Dizkuz is a platform for a complete organisation to work seemlessly on any project. Seemless working is made possible by this app because it provides the following features-:
- Create your account.
- Create your organisation.
- Add members into your organisation.
- Create categories inside organisation for raising issues.
- Raise issues into a category.
- Have discussions on a particular issue.
The live version of this project is accessible at Dizkuz.
- You can leave an organisation if you wish to.
- Every user is provided a unique user id.
- Every Organisation is provided with a unique organisation id.
- User authentication is required for creating organisation, leaving organisation, creating cattegories and raising issues.
- A simple yet captivating UI design makes seemless navigation in the app possible.
- Git clone the repository. -steps on how to git clone are provided in this link: Git Clone.
- cd over to the folder in which repository is cloned using the terminal.
- cd over to server side and run the command "npm i" to install all the dependencies.
- cd over to client-side in another tab and run the command "npm i" to install all the dependencies.
- Run the command "npm start" in client-side.
- Run the command "node server.js" in server.side.
- Open your local browser.
- Open the link http://localhost:3000/.
- Now our app is ready to use