это прямо как поход в будущем!" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Floran fear ssstove will burn Floran. Floran use anyway." + "Eng": "Floran fear ssstove will burn Floran. Floran use anyway.", + "Rus": "Флоран боится, что печь подожжёт его. Флоран всё ровно будет этим пользоваться." } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Nanostove" + "Eng": "Nanostove", + "Rus": "Нанопечь" } }, { @@ -106,7 +115,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Provides exceptional heat and a great for cooking outdoors." + "Eng": "Provides exceptional heat and a great for cooking outdoors.", + "Rus": "Обеспечивает исключительный жар и отлично подходит для приготовления пищи на открытом воздухе." } }, { @@ -117,7 +127,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This stove conserves a lot of energy." + "Eng": "This stove conserves a lot of energy.", + "Rus": "Эта печь бережёт много энергии." } } -] \ No newline at end of file +] diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/shared_flag/shared_.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/shared_flag/shared_.object.json index e3287b056..f288a1d88 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/shared_flag/shared_.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/shared_flag/shared_.object.json @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I can bookmark this Novakid flag for quick teleportin'." + "Eng": "I can bookmark this Novakid flag for quick teleportin'.", + "Rus": "Я могу отметить этот флаг новакидов для быстрой телепортации." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/shared_sleepingbag/shared_sleepingbag.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/shared_sleepingbag/shared_sleepingbag.json index 9745d63e3..61670cdc9 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/shared_sleepingbag/shared_sleepingbag.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/shared_sleepingbag/shared_sleepingbag.json @@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A sleeping bag. Good protection against the elements in a pinch." + "Eng": "A sleeping bag. Good protection against the elements in a pinch.", + "Rus": "Спальный мешок. В крайнем случае хорошая защита от стихии." } }, { @@ -30,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Do these work underwater?" + "Eng": "Do these work underwater?", + "Rus": "Это работает под водой?" } }, { @@ -47,7 +49,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Floran does not like sssleeping in bag." + "Eng": "Floran does not like sssleeping in bag.", + "Rus": "Флоран не любит ссспать в мешке." } }, { @@ -64,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "It won't get me the best night's sleep, but it'll do in a pinch." + "Eng": "It won't get me the best night's sleep, but it'll do in a pinch.", + "Rus": "Это не даст мне лучший ночной сон, но на худой то конец сгодится." } }, { @@ -81,7 +85,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do." + "Eng": "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", + "Rus": "Это спальный мешок. Не самый удобный, но сойдёт." } }, { @@ -98,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Oh how wonderful." + "Eng": "Oh how wonderful.", + "Rus": "О, как замечательно." } }, { @@ -115,7 +121,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Rebel Apex spend many nights sleeping in these." + "Eng": "Rebel Apex spend many nights sleeping in these.", + "Rus": "Апексы мятежники проводят в них много ночей." } }, { @@ -132,7 +139,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Sleeping here would be uncomfortable on the feathers." + "Eng": "Sleeping here would be uncomfortable on the feathers.", + "Rus": "Спать тут в перьях было бы неудобно." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/shared_techchest/shared_techchest.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/shared_techchest/shared_techchest.json index a8371d440..5f3882cb2 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/shared_techchest/shared_techchest.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/shared_techchest/shared_techchest.json @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A chest that looks like it stores something valuable." + "Eng": "A chest that looks like it stores something valuable.", + "Rus": "Похоже в этом сундуке что-то ценное." } }, { @@ -24,7 +25,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout." + "Eng": "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", + "Rus": "Сундук с яркими светящимися метками повсюду." } }, { @@ -38,7 +40,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A hi-tech chest. It looks as if it might contain something valuable." + "Eng": "A hi-tech chest. It looks as if it might contain something valuable.", + "Rus": "Высокотехнологичный сундук. Похоже, что в нём можно хранить что-то ценное." } }, { @@ -52,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Hi-Tech Chest" + "Eng": "Hi-Tech Chest", + "Rus": "Высокотехнологичный сундук" } }, { @@ -66,7 +70,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Ooh, I bet it's chock full o' valuable technology." + "Eng": "Non-committal. This chest is of unknown origin.", + "Rus": "Уклончиво. Происхождение сундука неизвестно." } }, { @@ -80,7 +85,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Sspecial shiny chesst." + "Eng": "Ooh, I bet it's chock full o' valuable technology.", + "Rus": "Ооо, держу пари, это дорогущая технология." } }, { @@ -94,7 +100,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "There is amazing technology built into the chest itself." + "Eng": "Sspecial shiny chesst.", + "Rus": "Осссобый блестящий ссундук." } }, { @@ -108,7 +115,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This chest is of unknown origin." + "Eng": "There is amazing technology built into the chest itself.", + "Rus": "Какая же удивительная технология встроена в этот сундук." } }, { @@ -122,7 +130,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Who made this? What's in it?" + "Eng": "Who made this? What's in it?", + "Rus": "Кто его создал? Что в нём?" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/shiplight/shiplight.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/shiplight/shiplight.object.json index 23d66526d..133322d86 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/shiplight/shiplight.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/shiplight/shiplight.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Bright lightss." + "Eng": "Bright lightss.", + "Rus": "Яркие огни." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Just some lights." + "Eng": "Just some lights.", + "Rus": "Просто какие-то лампочки." } }, { @@ -33,7 +35,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Lights." + "Eng": "Lights.", + "Rus": "Огни." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/sleepingbag/sleepingbag.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/sleepingbag/sleepingbag.object.json index b860f52b3..6c69e5fb5 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/sleepingbag/sleepingbag.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/sleepingbag/sleepingbag.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Blue Sleeping Bag" + "Eng": "Blue Sleeping Bag", + "Rus": "Синий спальный мешок" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/sleepingbaggreen/sleepingbaggreen.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/sleepingbaggreen/sleepingbaggreen.object.json index b9348b961..4f543d270 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/sleepingbaggreen/sleepingbaggreen.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/sleepingbaggreen/sleepingbaggreen.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Green Sleeping Bag" + "Eng": "Green Sleeping Bag", + "Rus": "Зелёный спальный мешок" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/sleepingbagred/sleepingbagred.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/sleepingbagred/sleepingbagred.object.json index 08009254f..86601d1c8 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/sleepingbagred/sleepingbagred.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/sleepingbagred/sleepingbagred.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Red Sleeping Bag" + "Eng": "Red Sleeping Bag", + "Rus": "Красный спальный мешок" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/slidingdoor/slidingdoor.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/slidingdoor/slidingdoor.object.json index a72502df0..0b7060b82 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/slidingdoor/slidingdoor.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/slidingdoor/slidingdoor.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A door with no handle. It appears to slide upwards and downwards." + "Eng": "A door with no handle. It appears to slide upwards and downwards.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Door goes up... Door goes down... Door goes up... Door goes down..." + "Eng": "Door goes up... Door goes down... Door goes up... Door goes down...", + "Rus": "Дверь выдвигается... Дверь задвигается... Дверь выдвигается... Дверь задвигается..." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Doors like this are used to control the flow of water in Hylotl cities." + "Eng": "Doors like this are used to control the flow of water in Hylotl cities.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "It's a slidin' door." + "Eng": "It's a slidin' door.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Sliding Door" + "Eng": "Sliding Door", + "Rus": "Раздвижная дверь" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Sssilly door confuse Floran." + "Eng": "Sssilly door confuse Floran.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The mechanism behind this door is intricate." + "Eng": "The mechanism behind this door is intricate.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This door moves so quickly it produces a rush of air." + "Eng": "This door moves so quickly it produces a rush of air.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This door opens upwards." + "Eng": "This door opens upwards.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/stonechest/ironchest.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/stonechest/ironchest.object.json index 14f19e233..27f24d69e 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/stonechest/ironchest.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/stonechest/ironchest.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A basic iron chest." + "Eng": "A basic iron chest.", + "Rus": "Простой железный сундук." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Iron Chest" + "Eng": "Iron Chest", + "Rus": "Железный сундук" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Well I'll be - an unopened chest! Let's take a look." + "Eng": "Well I'll be - an unopened chest! Let's take a look.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/tungstenchair/tungstenchair.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/tungstenchair/tungstenchair.object.json index c6f5e07fb..12823192b 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/tungstenchair/tungstenchair.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/tungstenchair/tungstenchair.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "An uncomfortable-looking chair." + "Eng": "An uncomfortable-looking chair.", + "Rus": "Этот стул не выглядит удобным." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Chair cold and uncomfortable." + "Eng": "Chair cold and uncomfortable.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Metal Folding Chair" + "Eng": "Metal Folding Chair", + "Rus": "Металлический складной стул" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "One of those awful folding chairs." + "Eng": "One of those awful folding chairs.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The chair folds to save space. Innovative." + "Eng": "The chair folds to save space. Innovative.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This chair folds up." + "Eng": "This chair folds up.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This is made from poor quality metal." + "Eng": "This is made from poor quality metal.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This looks mighty uncomfortable." + "Eng": "This looks mighty uncomfortable.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This looks terribly uncomfortable." + "Eng": "This looks terribly uncomfortable.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/vent/vent.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/vent/vent.object.json index 8f6ba6905..b0e6d3eec 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/vent/vent.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/vent/vent.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A small air vent." + "Eng": "A small air vent.", + "Rus": "Небольшая воздушная вытяжка." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Air Vent" + "Eng": "Air Vent", + "Rus": "Воздушная вытяжка." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "An air vent." + "Eng": "An air vent.", + "Rus": "Воздушный отвод." } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This vent clangs as air whistles through." + "Eng": "This vent clangs as air whistles through.", + "Rus": "Это вентиляционное отверстие звенит, когда дует воздух." } }, { @@ -52,7 +56,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Vent." + "Eng": "Vent.", + "Rus": "Вытяжка." } }, { @@ -63,7 +68,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Ventilation." + "Eng": "Ventilation.", + "Rus": "Вентиляция." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/weaponchest/weaponchest.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/weaponchest/weaponchest.object.json index 334f42d6d..064bbf5f9 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/weaponchest/weaponchest.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/weaponchest/weaponchest.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A chest for the safe storin' of weapons of all kinds." + "Eng": "A chest for the safe storin' of weapons of all kinds.", + "Rus": "Сундук для надёжного сохранения оружия всех видов." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A heavy duty chest for storing weapons." + "Eng": "A heavy duty chest for storing weapons.", + "Rus": "Сверхмощный сундук для хранения оружия." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A weapon chest, now that's a welcome sight." + "Eng": "A weapon chest, now that's a welcome sight.", + "Rus": "Оружейный сундук, теперь это приятное зрелище." } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A weapon chest. Maybe there'll be something good inside?" + "Eng": "A weapon chest. Maybe there'll be something good inside?", + "Rus": "Оружейный сундук. Может быть, внутри будет что-то хорошее?" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Let'ss get chesst open! Maybe pointy ssstabby weapon insside." + "Eng": "Let'ss get chesst open! Maybe pointy ssstabby weapon insside.", + "Rus": "Откроем сундук! Вдруг внутри оссстрое колющее оружие." } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "These weapon chests are built strong, to protect the contents." + "Eng": "These weapon chests are built strong, to protect the contents.", + "Rus": "Эти оружейные сундуки сделаны крепкими, чтобы защитить содержимое." } }, { diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/generic/woodsupport/woodsupport.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/generic/woodsupport/woodsupport.object.json index cb72ce9d8..112833edb 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/generic/woodsupport/woodsupport.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/generic/woodsupport/woodsupport.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A rotten old wooden beam." + "Eng": "A rotten old wooden beam.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A wooden support in poor condition." + "Eng": "A wooden support in poor condition.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A wooden support." + "Eng": "A wooden support.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A wooden support. Looks worse for wear." + "Eng": "A wooden support. Looks worse for wear.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A worn wooden support." + "Eng": "A worn wooden support.", + "Rus": "Потёртая деревянная опора." } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I believe this wood has been half eaten by woodworm." + "Eng": "I believe this wood has been half eaten by woodworm.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This support does not look to be structurally sound." + "Eng": "This support does not look to be structurally sound.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Wood made into sssupport." + "Eng": "Wood made into sssupport.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Wooden Support" + "Eng": "Wooden Support", + "Rus": "Деревянная опора" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/glitch/glitchstoragelocker/glitchstoragelocker.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/glitch/glitchstoragelocker/glitchstoragelocker.object.json index d2059349f..074288a29 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/glitch/glitchstoragelocker/glitchstoragelocker.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/glitch/glitchstoragelocker/glitchstoragelocker.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Glitch Storage Locker" + "Eng": "Glitch Storage Locker", + "Rus": "Шкаф-хранилище глитчей" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/glitch/kitchentools/kitchentools.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/glitch/kitchentools/kitchentools.object.json index 0e2669a8b..273fdbf5a 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/glitch/kitchentools/kitchentools.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/glitch/kitchentools/kitchentools.object.json @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "I wonder how fast I could chop vegetables with these?", - "Rus": "Интересно, как быстро я смог бы нарезать овощи с их помощью?" + "Rus": "Интересно, как быстро можно нарезать овощи с их помощью?" } }, { @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Kitchen Tools", - "Rus": "Кухонные принадлежности" + "Rus": "Кухонные приборы" } }, { @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Tools for creating pure, unadulterated deliciousness.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Приборы для создания чистейшей, неподдельной вкусности." } }, { diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/glitch/royalbookcase/royalbookcase.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/glitch/royalbookcase/royalbookcase.object.json index 79481eee1..3e2ac8ec8 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/glitch/royalbookcase/royalbookcase.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/glitch/royalbookcase/royalbookcase.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A bookcase decorated with sheets of gold." + "Eng": "A bookcase decorated with sheets of gold.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A golden bookcase. Perhaps kings are avid readers." + "Eng": "A golden bookcase. Perhaps kings are avid readers.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A golden bookcase. The Avians believe only Kluex to be worthy of such splendour." + "Eng": "A golden bookcase. The Avians believe only Kluex to be worthy of such splendour.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A monarchs bookcase... let's find out what royalty reads." + "Eng": "A monarchs bookcase... let's find out what royalty reads.", + "Rus": "Книжный шкаф монархов... давайте выясним, что достопочтенные господа читают." } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Many members of royalty are capable of reading and writing." + "Eng": "Many members of royalty are capable of reading and writing.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Royal Bookcase" + "Eng": "Royal Bookcase", + "Rus": "Королевский книжный шкаф" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Shiny bookcassse. Doess it hold more than bookss?" + "Eng": "Shiny bookcassse. Doess it hold more than bookss?", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Surely kings ain't got much time for readin'?" + "Eng": "Surely kings ain't got much time for readin'?", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "What kind of King surrounds themselves with such riches while peasants hunger for food?" + "Eng": "What kind of King surrounds themselves with such riches while peasants hunger for food?", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/glitch/royalchest/royalchest.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/glitch/royalchest/royalchest.object.json index 20c4e2522..99985e29b 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/glitch/royalchest/royalchest.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/glitch/royalchest/royalchest.object.json @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "This chest itself is a treasure, let alone the contents.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Этот сундук сам по себе сокровище, не говоря о содержимом." } }, { diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/glitch/trashbag/trashbag.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/glitch/trashbag/trashbag.object.json index c8f4f6b2b..ce83b0841 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/glitch/trashbag/trashbag.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/glitch/trashbag/trashbag.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A bag of garbage, nothin' of use here." + "Eng": "A bag of garbage, nothin' of use here.", + "Rus": "Мешок отбросов, тут нет ничего путёвого." } }, { @@ -19,7 +20,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A bag of trash." + "Eng": "A bag of trash.", + "Rus": "Мешок с мусором." } }, { @@ -30,7 +32,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A bag of unwanted items." + "Eng": "A bag of unwanted items.", + "Rus": "Мешок ненужных предметов." } }, { @@ -41,7 +44,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A bag of waste carelessly left here." + "Eng": "A bag of waste carelessly left here.", + "Rus": "Мешок отходов безалаберно оставлен здесь." } }, { @@ -52,7 +56,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A trash bag. What a load of rubbish." + "Eng": "A trash bag. What a load of rubbish.", + "Rus": "Мусорный мешок. Который загружен хламом." } }, { @@ -63,7 +68,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Just another bag of trash." + "Eng": "Just another bag of trash.", + "Rus": "Просто очередной мешок мусора." } }, { @@ -74,7 +80,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Trash Bag" + "Eng": "Trash Bag", + "Rus": "Мусорный мешок" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/glitch/trashcan/trashcan.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/glitch/trashcan/trashcan.object.json index 16353f210..ab78f656c 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/glitch/trashcan/trashcan.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/glitch/trashcan/trashcan.object.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "A fellow Glitch... or a trash can.", - "Rus": "Приятель Глитч... или мусорный бак." + "Rus": "Еще один глитч... или мусорный бак." } }, { @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Trash Can", - "Rus": "Мусорный бак" + "Rus": "Мусорное ведро" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/human/humanstoragelocker/humanstoragelocker.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/human/humanstoragelocker/humanstoragelocker.object.json index 4534191e9..967d072b5 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/human/humanstoragelocker/humanstoragelocker.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/human/humanstoragelocker/humanstoragelocker.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Human Storage Locker" + "Eng": "Human Storage Locker", + "Rus": "Шкаф-хранилище людей" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/hylotl/hylotlstoragelocker/hylotlstoragelocker.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/hylotl/hylotlstoragelocker/hylotlstoragelocker.object.json index b9801b247..b4d62f96f 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/hylotl/hylotlstoragelocker/hylotlstoragelocker.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/hylotl/hylotlstoragelocker/hylotlstoragelocker.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Hylotl Storage Locker" + "Eng": "Hylotl Storage Locker", + "Rus": "Шкаф-хранилище хилотлов" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/mission/apexmission/miniknogoldsign/miniknogoldsign.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/mission/apexmission/miniknogoldsign/miniknogoldsign.object.json index 0c50cdfb5..f30228477 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/mission/apexmission/miniknogoldsign/miniknogoldsign.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/mission/apexmission/miniknogoldsign/miniknogoldsign.object.json @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Ministry of Knowledge? Is... This place the origin of the Miniknog?", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Министерство Знаний? Это... Это место создано Министерством?" } }, { diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/mission/escaperadar/escaperadar.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/mission/escaperadar/escaperadar.object.json index 24128a4aa..fb1d975bf 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/mission/escaperadar/escaperadar.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/mission/escaperadar/escaperadar.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A great radar dish." + "Eng": "A great radar dish.", + "Rus": "Отличная радарная тарелка." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A rather imposing radar dish." + "Eng": "A rather imposing radar dish.", + "Rus": "Довольно внушительная радарная тарелка." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Escape Radar Dish" + "Eng": "Escape Radar Dish", + "Rus": "Спасательная радарная тарелка" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Floran like to sssmash dishes!" + "Eng": "Floran like to sssmash dishes!", + "Rus": "Флоран любит бить тарелки!" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I've seen bigger dishes." + "Eng": "I've seen bigger dishes.", + "Rus": "Я видал и тарелки и поболее." } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "That's a sweet dish." + "Eng": "That's a sweet dish.", + "Rus": "Какая милая тарелка." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/mission/floranchampionstatue/huntingchampionstatue.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/mission/floranchampionstatue/huntingchampionstatue.object.json index 7a0772961..e0c58a1b4 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/mission/floranchampionstatue/huntingchampionstatue.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/mission/floranchampionstatue/huntingchampionstatue.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A majestic yet imposing Floran hunter." + "Eng": "A majestic yet imposing Floran hunter.", + "Rus": "Великий и внушительный флоранский охотник." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A statue erected in honour of a revered Floran hunter." + "Eng": "A statue erected in honour of a revered Floran hunter.", + "Rus": "Статуя возведена в честь почитаемого флоранского охотника." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A statue of a Floran warrior. Avian warriors are not often importalised in stone." + "Eng": "A statue of a Floran warrior. Avian warriors are not often importalised in stone.", + "Rus": "Статуя флоранского воина. Авианских воинов не часто увековечивают в камне. " } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Floran Champion Statue" + "Eng": "Floran Champion Statue", + "Rus": "Статуя флоранского чемпиона" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Sssuccessful Floran hunters get big statuesss." + "Eng": "Sssuccessful Floran hunters get big statuesss.", + "Rus": "Уссспешным флоранским охотникам ставят большие статуи." } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The Floran depicted here was a successful hunter." + "Eng": "The Floran depicted here was a successful hunter.", + "Rus": "Изображённый здесь флоран был успешным охотником." } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This guy must've been a mighty fine hunter!" + "Eng": "This guy must've been a mighty fine hunter!", + "Rus": "Этот парень, видать, был могучим охотником!" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This statue would look better if it was me instead." + "Eng": "This statue would look better if it was me instead.", + "Rus": "Эта статуя выглядела бы лучше, если бы на ней изобразили меня." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/mission/laboratoryverticaldoor/laboratoryverticaldoor.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/mission/laboratoryverticaldoor/laboratoryverticaldoor.object.json index 6a195400a..f79088091 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/mission/laboratoryverticaldoor/laboratoryverticaldoor.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/mission/laboratoryverticaldoor/laboratoryverticaldoor.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A door that splits into three parts when it opens. Neat." + "Eng": "A door that splits into three parts when it opens. Neat.", + "Rus": "Дверь, разделяющаяся на три части, при открытии. Аккуратная." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A finely constructed hatch." + "Eng": "A finely constructed hatch.", + "Rus": "Прекрасно сконструированный люк." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A hatch door. Useful in a science lab, I'd bet!" + "Eng": "A hatch door. Useful in a science lab, I'd bet!", + "Rus": "Люк. Зуб даю, это то, что нужно для научной лаборатории" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A rather elegant doorway that splits in three to open." + "Eng": "A rather elegant doorway that splits in three to open.", + "Rus": "Довольно элегантный дверной проём, который разделяется на три части, чтобы открыться." } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A sleek vertical doorway, perfect for secret labs." + "Eng": "A sleek vertical doorway, perfect for secret labs.", + "Rus": "Гладкий вертикальный дверной проём, идеально подходящий для секретных лабораторий." } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Floran doesssn't like shiny doorsss." + "Eng": "Floran doesssn't like shiny doorsss.", + "Rus": "Флоран не любит блестящие двери." } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Laboratory Hatch" + "Eng": "Laboratory Hatch", + "Rus": "Лабораторный люк" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This hatch is made from a smooth white metal." + "Eng": "This hatch is made from a smooth white metal.", + "Rus": "Этот люк выполнен из гладкого белого металла." } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This hatch looks like Miniknog design. It gives me shivers." + "Eng": "This hatch looks like Miniknog design. It gives me shivers.", + "Rus": "Этот люк напоминает облик Министерства. Меня бросает в дрожь от него." } } -] \ No newline at end of file +] diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/mission/lunarbasebunk/lunarbasebunk.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/mission/lunarbasebunk/lunarbasebunk.object.json index aa6f0f440..7e8de1f6b 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/mission/lunarbasebunk/lunarbasebunk.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/mission/lunarbasebunk/lunarbasebunk.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A basic bunk bed." + "Eng": "A basic bunk bed.", + "Rus": "Базовая ярусная кровать." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A bunk bed, not dissimilar from those at the Protectorate academy." + "Eng": "A bunk bed, not dissimilar from those at the Protectorate academy.", + "Rus": "Ярусная кровать, не отличающаяся от той, что находится в академии Протектората." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A bunk bed. Not terribly spacious, but surprisingly comfortable." + "Eng": "A bunk bed. Not terribly spacious, but surprisingly comfortable.", + "Rus": "Ярусная кровать. Не очень просторная, но удивительно удобная." } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A regular bunk bed." + "Eng": "A regular bunk bed.", + "Rus": "Очередная ярусная кровать." } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Floran would like to sssleep in bunk bed." + "Eng": "Floran would like to sssleep in bunk bed.", + "Rus": "Флоран хотел бы поссспать в ярусной кровати." } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I have fond memories of sleeping in such a bed at the Protectorate academy." + "Eng": "I have fond memories of sleeping in such a bed at the Protectorate academy.", + "Rus": "У меня остались нежные воспоминания о сне в такой постели во времена обучения в академии Протектората." } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Lunar Base Bunk" + "Eng": "Lunar Base Bunk", + "Rus": "Койка лунной базы" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "These cosy beds can stack on top of each other." + "Eng": "These cosy beds can stack on top of each other.", + "Rus": "Эти уютные кровати могут ставиться друг на друга." } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This bunk bed looks rather basic." + "Eng": "This bunk bed looks rather basic.", + "Rus": "Эта ярусная кровать выглядит довольно обычной." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/mission/lunarbasechair/lunarbasechair.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/mission/lunarbasechair/lunarbasechair.object.json index 2ff866024..340fe4196 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/mission/lunarbasechair/lunarbasechair.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/mission/lunarbasechair/lunarbasechair.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A comfortable chair." + "Eng": "A comfortable chair.", + "Rus": "Удобное кресло." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A nice chair." + "Eng": "A nice chair.", + "Rus": "Славное кресло." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A nice, comfy chair." + "Eng": "A nice, comfy chair.", + "Rus": "Славное, уютное кресло." } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A passable chair." + "Eng": "A passable chair.", + "Rus": "Сносное кресло." } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A relaxing chair." + "Eng": "A relaxing chair.", + "Rus": "Расслабляющее кресло." } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A surprisingly comfortable chair." + "Eng": "A surprisingly comfortable chair.", + "Rus": "Удивительно удобное кресло." } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Lunar Base Chair" + "Eng": "Lunar Base Chair", + "Rus": "Кресло лунной базы" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Sssoft chair." + "Eng": "Sssoft chair.", + "Rus": "Мягкое кресло." } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This is a relaxin' spot." + "Eng": "This is a relaxin' spot.", + "Rus": "Это расслабляющее место." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/mission/lunarbaseconsole/lunarbaseconsole.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/mission/lunarbaseconsole/lunarbaseconsole.object.json index b1940466b..a48fc9c69 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/mission/lunarbaseconsole/lunarbaseconsole.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/mission/lunarbaseconsole/lunarbaseconsole.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A control console. What'd happen if I press the buttons?" + "Eng": "A control console. What'd happen if I press the buttons?", + "Rus": "Пульт управления. Чего сделается, если я нажму кнопки?" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A control panel with buttons that I can press, if I wish to." + "Eng": "A control panel with buttons that I can press, if I wish to.", + "Rus": "Панель управления с кнопками, которые я могу нажать, если захочу." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A sleek control console." + "Eng": "A sleek control console.", + "Rus": "Гладкая консоль управления." } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Control conssole has buttonsss." + "Eng": "Control conssole has buttonsss.", + "Rus": "Консссоль управления с кнопками." } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "It's a control console with a big touch screen." + "Eng": "It's a control console with a big touch screen.", + "Rus": "Это консоль управления с большим сенсорным экраном." } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "It's a control console. Who controls it?" + "Eng": "It's a control console. Who controls it?", + "Rus": "Это консоль управления. Кто ей управляет?" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Lunar Base Console" + "Eng": "Lunar Base Console", + "Rus": "Консоль лунной базы" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Something might happen if I interact with this control panel." + "Eng": "Something might happen if I interact with this control panel.", + "Rus": "Что-то может случиться, если я стану взаимодействовать с этой панелью управления." } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This electronic device is used to remotely control things." + "Eng": "This electronic device is used to remotely control things.", + "Rus": "Это электронное устройство используется для дистанционного управления." } } -] \ No newline at end of file +] diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/mission/lunarbasedoor/lunarbasedoor.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/mission/lunarbasedoor/lunarbasedoor.object.json index acbd9f723..4eb995704 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/mission/lunarbasedoor/lunarbasedoor.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/mission/lunarbasedoor/lunarbasedoor.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A door that opens at a curious angle." + "Eng": "A door that opens at a curious angle.", + "Rus": "Дверь, которая открывается под любопытным углом." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "It looks like a reliable door to keep things out. Or in." + "Eng": "It looks like a reliable door to keep things out. Or in.", + "Rus": "Это похоже на надёжную дверь, чтобы удержать что-то снаружи. Или внутри." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "It's like a normal doorway. But diagonal." + "Eng": "It's like a normal doorway. But diagonal.", + "Rus": "Это как обычный дверной проём. Только диагональный." } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Lunar Base Blastdoor" + "Eng": "Lunar Base Blastdoor", + "Rus": "Взрывостойкая дверь лунной базы" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This door is airtight and made with incredibly strong materials." + "Eng": "This door is airtight and made with incredibly strong materials.", + "Rus": "Эта дверь герметична и изготовлена из невероятно прочных материалов." } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This door is solid and airtight." + "Eng": "This door is solid and airtight.", + "Rus": "Эта дверь прочная и герметичная." } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This door looks heavy. Floran doesn't want to get sssquished." + "Eng": "This door looks heavy. Floran doesn't want to get sssquished.", + "Rus": "Эта дверь выглядит тяжёлой. Флоран не хочет быть придавленным ей." } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This doorway appears to be leaning." + "Eng": "This doorway appears to be leaning.", + "Rus": "Этот дверной проём кажется покосился." } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This doorway is slanted. Maybe to remind us to see things from different angles." + "Eng": "This doorway is slanted. Maybe to remind us to see things from different angles.", + "Rus": "Этот дверной проем наклонен. Возможно, чтобы напомнить нам смотреть на вещи под разными углами." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/mission/lunarbaselaser/lunarbaselaser.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/mission/lunarbaselaser/lunarbaselaser.object.json index 9dca943e5..5521b6a3d 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/mission/lunarbaselaser/lunarbaselaser.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/mission/lunarbaselaser/lunarbaselaser.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A giant laser cannon. I wonder if I could fire her up..." + "Eng": "A giant laser cannon. I wonder if I could fire her up...", + "Rus": "Гигантская лазерная пушка. Интересно, смогу ли я пальнуть из неё..." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A laser made to mine through moon rock." + "Eng": "A laser made to mine through moon rock.", + "Rus": "Лазер, сделанный для раскопки лунной породы." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Giant laser is ussseful!" + "Eng": "Giant laser is ussseful!", + "Rus": "Гигантский лазер - то, что нужно!" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I wonder if I can activate this laser cannon." + "Eng": "I wonder if I can activate this laser cannon.", + "Rus": "Интересно, смогу ли я активировать эту лазерную пушку." } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I wonder if I can use this giant laser cannon..." + "Eng": "I wonder if I can use this giant laser cannon...", + "Rus": "Интересно, могу ли я использовать эту гигантскую лазерную пушку ..." } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Mining Laser" + "Eng": "Mining Laser", + "Rus": "Добывающий лазер" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This appears to be a large laser cannon of sorts." + "Eng": "This appears to be a large laser cannon of sorts.", + "Rus": "По виду это похоже на большую лазерную пушку." } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This appears to be a laser cannon." + "Eng": "This appears to be a laser cannon.", + "Rus": "Кажется это лазерная пушка." } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This large laser cannon can be activated through this interface." + "Eng": "This large laser cannon can be activated through this interface.", + "Rus": "Эта большая лазерная пушка может быть активирована через этот интерфейс." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/mission/lunarbaselocker/lunarbaselocker.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/mission/lunarbaselocker/lunarbaselocker.object.json index 2f98e6bdd..f9df81a77 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/mission/lunarbaselocker/lunarbaselocker.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/mission/lunarbaselocker/lunarbaselocker.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A metallic set of six lockers." + "Eng": "A metallic set of six lockers.", + "Rus": "Металлический набор из шести шкафчиков." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A place where you can store your belongings." + "Eng": "A place where you can store your belongings.", + "Rus": "Место, где можно хранить свои шмотки." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A set of lockers, perfect for storing things." + "Eng": "A set of lockers, perfect for storing things.", + "Rus": "Набор шкафчиков, идеально подходящих для хранения вещей." } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Lockers for organising your items." + "Eng": "Lockers for organising your items.", + "Rus": "Шкафчики для организации предметов." } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Lockerss are for keeping thingsss in." + "Eng": "Lockerss are for keeping thingsss in.", + "Rus": "Шшкафчики для хранения вещей внутри." } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Lunar Base Lockers" + "Eng": "Lunar Base Lockers", + "Rus": "Шкафчики лунной базы" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Six unlocked lockers." + "Eng": "Six unlocked lockers.", + "Rus": "Шесть незапертых шкафчиков." } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Stacked lockers. A great way to save space." + "Eng": "Stacked lockers. A great way to save space.", + "Rus": "Сложенные шкафчики. Отличный способ сэкономить место." } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This makes me reminiscence about my days as a student." + "Eng": "This makes me reminiscence about my days as a student.", + "Rus": "Это заставляет меня вспоминать о днях моего студенчества." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/mission/lunarquestturnin/drillconsole/drillconsole.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/mission/lunarquestturnin/drillconsole/drillconsole.object.json index 78d6c9a53..6138ef373 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/mission/lunarquestturnin/drillconsole/drillconsole.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/mission/lunarquestturnin/drillconsole/drillconsole.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A console connected directly to a mining drill." + "Eng": "A console connected directly to a mining drill.", + "Rus": "Консоль подключена непосредственно к буру." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A console with a drill attached." + "Eng": "A console with a drill attached.", + "Rus": "Консоль с прикреплённым буром." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A console with it's own drill built in." + "Eng": "A console with it's own drill built in.", + "Rus": "Консоль со встроенной буровой установкой." } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A drill, likely operated by the console attached." + "Eng": "A drill, likely operated by the console attached.", + "Rus": "Бур, вероятно управляемый прикреплённой консолью." } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A drill-mounted console." + "Eng": "A drill-mounted console.", + "Rus": "Консоль буровой установки." } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A mining console with harvesting functions." + "Eng": "A mining console with harvesting functions.", + "Rus": "Шахтёрская консоль с функциями добычи." } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Consssole with drill." + "Eng": "Consssole with drill.", + "Rus": "Консссоль с дрелью." } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Minin' console." + "Eng": "Minin' console.", + "Rus": "Шахтёрский пульт." } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Mining Drill Console" + "Eng": "Mining Drill Console", + "Rus": "Консоль управления буром" } } -] \ No newline at end of file +] diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/mission/lunarquestturnin/drillmachine.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/mission/lunarquestturnin/drillmachine.object.json index d5df86d46..017f5f361 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/mission/lunarquestturnin/drillmachine.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/mission/lunarquestturnin/drillmachine.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A large, industrial mining drill." + "Eng": "A large, industrial mining drill.", + "Rus": "Большой промышленный бур." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Definitely the biggest drill I have ever seen." + "Eng": "Definitely the biggest drill I have ever seen.", + "Rus": "Определенно самое большое сверло, которое я когда-либо видел." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Drill looksss fun to play with." + "Eng": "Drill looksss fun to play with.", + "Rus": "Было бы забавно поиграть с этим буром." } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Mining Drill" + "Eng": "Mining Drill", + "Rus": "Буровая машина" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Similar pieces of machinery are used by the Hylotl to drill the ocean floor." + "Eng": "Similar pieces of machinery are used by the Hylotl to drill the ocean floor.", + "Rus": "Подобные части машин используются хилотлами для бурения океанического дна." } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "That's the second biggest mining drill I've ever seen!" + "Eng": "That's the second biggest mining drill I've ever seen!", + "Rus": "Это второй по величине бур, который я когда-либо видел!" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This is a wonderful sight." + "Eng": "This is a wonderful sight.", + "Rus": "Прекрасное зрелище." } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "What a beaut!" + "Eng": "What a beaut!", + "Rus": "Какая лепота!" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "What an impressive piece of machinery." + "Eng": "What an impressive piece of machinery.", + "Rus": "Какой впечатляющий образец техники." } } -] \ No newline at end of file +] diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/mission/miningbelt/miningbelt.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/mission/miningbelt/miningbelt.object.json index 0e62d5ca6..bfd092a48 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/mission/miningbelt/miningbelt.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/mission/miningbelt/miningbelt.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A Conveyer Belt, currently not moving." + "Eng": "A Conveyer Belt, currently not moving.", + "Rus": "Ленточный конвейер, сейчас не двигается." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A Conveyer Belt, for moving heavy loads a short distance." + "Eng": "A Conveyer Belt, for moving heavy loads a short distance.", + "Rus": "Ленточный конвейер, для перемещения тяжелых грузов на короткое расстояние." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A device for carryin' heavy things from one place to another." + "Eng": "A device for carryin' heavy things from one place to another.", + "Rus": "Приблуда, чтоб тащить тяжёлые вещи из одного места в другое." } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A machine used to move large amounts of mined material." + "Eng": "A machine used to move large amounts of mined material.", + "Rus": "Машина, используемая для перемещения большого количества добытого материала." } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A short Conveyer Belt for moving heavy loads." + "Eng": "A short Conveyer Belt for moving heavy loads.", + "Rus": "Короткий ленточный конвейер для перемещения тяжелых грузов." } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "An uninteresting human construct." + "Eng": "An uninteresting human construct.", + "Rus": "Неинтересная человеческая конструкция." } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Mining Conveyer Belt" + "Eng": "Mining Conveyer Belt", + "Rus": "Шахтёрский ленточный конвейер" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The conveyer belt is seemingly nonfunctional." + "Eng": "The conveyer belt is seemingly nonfunctional.", + "Rus": "Ленточный конвейер, по-видимому, нефункциональный." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/mission/miningchest/miningchest.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/mission/miningchest/miningchest.object.json index 5ba3fd7dc..418c44b11 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/mission/miningchest/miningchest.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/mission/miningchest/miningchest.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A sturdy ol' chest containin' treasures... I hope." + "Eng": "A sturdy ol' chest containin' treasures... I hope.", + "Rus": "Здоровый сундук хранит сокровища... Я надеюсь." } }, { @@ -42,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This chest has an industrial look about it." + "Eng": "This chest has an industrial look about it.", + "Rus": "Этот сундук можно назвать промышленным, осмотрев его." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/mission/miningcrusher/miningcrusher.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/mission/miningcrusher/miningcrusher.object.json index 80f077652..17b86b545 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/mission/miningcrusher/miningcrusher.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/mission/miningcrusher/miningcrusher.object.json @@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A machine used for breaking down rocks." + "Eng": "A machine used for breaking down rocks.", + "Rus": "Машина, используемая для дробления горной породы." } }, { @@ -20,7 +21,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "An industrial machine, used for breaking down rocks." + "Eng": "An industrial machine, used for breaking down rocks.", + "Rus": "Промышленная машина, используемая для дробления горной породы." } }, { @@ -31,7 +33,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "An unsightly metal construction." + "Eng": "An unsightly metal construction.", + "Rus": "Неприглядная металлическая конструкция." } }, { @@ -42,7 +45,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Machine for breakin bonesss... Did Floran say bones? Floran meant rocks!" + "Eng": "Machine for breakin bonesss... Did Floran say bones? Floran meant rocks!", + "Rus": "Машина для перемалывания костей... Флоран сссказал костей? Флоран хотел сказать камней!" } }, { @@ -53,7 +57,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Mining Impact Crusher" + "Eng": "Mining Impact Crusher", + "Rus": "Шахтёрская ударная дробилка" } }, { @@ -64,7 +69,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The machine exists to crush rocks." + "Eng": "The machine exists to crush rocks.", + "Rus": "Машина, созданная для дробления горной породы." } }, { @@ -75,7 +81,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Ya wouldn't wanna fall into this contraption." + "Eng": "Ya wouldn't wanna fall into this contraption.", + "Rus": "Я не хотел бы попасть в эту штуковину." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/mission/miningdoor/miningdoor.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/mission/miningdoor/miningdoor.object.json index 4224f2100..9c9bf7a63 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/mission/miningdoor/miningdoor.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/mission/miningdoor/miningdoor.object.json @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "A door made with tough metal.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Дверь из прочного металла." } }, { @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "A sturdy door of human origin.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Прочная дверь человеческого происхождения." } }, { @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "An industrial-looking metal door.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Промышленно выглядящая металлическая дверь." } }, { @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "An ugly door designed with function in mind.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Уродливая дверь, разработанная с упором на функциональность." } }, { @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Big metal door looks imposssible to penetrate.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Большая металлическая дверь, выглядит непроницаемой." } }, { @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Miner's Door", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Шахтёрская дверь" } }, { @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "This door could withstand a lot of firepower.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Эта дверь может выдержать большую огневую мощь." } }, { @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "This door means business.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Эта дверь означает бизнес." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/mission/miningfence/miningfence.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/mission/miningfence/miningfence.object.json index c72425ff1..12633badf 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/mission/miningfence/miningfence.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/mission/miningfence/miningfence.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A Metal Railing to keep people falling off platforms." + "Eng": "A Metal Railing to keep people falling off platforms.", + "Rus": "Металлические перила, оберегающие людей от падения с платформ." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A metal fence with red and black warning stripes." + "Eng": "A metal fence with red and black warning stripes.", + "Rus": "Металлический забор с красно-чёрными предупреждающими полосками." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A metal railing painted with red and black stripes." + "Eng": "A metal railing painted with red and black stripes.", + "Rus": "Металлические перила, окрашенные в красно-чёрную полоску." } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A metal railing." + "Eng": "A metal railing.", + "Rus": "Металлические перила." } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A plain-looking human construction." + "Eng": "A plain-looking human construction.", + "Rus": "Простоватая человеческая конструкция." } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Just a borin' fence." + "Eng": "Just a borin' fence.", + "Rus": "Просто скучный забор." } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Mining Railing" + "Eng": "Mining Railing", + "Rus": "Шахтёрские перила" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The railing is implemented for safety." + "Eng": "The railing is implemented for safety.", + "Rus": "Перила обеспечивают безопасность." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/mission/mininghazardsign/mininghazardsign.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/mission/mininghazardsign/mininghazardsign.object.json index 80ee7e8cb..5560eecf1 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/mission/mininghazardsign/mininghazardsign.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/mission/mininghazardsign/mininghazardsign.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A metal sign that says \"HAZARD!\"" + "Eng": "A metal sign that says \"HAZARD!\"", + "Rus": "Металлический знак, гласящий «ОПАСНОСТЬ!»" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A sign reading \"Hazard\"." + "Eng": "A sign reading \"Hazard\".", + "Rus": "Знак с надписью «Опасность»." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A sign to warn people of some avoidable nearby danger." + "Eng": "A sign to warn people of some avoidable nearby danger.", + "Rus": "Знак, предупреждающий людей о какой-то опасности поблизости, которую можно избежать." } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Hazard? Where?!" + "Eng": "Hazard? Where?!", + "Rus": "Опасность? Здесь?!" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I ain't afraid of a bit o' trouble." + "Eng": "I ain't afraid of a bit o' trouble.", + "Rus": "Меня не пугают чуток неприятностей." } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Mining Hazard Sign" + "Eng": "Mining Hazard Sign", + "Rus": "Шахтёрский знак опасности" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The sign is a warning for something." + "Eng": "The sign is a warning for something.", + "Rus": "Знак, предупреждающий о чём-то." } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The sign shows concern for my safety. How thoughtful." + "Eng": "The sign shows concern for my safety. How thoughtful.", + "Rus": "Этот знак показывает беспокойство о моей безопасности. Как заботливо." } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Whatever this sssay, Floran ignore." + "Eng": "Whatever this sssay, Floran ignore.", + "Rus": "Чтоб бы тут не говорилось, Флоран будет игнорировать это." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/mission/miningverticaldoor/miningverticaldoor.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/mission/miningverticaldoor/miningverticaldoor.object.json index bd122abf8..262ecfb83 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/mission/miningverticaldoor/miningverticaldoor.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/mission/miningverticaldoor/miningverticaldoor.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A vertical door." + "Eng": "A vertical door.", + "Rus": "Вертикальная дверь." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Mining Hatch" + "Eng": "Mining Hatch", + "Rus": "Шахтёрский люк" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/mission/proximitywallsensor/proximitywallsensor.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/mission/proximitywallsensor/proximitywallsensor.object.json index 6009215c5..d18ee2c15 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/mission/proximitywallsensor/proximitywallsensor.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/mission/proximitywallsensor/proximitywallsensor.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Proximity Wall Sensor" + "Eng": "Proximity Wall Sensor", + "Rus": "Настенный датчик движения" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Sssensor is looking at Floran!" + "Eng": "Sssensor is looking at Floran!", + "Rus": "Сссенсор смотрит на Флорана!" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Watch your step!" + "Eng": "Watch your step!", + "Rus": "Смотри куда идёшь!" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/mission/shared_mining/shared_.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/mission/shared_mining/shared_.object.json index cd82e5871..bb5295251 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/mission/shared_mining/shared_.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/mission/shared_mining/shared_.object.json @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Floran bored of fencesss." + "Eng": "Floran bored of fencesss.", + "Rus": "Флорану скучно от ограждений." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/novakid/novakidstoragelocker/novakidstoragelocker.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/novakid/novakidstoragelocker/novakidstoragelocker.object.json index 9754bc2b2..11fe1d959 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/novakid/novakidstoragelocker/novakidstoragelocker.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/novakid/novakidstoragelocker/novakidstoragelocker.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Novakid Storage Locker" + "Eng": "Novakid Storage Locker", + "Rus": "Шкаф-хранилище новакидов" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/outpost/terramart/terramart.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/outpost/terramart/terramart.object.json index 4e86af27e..6b593ff0a 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/outpost/terramart/terramart.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/outpost/terramart/terramart.object.json @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "I always wanted to retire to an ol' farmstead.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Я всегда хотел, когда отойду от дел, заняться своим хозяйством." } }, { @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Terrormart? I'm already shaking! Wait, oh. Terr-a-mart. Okay.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Террормарт? Я уже трясусь! Ой, стоп. Терр-а-март. Ладно." } }, { @@ -120,4 +120,4 @@ "Rus": "^#b9b5b2;Еда и припасы для фермерства и скотоводства." } } -] \ No newline at end of file +] diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/outpost/terramart/terramartclosed.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/outpost/terramart/terramartclosed.object.json index 7a5dcf8df..063154da9 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/outpost/terramart/terramartclosed.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/outpost/terramart/terramartclosed.object.json @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "Is somebody turnin' this crate into a store?", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Кто-то состряпал из этого ящика магазин?" } }, { diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/shared_frog/shared_.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/shared_frog/shared_.object.json index 26450a8d3..6fb8ea3e4 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/shared_frog/shared_.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/shared_frog/shared_.object.json @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Don't see many frog merchants round these parts!" + "Eng": "Don't see many frog merchants round these parts!", + "Rus": "В этих краях не часто встретишь лягушек-торговцев!" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/shared_light/shared_.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/shared_light/shared_.object.json index 0425cd515..81f0cad4e 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/shared_light/shared_.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/shared_light/shared_.object.json @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A light." + "Eng": "A light.", + "Rus": "Источник света." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/shared_light/shared_light.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/shared_light/shared_light.object.json index 126e8fafc..8c5d5a4ea 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/shared_light/shared_light.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/shared_light/shared_light.object.json @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "A bright, piercing floodlight.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Яркий пронизывающий прожектор." } }, { @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "An electric lamp. It looks built for a flame.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Электрическая лампа. Кажется, будто создана для огня." } }, { @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "No fire burnsss within.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Внутри не горит огонь." } }, { @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "The ironwork surpasses that of Avian spearsmiths.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Железо лучше, чем в наконечниках копий Авиан." } }, { diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/shared_light/shared_lightBroken.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/shared_light/shared_lightBroken.object.json index 20c52d5ec..89a2e546b 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/shared_light/shared_lightBroken.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/shared_light/shared_lightBroken.object.json @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A malfunctioning light." + "Eng": "A malfunctioning light.", + "Rus": "Неисправный источник света." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/shared_light/shared_roken.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/shared_light/shared_roken.object.json index e939d7aec..a97badd21 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/shared_light/shared_roken.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/shared_light/shared_roken.object.json @@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A flickering light." + "Eng": "A flickering light.", + "Rus": "Мерцающая лампа." } }, { @@ -30,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "An underpowered light." + "Eng": "An underpowered light.", + "Rus": "Незапитанная лампа." } }, { @@ -47,7 +49,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This light is malfunctioning." + "Eng": "This light is malfunctioning.", + "Rus": "Этот светильник неисправен." } }, { @@ -64,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This light isn't getting enough power." + "Eng": "This light isn't getting enough power.", + "Rus": "Этот светильник не получает достаточно питания." } }, { @@ -81,7 +85,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This light's on the blink." + "Eng": "This light's on the blink.", + "Rus": "Этот светильник на последнем издыхании." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/shared_radar/shared_.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/shared_radar/shared_.object.json index 771def8fc..838cc2c65 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/shared_radar/shared_.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/shared_radar/shared_.object.json @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A radar dish." + "Eng": "A radar dish.", + "Rus": "Радиолокационная тарелка." } }, { @@ -24,7 +25,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish." + "Eng": "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", + "Rus": "Радиолокационная тарелка. Не путать с салатной тарелкой." } }, { @@ -38,7 +40,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Nice dish." + "Eng": "Nice dish.", + "Rus": "Хорошая тарелка." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/shared_statue/shared_statue.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/shared_statue/shared_statue.object.json index e3f5384c6..62221ecdb 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/shared_statue/shared_statue.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/shared_statue/shared_statue.object.json @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A statue of a Floran. It looks like a great hunter." + "Eng": "A statue of a Floran. It looks like a great hunter.", + "Rus": "Статуя флорана. Похоже это великий охотник." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/shared_storagelocker/shared_storagelocker.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/shared_storagelocker/shared_storagelocker.object.json index e853c99e5..5c02c49b1 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/shared_storagelocker/shared_storagelocker.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/shared_storagelocker/shared_storagelocker.object.json @@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A locker in the wall." + "Eng": "A locker in the wall.", + "Rus": "Шкафчик в стене." } }, { @@ -54,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A locker made from metal." + "Eng": "A locker made from metal.", + "Rus": "Шкафчик из металла." } }, { @@ -83,7 +85,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A metallic storage locker." + "Eng": "A metallic storage locker.", + "Rus": "Металлический шкафчик для хранения." } }, { @@ -112,7 +115,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution." + "Eng": "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", + "Rus": "Хорошее, просторное, настенное решение для хранения." } }, { @@ -141,7 +145,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A place to keep your things." + "Eng": "A place to keep your things.", + "Rus": "Место для хранения своих вещей." } }, { @@ -170,7 +175,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Floran can ssstuff things into locker." + "Eng": "Floran can ssstuff things into locker.", + "Rus": "Флоран может класть вещи в шшкафчик." } }, { @@ -199,7 +205,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "It's an industrial looking storage locker." + "Eng": "It's an industrial looking storage locker.", + "Rus": "Технологично выглядящий шкаф для хранения." } }, { @@ -228,7 +235,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Somewhere to store personal belongings." + "Eng": "Somewhere to store personal belongings.", + "Rus": "Место для хранения личных вещей." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/shared_tech/shared_console.json b/translations/texts/objects/shared_tech/shared_console.json index 6eda80e69..e6a0b66f3 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/shared_tech/shared_console.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/shared_tech/shared_console.json @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "This consssole lets Floran equip techs! New techsss always very exciting.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Эта консссоль позволит Флорану экипировать технологии. Новые технологии вссегда очень будоражат." } }, { @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ }, "Texts": { "Eng": "With a little know-how, I can use this machine to equip techs.", - "Rus": "" + "Rus": "Немного наловчившись, я смогу использовать эту приблуду, чтоб нацепить на себя технологии." } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/astrocabinet/astrocabinet.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/astrocabinet/astrocabinet.object.json index dc7031ffe..46ecf9acc 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/astrocabinet/astrocabinet.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/astrocabinet/astrocabinet.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A locker, good enough for stashin' whatever y'need." + "Eng": "A locker, good enough for stashin' whatever y'need.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A modern metal cabinet with floor mounting brackets." + "Eng": "A modern metal cabinet with floor mounting brackets.", + "Rus": "Современный металлический шкаф с кронштейнами для монтажа на полу." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Astro Cabinet" + "Eng": "Astro Cabinet", + "Rus": "Астро шкаф" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Cabinetss can hold all sorts of thingsss." + "Eng": "Cabinetss can hold all sorts of thingsss.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I'm a fan of the way this cabinet is designed." + "Eng": "I'm a fan of the way this cabinet is designed.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "There must be a reason these lockers are shaped this way." + "Eng": "There must be a reason these lockers are shaped this way.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This cabinet is a little fancy for my tastes, but I like it." + "Eng": "This cabinet is a little fancy for my tastes, but I like it.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This locker reminds me of something. Can't put my finger on it." + "Eng": "This locker reminds me of something. Can't put my finger on it.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This small cabinet has a generous storage capacity." + "Eng": "This small cabinet has a generous storage capacity.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/astroceilingmonitor/astroceilingmonitor.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/astroceilingmonitor/astroceilingmonitor.object.json index 5a4246fc3..9f6e6c89f 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/astroceilingmonitor/astroceilingmonitor.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/astroceilingmonitor/astroceilingmonitor.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Astro Ceiling Monitor" + "Eng": "Astro Ceiling Monitor", + "Rus": "Астро потолочный монитор" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Brackets are built into the base to attach this monitor to the ceiling." + "Eng": "Brackets are built into the base to attach this monitor to the ceiling.", + "Rus": "В основание этого потолочного монитора встроены кронштейны для крепления." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Flasshy ceiling televission." + "Eng": "Flasshy ceiling televission.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Man, this is positioned great for leaning back." + "Eng": "Man, this is positioned great for leaning back.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "There's something familiar about this display configuration." + "Eng": "There's something familiar about this display configuration.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "These fixtures keep this display mounted firmly." + "Eng": "These fixtures keep this display mounted firmly.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This display arrangement is an efficient use of space." + "Eng": "This display arrangement is an efficient use of space.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This display is able to utilize little used space." + "Eng": "This display is able to utilize little used space.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This screen is just hangin' there." + "Eng": "This screen is just hangin' there.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/astrochair/astrochair.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/astrochair/astrochair.object.json index 198dc00ca..f11a4a77a 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/astrochair/astrochair.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/astrochair/astrochair.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A modern chair design, commonly found inside spaceships." + "Eng": "A modern chair design, commonly found inside spaceships.", + "Rus": "Современный дизайн стула, который обычно можно увидеть внутри космических кораблей." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Astro Chair" + "Eng": "Astro Chair", + "Rus": "Астро кресло" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Firm metal seat lookss uncomfortable." + "Eng": "Firm metal seat lookss uncomfortable.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Maybe sitting in this would help keep my back straight." + "Eng": "Maybe sitting in this would help keep my back straight.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This chair has a very familiar design, though no Avian would build with materials like these." + "Eng": "This chair has a very familiar design, though no Avian would build with materials like these.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This chair is the kind you'd find in a spaceship." + "Eng": "This chair is the kind you'd find in a spaceship.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This here chair is pretty solid, I can't even kick it over." + "Eng": "This here chair is pretty solid, I can't even kick it over.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This seat is designed to support launch forces for space travellers." + "Eng": "This seat is designed to support launch forces for space travellers.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This sturdy chair is built to withstand launch forces." + "Eng": "This sturdy chair is built to withstand launch forces.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/astroconsole/astroconsole.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/astroconsole/astroconsole.object.json index d941ae54a..d0e32ecd3 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/astroconsole/astroconsole.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/astroconsole/astroconsole.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A large display built to monitor a variety of devices." + "Eng": "A large display built to monitor a variety of devices.", + "Rus": "Большой экран, созданный для слежения за различными приборами." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Anything could be connected to a big console like this." + "Eng": "Anything could be connected to a big console like this.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Astro Console" + "Eng": "Astro Console", + "Rus": "Астро консоль" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I like this big display, seems important." + "Eng": "I like this big display, seems important.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Such a ssshiny display sscreen." + "Eng": "Such a ssshiny display sscreen.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This console looks a bit clunky in my opinion." + "Eng": "This console looks a bit clunky in my opinion.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This information display is in good condition." + "Eng": "This information display is in good condition.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This is a mighty hefty console." + "Eng": "This is a mighty hefty console.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This size of this console display makes reading information very easy." + "Eng": "This size of this console display makes reading information very easy.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/astrocrate/astrocrate.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/astrocrate/astrocrate.object.json index 3afef7a1e..a8d6f7dd8 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/astrocrate/astrocrate.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/astrocrate/astrocrate.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A large container specialized for space transport." + "Eng": "A large container specialized for space transport.", + "Rus": "Большой контейнер, предназначенный для космического транспорта." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A large shipping container, made for goods transport." + "Eng": "A large shipping container, made for goods transport.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A standard space shipping crate." + "Eng": "A standard space shipping crate.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "An oversized shipping crate, this can store a lot inside." + "Eng": "An oversized shipping crate, this can store a lot inside.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Astro Crate" + "Eng": "Astro Crate", + "Rus": "Астро ящик" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Big ssstriped metal box." + "Eng": "Big ssstriped metal box.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I'd reckon you could store near anything this big ol' crate." + "Eng": "I'd reckon you could store near anything this big ol' crate.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The metals used in this crate makes it strong, but quite light." + "Eng": "The metals used in this crate makes it strong, but quite light.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This container is large, but that means lots of space to store things inside." + "Eng": "This container is large, but that means lots of space to store things inside.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/astrodoor/astrodoor.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/astrodoor/astrodoor.object.json index a52dffdfd..812debc2f 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/astrodoor/astrodoor.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/astrodoor/astrodoor.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Astro Door" + "Eng": "Astro Door", + "Rus": "Астро дверь" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Doors like these are designed to seal sections of ships or stations." + "Eng": "Doors like these are designed to seal sections of ships or stations.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Space door can ssslide open and closed." + "Eng": "Space door can ssslide open and closed.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This door design was once popular in ship and station construction." + "Eng": "This door design was once popular in ship and station construction.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This door forms an airtight seal when closed." + "Eng": "This door forms an airtight seal when closed.", + "Rus": "Эта дверь обеспечивает герметичную изоляцию, когда закрывается." } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This door is designed to survive the harshness of space." + "Eng": "This door is designed to survive the harshness of space.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This fancy lookin' door looks like it'd stand up t'about anything." + "Eng": "This fancy lookin' door looks like it'd stand up t'about anything.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This modern door can create an airtight seal to contain atmosphere." + "Eng": "This modern door can create an airtight seal to contain atmosphere.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This modern door type is sleek and responsive." + "Eng": "This modern door type is sleek and responsive.", + "Rus": "" } } -] \ No newline at end of file +] diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/astrolight/astrolight.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/astrolight/astrolight.object.json index ba9ebac2b..cc00230b4 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/astrolight/astrolight.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/astrolight/astrolight.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A ceiling mounted utility lantern." + "Eng": "A ceiling mounted utility lantern.", + "Rus": "Фонарь с потолочным креплением." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Astro Light" + "Eng": "Astro Light", + "Rus": "Астро светильник" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Sspace pod casssts just a little bit of light." + "Eng": "Sspace pod casssts just a little bit of light.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This electric lamp burns brighter'n a campfire." + "Eng": "This electric lamp burns brighter'n a campfire.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This electric lamp casts a faint yellow light." + "Eng": "This electric lamp casts a faint yellow light.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This lamp looks like it's air sealed, I imagine it would work well underwater." + "Eng": "This lamp looks like it's air sealed, I imagine it would work well underwater.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This lantern isn't flashy, but it's functional." + "Eng": "This lantern isn't flashy, but it's functional.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This light source is self-sustaining somehow." + "Eng": "This light source is self-sustaining somehow.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This pod light provides just enough light to get around." + "Eng": "This pod light provides just enough light to get around.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/astromonitor/astromonitor.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/astromonitor/astromonitor.object.json index e1454dfd3..3df7e786f 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/astromonitor/astromonitor.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/astromonitor/astromonitor.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A compact electronic display monitor." + "Eng": "A compact electronic display monitor.", + "Rus": "Компактный электронный монитор." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Astro Monitor" + "Eng": "Astro Monitor", + "Rus": "Астро монитор" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I like it, a simple and functional monitor." + "Eng": "I like it, a simple and functional monitor.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I'm not sure I understand what all the buttons on this monitor control." + "Eng": "I'm not sure I understand what all the buttons on this monitor control.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Ssspace screen is making strange words." + "Eng": "Ssspace screen is making strange words.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The information on this display could be important." + "Eng": "The information on this display could be important.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This display can likely show 'bout anything y'need to know." + "Eng": "This display can likely show 'bout anything y'need to know.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This monitor is sort of an old design, but still kicking." + "Eng": "This monitor is sort of an old design, but still kicking.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This monitor seems designed to display important data." + "Eng": "This monitor seems designed to display important data.", + "Rus": "" } } -] \ No newline at end of file +] diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/astroserver/astroserver.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/astroserver/astroserver.object.json index 7012c3b47..9331ff82f 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/astroserver/astroserver.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/astroserver/astroserver.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A large computer server rack, with brackets for floor mounting." + "Eng": "A large computer server rack, with brackets for floor mounting.", + "Rus": "Большая стойка компьютерного сервера с кронштейнами для установки на пол." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A sleek looking server rack." + "Eng": "A sleek looking server rack.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Astro Server" + "Eng": "Astro Server", + "Rus": "Астро сервер" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Big 'ol computer. 'Bout the size of an outhouse." + "Eng": "Big 'ol computer. 'Bout the size of an outhouse.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Fancy looking sserver cabinet full of computersss." + "Eng": "Fancy looking sserver cabinet full of computersss.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "It appears this server is liquid cooled, that's smart." + "Eng": "It appears this server is liquid cooled, that's smart.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Most of the technology inside this server can now be contained inside a portable device." + "Eng": "Most of the technology inside this server can now be contained inside a portable device.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This server looks like it's setup for something important." + "Eng": "This server looks like it's setup for something important.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This server rack looks loaded with computer equipment." + "Eng": "This server rack looks loaded with computer equipment.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/astrostoragelocker/astrostoragelocker.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/astrostoragelocker/astrostoragelocker.object.json index 20f70a76b..79027866e 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/astrostoragelocker/astrostoragelocker.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/astrostoragelocker/astrostoragelocker.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A metal wall locker." + "Eng": "A metal wall locker.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A simple looking storage locker." + "Eng": "A simple looking storage locker.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A wall mounted storage locker." + "Eng": "A wall mounted storage locker.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "An airtight storage locker." + "Eng": "An airtight storage locker.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "An astro panel storage locker." + "Eng": "An astro panel storage locker.", + "Rus": "Шкаф для хранения астро панелей." } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Astro Storage Locker" + "Eng": "Astro Storage Locker", + "Rus": "Астро шкаф-хранилище" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Lockers like this often have large capacities." + "Eng": "Lockers like this often have large capacities.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Sstorage locker good for hiding thingss." + "Eng": "Sstorage locker good for hiding thingss.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Y'could stash a whole lotta somethin' into a locker like this." + "Eng": "Y'could stash a whole lotta somethin' into a locker like this.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/astrotable/astrotable.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/astrotable/astrotable.object.json index e28420bdf..c900baf42 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/astrotable/astrotable.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/astrotable/astrotable.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A little table made from metal." + "Eng": "A little table made from metal.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A metal table which has been mounted to the floor." + "Eng": "A metal table which has been mounted to the floor.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A solid, floor mounted working surface." + "Eng": "A solid, floor mounted working surface.", + "Rus": "Прочная рабочая поверхность, установленная на пол." } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Astro Table" + "Eng": "Astro Table", + "Rus": "Астро стол" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Jusst a metal table." + "Eng": "Jusst a metal table.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This table has a stripe painted on it." + "Eng": "This table has a stripe painted on it.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This table is fixed to the floor, otherwise I think it might tip over." + "Eng": "This table is fixed to the floor, otherwise I think it might tip over.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This table is unremarkable." + "Eng": "This table is unremarkable.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/astrovent/astrovent.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/astrovent/astrovent.object.json index eaa4d19a9..951e13efd 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/astrovent/astrovent.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/astrovent/astrovent.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "An artificial atmospheric system exhaust port." + "Eng": "An artificial atmospheric system exhaust port.", + "Rus": "Выхлопное отверстие системы искусственной атмосферы." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "An exhaust pipe." + "Eng": "An exhaust pipe.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Appears to be an exhaust vent." + "Eng": "Appears to be an exhaust vent.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Astro Vent" + "Eng": "Astro Vent", + "Rus": "Астро вентиляция" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Exhaust vents like these are usually found on ships and stations in space." + "Eng": "Exhaust vents like these are usually found on ships and stations in space.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Pipe is to sssmall for Floran to hide inside." + "Eng": "Pipe is to sssmall for Floran to hide inside.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Stuff some weapons in that vent an' it'd probably make a decent cannon." + "Eng": "Stuff some weapons in that vent an' it'd probably make a decent cannon.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This appears to be some sort of exhaust port." + "Eng": "This appears to be some sort of exhaust port.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This is a vent of some kind I believe." + "Eng": "This is a vent of some kind I believe.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/astrowallpanel/astrowallpanel.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/astrowallpanel/astrowallpanel.object.json index 95e83b3a6..f6f59c595 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/astrowallpanel/astrowallpanel.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/astrowallpanel/astrowallpanel.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A panel designed for inside space environments." + "Eng": "A panel designed for inside space environments.", + "Rus": "Панель, предназначенная для установки в космической среде." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A space panel made from some plastics." + "Eng": "A space panel made from some plastics.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Astro Wall Panel" + "Eng": "Astro Wall Panel", + "Rus": "Астро панель" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I'm not sure if panels like this serve a function." + "Eng": "I'm not sure if panels like this serve a function.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Panels designed like this were once common inside ships." + "Eng": "Panels designed like this were once common inside ships.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Some kinda plastic space panel." + "Eng": "Some kinda plastic space panel.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Sssome kind of plastic panel." + "Eng": "Sssome kind of plastic panel.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The function of this panel is not understood." + "Eng": "The function of this panel is not understood.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This wall panel is made from some sort of polymer." + "Eng": "This wall panel is made from some sort of polymer.", + "Rus": "" } } -] \ No newline at end of file +] diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialbed/industrialbed.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialbed/industrialbed.object.json index e6f083c06..b53e76dc6 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialbed/industrialbed.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialbed/industrialbed.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A cheap bed with a sturdy metal frame. It doesn't seem very comfortable." + "Eng": "A cheap bed with a sturdy metal frame. It doesn't seem very comfortable.", + "Rus": "Дешёвая кровать с прочной металлической рамой. Выглядит не очень удобной." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Floran might not ssssleep well in big metal bed." + "Eng": "Floran might not ssssleep well in big metal bed.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Industrial Bed" + "Eng": "Industrial Bed", + "Rus": "Промышленная кровать" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This bed appears to be able to withstand extremely turbulent movement." + "Eng": "This bed appears to be able to withstand extremely turbulent movement.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This bed looks horribly uncomfortable, but I'm not judgemental so I could still sleep in it." + "Eng": "This bed looks horribly uncomfortable, but I'm not judgemental so I could still sleep in it.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This bed looks like it was designed with structural integrity in mind instead of comfort." + "Eng": "This bed looks like it was designed with structural integrity in mind instead of comfort.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This bed looks quite heavy..." + "Eng": "This bed looks quite heavy...", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This bed may look mighty stiff but luckily I'm an easy sleeper." + "Eng": "This bed may look mighty stiff but luckily I'm an easy sleeper.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "With a little extra padding this bed could actually be quite comfortable." + "Eng": "With a little extra padding this bed could actually be quite comfortable.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialcanister/industrialcanister.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialcanister/industrialcanister.object.json index e2124698d..f7dd38e4c 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialcanister/industrialcanister.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialcanister/industrialcanister.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A sealed metal canister, that might be used to store hazardous liquids." + "Eng": "A sealed metal canister, that might be used to store hazardous liquids.", + "Rus": "Герметичная металлическая канистра, которая может использоваться для хранения опасных жидкостей." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A short analysis concludes that this canister is built to safely store valuable liquids." + "Eng": "A short analysis concludes that this canister is built to safely store valuable liquids.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Industrial Canister" + "Eng": "Industrial Canister", + "Rus": "Промышленная канистра" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Is this a big ol' oil barrel? Mighty odd lookin' barrel if I say so myself." + "Eng": "Is this a big ol' oil barrel? Mighty odd lookin' barrel if I say so myself.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The sound this canister makes when opened is quite satisfying." + "Eng": "The sound this canister makes when opened is quite satisfying.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This canister seems ideal for transporting volatile substances in." + "Eng": "This canister seems ideal for transporting volatile substances in.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "What a curious canister - I wonder what is inside?" + "Eng": "What a curious canister - I wonder what is inside?", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "What a curious looking storage container. Perhaps it is built to store fuel?" + "Eng": "What a curious looking storage container. Perhaps it is built to store fuel?", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Yellow tube. Might have ssstuff inside." + "Eng": "Yellow tube. Might have ssstuff inside.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialchair/industrialchair.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialchair/industrialchair.object.json index 94dfd08ec..d0e6c2d92 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialchair/industrialchair.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialchair/industrialchair.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A chair this uncomfortable could not have been made accidentally." + "Eng": "A chair this uncomfortable could not have been made accidentally.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A solid metal chair with only the slightest bit of padding." + "Eng": "A solid metal chair with only the slightest bit of padding.", + "Rus": "Твёрдое металлическое кресло с тончайшими кусками набивки." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Chair looksss heavy. Floran could ssstill throw it!" + "Eng": "Chair looksss heavy. Floran could ssstill throw it!", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I don't think I'd like to rest my feathers for too long on this stiff chair." + "Eng": "I don't think I'd like to rest my feathers for too long on this stiff chair.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Industrial Chair" + "Eng": "Industrial Chair", + "Rus": "Промышленное кресло" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "It ain't the comfiest of seats, but I could relax on this if I tried hard enough." + "Eng": "It ain't the comfiest of seats, but I could relax on this if I tried hard enough.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This chair looks like it is cheap to mass-produce, but may be a little uncomfortable." + "Eng": "This chair looks like it is cheap to mass-produce, but may be a little uncomfortable.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This chair looks like it was made for efficient production rather than comfort." + "Eng": "This chair looks like it was made for efficient production rather than comfort.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "You'd think with all this spacefaring technology, people would figure out how to make consistently comfy chairs." + "Eng": "You'd think with all this spacefaring technology, people would figure out how to make consistently comfy chairs.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialcomputer/industrialcomputer.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialcomputer/industrialcomputer.object.json index 1d93c5860..b7be57d70 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialcomputer/industrialcomputer.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialcomputer/industrialcomputer.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "An old metal computer tower. Untidy cables hang out of its back." + "Eng": "An old metal computer tower. Untidy cables hang out of its back.", + "Rus": "Старый металлический системный блок. Сзади свисают спутанные кабели." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Box hasss green words on it. Green isss good colour. Floran approvesss." + "Eng": "Box hasss green words on it. Green isss good colour. Floran approvesss.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I wonder why all the text on this computer display is green? Is it a stylistic choice?" + "Eng": "I wonder why all the text on this computer display is green? Is it a stylistic choice?", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Industrial Computer" + "Eng": "Industrial Computer", + "Rus": "Промышленный компьютер" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This computer is much larger than it needs to be. Hylotl engineers could build something more compact." + "Eng": "This computer is much larger than it needs to be. Hylotl engineers could build something more compact.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This computer shows lots of tiny green text. I wonder what it's for?" + "Eng": "This computer shows lots of tiny green text. I wonder what it's for?", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This console has many buttons and levers. I'm sure I could understand it with an instruction manual." + "Eng": "This console has many buttons and levers. I'm sure I could understand it with an instruction manual.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This here box sure has a lot o' words on it, but I just ain't got the attention span t'keep up with it." + "Eng": "This here box sure has a lot o' words on it, but I just ain't got the attention span t'keep up with it.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This screen shows a lot of information - I wonder what it is all for?" + "Eng": "This screen shows a lot of information - I wonder what it is all for?", + "Rus": "" } } -] \ No newline at end of file +] diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialcrate/industrialcrate.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialcrate/industrialcrate.object.json index 5932a9b3b..6c46f8672 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialcrate/industrialcrate.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialcrate/industrialcrate.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A pressurised cargo crate, designed to withstand the conditions of space travel." + "Eng": "A pressurised cargo crate, designed to withstand the conditions of space travel.", + "Rus": "Герметичный грузовой ящик, предназначенный для выдерживания условий космических перелётов." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A sturdy looking crate, illuminated by a set of dim red lights." + "Eng": "A sturdy looking crate, illuminated by a set of dim red lights.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Doesss thisss box have red eyesss? Floran worried." + "Eng": "Doesss thisss box have red eyesss? Floran worried.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I could pretend to be interested in how this crate looks, but really I just want to see what's inside." + "Eng": "I could pretend to be interested in how this crate looks, but really I just want to see what's inside.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I'd have a hard time pryin' this tough ol' thing open by force." + "Eng": "I'd have a hard time pryin' this tough ol' thing open by force.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Industrial Crate" + "Eng": "Industrial Crate", + "Rus": "Промышленный ящик" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The exterior of this crate is made to withstand extreme pressure. If only I was as tough as this..." + "Eng": "The exterior of this crate is made to withstand extreme pressure. If only I was as tough as this...", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This crate is designed to withstand extreme pressure. I wonder if a Hylotl helped design it?" + "Eng": "This crate is designed to withstand extreme pressure. I wonder if a Hylotl helped design it?", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This crate looks like it would be difficult to destroy." + "Eng": "This crate looks like it would be difficult to destroy.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialdisplay/industrialdisplay.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialdisplay/industrialdisplay.object.json index 89d77b90a..685a42ce2 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialdisplay/industrialdisplay.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialdisplay/industrialdisplay.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A display which appears to be connected to some sort of radar." + "Eng": "A display which appears to be connected to some sort of radar.", + "Rus": "Дисплей, который, похоже, подключен к какой-то разновидности радара." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Glasss isss flashing green. Good colour." + "Eng": "Glasss isss flashing green. Good colour.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I wonder what the purpose of this display is?" + "Eng": "I wonder what the purpose of this display is?", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I wonder where the information on this display is coming from." + "Eng": "I wonder where the information on this display is coming from.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Industrial Display" + "Eng": "Industrial Display", + "Rus": "Промышленный дисплей" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The flashin' light on this here glass must mean somethin' t'someone." + "Eng": "The flashin' light on this here glass must mean somethin' t'someone.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The green radar on this screen is hypnotic..." + "Eng": "The green radar on this screen is hypnotic...", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This display shows some sort of radar. I wonder if it is important intel?" + "Eng": "This display shows some sort of radar. I wonder if it is important intel?", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This looks like it might be important, but really I have no idea." + "Eng": "This looks like it might be important, but really I have no idea.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialdoor/industrialdoor.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialdoor/industrialdoor.object.json index 76572898a..0877914cb 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialdoor/industrialdoor.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialdoor/industrialdoor.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A tough automated door, reinforced to be able to survive intense intergalactic conditions." + "Eng": "A tough automated door, reinforced to be able to survive intense intergalactic conditions.", + "Rus": "Крепкая автоматическая дверь, усиленная, чтобы выдержать напряжённые межгалактические условия." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Floran could break door with big enough ssspear." + "Eng": "Floran could break door with big enough ssspear.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I think it'd take more than a few pistol slugs t' break down this here door." + "Eng": "I think it'd take more than a few pistol slugs t' break down this here door.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Industrial Door" + "Eng": "Industrial Door", + "Rus": "Промышленная дверь" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Judging by how this door was engineered, I would conclude it is built for function over aesthetics." + "Eng": "Judging by how this door was engineered, I would conclude it is built for function over aesthetics.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The red lights and hazard stripes on this door really add to that industrial look." + "Eng": "The red lights and hazard stripes on this door really add to that industrial look.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This door could probably withstand an asteroid storm or two." + "Eng": "This door could probably withstand an asteroid storm or two.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This door isn't very pretty but it's impressively sturdy." + "Eng": "This door isn't very pretty but it's impressively sturdy.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Whilst this door is impressively strong, it lacks the visual flair of traditional Hylotl handiwork." + "Eng": "Whilst this door is impressively strong, it lacks the visual flair of traditional Hylotl handiwork.", + "Rus": "" } } -] \ No newline at end of file +] diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/industriallight/industriallight.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/industriallight/industriallight.object.json index b88daa5f4..bc0ef9dad 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/industriallight/industriallight.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/industriallight/industriallight.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A metal wall light which emits a sickly orange glow." + "Eng": "A metal wall light which emits a sickly orange glow.", + "Rus": "Металлический настенный светильник, который испускает слабое оранжевое свечение." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "An unpleasant orange light. I wonder how long the bulb lasts?" + "Eng": "An unpleasant orange light. I wonder how long the bulb lasts?", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Floran wants to sssmash light, but Floran will be polite inssstead." + "Eng": "Floran wants to sssmash light, but Floran will be polite inssstead.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Industrial Light" + "Eng": "Industrial Light", + "Rus": "Промышленный светильник" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The orange glow of this light reminds me of the ember corals commonly seen on ocean floors." + "Eng": "The orange glow of this light reminds me of the ember corals commonly seen on ocean floors.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This light ain't quite as bright as I am!" + "Eng": "This light ain't quite as bright as I am!", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This light gives off an orange glow, but it isn't warm like a sun." + "Eng": "This light gives off an orange glow, but it isn't warm like a sun.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This light gives off an orange glow. It appears to be fairly cheaply produced." + "Eng": "This light gives off an orange glow. It appears to be fairly cheaply produced.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This light has been built to be able to power itself for a very long time." + "Eng": "This light has been built to be able to power itself for a very long time.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialstoragelocker/industrialstoragelocker.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialstoragelocker/industrialstoragelocker.object.json index 9fde5d349..e0c86683d 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialstoragelocker/industrialstoragelocker.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialstoragelocker/industrialstoragelocker.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A metal wall locker, for keeping things in." + "Eng": "A metal wall locker, for keeping things in.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A somewhat crudely made locker for storing things." + "Eng": "A somewhat crudely made locker for storing things.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A wall locker, to keep stuff in." + "Eng": "A wall locker, to keep stuff in.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A wall mounted locker, complete with hazard stripes and a red light." + "Eng": "A wall mounted locker, complete with hazard stripes and a red light.", + "Rus": "Настенный шкафчик, дополненный предупреждающими полосами и красной лампой." } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Floran could keep trophiesss in here." + "Eng": "Floran could keep trophiesss in here.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I reckon I could stuff some belongings in here, if I wanted." + "Eng": "I reckon I could stuff some belongings in here, if I wanted.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I wonder why there are hazard stripes on this locker?" + "Eng": "I wonder why there are hazard stripes on this locker?", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Industrial Storage Locker" + "Eng": "Industrial Storage Locker", + "Rus": "Промышленный шкаф-хранилище" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This looks like a secure container for valuable goods." + "Eng": "This looks like a secure container for valuable goods.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialtable/industrialtable.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialtable/industrialtable.object.json index 490646623..c73a70655 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialtable/industrialtable.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/industrialtable/industrialtable.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A cold metal table, built to survive turbulent trips." + "Eng": "A cold metal table, built to survive turbulent trips.", + "Rus": "Холодный металлический стол, построенный для выдерживания турбулентных поездок." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "If you can't decide how to decorate a piece of furniture, the best solution isn't to put warning stripes on it." + "Eng": "If you can't decide how to decorate a piece of furniture, the best solution isn't to put warning stripes on it.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Industrial Table" + "Eng": "Industrial Table", + "Rus": "Промышленный стол" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Must take a blacksmith a whole day of hammerin' to make a table this flat!" + "Eng": "Must take a blacksmith a whole day of hammerin' to make a table this flat!", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Table looksss heavy." + "Eng": "Table looksss heavy.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The shape of this table is so rigid. Where is the elegance?!" + "Eng": "The shape of this table is so rigid. Where is the elegance?!", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "There isn't much to say about this cold, impersonal table." + "Eng": "There isn't much to say about this cold, impersonal table.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This table could use a little decoration." + "Eng": "This table could use a little decoration.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This table looks very sturdy - I'd feel safe hiding under it during an earthquake." + "Eng": "This table looks very sturdy - I'd feel safe hiding under it during an earthquake.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/solarpanel/solarpanel.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/solarpanel/solarpanel.object.json index f20b35574..3e24850bd 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/solarpanel/solarpanel.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/solarpanel/solarpanel.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A panel that generates electricity from solar energy." + "Eng": "A panel that generates electricity from solar energy.", + "Rus": "Панель, которая генерирует электричество от солнечной энергии." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Panel createsss energy from sssunlight. Floran can relate." + "Eng": "Panel createsss energy from sssunlight. Floran can relate.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Solar Panel" + "Eng": "Solar Panel", + "Rus": "Солнечная панель" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This generates power from solar light? I could earn a tidy livin' just sittin' on it." + "Eng": "This generates power from solar light? I could earn a tidy livin' just sittin' on it.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This panel absorbs light to create power. If only I was engineered to do this..." + "Eng": "This panel absorbs light to create power. If only I was engineered to do this...", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This panel draws in energy from the stars to generate power!" + "Eng": "This panel draws in energy from the stars to generate power!", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This photovoltaic panel generates electricity as it absorbs solar light." + "Eng": "This photovoltaic panel generates electricity as it absorbs solar light.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This solar panel creates energy from light. Ancient humans were pretty fond of them, I hear." + "Eng": "This solar panel creates energy from light. Ancient humans were pretty fond of them, I hear.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This solar panel generates clean energy from the sun. I imagine it wouldn't be so useful underwater." + "Eng": "This solar panel generates clean energy from the sun. I imagine it wouldn't be so useful underwater.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationbench/stationbench.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationbench/stationbench.object.json index 66d5bc623..f551717b6 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationbench/stationbench.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationbench/stationbench.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A long bench for sitting with allies." + "Eng": "A long bench for sitting with allies.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A pleasing bench." + "Eng": "A pleasing bench.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A sleek metal bench." + "Eng": "A sleek metal bench.", + "Rus": "Гладкая металлическая скамья." } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Bench providesss tactical cover." + "Eng": "Bench providesss tactical cover.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Benches are best shared with friends." + "Eng": "Benches are best shared with friends.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I could go for a lie down on this, but it might not be so polite..." + "Eng": "I could go for a lie down on this, but it might not be so polite...", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Is it a bench, or is it simply a wide chair?" + "Eng": "Is it a bench, or is it simply a wide chair?", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Station Bench" + "Eng": "Station Bench", + "Rus": "Станционная скамья" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The stripes of colours on this bench are tastefully decorative." + "Eng": "The stripes of colours on this bench are tastefully decorative.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationceilingvent/stationceilingvent.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationceilingvent/stationceilingvent.object.json index 420cf93af..29cd4c7e0 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationceilingvent/stationceilingvent.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationceilingvent/stationceilingvent.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A big ol' metal ceilin' vent." + "Eng": "A big ol' metal ceilin' vent.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A vent typically used for keeping the air clean aboard space stations." + "Eng": "A vent typically used for keeping the air clean aboard space stations.", + "Rus": "Вентиляционные отверстия обычно используется для поддержания чистоты воздуха на борту космических станций." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A vent. It is beneficial to maintain air cleanliness." + "Eng": "A vent. It is beneficial to maintain air cleanliness.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "An ugly device to keep air clean from pollution. At least it is for a noble cause." + "Eng": "An ugly device to keep air clean from pollution. At least it is for a noble cause.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I suppose this is used to help clean the air." + "Eng": "I suppose this is used to help clean the air.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I wonder if Glitch lungs work similar to this vent." + "Eng": "I wonder if Glitch lungs work similar to this vent.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "It's the end of a vent. I'm not sure I could fit inside." + "Eng": "It's the end of a vent. I'm not sure I could fit inside.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Station Ceiling Vent" + "Eng": "Station Ceiling Vent", + "Rus": "Станционная вентиляционная решётка" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Vent too sssmall for Floran to hide in." + "Eng": "Vent too sssmall for Floran to hide in.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationchair/stationchair.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationchair/stationchair.object.json index d22d0666d..9858a0c32 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationchair/stationchair.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationchair/stationchair.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A chair decorated with bands of colour that fit well together." + "Eng": "A chair decorated with bands of colour that fit well together.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A curved, formal looking metal chair." + "Eng": "A curved, formal looking metal chair.", + "Rus": "Изогнутый, официально выглядящее металлическое кресло." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A shiny silver chair." + "Eng": "A shiny silver chair.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A simple chair, made entirely out of metallic alloys." + "Eng": "A simple chair, made entirely out of metallic alloys.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Floran hasss no time for sssitting." + "Eng": "Floran hasss no time for sssitting.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I've seen a lot of chairs in my time, but this... Isn't my favourite." + "Eng": "I've seen a lot of chairs in my time, but this... Isn't my favourite.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Station Chair" + "Eng": "Station Chair", + "Rus": "Станционное кресло" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This chair appears to be significantly stronger than the majority of chairs in the universe." + "Eng": "This chair appears to be significantly stronger than the majority of chairs in the universe.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Yessir, that's a chair alright." + "Eng": "Yessir, that's a chair alright.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationconsole/stationconsole.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationconsole/stationconsole.object.json index 23d3a4075..cef58122d 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationconsole/stationconsole.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationconsole/stationconsole.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A small standing console, with an attached display screen." + "Eng": "A small standing console, with an attached display screen.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A small terminal, with a compact display screen." + "Eng": "A small terminal, with a compact display screen.", + "Rus": "Небольшой терминал с компактным экраном." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Floran wantsss to push the buttons on this console." + "Eng": "Floran wantsss to push the buttons on this console.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Jus' a few tiny buttons on this here console." + "Eng": "Jus' a few tiny buttons on this here console.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Station Console" + "Eng": "Station Console", + "Rus": "Станционная консоль" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This compact terminal has a small display screen." + "Eng": "This compact terminal has a small display screen.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This console seems designed for a specific purpose, there are not many buttons." + "Eng": "This console seems designed for a specific purpose, there are not many buttons.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This small console has only the buttons it needs, I'm sure it has a clear purpose." + "Eng": "This small console has only the buttons it needs, I'm sure it has a clear purpose.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This terminal doesn't need a bunch of buttons, just the basics." + "Eng": "This terminal doesn't need a bunch of buttons, just the basics.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationcrate/stationcrate.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationcrate/stationcrate.object.json index c8520f1d0..2a82d2f91 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationcrate/stationcrate.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationcrate/stationcrate.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A metal crate, made for holdin' space supplies." + "Eng": "A metal crate, made for holdin' space supplies.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A shipping crate, designed to ship space goods." + "Eng": "A shipping crate, designed to ship space goods.", + "Rus": "Транспортировочный ящик, предназначенный для доставки космических грузов." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "An industrial looking shipping crate, I've seen these inside ships and stations." + "Eng": "An industrial looking shipping crate, I've seen these inside ships and stations.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I'm not sure what these markings mean, but it's clear this crate is designed for transporting space goods." + "Eng": "I'm not sure what these markings mean, but it's clear this crate is designed for transporting space goods.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Station Crate" + "Eng": "Station Crate", + "Rus": "Станционный ящик" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This crate looks very sturdy, and has a fair amount of storage space inside." + "Eng": "This crate looks very sturdy, and has a fair amount of storage space inside.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This metal crate could hold goods quite securely." + "Eng": "This metal crate could hold goods quite securely.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This simple industrial crate is designed for space transport." + "Eng": "This simple industrial crate is designed for space transport.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Thisss metal crate is designed to carry space suppliesss." + "Eng": "Thisss metal crate is designed to carry space suppliesss.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationdisplay/stationdisplay.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationdisplay/stationdisplay.object.json index 47327bee8..1a260dd0b 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationdisplay/stationdisplay.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationdisplay/stationdisplay.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A screen, displaying what I presume is important information." + "Eng": "A screen, displaying what I presume is important information.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A wall-mounted screen lit up with lots of blue text." + "Eng": "A wall-mounted screen lit up with lots of blue text.", + "Rus": "Настенный экран, показывающий большое количество синего текста." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "An angular screen, complete with infinitely scrolling blue text. " + "Eng": "An angular screen, complete with infinitely scrolling blue text. ", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Floran doesssn't care about blue sssign." + "Eng": "Floran doesssn't care about blue sssign.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I wonder how much of the text on this screen is actually useful?" + "Eng": "I wonder how much of the text on this screen is actually useful?", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Station Display" + "Eng": "Station Display", + "Rus": "Станционный дисплей" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The cold blue lights remind me of rippling moonlight on the surface of a river." + "Eng": "The cold blue lights remind me of rippling moonlight on the surface of a river.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The text on this screen is an icy cold blue." + "Eng": "The text on this screen is an icy cold blue.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "There sure is a lot of information on this. I ain't sure I'd be able to remember it all." + "Eng": "There sure is a lot of information on this. I ain't sure I'd be able to remember it all.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationdoor/stationdoor.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationdoor/stationdoor.object.json index 37a452c4d..a81cda633 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationdoor/stationdoor.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationdoor/stationdoor.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A sleek automated door, made from the same materials found on the exterior of space stations." + "Eng": "A sleek automated door, made from the same materials found on the exterior of space stations.", + "Rus": "Гладкая автоматическая дверь, выполненная из тех же материалов, что и корпус космических станций." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Station Door" + "Eng": "Station Door", + "Rus": "Станционная дверь" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationdoor/stationdoorlarge.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationdoor/stationdoorlarge.object.json index 02f5d3401..8b3631490 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationdoor/stationdoorlarge.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationdoor/stationdoorlarge.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A large, sleek automated door, made from the same materials found on the exterior of space stations." + "Eng": "A large, sleek automated door, made from the same materials found on the exterior of space stations.", + "Rus": "Большая, гладкая автоматическая дверь, выполненная из тех же материалов, что и на внешней стороне космических станций." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Station Large Door" + "Eng": "Station Large Door", + "Rus": "Большая станционная дверь" } } -] \ No newline at end of file +] diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationhatch/stationhatch.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationhatch/stationhatch.object.json index 2c2c7f406..8b4cd66f5 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationhatch/stationhatch.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationhatch/stationhatch.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A large, sleek automated hatch, made from the same materials found on the exterior of space stations." + "Eng": "A large, sleek automated hatch, made from the same materials found on the exterior of space stations.", + "Rus": "Большой, гладкий автоматизированный люк, выполненный из тех же материалов, что и корпус космических станций." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Station Hatch" + "Eng": "Station Hatch", + "Rus": "Станционный люк" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationhatch/stationrailhatch.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationhatch/stationrailhatch.object.json index ad195cce7..2a074a7c0 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationhatch/stationrailhatch.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationhatch/stationrailhatch.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A large sleek hatch that has a built-in rail connector for use with elevators." + "Eng": "A large sleek hatch that has a built-in rail connector for use with elevators.", + "Rus": "Большой гладкий люк, который имеет встроенное рельсовое соединение для использования лифтами." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Station Rail Hatch" + "Eng": "Station Rail Hatch", + "Rus": "Станционный рельсовый люк" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationhologram/stationhologram.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationhologram/stationhologram.object.json index 03fe7a6a6..6c3462f6d 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationhologram/stationhologram.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationhologram/stationhologram.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A flickering holographic display of an unidentified planet." + "Eng": "A flickering holographic display of an unidentified planet.", + "Rus": "Мерцающее голографическое изображение неопознанной планеты." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A floatin' image of a sky blue world." + "Eng": "A floatin' image of a sky blue world.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A hologram of a planet - a 3-dimensional image made of light!" + "Eng": "A hologram of a planet - a 3-dimensional image made of light!", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A hologram of a planet and a moon. The quality of the projection is questionable." + "Eng": "A hologram of a planet and a moon. The quality of the projection is questionable.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Blue is truly the best colour for holographic projections." + "Eng": "Blue is truly the best colour for holographic projections.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Floran can't throw blue ball, ball isss not real." + "Eng": "Floran can't throw blue ball, ball isss not real.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I still wonder why all holograms are required to be blue. Is it a stylistic choice?" + "Eng": "I still wonder why all holograms are required to be blue. Is it a stylistic choice?", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I wonder what planet this hologram is depicting?" + "Eng": "I wonder what planet this hologram is depicting?", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Station Hologram" + "Eng": "Station Hologram", + "Rus": "Станционная голограмма" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationlight/shared_stationlight.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationlight/shared_stationlight.json index 12643ea22..7cc91a1e5 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationlight/shared_stationlight.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationlight/shared_stationlight.json @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A big ol' electric light." + "Eng": "A big ol' electric light.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -24,7 +25,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A large fluorescent light, I wonder if it's waterproof." + "Eng": "A large fluorescent light, I wonder if it's waterproof.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -38,7 +40,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A long industrial looking fluorescent light." + "Eng": "A long industrial looking fluorescent light.", + "Rus": "Длинный промышленный флуоресцентный светильник." } }, { @@ -52,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Floran dissslikes cold electric light." + "Eng": "Floran dissslikes cold electric light.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -66,7 +70,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Some big fluorescent lights, the kind seen in ships and stations." + "Eng": "Some big fluorescent lights, the kind seen in ships and stations.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -80,7 +85,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "These lights each have a compact power source built inside." + "Eng": "These lights each have a compact power source built inside.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -94,7 +100,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This industrial light is quite large." + "Eng": "This industrial light is quite large.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -108,7 +115,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This light isn't very nice looking, and the light it casts is cold." + "Eng": "This light isn't very nice looking, and the light it casts is cold.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationlight/stationlighth.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationlight/stationlighth.object.json index 3e5163d3e..3901d8ebf 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationlight/stationlighth.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationlight/stationlighth.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Wide Station Light" + "Eng": "Wide Station Light", + "Rus": "Широкий станционный светильник" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationlight/stationlightv.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationlight/stationlightv.object.json index 5c48e35e8..75dfc5384 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationlight/stationlightv.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationlight/stationlightv.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Tall Station Light" + "Eng": "Tall Station Light", + "Rus": "Высокий станционный светильник" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationmedscanner/stationmedscanner.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationmedscanner/stationmedscanner.object.json index 81095edb4..fcda20f8d 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationmedscanner/stationmedscanner.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationmedscanner/stationmedscanner.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A bed which is designed to perform medical scans." + "Eng": "A bed which is designed to perform medical scans.", + "Rus": "Кровать, которая предназначена для проведения медицинского сканирования." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Fancy lightsss all around this metal bed." + "Eng": "Fancy lightsss all around this metal bed.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I wonder if this medical bed can account for Glitch anatomy." + "Eng": "I wonder if this medical bed can account for Glitch anatomy.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Laying on this bed surrounded by these scanners would make me quite uncomfortable." + "Eng": "Laying on this bed surrounded by these scanners would make me quite uncomfortable.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Looks like some sort of medical scanner bed, but I guess it's still a place to lay down." + "Eng": "Looks like some sort of medical scanner bed, but I guess it's still a place to lay down.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Some fancy lookin' bed surrounded by bright lights." + "Eng": "Some fancy lookin' bed surrounded by bright lights.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Station Medical Scanner" + "Eng": "Station Medical Scanner", + "Rus": "Станционный медицинский сканер" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This medical bed looks like a place I could rest a minute." + "Eng": "This medical bed looks like a place I could rest a minute.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This medical bed was likely designed to assist doctors or researchers." + "Eng": "This medical bed was likely designed to assist doctors or researchers.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationpylon/stationpylon.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationpylon/stationpylon.object.json index b64a73d15..a22bcfaec 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationpylon/stationpylon.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationpylon/stationpylon.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A large rotating generator, or radar, or perhaps an engine..." + "Eng": "A large rotating generator, or radar, or perhaps an engine...", + "Rus": "Большой вращающийся генератор, или радар, или, возможно, двигатель ..." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Floran not sssure what ssspinning thing is." + "Eng": "Floran not sssure what ssspinning thing is.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Station Pylon" + "Eng": "Station Pylon", + "Rus": "Станционный пилон" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This certainly looks a splinter more complex than a steam engine, that's for sure..." + "Eng": "This certainly looks a splinter more complex than a steam engine, that's for sure...", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This machine appears to be very important, but I cannot identify its purpose." + "Eng": "This machine appears to be very important, but I cannot identify its purpose.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This piece of machinery is very big and important looking. Does it... Actually do anything?" + "Eng": "This piece of machinery is very big and important looking. Does it... Actually do anything?", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This seems to be an incredibly complex piece of machinery. I wonder what it actually does?" + "Eng": "This seems to be an incredibly complex piece of machinery. I wonder what it actually does?", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This unkempt machine doesn't appear to do anything immediately useful." + "Eng": "This unkempt machine doesn't appear to do anything immediately useful.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "What a delightful machine! I cannot identify its purpose, however." + "Eng": "What a delightful machine! I cannot identify its purpose, however.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationtable/stationtable.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationtable/stationtable.object.json index d48bbf7ed..e39daa59c 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationtable/stationtable.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationtable/stationtable.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A round heavy metal table." + "Eng": "A round heavy metal table.", + "Rus": "Круглый тяжёлый металлический стол." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "It's a short metal table." + "Eng": "It's a short metal table.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "It's a simple table, but it does the job." + "Eng": "It's a simple table, but it does the job.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Station Table" + "Eng": "Station Table", + "Rus": "Станционный стол" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This industrial looking table looks very solid." + "Eng": "This industrial looking table looks very solid.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This round table looks like just the thing for a game of cards." + "Eng": "This round table looks like just the thing for a game of cards.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This simple metal table looks quite sturdy." + "Eng": "This simple metal table looks quite sturdy.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This small metal table is unremarkable." + "Eng": "This small metal table is unremarkable.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Thisss metal table is small and round." + "Eng": "Thisss metal table is small and round.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationtradesign/stationtradesignelectronics.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationtradesign/stationtradesignelectronics.object.json index 16338ed7d..4c4a02e54 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationtradesign/stationtradesignelectronics.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationtradesign/stationtradesignelectronics.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A sign which marks an electronics station." + "Eng": "A sign which marks an electronics station.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A sign with an image of an electronic component, indicating an electronics station." + "Eng": "A sign with an image of an electronic component, indicating an electronics station.", + "Rus": "Знак с изображением электронного компонента, обозначающий станцию электроники." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Electronics Station Sign" + "Eng": "Electronics Station Sign", + "Rus": "Знак станции электроники" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Reckon this sign means there's meant to be an electronics station 'round here." + "Eng": "Reckon this sign means there's meant to be an electronics station 'round here.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Signs like this usually mean there is a nearby electronics station." + "Eng": "Signs like this usually mean there is a nearby electronics station.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The image of this component is meant to indicate an electronics station." + "Eng": "The image of this component is meant to indicate an electronics station.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This electronicsss sign is bright." + "Eng": "This electronicsss sign is bright.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This sign denotes an electronics station." + "Eng": "This sign denotes an electronics station.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This sign is meant to indicate an electronics station." + "Eng": "This sign is meant to indicate an electronics station.", + "Rus": "" } } -] \ No newline at end of file +] diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationtradesign/stationtradesignfood.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationtradesign/stationtradesignfood.object.json index 8f2ca8fac..d3ad13f34 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationtradesign/stationtradesignfood.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationtradesign/stationtradesignfood.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A sign which marks a food station." + "Eng": "A sign which marks a food station.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A sign with an image of food utensils, indicating a food station." + "Eng": "A sign with an image of food utensils, indicating a food station.", + "Rus": "Знак с изображением столовых приборов, обозначающий продовольственную станцию." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Floran doesssn't need fancy tools for foodsss." + "Eng": "Floran doesssn't need fancy tools for foodsss.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Food Station Sign" + "Eng": "Food Station Sign", + "Rus": "Знак продовольственной станции" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Reckon this sign means there's meant to be a food station 'round here." + "Eng": "Reckon this sign means there's meant to be a food station 'round here.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Signs like this usually mean there is a nearby food station." + "Eng": "Signs like this usually mean there is a nearby food station.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The image of this symbol is meant to indicate a food station." + "Eng": "The image of this symbol is meant to indicate a food station.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This sign denotes a food station." + "Eng": "This sign denotes a food station.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This sign is meant to indicate a food based goods." + "Eng": "This sign is meant to indicate a food based goods.", + "Rus": "" } } -] \ No newline at end of file +] diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationtradesign/stationtradesignmedic.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationtradesign/stationtradesignmedic.object.json index b70603331..ccf720417 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationtradesign/stationtradesignmedic.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationtradesign/stationtradesignmedic.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A sign which marks a medical station." + "Eng": "A sign which marks a medical station.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A sign with an image indicating a medical station." + "Eng": "A sign with an image indicating a medical station.", + "Rus": "Знак с изображением, обозначающим медицинскую станцию." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Medic Station Sign" + "Eng": "Medic Station Sign", + "Rus": "Знак медицинской станции" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Reckon this sign means there's meant to be a medical station 'round here." + "Eng": "Reckon this sign means there's meant to be a medical station 'round here.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Signs like this usually mean there is a nearby medical station." + "Eng": "Signs like this usually mean there is a nearby medical station.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The image of this symbol is meant to indicate a medical station." + "Eng": "The image of this symbol is meant to indicate a medical station.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This sign denotes a medical station." + "Eng": "This sign denotes a medical station.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This sign is meant to indicate a medical station." + "Eng": "This sign is meant to indicate a medical station.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Thisss sign is meant to indicate a medical ssstation." + "Eng": "Thisss sign is meant to indicate a medical ssstation.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationtradesign/stationtradesignweapons.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationtradesign/stationtradesignweapons.object.json index 11226cea2..04fa16c0b 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationtradesign/stationtradesignweapons.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationtradesign/stationtradesignweapons.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A sign which marks a weapons station." + "Eng": "A sign which marks a weapons station.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A sign with an image of a gun, indicating a weapons station." + "Eng": "A sign with an image of a gun, indicating a weapons station.", + "Rus": "Знак с изображением пистолета, обозначающий оружейную станцию." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Reckon this sign means there's meant to be a weapons station 'round here." + "Eng": "Reckon this sign means there's meant to be a weapons station 'round here.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Signs like this usually mean there is a nearby weapons station." + "Eng": "Signs like this usually mean there is a nearby weapons station.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "The image of this symbol is meant to indicate a weapons station." + "Eng": "The image of this symbol is meant to indicate a weapons station.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This sign denotes a weapons station." + "Eng": "This sign denotes a weapons station.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This sign is meant to indicate a weapons station." + "Eng": "This sign is meant to indicate a weapons station.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Thisss sign is meant to indicate a weapons ssstation." + "Eng": "Thisss sign is meant to indicate a weapons ssstation.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Weapons Station Sign" + "Eng": "Weapons Station Sign", + "Rus": "Знак оружейной станции" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationvendingmachine/stationvendingmachine.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationvendingmachine/stationvendingmachine.object.json index 332cda7fa..ca13e742f 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationvendingmachine/stationvendingmachine.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationvendingmachine/stationvendingmachine.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A vending machine, similar to those found inside Hylotl cities." + "Eng": "A vending machine, similar to those found inside Hylotl cities.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A vending machine, there are some quality snacks in here." + "Eng": "A vending machine, there are some quality snacks in here.", + "Rus": "Торговый автомат, здесь есть несколько качественных закусок." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Ssspace snacks!" + "Eng": "Ssspace snacks!", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Station Vending Machine" + "Eng": "Station Vending Machine", + "Rus": "Станционный торговый автомат" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This machine is like a robot shopkeeper! I give it money and supplies come out." + "Eng": "This machine is like a robot shopkeeper! I give it money and supplies come out.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This machine looks like it has some supplies inside, and appears to be in working order." + "Eng": "This machine looks like it has some supplies inside, and appears to be in working order.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This vending machine looks helpful, it could provide some necessary food supplies." + "Eng": "This vending machine looks helpful, it could provide some necessary food supplies.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This vending machine seems in working order, it may have supplies." + "Eng": "This vending machine seems in working order, it may have supplies.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "What luck having this vending machine here, I'm feeling a little hungry." + "Eng": "What luck having this vending machine here, I'm feeling a little hungry.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationwallpanel/stationwallpanel.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationwallpanel/stationwallpanel.object.json index 7ad0a6ecb..8ef992b57 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/stationwallpanel/stationwallpanel.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/stationwallpanel/stationwallpanel.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A panel which is designed to attach to a space structure or ship." + "Eng": "A panel which is designed to attach to a space structure or ship.", + "Rus": "Панель, предназначенная для крепления к космическому строению или судну." } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I'm not sure what the function of this panel is." + "Eng": "I'm not sure what the function of this panel is.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "I'm not sure what this panel does, but it's interesting looking." + "Eng": "I'm not sure what this panel does, but it's interesting looking.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Some sorta fancy wall panel. Dunno what it's used for." + "Eng": "Some sorta fancy wall panel. Dunno what it's used for.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Station Wall Panel" + "Eng": "Station Wall Panel", + "Rus": "Станционная панель" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This industrial looking wall panel has some obscure purpose I'm sure." + "Eng": "This industrial looking wall panel has some obscure purpose I'm sure.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This is a panel which attaches to the wall, can't really say more." + "Eng": "This is a panel which attaches to the wall, can't really say more.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This panel must have a purpose, I'm just not sure what it is." + "Eng": "This panel must have a purpose, I'm just not sure what it is.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Thisss round panel sticks on the wall." + "Eng": "Thisss round panel sticks on the wall.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/texts/objects/space/telescope/telescope.object.json b/translations/texts/objects/space/telescope/telescope.object.json index 68cb73ff4..9b6e5c2ea 100644 --- a/translations/texts/objects/space/telescope/telescope.object.json +++ b/translations/texts/objects/space/telescope/telescope.object.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A big ol' telescope, for lookin' at stars." + "Eng": "A big ol' telescope, for lookin' at stars.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A scientific telescope, perfect for observing the stars." + "Eng": "A scientific telescope, perfect for observing the stars.", + "Rus": "Научный телескоп, идеально подходящий для наблюдения за звездами." } }, { @@ -29,7 +31,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "A telescope specially made for looking at the stars." + "Eng": "A telescope specially made for looking at the stars.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -40,7 +43,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Astronomy Telescope" + "Eng": "Astronomy Telescope", + "Rus": "Астрономический телескоп" } }, { @@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Mirrors on telescopes like this have to be very precisely positioned." + "Eng": "Mirrors on telescopes like this have to be very precisely positioned.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -62,7 +67,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "Telessscopes let Floran look closely at the stars." + "Eng": "Telessscopes let Floran look closely at the stars.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -73,7 +79,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This big telescope looks specially designed for stargazing." + "Eng": "This big telescope looks specially designed for stargazing.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -84,7 +91,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This large telescope may allow me to see objects far away." + "Eng": "This large telescope may allow me to see objects far away.", + "Rus": "" } }, { @@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ ] }, "Texts": { - "Eng": "This telescope is the perfect tool for inspecting the stars from afar." + "Eng": "This telescope is the perfect tool for inspecting the stars from afar.", + "Rus": "" } } ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translations/translatedlabels.json b/translations/translatedlabels.json index d72675fd1..1bafc38ef 100644 --- a/translations/translatedlabels.json +++ b/translations/translatedlabels.json @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ "apexhistory7.codex.json": 4, "apexhistory8.codex.json": 3, "apexhistory9.codex.json": 3, - "apexspace1.codex.json": 0 + "apexspace1.codex.json": 6 }, "avian": { "avianhistory1.codex.json": 2, @@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ "humanhistory7.codex.json": 4, "humanhistory8.codex.json": 5, "humanhistory9.codex.json": 3, - 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