a little tool suite for bisulfite data
Issue a make
and the binary is built into bin/
biscuit index
and biscuit align
adapts the bwa index
and bwa mem
for bisulfite-treated short reads.
- assymmetric scoring for C to T and G to A in mapping.
- produce consistent mapping quality calculation with destination strand specification.
- produce consistent NM and MD tags under assymmetric scoring.
- produce ZR and ZC tag for retention count and conversion count
- separate seeding for parent and daughter strands for mapping efficiency
- disk space economic indices. No storage of bisulfite converted reference.
- exposes all the BWA-mem parameters to the users.
- no separate install of BWA. Dependencies easily met.
- robust to OS build, read processing and reference processing occur within computing threads of single process.
- support single and pair-end reads
- Optional parent strand and daughter strand restriction for both single-end and pair-end reads.
- Optional BSW/top/BSC/bottom strand restriction, tightly integrated in mapping.
biscuit somatic
computes somatic mutations as well as DNA methylation from matched tumor~normal pairs.
- supports VCF output.
biscuit pileup
computes 1) methylation (in both CpG and CpH); 2) all the callable SNP mutations. The tool is very similar in function if not superior to the well known BisSNP.
SNP calling philosophy: pileup
tries to minimize false positive methylation call and can be stringent in terms of mutations. If there is a read mapped with high confidence and showing a mutation with high base quality score. pileup
starts its SNP processing and MAY abolish the methylation calling if the SNP interferes the determination of cytosine retention/conversion.
- de novo infer bisulfite parent strand or from bsmap (ZS) or BWA-meth style tags (YD)
- call ambiguous alternative allele
- distinguish ambiguous alternative allele and multiple alternative allele
- coordinate-sorted output for sorted bam input
- flexible read filtering based on retention number, mapping quality, duplicate and mate pairing.
- flexible base filtering based on base quality, distance to the read ends.
- verbose output (cytosine context, all the bases, parent strand etc).
For example, to collect methylation and SNP from chr20:1256423-1257433
pileup -r hg19.fa -i NIC1254A46.bam -q 1 -g chr20:47419734-47419734
chr20 47419733 47419734 C . ACG 12 0 2
The format reads
- chromosome;
- position (0-based);
- position (1-based);
- reference base;
- mutation (
if none); - cytosine context (
if not cytosine); - total read coverage;
- cytosine retention;
- cytosine conversion count.
One might wonder why out of 12 reads coverage, one only gets 0 retention and 2 conversion. With -v
, one may get extra information
chr20 47419733 47419734 C . ACG 12 0 2
CCCTT 66677 ;7);< ++--- 74,68,51,44,23 21,19,21,22,18
CCCCCCC 8888888 ;;):<<2 +++---- 69,63,63,62,59,20,1 19,19,15,17,19,26,25
- base identity from bisulfite Waston strand (BSW, or C-to-T strand,
); - retention-mutation status (BSW);
- base qualities (BSW);
- read strand (BSW);
- position on read (BSW);
- number of retentions in read (BSW);
- base identity from bisulfite Crick strand (BSC, or G-to-A strand,
); - retention-mutation status (BSC);
- base qualities (BSC);
- read strand (BSC);
- position on read (BSC);
- number of retentions in read (BSC);
One can see that in the case above, there are 5 BSW and 7 BSC, out of the 5 BSW that can inform methylation, 2 reads showing retention is of low base quality and the other is the second last base in the read (a tunable filtering option). On the contrary, 2 other reads suggesting conversion are both high qualities. Hence the output of retention and conversion count can be understood. This example shows how pileup operates on a low coverage, low quality region. One could filter based on the sum of retention and conversion to constrain the beta value computation. Note that the verbose mode -v
also prints positions with no SNP or cytosine methylation. This allows for differentiation of "no mutation" from "no coverage".
0: mutation to A; 1: mutation to C; 2: mutation to G; 3: mutation to T; 4: mutation to Y; 5: mutation to R; 6: retention; 7: conversion; 8: reference base;
calls ambiguous alternative allele
pileup -r hg19.fa -i NIC1254A46.bam -q 1 -g chr20:29570686-29570686 -v
chr20 29570685 29570686 G G>G:9,Y:4 TCG 15 4 0
GGTGTTTGGG 8848444888 68<<=<<<<: --++++-++- 75,70,55,53,46,41,41,35,22,19 16,18,21,21,21,23,19,23,21,21
GGGGG 66666 :*;<< ++--+ 62,58,55,34,30 27,24,24,22,23
The outputs show alternative allele Y (IUPAC code for C or T, supported by 4 reads) when BSC does not suggest alternative allele and there is equal chance of T and C (assuming no prior information of methylation and conversion ratio).
differentiates methylation-callable and methylation-uncallable (when there is C>T or G>A mutation)
chr20 26138807 26138808 G G>G:35,Y:6 TCG 45 13 5
GGGGGGGGGGGTTGGGGTTTTGGGTG 88888888888448888444488848 :<8<<8<<<<<<:889:9<9988888 --+++++--++----++--+++-+++ 61,56,53,51,40,38,37,37,27,20,20,20,19,18,14,11,10,10,10,6,6,3,3,2,1,1 4,6,6,6,8,8,8,8,8,10,10,9,9,10,10,11,11,10,10,10,10,12,12,12,11,20
AAAGGGGGGGGGGAGGAAG 7776666666666766776 ;;;:;;;;<<<<<<78;99 +++--+---++---++--- 75,70,69,67,64,63,62,61,48,45,39,27,19,13,12,6,5,4,3 9,10,10,11,12,12,13,13,13,13,13,17,15,11,16,17,15,15,18
chr20 25847707 25847708 G G>G:14,Y:3 CCG 19 5 0
GGGGGTTGGGGGGT 88888448888884 79;;:;<.<<9<8< +++-+-+----+-+ 74,70,65,59,55,54,51,50,47,40,40,36,25,14 20,20,23,19,22,19,19,13,19,21,18,22,22,12
GGGGG 66666 9:<<: --+-+ 69,49,46,37,13 18,16,17,17,19
are methylation-callable. But
chr20 29425716 29425717 G G>G:17,A:2 . 31 . .
GGTTGGGGGGGGGGGGGGAAGGG 88448888888888888800888 8<8*;::=;8<<<<<<8*;;:;/ -+--+-+--+-----+--+++-- 97,76,73,72,66,65,62,60,59,58,50,47,44,39,37,24,22,17,15,14,8,4,4 16,17,13,6,15,15,16,22,17,17,16,15,16,17,17,20,19,19,17,18,19,18,14
GAGGAAGG 67667766 998;<;9; --++-++- 95,72,61,56,31,27,9,9 13,12,11,8,9,10,9,9
is NOT methylation-callable. A "." is placed in the retention and convertion fields.