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##Lesson Title Divide'n'Teach


  1. Goal A -- Instructor
  2. Goal B -- Team B
  3. Goal C -- Team C
  4. Goal D -- Team D

If not project related, give real world context.



Instructor demos first round, students break off into small groups to collectively research and teach back to the class for remaining goals. All is collected in a shared cheat-sheet for later reference.

Total time: 1.25hr

  • 5 min: Intro

Goal A

  • Instructor introduction
  • Instructor demo
  • Instructor adds to cheat-sheet

Goal B -- Team B

  • Team gets topic assignment
  • Team researches
  • Team presents to class
  • Team adds to cheat-sheet

Goal C -- Team C

  • Team gets topic assignment
  • Team researches
  • Team presents to class
  • Team adds to cheat-sheet

Goal D -- Team D

  • Team gets topic assignment

  • Team researches

  • Team presents to class

  • Team adds to cheat-sheet

  • 10 min: Conclusion/ Q&A

###Intro Intro/context:

  • Point 1
  • Point 2

####Instructor demo

  • Topic
  • Demo description
  • Details for cheat-sheet

####Student Presentation #1

  • Topic Assignment
  • Student contribution to cheat-sheet

####Student Presentation #2

  • Topic Assignment
  • Student contribution to cheat-sheet

####Student Presentation #3

  • Topic Assignment
  • Student contribution to cheat-sheet


  • Wrap up / bring back to context
  • Field general questions
  • Share cheat-sheet with group

Lesson Plan Boilerplates by Philipe Navarro @RasPhilCo, licensed under the CC BY-SA