From d278254cdd10102a172c160c5b24bed4c5aab616 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: arburka <>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2024 14:49:17 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 1/5] added new convert qs
.../insights-tasks-convert.yml | 86 +++++++++++++++++++
.../insights-tasks-convert/metadata.yml | 6 ++
2 files changed, 92 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/insights-tasks-convert.yml
create mode 100644 docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/metadata.yml
diff --git a/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/insights-tasks-convert.yml b/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/insights-tasks-convert.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..47f4a19d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/insights-tasks-convert.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# Additional info:
+ name: insights-tasks-convert
+ # you can add additional metadata here
+ instructional: true
+ displayName: Convert to RHEL from CentOS Linux 7 in Insights
+ durationMinutes: 10
+ # Optional type section, will display as a tile on the card
+ type:
+ text: Quick start
+ # 'blue' | 'cyan' | 'green' | 'orange' | 'purple' | 'red' | 'grey'
+ color: green
+ icon: 
+ prerequisites:
+ - You have completed and reviewed a pre-conversion analysis report using Insights for the systems you plan to convert.
+ description: |-
+ Convert your operating system from CentOS Linux 7 to Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.
+ introduction: |-
+ After running the Pre-conversion analysis for converting to RHEL task and resolving all reported issues, you can convert your CentOS Linux 7 systems to RHEL 7.
+ Additional information:
+ - Before running the pre-conversion analysis by using Red Hat Insights and performing the conversion, you must first complete all necessary [preparation steps.](
+ - It is possible to convert systems from other Linux distributions. [View supported conversion paths.](
+ - Depending on your requirements, you can convert to RHEL using a number of supported methods. [View supported conversion methods.](
+ tasks:
+ - title: Convert to a RHEL system by using Insights
+ description: |-
+ [Back up your systems and verify that you can restore your systems if needed]{{admonition important}}
+ [To avoid serious problems after the conversion, do not convert any systems that have unresolved inhibitors and warnings in the pre-conversion analysis.]{{admonition important}}
+ After running the Pre-conversion analysis for converting to RHEL task and resolving all reported issues, you can convert your CentOS Linux 7 systems to RHEL 7. The conversion task generates a conversion report detaiing the systems that were succesfully conveted as well and summarizing any problems for any that did not.
+ **Run the conversion task:**
+ 1. Log in to the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console and go to **Red Hat Insights > RHEL > Automation toolkit > Tasks.**
+ 1. Locate the **Convert to RHEL from CentOS 7 Linux** task and click **Select systems.**
+ 1. Select the CentOS Linux 7 systems that you want to convert to RHEL and click **Run task.**
+ [The conversion process can take up to an hour to complete.]{{admonition note}}
+ 1. Go to the **Activity tab**. and select the newly generated conversion report. Click the report to view a summary of the status of each system.
+ 1. After task completion,you can review each system and message:
+ - **Inhibitor:** The conversion failed because converting would very likely result in a deteriorated system state. This issue must be resolved before converting the affected system.
+ - **Overridable inhibitor**: The conversion failed because converting would very likely result in a deteriorated system state. This issue must be resolved or manually overridden before converting.
+ - **Skipped:** The conversion failed because the Conversion task could not run one or more tests. This issue must be resolved before converting the affected system.
+ - **Converted:** System has been converted. Reboot this system.
+ 1. If a system has been successfully converted with no issues, reboot the system and proceed to step 8.
+ 1. If the system was not converted, review the message for more information on the found problems and how to resolve them. Additionally, verify the following:
+ - You have completed all steps in [Preparing for a conversion using Insights.] (
+ - The system contains all packages required for the conversion.
+ - The system is running.
+ - You have resolved all issues found in the Pre-conversion analysis for converting to RHEL task.
+ 1. After rebooting the system that has been successfully converted, remove third-party packages from the original OS that remained unchanged. These are typically packages that do not have a RHEL counterpart. To get a list of these packages, use:
+ - `# yum list extras --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo=`{{copy}}
+ - Add your repository after `enablerepo`.
+ 1. Optional: Perform an in-place upgrade to RHEL 9 to ensure your system is updated with the latest enhancements, security features, and bug fixes. For more information, see the [Upgrading from RHEL 7 to RHEL 8] ( and [Upgrading from RHEL 8 to RHEL 9] ( guides.
+ # optional - the task's Check your work module
+ review:
+ instructions: |-
+ - Did you complete the task successfully?
+ failedTaskHelp: This task isn't verified yet. Try the task again.
+ # optional - the task's success and failure messages
+ summary:
+ success: Shows a success message in the task header
+ failed: Shows a failed message in the task header
+ conclusion: |-
+ **Thank you for taking the time to explore this feature!**
+ For additonal guidance, [visit the conversion documentation](
+ If you need additional assistance, [open a support case](
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/metadata.yml b/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/metadata.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1e305ff8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/metadata.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+kind: QuickStarts # kind must always be "QuickStarts"
+name: insights-tasks-pre-conversion
+tags: # If you want to use more granular filtering add tags to the quickstart
+ - kind: bundle
+ value: insights
\ No newline at end of file
From 6ef21097a988725cc5b0b88dd4fbe63d1b5a1b1c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: arburka <>
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2024 15:05:27 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 2/5] updated text to say conversion vs preconversion
.../insights-tasks-convert/insights-tasks-convert.yml | 8 ++++----
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/insights-tasks-convert.yml b/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/insights-tasks-convert.yml
index 47f4a19d..58841875 100644
--- a/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/insights-tasks-convert.yml
+++ b/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/insights-tasks-convert.yml
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ spec:
Additional information:
- - Before running the pre-conversion analysis by using Red Hat Insights and performing the conversion, you must first complete all necessary [preparation steps.](
+ - Before using Red Hat Insights to perform the conversion, you must first complete all necessary [preparation steps.](
- It is possible to convert systems from other Linux distributions. [View supported conversion paths.](
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ spec:
[To avoid serious problems after the conversion, do not convert any systems that have unresolved inhibitors and warnings in the pre-conversion analysis.]{{admonition important}}
- After running the Pre-conversion analysis for converting to RHEL task and resolving all reported issues, you can convert your CentOS Linux 7 systems to RHEL 7. The conversion task generates a conversion report detaiing the systems that were succesfully conveted as well and summarizing any problems for any that did not.
+ After running the pre-conversion analysis for converting to RHEL task and resolving all reported issues, you can convert your CentOS Linux 7 systems to RHEL 7. The conversion task generates a conversion report detaiing the systems that were succesfully conveted as well and summarizing any problems for any that did not.
**Run the conversion task:**
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ spec:
1. Select the CentOS Linux 7 systems that you want to convert to RHEL and click **Run task.**
- [The conversion process can take up to an hour to complete.]{{admonition note}}
+ [The conversion process can take up to an hour to complete.]{{admonition note}}
- 1. Go to the **Activity tab**. and select the newly generated conversion report. Click the report to view a summary of the status of each system.
+ 1. Go to the **Activity tab**. and select the newly generated conversion report. Select the report to view a summary of the status of each system.
1. After task completion,you can review each system and message:
- **Inhibitor:** The conversion failed because converting would very likely result in a deteriorated system state. This issue must be resolved before converting the affected system.
From ea08d7082a65d9409e85fa53b5f8f84997bb41b7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: arburka <>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 14:44:56 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 3/5] minor text updates to both preconversion and conversion
QS to align with guidlines.
.../insights-tasks-convert.yml | 27 ++++++-----
.../insights-tasks-pre-conversion.yml | 48 +++++++++----------
2 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)
diff --git a/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/insights-tasks-convert.yml b/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/insights-tasks-convert.yml
index 58841875..42a277aa 100644
--- a/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/insights-tasks-convert.yml
+++ b/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/insights-tasks-convert.yml
@@ -13,24 +13,25 @@ spec:
color: green
icon: 
- - You have completed and reviewed a pre-conversion analysis report using Insights for the systems you plan to convert.
+ - You have completed, reviewed, and addressed any issues found in a pre-conversion analysis report using Insights for the systems you plan to convert.
description: |-
Convert your operating system from CentOS Linux 7 to Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.
introduction: |-
- After running the Pre-conversion analysis for converting to RHEL task and resolving all reported issues, you can convert your CentOS Linux 7 systems to RHEL 7.
+ After running the Pre-conversion analysis for converting to RHEL task and resolving all reported issues, use this quick start to to convert your CentOS Linux 7 systems to RHEL 7.
+ Before performing the conversion, make sure you have completed all necessary [preparation steps.](
Additional information:
- - Before using Red Hat Insights to perform the conversion, you must first complete all necessary [preparation steps.](
- - It is possible to convert systems from other Linux distributions. [View supported conversion paths.](
+ It is possible to convert systems from other Linux distributions. [View supported conversion paths.](
- Depending on your requirements, you can convert to RHEL using a number of supported methods. [View supported conversion methods.](
- title: Convert to a RHEL system by using Insights
description: |-
- [Back up your systems and verify that you can restore your systems if needed]{{admonition important}}
+ [Before converting, back up your systems and verify that you can restore them if needed]{{admonition important}}
[To avoid serious problems after the conversion, do not convert any systems that have unresolved inhibitors and warnings in the pre-conversion analysis.]{{admonition important}}
@@ -69,14 +70,14 @@ spec:
1. Optional: Perform an in-place upgrade to RHEL 9 to ensure your system is updated with the latest enhancements, security features, and bug fixes. For more information, see the [Upgrading from RHEL 7 to RHEL 8] ( and [Upgrading from RHEL 8 to RHEL 9] ( guides.
# optional - the task's Check your work module
- review:
- instructions: |-
- - Did you complete the task successfully?
- failedTaskHelp: This task isn't verified yet. Try the task again.
+ #review:
+ # instructions: |-
+ # - Did you complete the task successfully?
+ # failedTaskHelp: Try the task again or contact support.
# optional - the task's success and failure messages
- summary:
- success: Shows a success message in the task header
- failed: Shows a failed message in the task header
+ #summary:
+ # success: Shows a success message in the task header
+ # failed: Shows a failed message in the task header
conclusion: |-
**Thank you for taking the time to explore this feature!**
diff --git a/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-pre-conversion/insights-tasks-pre-conversion.yml b/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-pre-conversion/insights-tasks-pre-conversion.yml
index 44687914..cc83792b 100644
--- a/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-pre-conversion/insights-tasks-pre-conversion.yml
+++ b/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-pre-conversion/insights-tasks-pre-conversion.yml
@@ -15,28 +15,28 @@ spec:
description: |-
Generate a pre-conversion analysis report that summarizes potential problems and suggests recommended solutions to help you convert to RHEL.
introduction: |-
- [Red Hat Insights can be used only to run the pre-conversion analysis on CentOS Linux 7 systems.]{{admonition note}}
- In this quick start, you will connect and run a pre-conversion analysis on CentOS Linux machines on the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console. The task generates a report that summarizes potential problems and suggests recommended solutions to help you convert to RHEL.
+ [Red Hat Insights can be used only to run the pre-conversion analysis on CentOS Linux 7 systems.]{{admonition note}}
+ Use this quick start to connect and run a pre-conversion analysis on CentOS Linux systems with Red Hat Insights. The task generates a report that summarizes potential problems and suggests recommended solutions to help you convert to RHEL.
+ Before running the pre-conversion analysis, make sure you have completed all necessary [preparation steps.](
Additional information:
- - Before running the pre-conversion analysis by using Red Hat Insights and performing the conversion, you must first complete all necessary [preparation steps.](
- It is possible to convert systems from other Linux distributions. [View supported conversion paths.](
- Depending on your requirements, you can convert to RHEL using a number of supported methods. [View supported conversion methods.](
- - title: Verify CentOS Linux machines are connected
+ - title: Verify CentOS Linux systems are connected
description: |-
Before running the pre-conversion analysis in Red Hat Insights, you must connect your CentOS systems to Insights
- **To verify CentOS Linux machines are connected:**
+ **To verify CentOS Linux system are connected:**
- 1. Connect CentOS Linux machines to Insights.
+ 1. Connect CentOS Linux system to Insights.
-  **Need to connect a CentOS Linux machine?**
+  **Need to connect a CentOS Linux system?**
- These commands assume root access. You may also use `sudo` command.
- Install the Red Hat client tools:
- Download the Red Hat GPG key:
@@ -66,14 +66,14 @@ spec:
[The only Red Hat Insights service you can use with registered CentOS Linux systems is the RHEL conversion. All other Insights services are available only after the conversion to RHEL.]{{admonition note}}
# optional - the task's Check your work module
- review:
- instructions: |-
- - Did you complete the task successfully?
- failedTaskHelp: This task isn't verified yet. Try the task again.
+ #review:
+ # instructions: |-
+ # - Did you complete the task successfully?
+ # failedTaskHelp: This task isn't verified yet. Try the task again.
# optional - the task's success and failure messages
- summary:
- success: Shows a success message in the task header
- failed: Shows a failed message in the task header
+ #summary:
+ # success: Shows a success message in the task header
+ # failed: Shows a failed message in the task header
- title: Review the pre-conversion analysis report using Insights
description: |-
@@ -167,14 +167,14 @@ spec:
1. Perform the conversion to RHEL with the Convert to RHEL from CentOS Linux 7 task or in the command-line interface. See [converting from an RPM-based Linux distrbution to RHEL]( for more information.
# optional - the task's Check your work module
- review:
- instructions: |-
- - Did you complete the task successfully?
- failedTaskHelp: This task isn't verified yet. Try the task again.
+ #review:
+ # instructions: |-
+ # - Did you complete the task successfully?
+ # failedTaskHelp: This task isn't verified yet. Try the task again.
# optional - the task's success and failure messages
- summary:
- success: Shows a success message in the task header
- failed: Shows a failed message in the task header
+ #summary:
+ # success: Shows a success message in the task header
+ # failed: Shows a failed message in the task header
conclusion: |-
From 72a3450c850635a9de6568b67191b263d82afcc6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: arburka <>
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2024 16:33:32 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 4/5] edits and added pre-upgrade QS
.../insights-tasks-convert.yml | 65 ++++-----
.../insights-tasks-pre-conversion.yml | 97 ++++++-------
.../insights-tasks-upgrade8to9.yml | 134 ++++++++++++++++++
.../insights-tasks-upgrade8to9/metadata.yml | 6 +
4 files changed, 213 insertions(+), 89 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-upgrade8to9/insights-tasks-upgrade8to9.yml
create mode 100644 docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-upgrade8to9/metadata.yml
diff --git a/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/insights-tasks-convert.yml b/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/insights-tasks-convert.yml
index 42a277aa..bd2141a1 100644
--- a/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/insights-tasks-convert.yml
+++ b/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/insights-tasks-convert.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ metadata:
instructional: true
displayName: Convert to RHEL from CentOS Linux 7 in Insights
- durationMinutes: 10
+ durationMinutes: 10 (active)
# Optional type section, will display as a tile on the card
text: Quick start
@@ -13,75 +13,76 @@ spec:
color: green
icon: 
- - You have completed, reviewed, and addressed any issues found in a pre-conversion analysis report using Insights for the systems you plan to convert.
+ - You have completed, reviewed, and addressed any issues in a pre-conversion analysis report using Insights for the systems you plan to convert.
description: |-
- Convert your operating system from CentOS Linux 7 to Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.
+ Convert your operating system from CentOS Linux 7 to Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.
introduction: |-
- After running the Pre-conversion analysis for converting to RHEL task and resolving all reported issues, use this quick start to to convert your CentOS Linux 7 systems to RHEL 7.
+ After running the “Pre-conversion analysis for converting to RHEL” task and resolving all reported issues, use this quick start to convert your CentOS Linux 7 systems to RHEL 7.
Before performing the conversion, make sure you have completed all necessary [preparation steps.](
Additional information:
+ - It is possible to convert systems from other Linux distributions. [View supported conversion paths.](
- It is possible to convert systems from other Linux distributions. [View supported conversion paths.](
+ - You can convert to RHEL using several supported methods depending on your requirements. [View supported conversion methods.](
- - Depending on your requirements, you can convert to RHEL using a number of supported methods. [View supported conversion methods.](
- - title: Convert to a RHEL system by using Insights
+ - title: Convert a CentOS 7 system to RHEL 7 using Insights
description: |-
[Before converting, back up your systems and verify that you can restore them if needed]{{admonition important}}
- [To avoid serious problems after the conversion, do not convert any systems that have unresolved inhibitors and warnings in the pre-conversion analysis.]{{admonition important}}
+ [To avoid serious problems after the conversion, do not convert any systems with unresolved inhibitors and warnings in the pre-conversion analysis.]{{admonition important}}
- After running the pre-conversion analysis for converting to RHEL task and resolving all reported issues, you can convert your CentOS Linux 7 systems to RHEL 7. The conversion task generates a conversion report detaiing the systems that were succesfully conveted as well and summarizing any problems for any that did not.
+ After running the “Pre-conversion analysis for converting to RHEL” task and resolving all reported issues, you can convert your CentOS Linux 7 systems to RHEL 7. The conversion task generates a conversion report detailing the systems that were successfully converted and summarizing any problems for any that were not.
**Run the conversion task:**
- 1. Log in to the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console and go to **Red Hat Insights > RHEL > Automation toolkit > Tasks.**
+ 1. Log into the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console and go to **Red Hat Insights > RHEL > Automation toolkit > Tasks.**
1. Locate the **Convert to RHEL from CentOS 7 Linux** task and click **Select systems.**
- 1. Select the CentOS Linux 7 systems that you want to convert to RHEL and click **Run task.**
+ 1. You can rename the task name. It will be used on the report generated.
+ 1. Select the CentOS Linux 7 systems you want to convert to RHEL and click **Run task.**
[The conversion process can take up to an hour to complete.]{{admonition note}}
- 1. Go to the **Activity tab**. and select the newly generated conversion report. Select the report to view a summary of the status of each system.
- 1. After task completion,you can review each system and message:
+ - title: Review conversion report
+ description: |-
+ 1. Go to the **Activity tab** and find the newly generated conversion report. Select the report to view a summary of the status of each system.
+ 1. After task completion, you can review each system and message:
+ Each issue is assigned a severity level.
- **Inhibitor:** The conversion failed because converting would very likely result in a deteriorated system state. This issue must be resolved before converting the affected system.
- **Overridable inhibitor**: The conversion failed because converting would very likely result in a deteriorated system state. This issue must be resolved or manually overridden before converting.
- **Skipped:** The conversion failed because the Conversion task could not run one or more tests. This issue must be resolved before converting the affected system.
- - **Converted:** System has been converted. Reboot this system.
+ - **Converted:** The system has been converted. Reboot this system.
- 1. If a system has been successfully converted with no issues, reboot the system and proceed to step 8.
+ 1. If a system has been successfully converted with no issues, reboot the system and skip the next step.
1. If the system was not converted, review the message for more information on the found problems and how to resolve them. Additionally, verify the following:
- - You have completed all steps in [Preparing for a conversion using Insights.] (
+ - You have completed all the steps to [prepare for a conversion using Insights.] (
- The system contains all packages required for the conversion.
- The system is running.
- - You have resolved all issues found in the Pre-conversion analysis for converting to RHEL task.
+ - You have resolved all issues in the Pre-conversion analysis for converting to RHEL task.
1. After rebooting the system that has been successfully converted, remove third-party packages from the original OS that remained unchanged. These are typically packages that do not have a RHEL counterpart. To get a list of these packages, use:
- `# yum list extras --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo=`{{copy}}
- Add your repository after `enablerepo`.
- 1. Optional: Perform an in-place upgrade to RHEL 9 to ensure your system is updated with the latest enhancements, security features, and bug fixes. For more information, see the [Upgrading from RHEL 7 to RHEL 8] ( and [Upgrading from RHEL 8 to RHEL 9] ( guides.
- # optional - the task's Check your work module
- #review:
- # instructions: |-
- # - Did you complete the task successfully?
- # failedTaskHelp: Try the task again or contact support.
- # optional - the task's success and failure messages
- #summary:
- # success: Shows a success message in the task header
- # failed: Shows a failed message in the task header
+ 1. **Optional:** Perform an in-place upgrade to RHEL 9 to ensure your system is updated with the latest enhancements, security features, and bug fixes.
+ For more information, see the [Upgrading from RHEL 7 to RHEL 8] ( and [Upgrading from RHEL 8 to RHEL 9] ( guides.
conclusion: |-
**Thank you for taking the time to explore this feature!**
- For additonal guidance, [visit the conversion documentation](
+ For additional information about tasks, [visit the documentation for remediating systems using tasks in Insights.](
+ For additional information about conversions, [visit the conversion documentation.](
If you need additional assistance, [open a support case](
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-pre-conversion/insights-tasks-pre-conversion.yml b/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-pre-conversion/insights-tasks-pre-conversion.yml
index cc83792b..94f54669 100644
--- a/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-pre-conversion/insights-tasks-pre-conversion.yml
+++ b/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-pre-conversion/insights-tasks-pre-conversion.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ metadata:
instructional: true
displayName: Analyzing CentOS Linux systems for conversion in Insights
- durationMinutes: 10
+ durationMinutes: 10 (active)
# Optional type section, will display as a tile on the card
text: Quick start
@@ -17,27 +17,28 @@ spec:
introduction: |-
[Red Hat Insights can be used only to run the pre-conversion analysis on CentOS Linux 7 systems.]{{admonition note}}
- Use this quick start to connect and run a pre-conversion analysis on CentOS Linux systems with Red Hat Insights. The task generates a report that summarizes potential problems and suggests recommended solutions to help you convert to RHEL.
+ Use this quick start to connect and run a pre-conversion analysis on CentOS Linux 7 systems with Red Hat Insights. The task generates a report that summarizes potential problems and suggests recommended solutions to help you convert to RHEL.
- Before running the pre-conversion analysis, make sure you have completed all necessary [preparation steps.](
+ Before running the pre-conversion analysis, make sure you have completed all necessary [preparation steps.](
Additional information:
- It is possible to convert systems from other Linux distributions. [View supported conversion paths.](
- - Depending on your requirements, you can convert to RHEL using a number of supported methods. [View supported conversion methods.](
+ - You can convert to RHEL using several supported methods depending on your requirements. [View supported conversion methods.](
- - title: Verify CentOS Linux systems are connected
+ - title: Verify your CentOS Linux 7 systems are connected
description: |-
- Before running the pre-conversion analysis in Red Hat Insights, you must connect your CentOS systems to Insights
+ Before running the pre-conversion analysis in Red Hat Insights, you must connect your CentOS systems to Insights.
- **To verify CentOS Linux system are connected:**
+ **Verify your CentOS Linux 7 systems are connected:**
- 1. Connect CentOS Linux system to Insights.
+ 1. Connect the CentOS Linux 7 system to Insights.
-  **Need to connect a CentOS Linux system?**
- - These commands assume root access. You may also use `sudo` command.
+  **Need to connect a CentOS Linux 7 system?**
+ - These commands assume root access. You may also use the `sudo` command.
- Install the Red Hat client tools:
- Download the Red Hat GPG key:
`# curl -o /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release`{{copy}}
@@ -55,51 +56,40 @@ spec:
`# insights-client --register`{{copy}}
- Connect the system to RHC:
- `# rhc connect`{{copy}}
+ `# rhc connect`{{copy}}
- 1. Log in to the [Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console]( and go to **Red Hat Insights > RHEL > Inventory > Systems.**
+ 1. Log into the [Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console]( and go to **Red Hat Insights > RHEL > Inventory > Systems.**
- 1. Verify that your CentOS Linux systems appear as expected.
- [The only Red Hat Insights service you can use with registered CentOS Linux systems is the RHEL conversion. All other Insights services are available only after the conversion to RHEL.]{{admonition note}}
- # optional - the task's Check your work module
- #review:
- # instructions: |-
- # - Did you complete the task successfully?
- # failedTaskHelp: This task isn't verified yet. Try the task again.
- # optional - the task's success and failure messages
- #summary:
- # success: Shows a success message in the task header
- # failed: Shows a failed message in the task header
- - title: Review the pre-conversion analysis report using Insights
+ 1. Verify that your CentOS Linux 7 systems appear as expected.
+ [The only Red Hat Insights service you can use with registered CentOS Linux 7 systems is the RHEL conversion. All other Insights services are available only after the conversion to RHEL.]{{admonition note}}
+ - title: Run a pre-conversion analysis using Insights
description: |-
- [Back up your systems and verify that you can restore your systems if needed]{{admonition important}}
+ [Back up your systems and verify that you can restore them if needed.]{{admonition important}}
- To assess whether your CentOS Linux systems can be converted to RHEL, run the Pre-conversion analysis for converting to RHEL task. The pre-conversion analysis generates a report summarizing potential problems and recommending solutions. The report also helps you decide whether it is possible or advisable to convert to RHEL.
+ To assess whether you can convert a CentOS Linux 7 system to RHEL, run the “Pre-conversion analysis for converting to RHEL” task. The pre-conversion analysis generates a report summarizing potential problems and recommending solutions. The report also helps you decide whether it is possible or advisable to convert to RHEL.
- **Run a Pre-Conversion analysis:**
1. Log in to the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console and go to **Red Hat Insights > RHEL > Automation toolkit > Tasks.**
1. Locate the **Pre-conversion analysis for converting to RHEL** task and click **Select systems.**
+ 1. You can rename the task name. It will be used on the report generated.
1. Select the CentOS Linux 7 systems you want to analyze for conversion and click **Run task.**
 **Don't see your system?**
- CentOS Linux 7 systems that appeared correctly in the Insights Inventory might not appear in the list of available systems on which to run the pre-conversion analysis.
+ CentOS Linux 7 systems that appeared correctly in the Insights Inventory might not appear in the list of available systems for the pre-conversion analysis.
This issue occurs when the Remote Host Configuration (RHC) is disconnected. To fix this issue, complete the following steps:
- - Log in to the [Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console]( and go to **Red Hat Insights > RHEL > Inventory > Systems**
+ - Log in to the [Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console]( and go to **Red Hat Insights > RHEL > Inventory > Systems.**
- Select the affected system from the table.
- - In the **General Information** tab, go to the **System Status** card and verify the RHC status:
+ - In the **General Information** tab, go to the **System status** card and verify the RHC status:
- If the RHC status is **Connected**, RHC is connected correctly
@@ -116,32 +106,33 @@ spec:
`# insights-client --register`{{copy}}
`# rhc connect -a -o `{{copy}}
- - Verify that you can select the system in the Pre-conversion analysis for converting to RHEL task.
+ - Verify that you can now select the system in the Pre-conversion analysis for converting to RHEL task.
- If the system still does not appear correctly, review error messages from rhcd and the **insights-client** tool.
+ Review error messages from rhcd and the **insights-client** tool if the system still does not appear.
`# journalctl -u read`{{copy}}
`# less /var/log/insights-client/insights-client.log`{{copy}}
- [The pre-conversion process can take up to an hour to complete.]{{admonition note}}
- 1. The pre-conversion analysis utility generates a new report in the **Activity tab**. Select the report to view a summary of issues found in each system.
+ [The pre-conversion analysis can take up to an hour to complete.]{{admonition note}}
+ - title: Review the pre-conversion analysis report
+ description: |-
+ 1. The pre-conversion analysis utility generates a new report in the **Activity tab**. Select the report to view a summary of issues found in each system.
1. After task completion, you can drill down further by selecting a system to view each issue and, when applicable, a potential remediation in detail.
Each issue is assigned a severity level:
- **Inhibitor:** Would cause the conversion to fail because it is very likely to result in a deteriorated system state. This issue must be resolved before converting.
- **Overridable inhibitor**: Would cause the conversion to fail because it is very likely to result in a deteriorated system state. This issue must be resolved or manually overridden before converting.
- Skipped: Could not run this test because of a prerequisite test failing. Could cause the conversion to fail.
+ - **Skipped:** This test could not be run because a prerequisite test failed, which could cause the conversion to fail.
- **Warning:** Would not cause the conversion to fail. System and application issues might occur after the conversion.
- **Info:** Informational with no expected impact to the system or applications.
- **Ready for conversion:** No issues were found.
-  **Why did the Pre-conversion analysis task fail to complete?**
+  **Why did the Pre-conversion analysis task fail to be completed?**
- After running the Pre-conversion analysis for converting to RHEL task, one or more systems can fail to generate a report with the error message Task failed to complete for an unknown reason. Retry this task at a later time. If this issue occurs, complete the following steps to troubleshoot:
+ After running the Pre-conversion analysis for converting to RHEL task, one or more systems can fail to generate a report with the error message “Task failed to complete for an unknown reason.” Retry this task at a later time. If this issue occurs, complete the following steps to troubleshoot:
- Verify if the affected system is unavailable, for example, because of a network accessibility issue or because the system is shut off.
@@ -160,26 +151,18 @@ spec:
- Review the **rhc-worker-script** log file for errors:
`# less /var/log/rhc-worker-script/rhc-worker-script.log`{{copy}}
1. After reviewing the report and resolving all reported issues, click **Run task again** to rerun the analysis and confirm that no issues are outstanding.
- 1. Perform the conversion to RHEL with the Convert to RHEL from CentOS Linux 7 task or in the command-line interface. See [converting from an RPM-based Linux distrbution to RHEL]( for more information.
- # optional - the task's Check your work module
- #review:
- # instructions: |-
- # - Did you complete the task successfully?
- # failedTaskHelp: This task isn't verified yet. Try the task again.
- # optional - the task's success and failure messages
- #summary:
- # success: Shows a success message in the task header
- # failed: Shows a failed message in the task header
+ 1. Convert to RHEL with the “Convert to RHEL from CentOS Linux 7” task or the command-line interface. For more information, see [converting from an RPM-based Linux distribution to RHEL.](
conclusion: |-
**Thank you for taking the time to explore this feature!**
- For additonal guidance, [visit the conversion documentation](
+ For additional information about tasks, [visit the documentation for remediating systems using tasks in Insights.](
+ For additional information about conversions, [visit the conversion documentation.](
If you need additional assistance, [open a support case](
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+# Additional info:
+ name: insights-tasks-upgrade8to9
+ # you can add additional metadata here
+ instructional: true
+ displayName: Analyzing systems for an in-place upgrade from RHEL 8
+ durationMinutes: 10 (active)
+ # Optional type section, will display as a tile on the card
+ type:
+ text: Quick start
+ # 'blue' | 'cyan' | 'green' | 'orange' | 'purple' | 'red' | 'grey'
+ color: green
+ icon: 
+ description: |-
+ Generate a pre-upgrade report summarizing potential problems and recommending solutions to help you upgrade to RHEL 9.
+ introduction: |-
+ [It is not possible to perform an in-place upgrade directly from RHEL 7 to RHEL 9. However, you can perform an in-place upgrade from RHEL 7 to RHEL 8 (linked below) and then perform a second in-place upgrade to RHEL 9.]{{admonition note}}
+ Use this quick start to run a pre-upgrade analysis on RHEL 8 systems with Red Hat Insights. The task generates a report summarizing potential problems and suggesting recommended solutions to help you upgrade your systems.
+ Before running the pre-upgrade analysis, ensure the systems meet the conditions listed in [planning an upgrade.] (
+ If you need to upgrade a system from RHEL 7 to RHEL, see [Upgrading from RHEL 7 to RHEL 8.](
+ For additional information, such as supported upgrade paths, [check out the complete documentation for upgrading from RHEL 8 to RHEL 9.](
+ tasks:
+ - title: Run a pre-upgrade analysis using Insights
+ description: |-
+ Run the “Pre-upgrade analysis for an in-place upgrade from RHEL 8” task on your systems to assess upgradability. The task generates a pre-upgrade report summarizing potential problems along with recommended solutions. This report can help you decide whether to proceed with the upgrade.
+ 1. Log into the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console and go to **Red Hat Insights > RHEL > Automation toolkit > Tasks.**
+ 1. Locate the **Pre-upgrade analysis for in-place upgrade from RHEL 8** task and click **Select systems.**
+ 1. You can rename the task name. It will be used on the report generated.
+ 1. Select the RHEL 8 systems you want to analyze for upgrade and click **Run task.**
+ [The pre-upgrade analysis can take up to an hour to complete.]{{admonition note}}
+ - title: Review the pre-upgrade analysis report
+ description: |-
+ 1. Go to the **Activity tab** and select the newly generated pre-upgrade report. Select the report to view a summary of the status of each system.
+ 1. After task completion, you can drill down further by selecting a system to view each issue and, when applicable, a potential remediation in detail.
+ Issues labeled **Inhibitor** prevent you from upgrading until you have resolved them.
+ Each issue is assigned a risk level:
+ - **High:** Very likely to result in a deteriorated system state.
+ - **Medium:** Can impact both the system and applications.
+ - **Low:** Should not impact the system but can impact applications.
+ - **Info:** Informational with no expected impact on the system or applications.
+ - title: Address inhibitors in Insights Advisor
+ description: |-
+ After running the pre-upgrade analysis task or manually running the Leapp tool on individual systems, Upgrade **inhibitors** will appear as Advisor recommendations.
+ 1. Go to **Red Hat Insights > Operations > Advisor > Topics > In-place upgrade** to view recommendations affecting the success of in-place upgrades.
+ [Currently, the in-place upgrade recommendations list only shows recommendations that Insights has identified as upgrade inhibitors. All in-place upgrade recommendations, including non-inhibitors, can be seen in the detailed view of each executed task.]{{admonition note}}
+ 1. After reviewing the report and resolving all reported issues, return to **Red Hat Insights > RHEL > Automation toolkit > Tasks**, find the pre-upgrade report in the **Activity tab**, and click **Run task again** to rerun the analysis and confirm that no outstanding issues remain.
+ - title: Remediate upgrade-inhibiting issues in Insights
+ description: |-
+ You can address some upgrade-inhibiting issues found on your systems directly from Insights. These recommendations have a playbook available for automating the execution of remediations directly from the Insights for Red Hat Enterprise Linux UI.
+ See the [Red Hat Insights Remediations Guide]( for more information using Insights for remediations.
+ **Run a playbook using Insights:**
+ 1. Go to **Red Hat Insights > Operations > Advisor > Topics > In-place upgrade** to view recommendations affecting the success of in-place upgrades.
+ 1. Choose a recommendation with "Playbook" in the "Remediation" column, indicating issues with a playbook available.
+ - You can filter by "remediation" type in the toolbar.
+ 1. For each recommendation with an available playbook, take the following actions:
+ - Click on the recommendation for more information, including the affected systems.
+ - Check the box next to each system you want to add to the playbook and click **Remediate.**
+ - In the popup, select **Create a new playbook**, enter a name for the playbook, then click **Next.**
+ - **Optional:** Alternatively, you can add the resolution for the selected systems to an existing playbook.
+ - Review the included systems and click **Next.**
+ [Some resolutions require the system to reboot. Auto reboot is not enabled by default, but you can enable it by clicking “Turn on auto-reboot” above the list of recommendations.]{{admonition important}}
+ - Click **Submit** and return to the application or open the playbook.
+ 1. When you’re ready to remediate, find the playbook in **Automation Toolkit > Remediations** and click on it to open it.
+ 1. The playbook includes a list of actions based on what recommendations you added. To execute them, check the box next to each one.
+ - You can select all actions in the toolbar.
+ 1. Click **Execute playbook** to run the playbook on the specified systems.
+ 1. On the popup, click on the **Execute playbook on systems** button. The playbook runs on those systems.
+ - title: Remediating upgrade-inhibiting issues manually
+ description: |-
+ Other recommendations require manual resolutions, the steps of which are customized for the system and recommendation pair and provided with the recommendation.
+ See the [Red Hat Insights Remediations Guide]( for more information using Insights for remediations.
+ **Applying manual remediation steps to affected systems**
+ 1. Go to **Red Hat Insights > Operations > Advisor > Topics > In-place upgrade** to view recommendations affecting the success of in-place upgrades.
+ 1. Choose a recommendation with "Manual" in the "Remediation" column.
+ - You can filter by “remediation” type in the toolbar.
+ 1. For each recommendation with an available playbook, take the following actions:
+ - Click on the recommendation for more information, including the affected systems.
+ - Click on a system name.
+ - Pick a recommendation to resolve manually and click on the carat to view the “Steps to resolve” on the - system.
+ - Perform the resolution steps on the system.
+ - Repeat these steps for each affected system.
+ conclusion: |-
+ **Thank you for taking the time to explore this feature!**
+ For additional information about tasks, [visit the documentation for remediating systems using tasks in Insights.](
+ For additional information about upgrading, [visit the Upgrading from RHEL 8 to RHEL 9 documentation.](
+ If you need additional assistance, [open a support case.](
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index 00000000..cece7222
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-upgrade8to9/metadata.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+kind: QuickStarts # kind must always be "QuickStarts"
+name: insights-tasks-upgrade8to9
+tags: # If you want to use more granular filtering add tags to the quickstart
+ - kind: bundle
+ value: insights
\ No newline at end of file
From 947a89d0fa106de8ba062724acaba69ccd26ac9e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: arburka <>
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2024 09:05:26 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 5/5] Updated metadata tag to match the quickstart name
docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/metadata.yml | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/metadata.yml b/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/metadata.yml
index 1e305ff8..bdd03fa9 100644
--- a/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/metadata.yml
+++ b/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-convert/metadata.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
kind: QuickStarts # kind must always be "QuickStarts"
-name: insights-tasks-pre-conversion
+name: insights-tasks-convert
tags: # If you want to use more granular filtering add tags to the quickstart
- kind: bundle
value: insights