From bc58352dc6785bafd2f948983005caa9abe8bdc8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Shun Hasegawa Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2024 02:46:11 +0900 Subject: [PATCH] [dynamixel_general_hw] Add argument list of dynamixel_general_control.launch to README --- dynamixel_general_hw/ | 25 ++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/dynamixel_general_hw/ b/dynamixel_general_hw/ index b3ce71c..cfcad5d 100644 --- a/dynamixel_general_hw/ +++ b/dynamixel_general_hw/ @@ -300,7 +300,30 @@ A launch file to run the ros_control layer. Launch it when Dynamixel actuators a #### Arguments -Check them by `roslaunch dynamixel_general_hw dynamixel_general_control.launch --ros-args`. +Check them by `roslaunch dynamixel_general_hw dynamixel_general_control.launch --ros-args`: +``` +Required Arguments: + baud_rate: Baud rate of target Dynamixel actuators (e.g., '57600') + controllers_file: Configuration file for ros_control controllers (e.g., '/home/pazeshun/catkin_ws/src/dynamixel-workbench/dynamixel_general_hw/config/sample1_2/default_controllers.yaml') + controllers_to_start: Controllers started at launching (e.g., 'joint_state_controller position_joint_trajectory_controller') + dynamixel_info_file: Configuration file for target Dynamixel actuators (e.g., '/home/pazeshun/catkin_ws/src/dynamixel-workbench/dynamixel_general_hw/config/sample1_2/dynamixel_info.yaml') + namespace: Namespace of the nodes started by this launch file. Specifying your robot's name or the name of the part using target actuators is recommended (e.g., 'sample_robot') + port_name: Port connecting with target Dynamixel actuators (e.g., '/dev/ttyUSB0') + robot_description_file: URDF/Xacro of your robot (e.g., '/home/pazeshun/catkin_ws/src/dynamixel-workbench/dynamixel_general_hw/urdf/sample1.urdf'). If 'set_robot_description' is false, you can set a dummy string to this argument because this argument is not used +Optional Arguments: + calculate_effort (default "true"): Whether to calculate joint effort from Dynamixel actuator current/load + control_rate (default "20"): Hz of the control loop + joint_states_topic (default "joint_states"): Name of joint_states topic published and subscribed by the nodes started by this launch file. If this is a relative name, its global name becomes (namespace)/(joint_states_topic) + launch_robot_state_publisher (default "true"): Whether to start robot_state_publisher at launching + launch_rviz (default "false"): Whether to start RViz + publish_input_voltage (default "true"): Whether to publish Dynamixel actuator input voltage + publish_temperature (default "true"): Whether to publish Dynamixel actuator temperature + required (default "true"): Whether to kill entire roslaunch if control node dies + robot_description_param (default "robot_description"): Name of robot_description parameter read by the nodes started by this launch file. If this is a relative name, its global name becomes (namespace)/(robot_description_param) + rvizconfig (default "/home/pazeshun/catkin_ws/src/dynamixel-workbench/dynamixel_general_hw/config/sample_robot.rviz"): Configuration file for RViz + set_robot_description (default "true"): Whether to set robot_description parameter at launching + write_read_interval (default "-1"): Minimal interval [sec] from writing Dynamixel to reading Dynamixel. -1 means fastest execution. You can increase this if you face reading error even when you decrease latency_timer as much as you can. Cf. +``` #### Minimal publishing topics