This repository is a companion page for this study, containing all the appendices to provide more information for the interested reader.
The study was carried out by the following researchers:
- Markus Funke, Priyeta Saha, and Patricia Lago
This is the root directory of the repository. The directory is structured as follows:
|--- data/
|--- ICSOB2024 - Appendices.pdf
The file comprises all the appendices of the study, namely Appendix A. Sustainability Impacts of Data Platform A, Appendix B. Sustainability Impacts of Data Platform B, Appendix C. Sustainability Concerns, Appendix D. Key Performance Indicators.
|--- Interview_Guide_Phase_2.pdf
The file comprises the interview guide executed in Phase 2.
|--- InterviewFocusGroup_Guide_Phase_3.pdf
The file comprises the interview guide and focus group guide executed in Phase 3.
|--- transcripts.txt
note: interview and focus group transcripts have been omitted due to NDA