version 1.2
- Added InjectaBLE attack support, a new Bluetooth Low Energy attack allowing to inject packets into an established connection
- New ButteRFly device, allowing to interact with injectaBLE firmware (nRF52840 dongle), compatible with multiple existing modules
- BLE injection attack
- Experimental attacks based on InjectaBLE: slave hijacking, master hijacking, Man-in-the-Middle
- Added experimental Software Defined Radio support for Bluetooth Low Energy and Zigbee
- HackRF experimental device, compatible with advertising-related BLE modules and Zigbee modules
- Software Defined Radio architecture, with multiple modulators/demodulators (GFSK / O-QPSK), encoders/decoders (BLE, Zigbee)
- Added Sniffle device support (version 1.5)
- Bluetooth Low Energy sniffing
- Bluetooth Low Energy Master
- Bluetooth Low Energy Advertiser
- Added esb_mitm module, allowing to perform a Man-in-the-Middle attack targeting Logitech Unifying protocol
- Added three examples of scenarios: lightbulb_injection (ble_sniff scenario), lightbulb_mitm (ble_mitm scenario), logitech_invert_mouse_mitm (esb_mitm scenario)
- Added shortcuts feature, allowing to facilitate the use of complex modules
- Various bugfixes
version 1.1
- Added multiple protocol stacks: ESB, Mosart, Zigbee, Wifi, Infrared Radiations
- Added support for the following harware components: RFStorm, RZUSBStick, IRma, WiFi device
- Added multiple modules targeting the new protocols
- Added three examples of scenarios: keyboard_hid_over_gatt, logitech_unencrypted_keystrokes_injection, logitech_encrypted_keystrokes_injection