+ h-bar Announcement banner
+The announcement bar uses native methods to make the library lightweight so that it can be loaded quickly, bar the webpack stuff.
+The initial version makes use of the WordPress API to be able to get the latest post.
+i.e. it expects a json structure like so:
+From a url like `http://blog.example.com/wp-json/wp/v2/posts?per_page=1&_fields=id,title,link`
+ {
+ "id": 175,
+ "link": "https:\/\/blog.example.com\/how-to-hunt-a-vole\/",
+ "title": {
+ "rendered": "How To Hunt A Vole"
+ }
+ }
+I plan to add more options and a parser callback that can be defined to extract a standard format.
+## Installation
+You can install the package via npm:
+npm i @reecem/h-bar
+Or use jsDelivr:
+ ...
+ ...
+> If you are customising the styling and overriding it with your own styling then you will also need an instance of your css or a tailwindcss file installed as only the classes needed are packaged with h-bar
+## Example page
+You can view an [example page](https://reecem.github.io/h-bar/example.html)
+## Usage
+You can import it directly into your javascript app or use it in the html.
+The initialization object currently has this structure and defaults:
+ url: "https://your.blog/api/....",
+ onCompleted: "callback function",
+ link: "The link url, can be force and no need to fetch from API",
+ title: "The link url, can be force and no need to fetch from API",
+ secondaryLinks: [
+ {
+ title: "Docs",
+ link: "http:://docs.example.com"
+ }
+ ],
+ parser: (data) => {/** Parser function */}
+ dismissible: false, // dismissible banner flag
+ dismissFor: new Date('2020-03-30'), // would dismiss it till end of March 30th 2020
+ theme: "gray",
+ headers: {
+ "Authorization": "Bearer {TOKEN}"
+ },
+ customStyles: {
+ wrapper: "hb-flex hb-w-full hd-flex-col md:hb-flex-row sm:hb-flex-row hb-text-sm hb-py-2 md:hb-px-20 hb-px-1 hb-items-center hb-justify-between",
+ linkWrapper: "hb-flex hb-items-center",
+ badge: "hb-px-2 hb-mx-2 hb-leading-relaxed hb-tracking-wider hb-uppercase hb-font-semibold hb-rounded-full hb-text-xs",
+ postTitle: "hover:hb-underline",
+ secondaryLink: "hb-mx-5 hb-cursor-pointer hover:hb-underline",
+ }
+### Parser function
+There is the availability of adding a custom parser function to override any of the default ones provided by the package.
+This is handy if you have a custom endpoint that say would return also the secondary links or has a different data structure.
+The parser function should always return an object with the structure:
+ title: String,
+ link: String,
+ /** the secondaryLinks is optional.
+ * It will also override the links parsed in the init() arguments.
+ */
+ secondaryLinks: [
+ {
+ title: String,
+ link: String,
+ },
+ ]
+You can define the function inside the `init()` method as follows:
+ url: "https://api.github.com/repos/ReeceM/h-bar/releases",
+ parser: (data) => {
+ // getting the first release on the list of releases from github.
+ const {name, html_url} = data[0];
+ return {
+ title: `Lateset version available ${name}`,
+ link: html_url
+ };
+ }
+### Dismissing Notifications
+> Available from `v0.3.0`/`v1.0.0`
+**Temporary Dismissing**
+To be able to dismiss a notification, please note it currently removes secondary links. It is therefore useful that you use this feature when just making announcements of a event or brief notification.
+The way to activate session based dismissal is:
+ //... rest of config
+ dismissible: true,
+ //... rest of config
+This will just disable the banner for the current page visit, if the user reloads, its back.
+**Time based dismissing**
+To dismiss the banner until another time, you can set the `dismissFor` variable, this requires a `Date()` object.
+When you set this and the banner is dismissed, the UTC milliseconds are stored in the localStorage, this is then read back when loading h-Bar.
+ //... rest of config
+ dismissible: true,
+ dismissFor: new Date('2020-03-30'), // would dismiss it till end of march 30th
+If you fail to set the value properly, it won't dismiss and the banner will show by default.
+## Testing
+_to come_ please make a PR if you know how to do it on JS.
+## Changelog
+Please see [CHANGELOG](https://github.com/ReeceM/h-bar/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) for more information on what has changed recently.
+## Contributing
+Please see [CONTRIBUTING](https://github.com/ReeceM/h-bar/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) for details.
+## Security
+If you discover any security related issues, please email zsh.rce@gmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.
+## Credits
+- [ReeceM](https://github.com/ReeceM)
+- [All Contributors](../../contributors)
+## Support
+## License
+The MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File](https://github.com/ReeceM/h-bar/blob/master/LICENSE.md) for more information.
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+# h-bar v2.0
+> An Announcement Banner that is lightweight and customizable
+- Simple and lightweight (~5.6kB gzipped)
+- Customizable with personal templates
+- Multiple default themes ready to go
+[Get Started](#h-bar-lightweight-announcement-bar)
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