From 048aa020ec3375248bc4c4581b9d0ceb0e4f3ee1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alberto Diaz Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2024 13:44:53 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] ROSA add machine pool quick start --- .../rosa-add-machine-pool/metadata.yml | 5 ++ .../rosa-add-machine-pool.yml | 58 +++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 63 insertions(+) create mode 100644 docs/quickstarts/rosa-add-machine-pool/metadata.yml create mode 100644 docs/quickstarts/rosa-add-machine-pool/rosa-add-machine-pool.yml diff --git a/docs/quickstarts/rosa-add-machine-pool/metadata.yml b/docs/quickstarts/rosa-add-machine-pool/metadata.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bac93b5d --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/quickstarts/rosa-add-machine-pool/metadata.yml @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +kind: QuickStarts +name: rosa-add-machine-pool +tags: + - kind: bundle + value: openshift diff --git a/docs/quickstarts/rosa-add-machine-pool/rosa-add-machine-pool.yml b/docs/quickstarts/rosa-add-machine-pool/rosa-add-machine-pool.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ed69eaeb --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/quickstarts/rosa-add-machine-pool/rosa-add-machine-pool.yml @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ + +metadata: + name: rosa-add-machine-pool + instructional: true +spec: + displayName: Add a machine pool to your ROSA cluster + durationMinutes: 5 + type: + text: Quick start + color: grey + icon:  + prerequisites: + - You must have a ROSA cluster. + description: |- + Machine pools are an elastic, dynamic provisioning method used on top of your cloud infrastructure. + introduction: |- + Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) uses machine pools as an elastic, dynamic provisioning method on top of your cloud infrastructure. + + A machine pool creates compute machine sets that are all copies of the same configuration across availability zones. Worker nodes in a machine pool are provisioned and managed as a group. + + In this quick start, you'll add a machine pool to your cluster. + + [Each cluster has a default machine pool made during cluster creation. This process adds an additional machine pool to your cluster.]{{admonition note}} + + tasks: + - title: Add a machine pool to your ROSA cluster + description: |- + 1. Go to **Clusters**. + 1. Click your cluster's name. + 1. Click the **Machine pools** tab. + 1. Click the **Add machine pool** button. + 1. Configure your machine pool settings: + + a. Name your machine pool. + + b. Optional: Change any settings you want. These settings are already filled in by default, but you can customize any of them. For more information on what these settings do, click the **?** icon or see [the documentation]( + + 1. Click **Add machine pool**. + + # optional - the task's Check your work module + review: + instructions: |- + - Did you complete the task successfully? + failedTaskHelp: Try following the steps again. + # optional - the task's success and failure messages + summary: + success: Shows a success message in the task header + failed: Shows a failed message in the task header + conclusion: |- + Congratulations, you added a machine pool to your cluster! + + After completing this quick start, you've learned how to add a machine pool. Repeat the steps to add more machine pools if you desire. + + **Next steps:** + - Get a deeper dive into [machine pools]( + # you can link to the next quick start(s) here + nextQuickStart: + - mas-alert-note-prereq