To receive emails from SAP Cloud ALM in case of an alert, you first must register your user in Notification Management and confirm that you want to receive emails. Usually, you will receive an email when your user is added to SAP Cloud ALM, and you can verify your email address in this invitation email. In this section, you will learn how to add an email for a user manually or add a distribution list email as a notification recipient in SAP Cloud ALM.
Please note: Entering your email address is not mandatory to finish the exercise, but you will not receive an email alert notification from SAP Cloud ALM. We will remove all email recipients from Notification Management after this session.
Navigate back to the SAP Cloud ALM Launchpad.
Open the application “SAP Cloud ALM for Operations” → “Notification Management”
In the “Notification Management” start screen, click the “+” button to add a new recipient.
Enter your email address and click the “Save” button.
Please note: Your email address will be visible to the other attendees of this session
The new email address is created as “Pending”. An email is sent to this address with a verification link.
Check your email inbox and verify your email address.
The link will open in a browser window and a confirmation will be displayed.
After clicking on the link, the email address in Notification Management will be “Verified” (you have to refresh the application to see the update)
You've now registered your user in Notification Management to receive emails from SAP Cloud ALM in case of an alert.
Continue to - Exercise 4 - Register your Automation from Automation Pilot