Knapp und präzise!!!
Einheitliche Struktur
Abgrenzung Verifiable Credentials & LD Proofs (Im Primer? Andere standards nachschauen!)
offensiv gegen andere mechanismen?
Section 2.2 in Introduction ~3 Sätze
Primer -> A Primer to Data Sharing
Bibliography -> Reference
Irgendwo Extension Points
Plain JSON, dazu gehört bestimmter Kontext
Abgrenzung Related Work: JSON-LD 1.1
"JSON-LD is designed to be usable directly as JSON, with no knowledge of RDF [RDF11-CONCEPTS]. It is also designed to be usable as RDF in conjunction with other Linked Data technologies like SPARQL [SPARQL11-OVERVIEW]. Developers who require any of the facilities listed above or need to serialize an RDF graph or Dataset in a JSON-based syntax will find JSON-LD of interest. People intending to use JSON-LD with RDF tools will find it can be used as another RDF syntax, as with [Turtle] and [TriG]. Complete details of how JSON-LD relates to RDF are in section § 10. Relationship to RDF."
Figure: Was bestitzen die Parteien? Was wollen sie?
Später: Mit Nachrichtenaustausch (Sequence diagram) -> result