diff --git a/docs/quickstarts/insights-inventory-workspace-rbac/insights-inventory-workspace-rbac.yaml b/docs/quickstarts/insights-inventory-workspace-rbac/insights-inventory-workspace-rbac.yaml index 0f5ff41..b512df7 100644 --- a/docs/quickstarts/insights-inventory-workspace-rbac/insights-inventory-workspace-rbac.yaml +++ b/docs/quickstarts/insights-inventory-workspace-rbac/insights-inventory-workspace-rbac.yaml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ metadata: # you can add additional metadata here instructional: true spec: - displayName: Managing user access with Inventory Workspaces + displayName: Managing user access with Workspaces durationMinutes: 5 # Optional type section, will display as a tile on the card type: @@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ spec: icon:  prerequisites: - Be an Organization Administrator or have the User Access Administrator role - - Have Inventory workspaces created + - Have workspaces created description: |- - Learn how to manage access to your systems using Inventory Workspaces + Learn how to manage access to your systems using Workspaces introduction: |- - **Welcome to the quick start for managing user access using Inventory Workspaces. Use this feature to enhance security within your organization.** + **Welcome to the quick start for managing user access using Workspaces. Use this feature to enhance security within your organization.** - In this quick start, you will use the User Access application to configure access to different inventory workspaces using custom role functionality and user access groups. + In this quick start, you will use the User Access application to configure access to different workspaces using custom role functionality and user access groups.

**IMPORTANT NOTE:** By default, everyone in your organization will be assigned the "Inventory Hosts Administrator" role, and will have access to all systems, whether they are in a workspace or not. You will change these default permissions by completing the tasks in this quick Start. @@ -46,14 +46,14 @@ spec: **The four inventory permissions include:**
1. **inventory:hosts:read** → Allows users to view systems (needed to view systems both inside and outside a workspace). 1. **inventory:hosts:write** → Allows users to Rename or Delete systems. - 1. **inventory:workspaces:read** → Allows users to view workspaces, and general info (not including systems in it). - 1. **inventory:workspace:write** → Allows users to edit inventory workspace membership (add and remove systems from workspaces). + 1. **inventory:groups:read** → Allows users to view workspaces, and general info (not including systems in it). + 1. **inventory:groups:write** → Allows users to edit workspace membership (add and remove systems from workspaces). 1. Select inventory permissions as needed. Here are some possible variations:
- If you want to give a user full access to the workspace and its systems → select all 4 permissions. - - If you want to give a user full access to the systems inside a workspace → but not workspace editing access, give them inventory:hosts:read, inventory:hosts:write, and inventory:workspace:read, but NOT inventory:workspace:write. + - If you want to give a user full access to the systems inside a workspace → but not workspace editing access, give them inventory:hosts:read, inventory:hosts:write, and inventory:groups:read, but NOT inventory:groups:write. - If you want to give a user full access to ungrouped systems → select all 4 permissions (ungrouped systems are considered a workspace). 1. Click **Next**. - 1. On Step 3 (Define inventory workspace access), for each permission, select workspaces you would like to apply the permissions to using the dropdown menus.
+ 1. On Step 3 (Define workspace access), for each permission, select workspaces you would like to apply the permissions to using the dropdown menus.
Possible scenarios include: - You would like to give users the ability to only see systems in specific workspaces and NOT ungrouped systems → Select those workspaces only. @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ spec: 1. Once you’ve made your selections, click **Next**. 1. Review your selections. Click **Submit**. - Repeat this process for every inventory workspace or group of users you want to give specific workspace access to. + Repeat this process for every workspace or group of users you want to give specific workspace access to. **NOTE:** If you want to give a group of system administrators all the same access to workspaces A, B, and C, you can create a single custom role and assign permissions to those 3 workspaces. However, if you want to give different users access to different workspaces, you will need to create multiple custom roles - one for each workspace you would like to give access to. @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ spec: After completing the tasks this far, all users in your organization will still have full access to your inventory because they still have the “Inventory Hosts Administrator” role assigned to them. This allows them to view and edit all hosts. This role is given to them by the default “Default Access” group which assigns roles to your whole organization.

- **To make sure your organization users' access is limited to the inventory workspaces/systems defined in your custom roles, you must remove the “Inventory Hosts Administrator” role from your users.** + **To make sure your organization users' access is limited to the workspaces/systems defined in your custom roles, you must remove the “Inventory Hosts Administrator” role from your users.**

To do this: 1. In the User Access > Groups page, click the **Default Access group**. diff --git a/docs/quickstarts/insights-inventory-workspace/insights-inventory-workspace.yaml b/docs/quickstarts/insights-inventory-workspace/insights-inventory-workspace.yaml index 3c79ac7..509a479 100644 --- a/docs/quickstarts/insights-inventory-workspace/insights-inventory-workspace.yaml +++ b/docs/quickstarts/insights-inventory-workspace/insights-inventory-workspace.yaml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ metadata: # you can add additional metadata here instructional: true spec: - displayName: Creating and managing Inventory Workspaces + displayName: Creating and managing Workspaces durationMinutes: 5 # Optional type section, will display as a tile on the card type: @@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ spec: color: grey icon:  description: |- - Learn how to create an inventory workspace, add systems to it, and remove systems from it. + Learn how to create a workspace, add systems to it, and remove systems from it. introduction: |- - **Welcome to the quick start for creating and managing your systems using Inventory Workspaces. In this quick start, you will:** - - Create an Inventory workspace. + **Welcome to the quick start for creating and managing your systems using Workspaces. In this quick start, you will:** + - Create a workspace. - Learn to add systems to the workspace. - Learn how to remove systems from the workspace. @@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ spec: - title: Create a workspace description: |- - Inventory Workspaces allows you to create workspaces, and select specific systems to add to these workspaces to better organize your Inventory. + Workspaces allows you to create workspaces, and select specific systems to add to these workspaces to better organize your Inventory. - **To create an inventory workspace:** + **To create a workspace:** 1. Navigate to Inventory > **Workspaces** using the left navigation. 2. Click the **Create workspace** button. diff --git a/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-pre-conversion/insights-tasks-pre-conversion.yml b/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-pre-conversion/insights-tasks-pre-conversion.yml index c995ef8..67442c8 100644 --- a/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-pre-conversion/insights-tasks-pre-conversion.yml +++ b/docs/quickstarts/insights-tasks-pre-conversion/insights-tasks-pre-conversion.yml @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ spec: Use this quick start to connect and run a pre-conversion analysis on CentOS Linux 7 systems with Red Hat Insights. The task generates a report that summarizes potential problems and suggests recommended solutions to help you convert to RHEL.

- Before running the pre-conversion analysis, make sure you have completed all necessary [preparation steps.](https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/converting_from_an_rpm-based_linux_distribution_to_rhel/converting-using-insights_converting-from-a-linux-distribution-to-rhe) + Before running the pre-conversion analysis, make sure you have completed all necessary [preparation steps.](https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/converting_from_an_rpm-based_linux_distribution_to_rhel/converting-using-insights_converting-from-a-linux-distribution-to-rhel)
Additional information: