I am a fullstack software engineer from Canada
- ๐ญ Working on multiple frontend and backend project using React, React-Native and laravel
## Connect with me
Forked from EQuimper/All-About-Programming
Everything about programming!!
JavaScript 1
Forked from CodeBoxxTechSchool/GenesisProgram
Repository holding the template to be used and edited for the Genesis Website
Forked from getify/You-Dont-Know-JS
A book series on JavaScript. @YDKJS on twitter.
Forked from jlevy/the-art-of-command-line
Master the command line, in one page
Forked from public-apis/public-apis
A collective list of free APIs for use in software and web development.
Forked from trekhleb/javascript-algorithms
๐ Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings