An implementation of the NEAT batch active learning algorithm for Open-Set Annotation. Details are provided in our paper:
Currently, requires following packages. (We are using CUDA == 11.6, python == 3.9, pytorch == 1.13.0, torchvision == 0.14.0, scikit-learn == 1.2.2, matplotlib == 3.7.1, numpy == 1.23.5)
- CUDA 10.1+
- python 3.7.9+
- pytorch 1.7.1+
- torchvision 0.8.2+
- scikit-learn 0.24.0+
- matplotlib 3.3.3+
- numpy 1.19.2+
For CIFAR10 and CIFAR100, we provide a function to automatically download and preprocess the data, you can also download the datasets from the link, and please download it to ~/data
$ cd Active-OpenSet-NEAT
Although We have provided scripts to automatically download CIFAR10 and CIFAR100 dataset but for Tiny-Imagenet or Imagenet you are supposed to download yourself utilizing the following command or using the link to download manually.
$ mkdir data
$ cd data
$ wget
$ unzip
After you have all the dataset available you also need to run the to extract features using CLIP for all dataset if you want to specify certain dataset please change the script.
$ mkdir features
$ python
- run the following command in the terminal(example).
- You have the freedom to adjust the arguments according to your interest in modifying the command, depending on the "Option" provided below.
$ python --gpu 1 --k 10 --save-dir log_AL/ --query-strategy NEAT --init-percent 1 --known-class 2 --query-batch 400 --seed 2 --model resnet18 --dataset cifar10
- Option
- --datatset: cifar10, cifar100, and Tiny-Imagenet.
- --known-class: 2, 20, and 40 for cifar10, cifar100, Tiny-Imagenet respectively in our experiments.
- --init-percent: 1, 8, 8 for cifar10, cifar100, Tiny-Imagenet respectively in our experiments.
- --query-batch 400 in our experiments
- --model: 'resnet18', 'resnet34', 'resnet50', and 'vgg16'
- --query-strategy: 'random', 'uncertainty', 'AV_temperature', 'NEAT_passive', 'NEAT', "BGADL", "OpenMax", "Core_set", 'BADGE_sampling', "certainty", "hybrid-BGADL", "hybrid-OpenMax", "hybrid-Core_set", "hybrid-BADGE_sampling", "hybrid-uncertainty"
- --workers: default 4 in our setup if you only have one gpu please set to 0.
- --max-epoch: 100 in our experiments.
- --max-query: 10 in our experiments.
- --k: 10 number of neighbors you can change this number based on your research requirements.
- --pre-type: default is clip, and you can introduce your pre-trained model base on your interest.
To evaluate the performance of NEAT, we provide a set of plotting python scripts.
- Option
- the following jupyter notebook will plot Accuracy, Precision, and Recall for all the active learning methods mentioned in our paper.
$ plot_baseline_batch_size_400.ipynb
- the following python file can plot Accuracy, Precision, and Recall for different number of neighbors.
- the following python file can plot Accuracy, Precision, and Recall for different pre-trained models.
- the following python file can plot the Accuracy, Precision, and Recall for all active learning methods with batch size of 600 and 800.
- the following python file can plot the T-sne representation of comparison of NEAT and LFOSA.