JsonDao operates on play.modules.reactivemongo.json.collection.JSONCollection. If you are using Play-ReactiveMongo plugin you will need to use JsonDao.
Below is a sample model.
import reactivemongo.bson.BSONObjectID
case class Person(
_id: BSONObjectID = BSONObjectID.generate,
name: String,
surname: String,
age: Int)
Now let's define a companion object and a JsonDao for this model. As a best practice companion object should not contain DB related functions. These functions should be in a DAO object. Companion object should provide helper functions for the model like transformations, validation, etc.
import play.modules.reactivemongo.ReactiveMongoPlugin
import play.modules.reactivemongo.json.BSONFormats._
object Person {
implicit val personFormat = Json.format[Person]
object PersonDao
extends JsonDao[Person, BSONObjectID](ReactiveMongoPlugin.db, "persons"){
// some high level db functions
As seen in the example above db
and collectionName
are the only required parameters of JsonDao.
If you want your indexes to be ensured on DAO load, you can modify the DAO definition like below.
import reactivemongo.api.indexes.{ Index, IndexType }
object PersonDao extends {
override val autoIndexes = Seq(
Index(Seq("name" -> IndexType.Ascending), unique = true, background = true),
Index(Seq("age" -> IndexType.Ascending), background = true)
} with JsonDao[Person, BSONObjectID](() => ReactiveMongoPlugin.db, "persons") {
// some high level db functions
- bulkInsert Bulk inserts multiple models.
life cycle event is called for each element before this function andpostPersist
is called for each element after this function.
def bulkInsert(
documents: TraversableOnce[Model],
bulkSize: Int = bulk.MaxDocs,
bulkByteSize: Int = bulk.MaxBulkSize): Future[Int]
- count Returns the number of documents in this collection matching the given selector.
def count(selector: JsObject = Json.obj()): Future[Int]
- drop Drops this collection
def drop(): Future[Boolean]
- dropSync Drops this collection and awaits until it has been dropped or a timeout has occured.
def dropSync(timeout: Duration): Boolean
- find Retrieves models by page matching the given selector.
def find(
selector: JsObject = Json.obj(),
sort: JsObject = Json.obj("_id" -> 1),
page: Int,
pageSize: Int): Future[List[Model]]
- findAll Retrieves all models matching the given selector.
def findAll(
selector: JsObject = Json.obj(),
sort: JsObject = Json.obj("_id" -> 1)): Future[List[Model]]
- findAndUpdate Updates and returns a single model. It returns the old document by default.
def findAndUpdate(
query: JsObject,
update: JsObject,
sort: JsObject = Json.obj(),
fetchNewObject: Boolean = false,
upsert: Boolean = false): Future[Option[Model]]
- findAndRemove Removes and returns a single model.
def findAndRemove(
query: JsObject,
sort: JsObject = Json.obj()): Future[Option[Model]]
- findById Retrieves the model with the given
def findById(id: ID): Future[Option[Model]]
- findByIds Retrieves the models with the given
def findByIds(ids: ID*): Future[List[Model]]
- findOne Retrieves at most one model matching the given selector.
def findOne(selector: JsObject = Json.obj()): Future[Option[Model]]
- findRandom Retrieves a random model matching the given selector.
def findRandom(selector: JsObject = Json.obj()): Future[Option[Model]]
- fold Folds the documents matching the given selector by applying the function
def fold[A](
selector: JsObject = Json.obj(),
sort: JsObject = Json.obj("_id" -> 1),
state: A)(f: (A, Model) => A): Future[A]
- foreach Iterates over the documents matching the given selector and applies the function
def foreach(
selector: JsObject = Json.obj(),
sort: JsObject = Json.obj("_id" -> 1))(f: (Model) => Unit): Future[Unit]
- insert Inserts the given model.
life cycle event is called before this function andpostPersist
is called after this function.
def insert(model: Model, writeConcern: GetLastError = defaultWriteConcern): Future[LastError]
- listIndexes Lists indexes that are currently ensured in this collection.
def listIndexes(): Future[List[Index]]
- remove Removes model(s) matching the given selector.
def remove(
query: JsObject,
writeConcern: GetLastError = defaultWriteConcern,
firstMatchOnly: Boolean = false): Future[LastError]
- removeAll Removes all documents in this collection.
def removeAll(writeConcern: GetLastError = defaultWriteConcern): Future[LastError]
- removeById Removes the document with the given ID.
life cycle event is called before this function andpostRemove
is called after this function.
def removeById(id: ID, writeConcern: GetLastError = defaultWriteConcern): Future[LastError]
- save Inserts the document, or updates it if it already exists in the collection.
life cycle event is called before this function andpostPersist
is called after this function.
def save(model: Model, writeConcern: GetLastError = GetLastError()): Future[LastError]
- update Updates the documents matching the given selector.
def update[U: Writes](
selector: JsObject,
update: U,
writeConcern: GetLastError = defaultWriteConcern,
upsert: Boolean = false,
multi: Boolean = false): Future[LastError]
- updateById Updates the document with the given
def updateById[U: Writes](
id: ID,
update: U,
writeConcern: GetLastError = defaultWriteConcern): Future[LastError]