diff --git a/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/insights-tasks-convert.yml b/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-conversion/insights-tasks-conversion.yml
similarity index 65%
rename from docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/insights-tasks-convert.yml
rename to docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-conversion/insights-tasks-conversion.yml
index bd2141a1..6c56facd 100644
--- a/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/insights-tasks-convert.yml
+++ b/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-conversion/insights-tasks-conversion.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Additional info: https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.9/web_console/creating-quick-start-tutorials.html
- name: insights-tasks-convert
+ name: insights-tasks-conversion
# you can add additional metadata here
instructional: true
@@ -13,15 +13,17 @@ spec:
color: green
icon: 
+ - You are a member of a User Access group with the Tasks administrator role.
- You have completed, reviewed, and addressed any issues in a pre-conversion analysis report using Insights for the systems you plan to convert.
description: |-
Convert your operating system from CentOS Linux 7 to Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.
introduction: |-
- After running the “Pre-conversion analysis for converting to RHEL” task and resolving all reported issues, use this quick start to convert your CentOS Linux 7 systems to RHEL 7.
+ After running the [Pre-conversion analysis for converting to RHEL](https://console.redhat.com/insights/learning-resources?quickstart=insights-tasks-pre-conversion) task and resolving all reported issues, use this quick start to convert your CentOS Linux 7 systems to RHEL 7.
Before performing the conversion, make sure you have completed all necessary [preparation steps.](https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/converting_from_an_rpm-based_linux_distribution_to_rhel/converting-using-insights_converting-from-a-linux-distribution-to-rhel)
Additional information:
- It is possible to convert systems from other Linux distributions. [View supported conversion paths.](https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/converting_from_an_rpm-based_linux_distribution_to_rhel/con_supported-conversion-paths_converting-from-a-linux-distribution-to-rhel)
@@ -29,50 +31,49 @@ spec:
- You can convert to RHEL using several supported methods depending on your requirements. [View supported conversion methods.](https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/converting_from_an_rpm-based_linux_distribution_to_rhel/conversion-methods_converting-from-a-linux-distribution-to-rhel)
- - title: Convert a CentOS 7 system to RHEL 7 using Insights
+ - title: Convert CentOS 7 systems to RHEL 7 using Insights
description: |-
- [Before converting, back up your systems and verify that you can restore them if needed]{{admonition important}}
+ [Before converting, back up your systems and verify that you can restore them if needed.]{{admonition important}}
[To avoid serious problems after the conversion, do not convert any systems with unresolved inhibitors and warnings in the pre-conversion analysis.]{{admonition important}}
- After running the “Pre-conversion analysis for converting to RHEL” task and resolving all reported issues, you can convert your CentOS Linux 7 systems to RHEL 7. The conversion task generates a conversion report detailing the systems that were successfully converted and summarizing any problems for any that were not.
+ After running the “Pre-conversion analysis for converting to RHEL” task and resolving all reported issues, you can convert your CentOS Linux 7 systems to RHEL 7. The conversion task generates a report detailing the systems that were successfully converted and summarizing any problems for any that were not.
- **Run the conversion task:**
+ Run the conversion task:
- 1. Log into the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console and go to **Red Hat Insights > RHEL > Automation toolkit > Tasks.**
+ 1. Go to **Red Hat Insights > RHEL > Automation Toolkit > Tasks.**
1. Locate the **Convert to RHEL from CentOS 7 Linux** task and click **Select systems.**
- 1. You can rename the task name. It will be used on the report generated.
+ 1. You can change the task name. It will be used on the report generated.
1. Select the CentOS Linux 7 systems you want to convert to RHEL and click **Run task.**
+ 1. Go to the **Activity tab** and find the newly running conversion task. Your task shows a run status of "Running" until it finishes for all included systems. At that time the run status will update to "Completed."
[The conversion process can take up to an hour to complete.]{{admonition note}}
- title: Review conversion report
description: |-
1. Go to the **Activity tab** and find the newly generated conversion report. Select the report to view a summary of the status of each system.
1. After task completion, you can review each system and message:
+ Each issue is assigned a severity level.
+ - **Inhibitor:** The conversion failed because converting would very likely result in a deteriorated system state. This issue must be resolved before converting the affected system.
+ - **Overridable inhibitor**: The conversion failed because converting would very likely result in a deteriorated system state. This issue must be resolved or manually overridden before converting.
+ - **Skipped:** The conversion failed because the Conversion task could not run one or more tests. This issue must be resolved before converting the affected system.
+ - **Converted:** The system has been converted. Reboot this system.
- Each issue is assigned a severity level.
- - **Inhibitor:** The conversion failed because converting would very likely result in a deteriorated system state. This issue must be resolved before converting the affected system.
- - **Overridable inhibitor**: The conversion failed because converting would very likely result in a deteriorated system state. This issue must be resolved or manually overridden before converting.
- - **Skipped:** The conversion failed because the Conversion task could not run one or more tests. This issue must be resolved before converting the affected system.
- - **Converted:** The system has been converted. Reboot this system.
- 1. If a system has been successfully converted with no issues, reboot the system and skip the next step.
- 1. If the system was not converted, review the message for more information on the found problems and how to resolve them. Additionally, verify the following:
- - You have completed all the steps to [prepare for a conversion using Insights.] (https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/converting_from_an_rpm-based_linux_distribution_to_rhel/converting-using-insights_converting-from-a-linux-distribution-to-rhel)
- - The system contains all packages required for the conversion.
- - The system is running.
- - You have resolved all issues in the Pre-conversion analysis for converting to RHEL task.
+ 1. If a system has been successfully converted with no issues, reboot the system and skip the next step.
+ 1. If the system was not converted, review the message for more information on the found problems and how to resolve them. Additionally, verify the following:
+ - You have completed all the steps to [prepare for a conversion using Insights.] (https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/converting_from_an_rpm-based_linux_distribution_to_rhel/converting-using-insights_converting-from-a-linux-distribution-to-rhel)
+ - The system contains all packages required for the conversion.
+ - The system is running.
+ - You have resolved all issues in the Pre-conversion analysis for converting to RHEL task.
1. After rebooting the system that has been successfully converted, remove third-party packages from the original OS that remained unchanged. These are typically packages that do not have a RHEL counterpart. To get a list of these packages, use:
- - `# yum list extras --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo=`{{copy}}
- - Add your repository after `enablerepo`.
+ ```
+ # yum list extras --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo=
+ ```{{copy}}
1. **Optional:** Perform an in-place upgrade to RHEL 9 to ensure your system is updated with the latest enhancements, security features, and bug fixes.
For more information, see the [Upgrading from RHEL 7 to RHEL 8] (https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/upgrading_from_rhel_7_to_rhel_8/index) and [Upgrading from RHEL 8 to RHEL 9] (https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/9/html/upgrading_from_rhel_8_to_rhel_9/index) guides.
diff --git a/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/metadata.yml b/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-conversion/metadata.yml
similarity index 84%
rename from docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/metadata.yml
rename to docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-conversion/metadata.yml
index bdd03fa9..b2347aef 100644
--- a/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/metadata.yml
+++ b/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-conversion/metadata.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
kind: QuickStarts # kind must always be "QuickStarts"
-name: insights-tasks-convert
+name: insights-tasks-conversion
tags: # If you want to use more granular filtering add tags to the quickstart
- kind: bundle
value: insights
diff --git a/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-pre-conversion/insights-tasks-pre-conversion.yml b/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-pre-conversion/insights-tasks-pre-conversion.yml
index 94f54669..70bb70eb 100644
--- a/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-pre-conversion/insights-tasks-pre-conversion.yml
+++ b/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-pre-conversion/insights-tasks-pre-conversion.yml
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ spec:
# 'blue' | 'cyan' | 'green' | 'orange' | 'purple' | 'red' | 'grey'
color: green
icon: 
+ prerequisites:
+ - You are a member of a User Access group with the Tasks administrator role.
description: |-
Generate a pre-conversion analysis report that summarizes potential problems and suggests recommended solutions to help you convert to RHEL.
introduction: |-
@@ -21,6 +23,7 @@ spec:
Before running the pre-conversion analysis, make sure you have completed all necessary [preparation steps.](https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/converting_from_an_rpm-based_linux_distribution_to_rhel/converting-using-insights_converting-from-a-linux-distribution-to-rhe)
+ Before running the pre-conversion analysis, make sure you have completed all necessary [preparation steps.](https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/converting_from_an_rpm-based_linux_distribution_to_rhel/converting-using-insights_converting-from-a-linux-distribution-to-rhe)
Additional information:
@@ -33,7 +36,7 @@ spec:
description: |-
Before running the pre-conversion analysis in Red Hat Insights, you must connect your CentOS systems to Insights.
- **Verify your CentOS Linux 7 systems are connected:**
+ Verify your CentOS Linux 7 systems are connected:
1. Connect the CentOS Linux 7 system to Insights.
@@ -41,25 +44,32 @@ spec:
- These commands assume root access. You may also use the `sudo` command.
- Install the Red Hat client tools:
- Download the Red Hat GPG key:
- `# curl -o /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release https://www.redhat.com/security/data/fd431d51.txt`{{copy}}
+ ```
+ # curl -o /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release https://www.redhat.com/security/data/fd431d51.txt
+ ```{{copy}}
- Install the **client-tools** repository file:
- `# curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/client-tools.repo https://ftp.redhat.com/redhat/client-tools/client-tools-for-rhel-7-server.repo`{{copy}}
+ ```
+ # curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/client-tools.repo https://ftp.redhat.com/redhat/client-tools/client-tools-for-rhel-7-server.repo
+ ```{{copy}}
- Install the **client-tools** packages:
- `# yum -y install subscription-manager rhc rhc-worker-script insights-client`{{copy}}
+ ```
+ # yum -y install subscription-manager rhc rhc-worker-script insights-client
+ ```{{copy}}
- Enable Remote Host Configuration:
- `# rhc connect -a -o `{{copy}}
+ ```
+ # rhc connect -a -o
+ ```{{copy}}
- Register your systems with Red Hat Insights:
- `# insights-client --register`{{copy}}
+ ```
+ # insights-client --register
+ ```{{copy}}
- Connect the system to RHC:
- `# rhc connect`{{copy}}
+ ```
+ # rhc connect
+ ```{{copy}}
- 1. Log into the [Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console](http://console.redhat.com) and go to **Red Hat Insights > RHEL > Inventory > Systems.**
+ 1. Go to **Red Hat Insights > RHEL > Inventory > Systems.**
1. Verify that your CentOS Linux 7 systems appear as expected.
@@ -71,11 +81,11 @@ spec:
To assess whether you can convert a CentOS Linux 7 system to RHEL, run the “Pre-conversion analysis for converting to RHEL” task. The pre-conversion analysis generates a report summarizing potential problems and recommending solutions. The report also helps you decide whether it is possible or advisable to convert to RHEL.
- 1. Log in to the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console and go to **Red Hat Insights > RHEL > Automation toolkit > Tasks.**
+ 1. Go to **Red Hat Insights > RHEL > Automation Toolkit > Tasks.**
1. Locate the **Pre-conversion analysis for converting to RHEL** task and click **Select systems.**
- 1. You can rename the task name. It will be used on the report generated.
+ 1. You can change the task name. It will be used on the report generated.
1. Select the CentOS Linux 7 systems you want to analyze for conversion and click **Run task.**
@@ -85,7 +95,7 @@ spec:
This issue occurs when the Remote Host Configuration (RHC) is disconnected. To fix this issue, complete the following steps:
- - Log in to the [Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console](http://console.redhat.com) and go to **Red Hat Insights > RHEL > Inventory > Systems.**
+ - Go to **Red Hat Insights > RHEL > Inventory > Systems.**
- Select the affected system from the table.
@@ -96,28 +106,48 @@ spec:
- If the RHC status is **Not available**, RHC is disconnected. Proceed to the next step to reconnect RHC.
- Unregister the system in your terminal:
- `# insights-client --unregister`{{copy}}
- `# rhc disconnect`{{copy}}
+ ```
+ # insights-client --unregister
+ ```{{copy}}
+ ```
+ # rhc disconnect
+ ```{{copy}}
- To help with troubleshooting, set the RHC systemd service (rhcd) logging to the highest level:
- `# sed -ie 's%error%trace%' /etc/rhc/config.toml`{{copy}}
+ ```
+ # sed -ie 's%error%trace%' /etc/rhc/config.toml
+ ```{{copy}}
- Register your system with Red Hat Insights and re-enable RHC in your terminal:
- `# insights-client --register`{{copy}}
- `# rhc connect -a -o `{{copy}}
+ ```
+ # insights-client --register
+ ```{{copy}}
+ ```
+ # rhc connect -a -o
+ ```{{copy}}
- Verify that you can now select the system in the Pre-conversion analysis for converting to RHEL task.
- Review error messages from rhcd and the **insights-client** tool if the system still does not appear.
- `# journalctl -u read`{{copy}}
- `# less /var/log/insights-client/insights-client.log`{{copy}}
+ - Review error messages from rhcd and the **insights-client** tool if the system still does not appear.
+ ```
+ # journalctl -u read
+ ```{{copy}}
+ ```
+ # less /var/log/insights-client/insights-client.log
+ ```{{copy}}
+ 1. Go to the **Activity** tab and find the newly running conversion task. Your task shows a run status of "Running" until it finishes for all included systems. At that time, the run status will update to "Completed."
[The pre-conversion analysis can take up to an hour to complete.]{{admonition note}}
- title: Review the pre-conversion analysis report
description: |-
- 1. The pre-conversion analysis utility generates a new report in the **Activity tab**. Select the report to view a summary of issues found in each system.
+ 1. The pre-conversion analysis utility generates a new report in the **Activity** tab. Select the report to view a summary of issues found in each system.
1. After task completion, you can drill down further by selecting a system to view each issue and, when applicable, a potential remediation in detail.
@@ -138,19 +168,29 @@ spec:
- Review the RHC systemd service (rhcd) for errors:
- Stop rhcd in your terminal:
- `# systemctl stop rhcd`{{copy}}
+ ```
+ # systemctl stop rhcd
+ ```{{copy}}
- Set the RHC systemd service (rhcd) logging to the highest level:
- `# sed -ie 's%error%trace%' /etc/rhc/config.toml`{{copy}}
+ ```
+ # sed -ie 's%error%trace%' /etc/rhc/config.toml
+ ```{{copy}}
- Restart rhcd:
- `# systemctl start rhcd`{{copy}}
+ ```
+ # systemctl start rhcd
+ ```{{copy}}
- Review error messages posted by rhcd:
- `# journalctl -u rhcd`{{copy}}
+ ```
+ # journalctl -u rhcd
+ ```{{copy}}
- Review the **rhc-worker-script** log file for errors:
- `# less /var/log/rhc-worker-script/rhc-worker-script.log`{{copy}}
+ ```
+ # less /var/log/rhc-worker-script/rhc-worker-script.log
+ ```{{copy}}
1. After reviewing the report and resolving all reported issues, click **Run task again** to rerun the analysis and confirm that no issues are outstanding.
diff --git a/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-upgrade8to9/insights-tasks-upgrade8to9.yml b/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-upgrade8to9/insights-tasks-upgrade8to9.yml
index b51a0af6..73dcee45 100644
--- a/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-upgrade8to9/insights-tasks-upgrade8to9.yml
+++ b/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-upgrade8to9/insights-tasks-upgrade8to9.yml
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ spec:
# 'blue' | 'cyan' | 'green' | 'orange' | 'purple' | 'red' | 'grey'
color: green
icon: 
+ prerequisites:
+ - You are a member of a User Access group with the Tasks administrator role.
description: |-
Generate a pre-upgrade report summarizing potential problems and recommending solutions to help you upgrade to RHEL 9.
introduction: |-