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Emiliano Borghi edited this page Mar 29, 2020 · 14 revisions

The following page covers how to run localization algorithms with both the simulator (Gazebo) and the real robot:





# Run cartographer in pure localization mode
export LOCALIZATION=pure_localization
# Specify the pbstream file associated with the environment
export PBSTREAM=house_map
# If you want to see RViz, there is a launch file with a predefined setting
export RVIZ=true
export RVIZ_CONFIG=cartographer
# Run gazebo in any environment (like a House)
roslaunch ca_gazebo create_house.launch
# Execute pure localization node
roslaunch ca_cartographer pure_localization.launch load_state_filename:=<PbstreamFullPath>

Real robot


Extra notes

If you are going to use cartographer with pure localization, you don't need a PGM. cartographer will load the state of the pbstream and will do the localization based on that.

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