Related Course(s): RISC-V Myth ( Date Last Edited: September 24, 2023 10:21 PM
- Inverter:
Single bit:
Logic used:
$val1[31:0] = $rand1[3:0];
$val2[31:0] = $rand2[3:0];
$sum[31:0] = $val1[31:0] + $val2[31:0];
$diff[31:0] = $val1[31:0] - $val2[31:0];
$prod[31:0] = $val1[31:0] * $val2[31:0];
$quo[31:0] = $val1[31:0] / $val2[31:0];
$out[31:0] = $sel[0] ? $sum[31:0] : ($sel[1] ? $diff[31:0] : ($sel[2] ? $prod[31:0] : $quo[31:0]));
Logic used:
$counter[15:0] = $reset ? 0 : (1 + >>1$counter[15:0] );
Logic used: $Fibo[31:0] = $reset ? 1 : (>>1$Fibo + >>2$Fibo );
2 cycle calc:
\m4_TLV_version 1d:
// This code can be found in:
m4_makerchip_module // (Expanded in Nav-TLV pane.)
$reset = *reset;
$val1[31:0] = >>2$out[31:0];
$val2[31:0] = $rand2[3:0];
$sum[31:0] = $val1[31:0] + $val2[31:0];
$diff[31:0] = $val1[31:0] - $val2[31:0];
$prod[31:0] = $val1[31:0] * $val2[31:0];
$quot[31:0] = $val1[31:0] / $val2[31:0];
$cnt[0] = $reset ? 0 : (1 + >>1$cnt[0]);
$valid[0] = $cnt[0];
$out[31:0] = ($reset + ! $valid[0]) ? 0 :
(($op[1:0] == 2'b00) ? $sum[31:0] :
(($op[1:0] == 2'b01) ? $diff[31:0] :
(($op[1:0] == 2'b10) ? $prod[31:0] : $quot[31:0])));
// Macro instantiations for calculator visualization(disabled by default).
// Uncomment to enable visualisation, and also,
// NOTE: If visualization is enabled, $op must be defined to the proper width using the expression below.
// (Any signals other than $rand1, $rand2 that are not explicitly assigned will result in strange errors.)
// You can, however, safely use these specific random signals as described in the videos:
// o $rand1[3:0]
// o $rand2[3:0]
// o $op[x:0]
//m4+cal_viz(@3) // Arg: Pipeline stage represented by viz, should be atleast equal to last stage of CALCULATOR logic.
// Assert these to end simulation (before Makerchip cycle limit).
*passed = *cyc_cnt > 40;
*failed = 1'b0;
link -
2-cycle calc with valid:
\m4_TLV_version 1d:
// This code can be found in:
m4_makerchip_module // (Expanded in Nav-TLV pane.)
$reset = *reset;
$valid_or_reset = $valid || $reset;
$valid[0] = $reset ? 0 : (1 + >>1$valid[0]);
$val1[31:0] = >>2$out[31:0];
$val2[31:0] = $rand2[3:0];
$sum[31:0] = $val1[31:0] + $val2[31:0];
$diff[31:0] = $val1[31:0] - $val2[31:0];
$prod[31:0] = $val1[31:0] * $val2[31:0];
$quot[31:0] = $val1[31:0] / $val2[31:0];
$out[31:0] = $reset ? 0 :
(($op[1:0] == 2'b00) ? $sum[31:0] :
(($op[1:0] == 2'b01) ? $diff[31:0] :
(($op[1:0] == 2'b10) ? $prod[31:0] : $quot[31:0])));
// Macro instantiations for calculator visualization(disabled by default).
// Uncomment to enable visualisation, and also,
// NOTE: If visualization is enabled, $op must be defined to the proper width using the expression below.
// (Any signals other than $rand1, $rand2 that are not explicitly assigned will result in strange errors.)
// You can, however, safely use these specific random signals as described in the videos:
// o $rand1[3:0]
// o $rand2[3:0]
// o $op[x:0]
m4+cal_viz(@3) // Arg: Pipeline stage represented by viz, should be atleast equal to last stage of CALCULATOR logic.
// Assert these to end simulation (before Makerchip cycle limit).
*passed = *cyc_cnt > 40;
*failed = 1'b0;