##Lesson Title Class Discussion
Note: This is not so much for traditional lessons, but outcomes that need to be arrived at from group concensus.
- Goal A
- Goal B
- Goal C
Instructor facilitates dicussion on topics A-C with groups breaking off in "lab" to come to conclusions and present back to the group.
####Total time: 1.25hr
- 5 min: Intro
Goal A
- 5 min: Introduce Topic A
- 20 min: Discuss Topic A in teams
- 10 min: Present Topic A conclusions in class group
Goal B
- 5 min: Introduce Topic B
- 20 min: Discuss Topic B in teams
- 10 min: Present Topic B conclusions in class group
Goal C
5 min: Introduce Topic C
20 min: Discuss Topic C in teams
10 min: Present Topic C conclusions in class group
10 min: Conclusions
###Intro Intro/context:
- Point 1
- Point 2
###Goal A
####Introduce Topic A:
- Point 1
- Point 2
####Discuss Topic A:
Add any troubleshooting or guidance notes here.
- Misc. note 1
- Misc. note 2
####Present Topic A:
** Goal A Assessment **
Student groups present. Check for understanding and ask leading questions.
###Goal B
####Introduce Topic B:
- Point 1
- Point 2
####Discuss Topic B:
Add any troubleshooting or guidance notes here.
- Misc. note 1
- Misc. note 2
####Present Topic B:
** Goal B Assessment **
Student groups present. Check for understanding and ask leading questions.
###Goal C
####Introduce Topic C:
- Point 1
- Point 2
####Discuss Topic C:
Add any troubleshooting or guidance notes here.
- Misc. note 1
- Misc. note 2
####Present Topic C:
** Goal C Assessment **
Student groups present. Check for understanding and ask leading questions.
- Wrap up / bring back to context
- Field general questions
- Record findings, if necessary
Lesson Plan Boilerplates by Philipe Navarro @RasPhilCo, licensed under the CC BY-SA