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File metadata and controls

197 lines (155 loc) · 12.8 KB

☕ Java Series 💻

📚 In This Repo, I will Store All The Java Code Which I'm Practicing and learning.
    I'll cover all the Topics like basic format format, operators, control statements, functions, etc.

📚 Study Material I'm Using

📑 I have 2 sets of Notes. First, I got from my College and Second set of notes
    I got from a YouTube Channel (Code With Harry). Both are great for learning.

• College Notes

• YouTube Notes

• YouTube Video Playlist (Hindi, 25+ hours)

• YouTube Video (English, 9+ Hours)

📝 Note

📝 I Didn't cover much theory in Java files, for theory you can read notes, 
    I covered mostly practical stuff in java programming files. Check out 
    the YouTube Notes for the Question set.

📚 All Practice Sets

• Task 1 • Task 2 • Task 3

• 2nd Practice Set

• 3rd Practice Set

• 4th Practice Set

• 5th Practice Set

• 6th Practice Set

• 7th Practice Set

🚀 All Java Mini Projects

• Stone Paper & Scissor Game

• Guess the Number Game

• GUI Based Calculator

• Login/Signup System

• Swing GUI Module

📜 Topics

📚 Topic 🚀 Link
🧩 Basic Format Of Java 🔗 Link
🔄 Data Type Conversion 🔗 Link
🖊️ Input From User 🔗 Link
➕ Operators in Java 🔗 Link
📝 Task 1 🔗 Link
📝 Task 2 🔗 Link
📝 Task 3 🔗 Link
🔄 Associativity Of Operators 🔗 Link
📋 Data Types 🔗 Link
✍️ 2nd Practice Set 🔗 Link
🖨️ 4 Print Methods 🔗 Link
🧵 Introduction To Strings 🔗 Link
📖 String Methods/Functions 🔗 Link
✍️ 3rd Practice Set 🔗 Link
❓ Conditional Statements: •If Else 🔗 Link
🔄 Switch Case 🔗 Link
🔁 Looping Statements: •While •Do-While •For 🔗 Link
🪟 Jumping Statements: •Break •Continue 🔗 Link
✍️ 4th Practice Set 🔗 Link
📦 Introduction to Array 🔗 Link
🔳 2-D Array 🔗 Link
🔒 Access Modifiers 🔗 Link
📚 5th Practice Set 🔗 Link
⚙️ Introduction to Static & Non-static Methods 🔗 Link
🔀 Method Overloading 🔗 Link
🧮 VarArgs 🔗 Link
♻️ Recursion, Factorial & Fabonacci 🔗 Link
✍️ 6th Practice Set 🔗 Link
🧪 Creating Custom Classes 🔗 Link
📚 7th Practice Set 🔗 Link
🔒 Access Modifiers: Private 🔗 Link
⚙️ Constructors 🔗 Link
⚙️ Constructors Overloading 🔗 Link
🎮 Stone Paper Scissor Game using OOPS Concept 🔗 Link
🧬 Inheritance 🔗 Link
⚙️ Constructors In Inheritance 🔗 Link
🔄 This & Super Keywords 🔗 Link
🔀 Method Overriding 🔗 Link
🔄 Dynamic Method Dispatch 🔗 Link
📚 8th Practice Set 🔗 Link
📘 Abstract Class 🔗 Link
🌐 Introduction To Interfaces 🔗 Link
🪧 Multiple Interfaces Implements In Single Class 🔗 Link
⚙️ Default Methods in Interfaces 🔗 Link
🔄 Inheritance In Interfaces 🔗 Link
📁 File Handling 🔗 Link
❌ Error Handling 🔗 Link
🧵 MultiThreading 🔗 Link
🧶 Thread Priority 🔗 Link

📋 Java Syllabus

1. Introduction to Java:
   - History of Java
   - Installation of Java Development Kit (JDK)
   - Writing and running a simple Java program
   - Basic syntax and structure of Java programs

2. Variables and Data Types:
   - Primitive data types (int, double, char, boolean, etc.)
   - Declaring and initializing variables
   - Type casting
   - Constants

3. Operators:
   - Arithmetic operators
   - Comparison operators
   - Logical operators
   - Assignment operators
   - Increment and decrement operators

4. Control Flow:
   - Conditional statements (if, else if, else, switch)
   - Looping statements (for, while, do-while)
   - Break and continue statements
   - Exception handling (try, catch, throw, throws, finally)

5. Arrays:
   - Declaring and initializing arrays
   - Accessing and modifying array elements
   - Multidimensional arrays
   - Array methods (length, clone, etc.)

6. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):
   - Classes and objects
   - Constructors
   - Methods and method overloading
   - Inheritance
   - Polymorphism
   - Encapsulation
   - Abstraction
   - Interfaces and abstract classes

7. Exception Handling:
   - Checked vs. unchecked exceptions
   - Custom exceptions
   - Exception hierarchy
   - Handling exceptions using try-catch blocks

8. File I/O:
   - Reading from and writing to files
   - Using BufferedReader, BufferedWriter, FileReader, and FileWriter

9. Collections Framework:
   - ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, HashMap, etc.
   - Iterators and foreach loop
   - Sorting and searching collections

10. Threads and Concurrency:
    - Creating and managing threads
    - Synchronization
    - Thread safety

11. Java Standard Library (java.util,, java.lang, etc.):
    - Date and time manipulation
    - String manipulation
    - Regular expressions
    - Math functions
    - Wrapper classes

12. Graphical User Interfaces (GUI):
    - Introduction to JavaFX or Swing (depending on the course)
    - Building simple GUI applications

13. Database Connectivity (JDBC):
    - Connecting to databases
    - Executing SQL queries
    - Retrieving and manipulating data

14. Introduction to Java Frameworks (optional):
    - Spring, Hibernate, etc. (if relevant to the course)

15. Best Practices and Coding Standards:
    - Code formatting and naming conventions
    - Documentation and comments
    - Code optimization

16. Project Work (if applicable):
    - Developing a Java application as a final project