Use this command to run the node locally (with no persistence):
make leader
Use this command to simulate other non-leader node peers:
make follower
In order to build a binary on MacOS, follow the steps from the messense/homebrew-macos-cross-toolchains repo, as seen below. You will need the x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
brew tap messense/macos-cross-toolchains
brew install x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Use this command to build the binary:
make build
Build the debian package with this command:
make build-deb
Once you have built a binary, you can quickly get the Ubuntu-like environment running (without installing SurrealDB) by using Docker Compose.
Use this command to get started:
docker-compose up
The docker image is intended for replicating an Ubuntu-like environment for development.
First, follow the instructions in Building a binary to build a linux-x86_64 binary, which is required for building the docker image.
Also, install and run SurrealDB. You can follow the instructions here.
Use this command to start SurrealDB:
surreal start
Use this command to build the image:
docker build -t quible-node .
Use this command to run the image:
docker run -p 9013:9013 --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway -e QUIBLE_DATABASE_URL=ws://host.docker.internal:8000 --platform linux/x86_64 -it quible-node