This is a temporary overview of already implemented features and coming features until version 1.0.0.
List of todos
- TCA based record node type builders
- Default query type
- Page node
- Page list node
- Page list node filters
- Page list node pagination
- Page list node extendability
- Pages children
- Support languages on lists
- Language type, node and relation on page type
- Access control via voters (incl. login and fe_group checks)
- Remove nested resolver, nodes, ... (cancelled)
- None public requests should not be allowed without logged-in user
- JWT token auth
- JWT token cli creator
- File type
- File type crop and configuration
- Content type, node and relation on page type
- Disable sensitive data (example: page.fe_group)
- One to many relation field creator (missing query for relation)
- Media relations
- Flex-Form support
- ManyToManyRelationFieldCreator
- Faceting
- Exception handling (bad-request, internal errors, unauthorized, ... + logging)