- Fork the repository
- Create a new branch
- Commit your changes
- Commits must be signed-off (see Certificate of Origin)
- Create a pull request against the main branch
- Pull request titles must adhere the Conventional Commits specification
mvn test
compile and run unit testsmvn verify
verify the project, i.e. enforce project rules, verify existing license headers, and verify code coverage thresholdmvn verify -Pcov
create coverage reports in target/site/jacocomvn verify -Pits
run integration testsmvn verify -Pmut
run mutation tests, will fail the build if success threshold failed to meet requirementsmvn verify -Pmut,dev
run mutation testing, will not fail the buildmvn verify -Pcov,its,mut
run the entire project, including coverage reports, unit, integration, and mutation testsmvn install
install the module locally to make at accessible to other modules running locally
- use this profile for development stage, it will skip various enforcement and verification executed by the verify goalcov
- use this profile to create jacoco execution reports, it will create html, xml, and csv reports in target/site/jacocoits
- use this profile to execute integration testing, test specifications are in src/itmut
- use this profile to execute mutation testing, executed with pitest
The following are used strictly by CI workflows. Use
mvn install
to install the module locally.
- use this profile for packaging of jars to deploy to artifact repository, it will create a flatten pom and a sources, and javadoc jarsdeploy-github
- use this profile to include github registry distribution definition, used for deploying and releasing
- You can override the default backend url by setting the
environment variable/system property to true:- In case environment variable/System Property
- You can Override the default exhort backend by setting
env variable/system property to the desired exhort backend instance address ( useful for tests). - In case
is not set via environment variable/system property, then the default DEV exhort backend is picked. - In case
or not set at all levels, then default backend url ( exhort prod) is picked, regardless of the value ofDEV_EXHORT_BACKEND_URL
. - Environment variables takes precedence over System properties - for example, if System property
but environment variableEXHORT_DEV_MODE=false
, then default exhort prod will be used anyway.
- In case environment variable/System Property
We use our Backend's OpenAPI spec file for generating types used for deserialization of the Backend's
API responses.
The generated classes target package is the com.redhat.exhort.api
. It is skipped when calculating coverage
thresholds. Avoid writing code in this package.
When the Backend's spec file is modified, we need to manually copy it here in
for the openapi-generator-maven-plugin to pick it up at build time.
This is a modular module. If you write new packages or require new dependencies.
Update the module-info.java spec accordingly.
Please make an effort to avoid the use of unnamed modules.
This module is also being tested in a modular environment. Use
module-info.test for configuring the environment.
- The ExhortApi is the Exhort Service. It implements the Api interface and provide various methods for requesting analysis reports.
- The providers are concrete implementations of the Provider interface. And are in charge of providing content and a content type to be encapsulated in the request to the Backend. At the time of writing this, we only have one implementation, the JavaMavenProvider implementation.
- The tools package hosts various utility tools and functions used throughout the project. Tools such as the Ecosystem for instantiating providers per manifest. And the Operations for executing process on the operating system.
- Create a concrete implementation of the Provider abstraction and place it in the providers package.
- In the Ecosystem class look for the getProvider function and add a switch case instantiating the new provider per file type.
Integration tests are performed with the maven-invoker-plugin invoking maven projects stored in src/it.
Integration tests are bound to the verify phase of the default goal and activated using the designated its profile:
# run integration tests
$ mvn verify -Pits
# clean build prior
$ mvn clean verify -Pits
# while in development, the dev profile will make the build not fail for coverage and other enforcements
$ mvn clean verify -Pits,dev
Integration tests are executed against a mocked Backend server.
If you need to run against the actual Backend server, use the EXHORT_ITS_USE_REAL_API environment variable:
EXHORT_ITS_USE_REAL_API=true mvn clean verify -Pits
TIP: When working on a new integration test project, it's helpful opening the IDE directly in the test project folder.
By contributing to this project you agree to the Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO). This document was created by the Linux Kernel community and is a simple statement that you, as a contributor, have the legal right to make the contribution. See the DCO file for details.